mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 01:31:24 +00:00
Renamed TestIdentity.key to keyPair and pubkey to publicKey (#2249)
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class JacksonSupportTest {
private companion object {
val SEED = BigInteger.valueOf(20170922L)!!
val mapper = JacksonSupport.createNonRpcMapper()
val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).publicKey
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
val MINI_CORP = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB")).party
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ class PartialMerkleTreeTest {
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.pubkey
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.publicKey
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class TransactionSerializationTests {
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val MINI_CORP = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB")).party
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.key
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class TransactionEncumbranceTests {
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val MINI_CORP = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB")).party
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TransactionTests {
val BOB = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80).party
val dummyNotary = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20)
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.key
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.keyPair
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
IdentityServiceInternal identityService = rigorousMock(IdentityServiceInternal.class);
ledgerServices = new MockServices(identityService, MEGA_CORP.getName());
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
ledger(ledgerServices, DUMMY_NOTARY, l -> {
l.transaction(tx -> {
tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
ledger(ledgerServices, DUMMY_NOTARY, l -> {
l.transaction(tx -> {
tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.failsWith("the state is propagated");
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
ledger(ledgerServices, DUMMY_NOTARY, l -> {
l.transaction(tx -> {
tx.input(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, inState);
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.failsWith("the state is propagated");
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inState.withOwner(ALICE.getParty()));
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
return tw.failsWith("output states are issued by a command signer");
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
return tx.verifies();
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
return tw.failsWith("output states are issued by a command signer");
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
return tx.verifies();
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
// Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
l.transaction("Issuance", tx -> {
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
return tx.verifies();
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "borrowed $900", new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(900), issuer), MEGA_CORP.getParty()));
JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(ALICE.getParty()));
tx.command(ALICE.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(ALICE.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
return Unit.INSTANCE;
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
// Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
l.transaction("Issuance", tx -> {
tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
return tx.verifies();
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "borrowed $900", new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(900), issuer), MEGA_CORP.getParty()));
JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(ALICE.getParty()));
tx.command(ALICE.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(ALICE.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
// We moved a paper to other pubkey.
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "bob's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(BOB.getParty()));
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
// Some CP is issued onto the ledger by MegaCorp.
l.transaction("Issuance", tx -> {
tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "paper", getPaper());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Issue());
return tx.verifies();
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
tx.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, "borrowed $900", new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(900), issuer), MEGA_CORP.getParty()));
JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "alice's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(ALICE.getParty()));
tx.command(ALICE.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(ALICE.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ public class CommercialPaperTest {
JavaCommercialPaper.State inputPaper = l.retrieveOutput(JavaCommercialPaper.State.class, "paper");
// We moved a paper to another pubkey.
tx.output(JCP_PROGRAM_ID, "bob's paper", inputPaper.withOwner(BOB.getParty()));
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
tx.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new JavaCommercialPaper.Commands.Move());
return tx.verifies();
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ class CommercialPaperTest {
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
@ -27,36 +27,36 @@ public class CashTestsJava {
private static final TestIdentity MEGA_CORP = new TestIdentity(new CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"));
private static final TestIdentity MINI_CORP = new TestIdentity(new CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"));
private final PartyAndReference defaultIssuer = MEGA_CORP.ref((byte) 1);
private final Cash.State inState = new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(1000), defaultIssuer), new AnonymousParty(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey()));
private final Cash.State outState = new Cash.State(inState.getAmount(), new AnonymousParty(MINI_CORP.getPubkey()));
private final Cash.State inState = new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(1000), defaultIssuer), new AnonymousParty(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey()));
private final Cash.State outState = new Cash.State(inState.getAmount(), new AnonymousParty(MINI_CORP.getPublicKey()));
public final SerializationEnvironmentRule testSerialization = new SerializationEnvironmentRule();
public void trivial() {
IdentityServiceInternal identityService = rigorousMock(IdentityServiceInternal.class);
transaction(new MockServices(identityService, MEGA_CORP.getName()), DUMMY_NOTARY, tx -> {
tx.input(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, inState);
tx.tweak(tw -> {
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(2000), defaultIssuer), new AnonymousParty(MINI_CORP.getPubkey())));
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, new Cash.State(issuedBy(DOLLARS(2000), defaultIssuer), new AnonymousParty(MINI_CORP.getPublicKey())));
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
return tw.failsWith("the amounts balance");
tx.tweak(tw -> {
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, outState);
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), DummyCommandData.INSTANCE);
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), DummyCommandData.INSTANCE);
// Invalid command
return tw.failsWith("required net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash.Commands.Move command");
tx.tweak(tw -> {
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, outState);
tw.command(MINI_CORP.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tw.command(MINI_CORP.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
return tw.failsWith("the owning keys are a subset of the signing keys");
tx.tweak(tw -> {
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ public class CashTestsJava {
// issuedBy() can't be directly imported because it conflicts with other identically named functions
// with different overloads (for some reason).
