Merge pull request #586 from corda/bogdan-merge-20-03-18

Bogdan merge 20 03 18
This commit is contained in:
bpaunescu 2018-03-20 18:41:18 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 24366012e2
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 118 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ dependencies {
testCompile project(':node-driver')
testCompile project(':client:mock')
integrationTestCompile project(path: ':node-api', configuration: 'testArtifacts')
// Smoke tests do NOT have any Node code on the classpath!
smokeTestCompile project(':smoke-test-utils')

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import net.corda.core.serialization.serialize
import net.corda.core.utilities.*
import net.corda.nodeapi.RPCApi
import net.corda.nodeapi.eventually
import net.corda.testing.core.SerializationEnvironmentRule
import net.corda.testing.internal.testThreadFactory
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.*
@ -257,9 +258,8 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
startRpcServer<ReconnectOps>(ops = ops, customPort = serverPort).getOrThrow()
Thread.sleep(1000) //wait for the server to come back up
val pingFuture = pool.fork(client::ping)
assertEquals("pong", pingFuture.getOrThrow(10.seconds))
val response = eventually<RPCException, String>(10.seconds) { }
assertEquals("pong", response)
clientFollower.shutdown() // Driver would do this after the new server, causing hang.

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@ -51,10 +51,9 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaMethod
@ -183,9 +182,7 @@ class RPCClientProxyHandler(
private val deduplicationChecker = DeduplicationChecker(rpcConfiguration.deduplicationCacheExpiry)
private val deduplicationSequenceNumber = AtomicLong(0)
private val lock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private var sendingEnabled = true
private val sendingEnabled = AtomicBoolean(true)
* Start the client. This creates the per-client queue, starts the consumer session and the reaper.
@ -229,10 +226,8 @@ class RPCClientProxyHandler(
throw RPCException("RPC Proxy is closed")
lock.readLock().withLock {
if (!sendingEnabled)
throw RPCException("RPC server is not available.")
if (!sendingEnabled.get())
throw RPCException("RPC server is not available.")
val replyId = InvocationId.newInstance()
callSiteMap?.set(replyId, Throwable("<Call site of root RPC '${}'>"))
@ -421,11 +416,8 @@ class RPCClientProxyHandler(
private fun failoverHandler(event: FailoverEventType) {
when (event) {
FailoverEventType.FAILURE_DETECTED -> {
lock.writeLock().withLock {
sendingEnabled = false
log.warn("RPC server unavailable. RPC calls are being buffered.")
log.warn("Terminating observables.")
val m = observableContext.observableMap.asMap()
m.keys.forEach { k ->
@ -444,9 +436,7 @@ class RPCClientProxyHandler(
FailoverEventType.FAILOVER_COMPLETED -> {
lock.writeLock().withLock {
sendingEnabled = true
sendingEnabled.set(true)"RPC server available.")

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Here are brief summaries of what's changed between each release. This includes some guidance on how to upgrade code
from previous releases. Please refer to :doc:`upgrade-notes` for detailed instructions.
Here are brief summaries of what's changed between each snapshot release. This includes guidance on how to upgrade code
from the previous milestone release.
* Node can be shut down abruptly by ``shutdown`` function in `CordaRPCOps` or gracefully (draining flows first) through ``gracefulShutdown`` command from shell.
* Parsing of ``NodeConfiguration`` will now fail if unknown configuration keys are found.
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ UNRELEASED
* added to the default Whitelist.
* serialization support added.
* Added ``NetworkMapCache.getNodesByLegalName`` for querying nodes belonging to a distributed service such as a notary cluster
where they all share a common identity. ``NetworkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName`` has been tightened to throw if more than
one node with the legal name is found.
@ -110,6 +112,10 @@ R3 Corda 3.0 Developer Preview
* Single node notaries no longer have a second separate notary identity. Their main identity *is* their notary identity.
Use ``NetworkMapCache.notaryIdentities`` to get the list of available notaries.
* Added ``NetworkMapCache.getNodesByLegalName`` for querying nodes belonging to a distributed service such as a notary cluster
where they all share a common identity. ``NetworkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName`` has been tightened to throw if more than
one node with the legal name is found.
* The common name in the node's X.500 legal name is no longer reserved and can be used as part of the node's name.
* Moved ``NodeInfoSchema`` to internal package as the node info's database schema is not part of the public API. This

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@ -152,6 +152,24 @@ You can extend ``deployNodes`` to generate additional nodes.
.. warning:: When adding nodes, make sure that there are no port clashes!
To extend node configuration beyond the properties defined in the ``deployNodes`` task use the ``configFile`` property with the path (relative or absolute) set to an additional configuration file.
This file should follow the standard :doc:`corda-configuration-file` format, as per node.conf. The properties from this file will be appended to the generated node configuration. Note, if you add a property already created by the 'deployNodes' task, both properties will be present in the file.
The path to the file can also be added while running the Gradle task via the ``-PconfigFile`` command line option. However, the same file will be applied to all nodes.
Following the previous example ``PartyB`` node will have additional configuration options added from a file ``none-b.conf``:
.. sourcecode:: groovy
task deployNodes(type: net.corda.plugins.Cordform, dependsOn: ['jar']) {
node {
name "O=PartyB,L=New York,C=US"
// Grants user1 the ability to start the MyFlow flow.
rpcUsers = [[ user: "user1", "password": "test", "permissions": [""]]]
configFile = "samples/trader-demo/src/main/resources/none-b.conf"
Specifying a custom webserver
By default, any node listing a webport will use the default development webserver, which is not production-ready. You

