TM-137 Daily email report for release branch regression tests (#5797)

* Daily email report for release branch regression tests

* Manual merge fix
This commit is contained in:
Ramzi El-Yafi 2020-01-14 11:52:05 +00:00
parent 9ae60a934c
commit 2809c0484d

View File

@ -52,6 +52,39 @@ pipeline {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/pod-logs/**/*.log', fingerprint: false
junit '**/build/test-results-xml/**/*.xml'
allure includeProperties: false, jdk: '', results: [[path: '**/build/test-results-xml/**']]
// We want to send a summary email, but want to limit to once per day.
// Comparing the dates of the previous and current builds achieves this,
// i.e. we will only send an email for the first build on a given day.
def prevBuildDate = new Date(
currentBuild?.previousBuild.timeInMillis ?: 0).clearTime()
def currentBuildDate = new Date(
if (prevBuildDate != currentBuildDate) {
def statusSymbol = '\u2753'
switch(currentBuild.result) {
case 'SUCCESS':
statusSymbol = '\u2705'
case 'UNSTABLE':
case 'FAILURE':
statusSymbol = '\u274c'
echo('First build for this date, sending summary email')
emailext to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS',
subject: "$statusSymbol" + '$BRANCH_NAME regression tests - $BUILD_STATUS',
mimeType: 'text/html',
body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}'
} else {
echo('Already sent summary email today, suppressing')
script {
try {