Refactor BFTNotaryServicetest and MySQLNotaryServiceTest to allow running database integration tests. (#211)

* BFTNotaryServiceTests.kt - instantiate MockServices before each test, not at the class level - to allow database integration test clean database before each test.
* MySQLNotaryServiceTests.kt - use H2 datasource for the notary in database integration tests (and as it was before during standard integration tests)
* Revert Enterprise way of makeTestDataSourceProperties MockNode.kt.
* Minor attempt to refactor Enterprise only parts of reading database config and make it less error prone during OS->Enterprise merge.
This commit is contained in:
szymonsztuka 2017-12-21 13:24:13 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4b42600f6a
commit 269a4ba79d
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 68 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -6,12 +6,9 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.contextLogger
import net.corda.core.utilities.toHexString
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
import org.hibernate.boot.MetadataSources
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment
import org.hibernate.service.UnknownUnwrapTypeException
import org.hibernate.type.AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType

View File

@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ class BFTNotaryServiceTests : IntegrationTest() {
val databaseSchemas = IntegrationTestSchemas("node_0", "node_1", "node_2", "node_3", "node_4", "node_5",
"node_6", "node_7", "node_8", "node_9")
private val mockNet = MockNetwork(emptyList())
private lateinit var mockNet: MockNetwork
private lateinit var notary: Party
private lateinit var node: StartedNode<MockNode>
fun before() {
node = mockNet.createNode()
mockNet = MockNetwork(emptyList())
fun stopNodes() {

View File

@ -23,11 +23,9 @@ import net.corda.testing.contracts.DummyContract
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNodeParameters
import net.corda.testing.node.MockServices.Companion.makeTestDataSourceProperties
import net.corda.testing.node.inMemoryH2DataSourceConfig
import net.corda.testing.node.startFlow
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.ClassRule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.*
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -36,9 +34,8 @@ import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class MySQLNotaryServiceTests : IntegrationTest() {
companion object {
val notaryName = CordaX500Name("MySQL Notary Service", "Zurich", "CH")
val databaseSchemas = IntegrationTestSchemas("node_0", DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME.toDatabaseSchemaName())
@ClassRule @JvmField
val databaseSchemas = IntegrationTestSchemas("node_0", "node_1", "node_2")
private lateinit var mockNet: MockNetwork
@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ class MySQLNotaryServiceTests : IntegrationTest() {
private fun createNotaryNode(): MockNetwork.MockNode {
val dataStoreProperties = makeTestDataSourceProperties().apply {
val dataStoreProperties = makeTestDataSourceProperties(configSupplier = ::inMemoryH2DataSourceConfig).apply {
setProperty("autoCommit", "false")
return mockNet.createUnstartedNode(

View File

@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ open class MockNetwork(private val cordappPackages: List<String>,
val config = mockNodeConfiguration().also {
doReturn(parameters.legalName ?: CordaX500Name("Mock Company $id", "London", "GB")).whenever(it).myLegalName

