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synced 2025-03-01 04:16:21 +00:00
Merge pull request #503 from corda/mike-merge-80c00b920b
O/S Merge to 80c00b920b
This commit is contained in:
@ -563,15 +563,20 @@ public final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionStateKt extends java.lang
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$ConflictingAttachmentsRejection extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, String)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final String getContractClass()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$ContractConstraintRejection extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, String)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final String getContractClass()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$ContractCreationError extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, String, Throwable)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final String getContractClass()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$ContractRejection extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, String, Throwable)
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, net.corda.core.contracts.Contract, Throwable)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final String getContractClass()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$Direction extends java.lang.Enum
protected <init>(String, int)
@ -594,12 +599,17 @@ public final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionStateKt extends java.lang
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$NotaryChangeInWrongTransactionType extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, net.corda.core.identity.Party, net.corda.core.identity.Party)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final net.corda.core.identity.Party getOutputNotary()
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final net.corda.core.identity.Party getTxNotary()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$SignersMissing extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, List)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final List getMissing()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public static final class net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$TransactionMissingEncumbranceException extends net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException
public <init>(net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash, int, net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$Direction)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionVerificationException$Direction getInOut()
public final int getMissing()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public abstract class net.corda.core.contracts.TypeOnlyCommandData extends java.lang.Object implements net.corda.core.contracts.CommandData
public <init>()
@ -1336,6 +1346,8 @@ public interface net.corda.core.flows.IdentifiableException
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public final class net.corda.core.flows.IllegalFlowLogicException extends java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
public <init>(Class, String)
public <init>(String, String)
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final String getType()
public @interface net.corda.core.flows.InitiatedBy
public abstract Class value()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ package net.corda.core
* These fields are only meant to be used by Corda internally, and are not intended to be part of the public API.
@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER)
@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_GETTER, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY_SETTER, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
annotation class CordaInternal
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import net.corda.core.CordaInternal
import net.corda.core.DoNotImplement
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
* The public factory interface for creating validated FlowLogicRef instances as part of the scheduling framework.
* The public factory interface for creating validated [FlowLogicRef] instances as part of the scheduling framework.
* Typically this would be used from within the nextScheduledActivity method of a QueryableState to specify
* the flow to run at the scheduled time.
@ -14,20 +16,40 @@ interface FlowLogicRefFactory {
* Construct a FlowLogicRef. This is intended for cases where the calling code has the relevant class already
* and can provide it directly.
@Deprecated("This should be avoided, and the version which takes a class name used instead to avoid requiring the class on the classpath to deserialize calling code")
fun create(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef
* Construct a FlowLogicRef. This is intended for cases where the calling code does not want to require the flow
* class on the classpath for all cases where the calling code is loaded.
fun create(flowClassName: String, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef
* @suppress
* This is an internal method and should not be used: use [create] instead, which checks for the
* [SchedulableFlow] annotation.
fun createForRPC(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef
* Converts a [FlowLogicRef] object that was obtained from the calls above into a [FlowLogic], after doing some
* validation to ensure it points to a legitimate flow class.
fun toFlowLogic(ref: FlowLogicRef): FlowLogic<*>
* Thrown if the structure of a class implementing a flow is not correct. There can be several causes for this such as
* not inheriting from [FlowLogic], not having a valid constructor and so on.
* @property type the fully qualified name of the class that failed checks.
class IllegalFlowLogicException(type: Class<*>, msg: String) : IllegalArgumentException(
"${FlowLogicRef::class.java.simpleName} cannot be constructed for ${FlowLogic::class.java.simpleName} of type ${type.name} $msg")
class IllegalFlowLogicException(val type: String, msg: String) :
IllegalArgumentException("A FlowLogicRef cannot be constructed for FlowLogic of type $type: $msg") {
constructor(type: Class<*>, msg: String) : this(type.name, msg)
* A handle interface representing a [FlowLogic] instance which would be possible to safely pass out of the contract sandbox.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ You will now be able to browse the tables and row data within them.
Monitoring your node
Like most Java servers, the node exports various useful metrics and management operations via the industry-standard
Like most Java servers, the node can be configured to export various useful metrics and management operations via the industry-standard
`JMX infrastructure <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Management_Extensions>`_. JMX is a standard API
for registering so-called *MBeans* ... objects whose properties and methods are intended for server management. It does
not require any particular network protocol for export. So this data can be exported from the node in various ways:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ them out to a statistics collector over the network. For those systems, follow t
agent `here <https://jolokia.org/agent/jvm.html>`_.