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, outState.issuedBy(MINI_CORP.getParty()));
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
return tw.failsWith("at least one cash input");
// Simple reallocation works.
return tx.tweak(tw -> {
tw.output(Cash.PROGRAM_ID, outState);
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPubkey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
tw.command(MEGA_CORP.getPublicKey(), new Cash.Commands.Move());
return tw.verifies();
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ interface ICommercialPaperTestTemplate {
private val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
private val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
private val MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY get() = megaCorp.identity
private val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
private val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
class JavaCommercialPaperTest : ICommercialPaperTestTemplate {
override fun getPaper(): ICommercialPaperState = JavaCommercialPaper.State(
@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
private val dummyNotary = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20)
private val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
private val ALICE get() = alice.party
private val ALICE_KEY get() = alice.key
private val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
private val ALICE_KEY get() = alice.keyPair
private val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
private val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
private val DUMMY_NOTARY_IDENTITY get() = dummyNotary.identity
private val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
private val MINI_CORP_IDENTITY get() = miniCorp.identity
private val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.pubkey
private val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.publicKey
@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
private lateinit var aliceServices: MockServices
private lateinit var aliceVaultService: VaultService
private lateinit var alicesVault: Vault<ContractState>
private val notaryServices = MockServices(rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyNotary.key)
private val issuerServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.finance.contracts"), rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyCashIssuer.key)
private val notaryServices = MockServices(rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyNotary.keyPair)
private val issuerServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.finance.contracts"), rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyCashIssuer.keyPair)
private lateinit var moveTX: SignedTransaction
fun `issue move and then redeem`() {
@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ import kotlin.test.*
class CashTests {
private companion object {
val alice = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70)
val BOB_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80).pubkey
val BOB_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80).publicKey
val charlie = TestIdentity(CHARLIE_NAME, 90)
val DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER_IDENTITY = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("Snake Oil Issuer", "London", "GB"), 10).identity
val dummyNotary = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20)
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
val CHARLIE get() = charlie.party
val CHARLIE_IDENTITY get() = charlie.identity
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val DUMMY_NOTARY_IDENTITY get() = dummyNotary.identity
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.key
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY get() = megaCorp.identity
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_IDENTITY get() = miniCorp.identity
val MINI_CORP_KEY get() = miniCorp.key
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.pubkey
val MINI_CORP_KEY get() = miniCorp.keyPair
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.publicKey
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ class ObligationTests {
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
val BOB get() = bob.party
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.pubkey
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.publicKey
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.pubkey
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.publicKey
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class ObligationTests {
private val outState = inState.copy(beneficiary = AnonymousParty(BOB_PUBKEY))
private val miniCorpServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.finance.contracts.asset"), rigorousMock(), miniCorp)
private val notaryServices = MockServices(rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyNotary.key)
private val notaryServices = MockServices(rigorousMock(), MEGA_CORP.name, dummyNotary.keyPair)
private val identityService = rigorousMock<IdentityServiceInternal>().also {
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class X509UtilitiesTest {
val bob = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80)
val MEGA_CORP = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB")).party
val BOB get() = bob.party
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.pubkey