View File

@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ import
import net.corda.node.internal.configureDatabase
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.CordaPersistence
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.DatabaseConfig
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.HibernateConfiguration
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.TransactionIsolationLevel
import net.corda.testing.*
import net.corda.testing.database.DatabaseConstants
import net.corda.testing.database.DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_CLASSNAME
import net.corda.testing.database.DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD
import net.corda.testing.database.DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_URL
@ -75,51 +75,18 @@ open class MockServices private constructor(
val MOCK_VERSION_INFO = VersionInfo(1, "Mock release", "Mock revision", "Mock Vendor")
private fun readDatabaseConfig(nodeName: String? = null, postfix: String? = null): Config {
val parseOptions = ConfigParseOptions.defaults()
//read overrides from command line (passed by Gradle as system properties)
val dataSourceSystemProperties = Properties()
val allSystemProperties = System.getProperties().toList().map { it.first.toString() to it.second.toString() }.toMap()
dataSourceKeys.filter { allSystemProperties.containsKey(it) }.forEach { dataSourceSystemProperties.setProperty(it, allSystemProperties[it]) }
val systemConfigOverride = ConfigFactory.parseProperties(dataSourceSystemProperties, parseOptions)
//read from db vendor specific configuration file
val databaseConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources(System.getProperty("databaseProvider") + ".conf", parseOptions.setAllowMissing(true))
val fixedOverride = ConfigFactory.parseString("baseDirectory = \"\"")
//implied property nodeOrganizationName to fill the potential placeholders in db schema/ db user properties
val standardizedNodeName = if (nodeName!= null) nodeName.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "_") else null
val nodeOrganizationNameConfig = if (standardizedNodeName != null) configOf("nodeOrganizationName" to standardizedNodeName) else ConfigFactory.empty()
//defaults to H2
//for H2 the same db instance runs for all integration tests, so adding additional variable postfix to use unique db user/schema each time
val h2InstanceName = if (postfix != null) standardizedNodeName + "_" + postfix else standardizedNodeName
val defaultProps = Properties()
defaultProps.setProperty(DATA_SOURCE_CLASSNAME, "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource")
defaultProps.setProperty(DATA_SOURCE_URL, "jdbc:h2:mem:${h2InstanceName}_persistence;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE")
defaultProps.setProperty(DATA_SOURCE_USER, "sa")
defaultProps.setProperty(DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD, "")
val defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.parseProperties(defaultProps, parseOptions)
return systemConfigOverride.withFallback(databaseConfig)
* Make properties appropriate for creating a DataSource for unit tests.
* @param nodeName Reflects the "instance" of the in-memory database or database username/schema. Defaults to a random string.
* @param nodeNameExtension Provides additional name extension for the "instance" of in-memory database to provide uniqnes when running unit tests against H2 db.
* @param nodeNameExtension Provides additional name extension for the "instance" of in-memory database to provide uniqueness when running unit tests against H2 db.
* @param configSupplier returns [Config] with dataSourceProperties entry.
// TODO: Can we use an X509 principal generator here?
fun makeTestDataSourceProperties(nodeName: String = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString(), nodeNameExtension: String? = null): Properties {
val config = readDatabaseConfig(nodeName, nodeNameExtension)
fun makeTestDataSourceProperties(nodeName: String = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString(), nodeNameExtension: String? = null,
configSupplier: (String, String?) -> Config = ::databaseProviderDataSourceConfig): Properties {
val config = configSupplier(nodeName, nodeNameExtension)
val props = Properties()
props.setProperty("dataSourceClassName", config.getString("dataSourceProperties.dataSourceClassName"))
props.setProperty("dataSource.url", config.getString("dataSourceProperties.dataSource.url"))
@ -135,7 +102,7 @@ open class MockServices private constructor(
fun makeTestDatabaseProperties(nodeName: String? = null): DatabaseConfig {
val config = readDatabaseConfig(nodeName)
val config = databaseProviderDataSourceConfig(nodeName)
val transactionIsolationLevel = if (config.hasPath(TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_LEVEL)) TransactionIsolationLevel.valueOf(config.getString(TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_LEVEL))
else TransactionIsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED
val schema = if (config.hasPath(SCHEMA)) config.getString(SCHEMA) else ""
@ -310,3 +277,56 @@ fun <T : SerializeAsToken> createMockCordaService(serviceHub: MockServices, serv
return MockAppServiceHubImpl(serviceHub, serviceConstructor).serviceInstance
* Reads database and dataSource configuration from a file denoted by 'databaseProvider' system property,
* overwitten by system properties and defaults to H2 in memory db.
* @param nodeName Reflects the "instance" of the database username/schema, the value will be used to replace ${nodeOrganizationName} placeholder
* if the placeholder is present in config.
* @param postfix Additional postix added to database "instance" name in case config defaults to H2 in memory database.
fun databaseProviderDataSourceConfig(nodeName: String? = null, postfix: String? = null): Config {
val parseOptions = ConfigParseOptions.defaults()
//read overrides from command line (passed by Gradle as system properties)
val dataSourceSystemProperties = Properties()
val allSystemProperties = System.getProperties().toList().map { it.first.toString() to it.second.toString() }.toMap()
dataSourceKeys.filter { allSystemProperties.containsKey(it) }.forEach { dataSourceSystemProperties.setProperty(it, allSystemProperties[it]) }
val systemConfigOverride = ConfigFactory.parseProperties(dataSourceSystemProperties, parseOptions)
//read from db vendor specific configuration file
val databaseConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources(System.getProperty("databaseProvider") + ".conf", parseOptions.setAllowMissing(true))
val fixedOverride = ConfigFactory.parseString("baseDirectory = \"\"")
//implied property nodeOrganizationName to fill the potential placeholders in db schema/ db user properties
val standardizedNodeName = nodeName?.replace(" ", "")?.replace("-", "_")
val nodeOrganizationNameConfig = if (standardizedNodeName != null) configOf("nodeOrganizationName" to standardizedNodeName) else ConfigFactory.empty()
//defaults to H2
//for H2 the same db instance runs for all integration tests, so adding additional variable postfix create a unique database each time
val defaultConfig = inMemoryH2DataSourceConfig(standardizedNodeName, postfix)
return systemConfigOverride.withFallback(databaseConfig)
* Creates data source configuration for in memory H2 as it would be specified in reference.conf 'datasource' snippet.
* @param nodeName Reflects the "instance" of the database username/schema
* @param postfix Additional postix added to database "instance" name to add uniqueness when running integration tests.
fun inMemoryH2DataSourceConfig(nodeName: String? = null, postfix: String? = null) : Config {
val nodeName = nodeName ?: SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString()
val h2InstanceName = if (postfix != null) nodeName + "_" + postfix else nodeName
return ConfigFactory.parseMap(mapOf(
DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_CLASSNAME to "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource",
DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_URL to "jdbc:h2:mem:${h2InstanceName}_persistence;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE",
DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_USER to "sa",
DatabaseConstants.DATA_SOURCE_PASSWORD to ""))