`Jolokia <https://jolokia.org/>`_ allows you to access the raw data and operations without connecting to the JMX port
directly. The nodes export the data over HTTP on the ``/jolokia`` HTTP endpoint, Jolokia defines the JSON and REST
directly. Nodes can be configured to export the data over HTTP on the ``/jolokia`` HTTP endpoint, Jolokia defines the JSON and REST
formats for accessing MBeans, and provides client libraries to work with that protocol as well.
Here are a few ways to build dashboards and extract monitoring data for a node:
@ -147,4 +147,4 @@ node is running out of memory, you can give it more by running the node like thi
The example command above would give a 1 gigabyte Java heap.
.. note:: Unfortunately the JVM does not let you limit the total memory usage of Java program, just the heap size.
.. note:: Unfortunately the JVM does not let you limit the total memory usage of Java program, just the heap size.
@ -323,22 +323,7 @@ And click submit. Upon clicking submit, the modal dialogue will close, and the n
Checking the output
Assuming all went well, you should see some activity in PartyA's web-server terminal window:
.. sourcecode:: none
>> Signing transaction with our private key.
>> Gathering the counterparty's signature.
>> Collecting signatures from counter-parties.
>> Verifying collected signatures.
>> Done
>> Obtaining notary signature and recording transaction.
>> Requesting signature by notary service
>> Broadcasting transaction to participants
>> Done
>> Done
You can view the newly-created IOU by accessing the vault of PartyA or PartyB:
Assuming all went well, you can view the newly-created IOU by accessing the vault of PartyA or PartyB:
*Via the HTTP API:*
@ -505,4 +490,4 @@ Debugging is done via IntelliJ as follows:
5. Set your breakpoints and interact with the node you've connected to. When the node hits a breakpoint, execution will
* The node webserver runs in a separate process, and is not attached to by the debugger
* The node webserver runs in a separate process, and is not attached to by the debugger
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class SerializerFingerPrinter : FingerPrinter {
} else {
hasher.fingerprintWithCustomSerializerOrElse(factory!!, type, type) {
if (type.kotlin.objectInstance != null) {
if (type.objectInstance() != null) {
// TODO: name collision is too likely for kotlin objects, we need to introduce some reference
// to the CorDapp but maybe reference to the JAR in the short term.
@ -136,7 +136,16 @@ fun Class<out Any?>.propertyDescriptors(): Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> {
this.field = property
clazz = clazz.superclass
} while (clazz != null)
// Running as two loops rather than one as we need to ensure we have captured all of the properties
// before looking for interacting methods and need to cope with the class hierarchy introducing
// new properties / methods
clazz = this
do {
// Note: It is possible for a class to have multiple instances of a function where the types
// differ. For example:
// interface I<out T> { val a: T }
@ -148,14 +157,23 @@ fun Class<out Any?>.propertyDescriptors(): Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> {
// In addition, only getters that take zero parameters and setters that take a single
// parameter will be considered
clazz.declaredMethods?.map { func ->
clazz!!.declaredMethods?.map { func ->
if (!Modifier.isPublic(func.modifiers)) return@map
if (func.name == "getClass") return@map
PropertyDescriptorsRegex.re.find(func.name)?.apply {
// take into account those constructor properties that don't directly map to a named
// property which are, by default, already added to the map
classProperties.computeIfAbsent(groups[2]!!.value.decapitalize()) { PropertyDescriptor() }.apply {
// matching means we have an func getX where the property could be x or X
// so having pre-loaded all of the properties we try to match to either case. If that
// fails the getter doesn't refer to a property directly, but may to a cosntructor
// parameter that shadows a property
val properties =
classProperties[groups[2]!!.value] ?:
classProperties[groups[2]!!.value.decapitalize()] ?:
// take into account those constructor properties that don't directly map to a named
// property which are, by default, already added to the map
classProperties.computeIfAbsent(groups[2]!!.value) { PropertyDescriptor() }
properties.apply {
when (groups[1]!!.value) {
"set" -> {
if (func.parameterCount == 1) {
@ -221,38 +239,38 @@ internal fun <T : Any> propertiesForSerializationFromConstructor(
// it so just ignore it as it'll be supplied at runtime anyway on invocation
val name = param.value.name ?: return@forEach
val propertyReader = if (name in classProperties) {
if (classProperties[name]!!.getter != null) {
// it's a publicly accessible property
val matchingProperty = classProperties[name]!!