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@ -61,9 +61,11 @@ be done with the network bootstrapper. This is a tool that scans all the node co
generate the network parameters file which is copied to the nodes' directories. It also copies each node's node-info file
to every other node so that they can all transact with each other.
The bootstrapper tool can be downloaded from, where ``X`` is the major Corda version and ``Y`` is the minor Corda version.
The bootstrapper tool can be downloaded from, where ``X``
is the major Corda version and ``Y`` is the minor Corda version.
To use it, create a directory containing a ``node.conf`` file for each node you want to create. Then run the following command:
To use it, create a directory containing a node config file, ending in "_node.conf", for each node you want to create.
Then run the following command:
``java -jar network-bootstrapper.jar <nodes-root-dir>``
@ -72,9 +74,9 @@ For example running the command on a directory containing these files :
.. sourcecode:: none
├── notary.conf // The notary's node.conf file
├── partya.conf // Party A's node.conf file
└── partyb.conf // Party B's node.conf file
├── notary_node.conf // The notary's node.conf file
├── partya_node.conf // Party A's node.conf file
└── partyb_node.conf // Party B's node.conf file
Would generate directories containing three nodes: notary, partya and partyb.

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@ -72,6 +72,19 @@ dependencies {
testCompile project(':node-driver')
configurations {
testArtifacts.extendsFrom testRuntime
task testJar(type: Jar) {
classifier "tests"
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts {
testArtifacts testJar
jar {
baseName 'corda-node-api'

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@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ abstract class AbstractAMQPSerializationScheme(val cordappLoader: List<Cordapp>)

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp.custom
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.crypto.X509CertificateFactory
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp.*
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.Data
import java.lang.reflect.Type
object X509CRLSerializer : CustomSerializer.Implements<X509CRL>( {
override val schemaForDocumentation = Schema(listOf(RestrictedType(
override fun writeDescribedObject(obj: X509CRL, data: Data, type: Type, output: SerializationOutput) {
output.writeObject(obj.encoded, data, clazz)
override fun readObject(obj: Any, schemas: SerializationSchemas, input: DeserializationInput): X509CRL {
val bytes = input.readObject(obj, schemas, as ByteArray
return X509CertificateFactory().delegate.generateCRL(bytes.inputStream()) as X509CRL

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@ -18,15 +18,19 @@ import net.corda.client.rpc.RPCException
import net.corda.core.CordaException
import net.corda.core.CordaRuntimeException
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.secureRandomBytes
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowException
import net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.internal.AbstractAttachment
import net.corda.core.internal.x500Name
import net.corda.core.serialization.*
import net.corda.core.transactions.LedgerTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.OpaqueBytes
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.DEV_INTERMEDIATE_CA
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.crypto.ContentSignerBuilder
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.*
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp.SerializerFactory.Companion.isPrimitive
import net.corda.testing.contracts.DummyContract
@ -39,6 +43,9 @@ import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.*
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.DecoderImpl
import org.apache.qpid.proton.codec.EncoderImpl
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509v2CRLBuilder
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509CRLConverter
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Rule
@ -51,6 +58,7 @@ import
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.time.*
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.*
@ -61,6 +69,7 @@ import kotlin.test.assertTrue
object AckWrapper {
object Ack
fun serialize() {
val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
@ -69,6 +78,7 @@ object AckWrapper {
object PrivateAckWrapper {
private object Ack
fun serialize() {
val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()
@ -640,6 +650,7 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
private val FOO_PROGRAM_ID = "net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp.SerializationOutputTests.FooContract"
class FooState : ContractState {
override val participants: List<AbstractParty> = emptyList()
@ -1002,6 +1013,25 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
assertEquals(objCopy.a, objCopy.b)
private fun emptyCrl(): X509CRL {
val builder = X509v2CRLBuilder(, Date())
val provider = BouncyCastleProvider()
val crlHolder =, Crypto.generateKeyPair(Crypto.RSA_SHA256).private, provider))
return JcaX509CRLConverter().setProvider(provider).getCRL(crlHolder)
fun `test X509CRL custom serializer`() {
val factory = SerializerFactory(AllWhitelist, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())
val factory2 = SerializerFactory(AllWhitelist, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())
val obj = emptyCrl()
serdes(obj, factory, factory2)
data class ByteArrays(val a: ByteArray, val b: ByteArray)
@ -1207,7 +1237,8 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
fun throwable() {
class TestException(message: String?, cause: Throwable?) : CordaException(message, cause)
val testExcp = TestException("hello", Throwable().apply { stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace } )
val testExcp = TestException("hello", Throwable().apply { stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().stackTrace })
val factory = testDefaultFactoryNoEvolution()