// We will already have disambiguated getA for property A or a but we still need to cope
// with the case we don't know the case of A when the parameter doesn't match a property
// but has a getter
val matchingProperty = classProperties[name] ?: classProperties[name.capitalize()] ?:
throw NotSerializableException(
"Constructor parameter - \"$name\" - doesn't refer to a property of \"$clazz\"")
// Check that the method has a getter in java.
val getter = matchingProperty.getter ?: throw NotSerializableException(
"Property has no getter method for - \"$name\" - of \"$clazz\". If using Java and the parameter name"
+ "looks anonymous, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the "
+ "Java compiler. Alternately, provide a proxy serializer "
+ "(SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option.")
// If the property has a getter we'll use that to retrieve it's value from the instance, if it doesn't
// *for *know* we switch to a reflection based method
val propertyReader = if (matchingProperty.getter != null) {
val getter = matchingProperty.getter ?: throw NotSerializableException(
"Property has no getter method for - \"$name\" - of \"$clazz\". If using Java and the parameter name"
+ "looks anonymous, check that you have the -parameters option specified in the "
+ "Java compiler. Alternately, provide a proxy serializer "
+ "(SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option.")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
if (!constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(returnType, getter.genericReturnType, param.value)) {
throw NotSerializableException(
"Property - \"$name\" - has type \"$returnType\" on \"$clazz\" but differs from constructor " +
"parameter type \"${param.value.type.javaType}\"")
val returnType = resolveTypeVariables(getter.genericReturnType, type)
if (!constructorParamTakesReturnTypeOfGetter(returnType, getter.genericReturnType, param.value)) {
throw NotSerializableException(
"Property - \"$name\" - has type \"$returnType\" on \"$clazz\" but differs from constructor " +
"parameter type \"${param.value.type.javaType}\"")
Pair(PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType)
} else {
val field = classProperties[name]!!.field ?:
Pair(PublicPropertyReader(getter), returnType)
} else {
val field = classProperties[name]!!.field ?:
throw NotSerializableException("No property matching constructor parameter named - \"$name\" - " +
"of \"$clazz\". If using Java, check that you have the -parameters option specified " +
"in the Java compiler. Alternately, provide a proxy serializer " +
"(SerializationCustomSerializer) if recompiling isn't an option")
Pair(PrivatePropertyReader(field, type), field.genericType)
} else {
throw NotSerializableException(
"Constructor parameter - \"$name\" - doesn't refer to a property of \"$clazz\"")
Pair(PrivatePropertyReader(field, type), field.genericType)
this += PropertyAccessorConstructor(
@ -513,3 +531,48 @@ fun ClassWhitelist.hasAnnotationInHierarchy(type: Class<*>): Boolean {
|| type.interfaces.any { hasAnnotationInHierarchy(it) }
|| (type.superclass != null && hasAnnotationInHierarchy(type.superclass))
* By default use Kotlin reflection and grab the objectInstance. However, that doesn't play nicely with nested
* private objects. Even setting the accessibility override (setAccessible) still causes an
* [IllegalAccessException] when attempting to retrieve the value of the INSTANCE field.
* Whichever reference to the class Kotlin reflection uses, override (set from setAccessible) on that field
* isn't set even when it was explicitly set as accessible before calling into the kotlin reflection routines.
* For example
* clazz.getDeclaredField("INSTANCE")?.apply {
* isAccessible = true
* kotlin.objectInstance // This throws as the INSTANCE field isn't accessible
* }
* Therefore default back to good old java reflection and simply look for the INSTANCE field as we are never going
* to serialize a companion object.
* As such, if objectInstance fails access, revert to Java reflection and try that
fun Class<*>.objectInstance() =
try {
} catch (e: IllegalAccessException) {
// Check it really is an object (i.e. it has no constructor)
if (constructors.isNotEmpty()) null
else {
try {
this.getDeclaredField("INSTANCE")?.let { field ->
// and must be marked as both static and final (>0 means they're set)
if (modifiers and Modifier.STATIC == 0 || modifiers and Modifier.FINAL == 0) null
else {
val accessibility = field.isAccessible
field.isAccessible = true
val obj = field.get(null)
field.isAccessible = accessibility
} catch (e: NoSuchFieldException) {
@ -267,12 +267,15 @@ open class SerializerFactory(
// Don't need to check the whitelist since each element will come back through the whitelisting process.
if (clazz.componentType.isPrimitive) PrimArraySerializer.make(type, this)
else ArraySerializer.make(type, this)
} else if (clazz.kotlin.objectInstance != null) {
SingletonSerializer(clazz, clazz.kotlin.objectInstance!!, this)
} else {
ObjectSerializer(type, this)
val singleton = clazz.objectInstance()
if (singleton != null) {
SingletonSerializer(clazz, singleton, this)
} else {
ObjectSerializer(type, this)
@ -196,4 +196,32 @@ class PrivatePropertyTests {
assertEquals(c1, c2)
// Reproduces CORDA-1134
fun allCapsProprtyNotPrivate() {
data class C (val CCC: String)
val output = SerializationOutput(factory).serializeAndReturnSchema(C("this is nice"))
val serializersByDescriptor = fields["serializersByDesc"]!!.get(factory) as ConcurrentHashMap<Any, AMQPSerializer<Any>>
val schemaDescriptor = output.schema.types.first().descriptor.name
serializersByDescriptor.filterKeys { (it as Symbol) == schemaDescriptor }.values.apply {
assertEquals(1, size)
assertTrue(this.first() is ObjectSerializer)
val propertySerializers = (this.first() as ObjectSerializer).propertySerializers.serializationOrder.map { it.getter }
// CCC is the only property to be serialised
assertEquals(1, propertySerializers.size)
// and despite being all caps it should still be a public getter
assertTrue(propertySerializers[0].propertyReader is PublicPropertyReader)
@ -47,6 +47,22 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
object AckWrapper {
object Ack
fun serialize() {
val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
object PrivateAckWrapper {
private object Ack
fun serialize() {
val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncoding?) {
private companion object {
@ -1148,4 +1164,18 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
assertEquals(encodingNotPermittedFormat.format(compression), message)
fun nestedObjects() {
// The "test" is that this doesn't throw, anything else is a success
fun privateNestedObjects() {
// The "test" is that this doesn't throw, anything else is a success
@ -41,15 +41,21 @@ class FlowLogicRefFactoryImpl(private val classloader: ClassLoader) : SingletonS
override fun create(flowClassName: String, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef {
val flowClass = Class.forName(flowClassName, true, classloader).asSubclass(FlowLogic::class.java)
if (flowClass == null) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("The class $flowClassName is not a subclass of FlowLogic.")
} else {
if (!flowClass.isAnnotationPresent(SchedulableFlow::class.java)) {
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClass, "because it's not a schedulable flow")
return createForRPC(flowClass, *args)
val flowClass = validatedFlowClassFromName(flowClassName)
if (!flowClass.isAnnotationPresent(SchedulableFlow::class.java)) {
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClass, "because it's not a schedulable flow")
return createForRPC(flowClass, *args)
private fun validatedFlowClassFromName(flowClassName: String): Class<out FlowLogic<*>> {
val forName = try {
Class.forName(flowClassName, true, classloader)
} catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClassName, "Flow not found: $flowClassName")
return forName.asSubclass(FlowLogic::class.java) ?:
throw IllegalFlowLogicException(flowClassName, "The class $flowClassName is not a subclass of FlowLogic.")
override fun createForRPC(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, vararg args: Any?): FlowLogicRef {
@ -93,7 +99,9 @@ class FlowLogicRefFactoryImpl(private val classloader: ClassLoader) : SingletonS
override fun toFlowLogic(ref: FlowLogicRef): FlowLogic<*> {
if (ref !is FlowLogicRefImpl) throw IllegalFlowLogicException(ref.javaClass, "FlowLogicRef was not created via correct FlowLogicRefFactory interface")
val klass = Class.forName(ref.flowLogicClassName, true, classloader).asSubclass(FlowLogic::class.java)
// We re-validate here because a FlowLogicRefImpl could have arrived via deserialization and therefore the
// class name could point to anything at all.
val klass = validatedFlowClassFromName(ref.flowLogicClassName)
return createConstructor(klass, ref.args)()
@ -305,7 +305,8 @@ object SimmFlow {
private fun agreePortfolio(portfolio: Portfolio): SignedTransaction {
logger.info("Handshake finished, awaiting Simm offer")
require(offer.dealBeingOffered.portfolio == portfolio.refs)
require(offer.dealBeingOffered.portfolio.toSet() == portfolio.refs.toSet())
val seller = TwoPartyDealFlow.Instigator(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user