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.publicKey
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class KryoTests {
companion object {
private val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).pubkey
private val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).publicKey
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ class SerializationOutputTests {
val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.pubkey
val MINI_CORP_PUBKEY get() = miniCorp.publicKey
data class Foo(val bar: String, val pub: Int)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class NodeInfoWatcherTest {
fun start() {
val identityService = makeTestIdentityService()
keyManagementService = MockKeyManagementService(identityService, alice.key)
keyManagementService = MockKeyManagementService(identityService, alice.keyPair)
nodeInfoWatcher = NodeInfoWatcher(tempFolder.root.toPath(), scheduler)
nodeInfoPath = tempFolder.root.toPath() / CordformNode.NODE_INFO_DIRECTORY
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ public class VaultQueryJavaTests {
List<String> cordappPackages = Arrays.asList("net.corda.testing.contracts", "net.corda.finance.contracts.asset", CashSchemaV1.class.getPackage().getName());
IdentityServiceInternal identitySvc = makeTestIdentityService(Arrays.asList(MEGA_CORP.getIdentity(), DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER_INFO.getIdentity(), DUMMY_NOTARY.getIdentity()));
Pair<CordaPersistence, MockServices> databaseAndServices = makeTestDatabaseAndMockServices(
Arrays.asList(MEGA_CORP.getKey(), DUMMY_NOTARY.getKey()),
Arrays.asList(MEGA_CORP.getKeyPair(), DUMMY_NOTARY.getKeyPair()),
issuerServices = new MockServices(cordappPackages, rigorousMock(IdentityServiceInternal.class), DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER_INFO, BOC.getKey());
issuerServices = new MockServices(cordappPackages, rigorousMock(IdentityServiceInternal.class), DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER_INFO, BOC.getKeyPair());
database = databaseAndServices.getFirst();
MockServices services = databaseAndServices.getSecond();
vaultFiller = new VaultFiller(services, DUMMY_NOTARY);
@ -466,16 +466,16 @@ public class VaultQueryJavaTests {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class NodeSchedulerServiceTest : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
private companion object {
val ALICE_KEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).key
val ALICE_KEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).keyPair
val DUMMY_IDENTITY_1 = getTestPartyAndCertificate(Party(CordaX500Name("Dummy", "Madrid", "ES"), generateKeyPair().public))
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
val myInfo = NodeInfo(listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("mockHost", 30000)), listOf(DUMMY_IDENTITY_1), 1, serial = 1L)
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ class InMemoryIdentityServiceTests {
val bob = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80)
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_IDENTITY get() = alice.identity
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
val BOB get() = bob.party
val BOB_IDENTITY get() = bob.identity
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.pubkey
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.publicKey
fun createService(vararg identities: PartyAndCertificate) = InMemoryIdentityService(identities.toSet(), DEV_TRUST_ROOT)
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ class PersistentIdentityServiceTests {
val bob = TestIdentity(BOB_NAME, 80)
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_IDENTITY get() = alice.identity
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
val BOB get() = bob.party
val BOB_IDENTITY get() = bob.identity
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.pubkey
val BOB_PUBKEY get() = bob.publicKey
private lateinit var database: CordaPersistence
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class DBTransactionStorageTests {
private companion object {
val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).publicKey
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class HibernateConfigurationTest {
val dummyCashIssuer = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("Snake Oil Issuer", "London", "GB"), 10)
val dummyNotary = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20)
val BOC get() = bankOfCorda.party
val BOC_KEY get() = bankOfCorda.key
val BOC_KEY get() = bankOfCorda.keyPair
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class HibernateConfigurationTest {
// `consumeCash` expects we can self-notarise transactions
services = object : MockServices(cordappPackages, rigorousMock<IdentityServiceInternal>().also {
doNothing().whenever(it).justVerifyAndRegisterIdentity(argThat { name == BOB_NAME })
}, BOB_NAME, generateKeyPair(), dummyNotary.key) {
}, BOB_NAME, generateKeyPair(), dummyNotary.keyPair) {
override val vaultService = makeVaultService(database.hibernateConfig, schemaService)
override fun recordTransactions(statesToRecord: StatesToRecord, txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class NodeVaultServiceTest {
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val DUMMY_NOTARY_IDENTITY get() = dummyNotary.identity
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY get() = megaCorp.identity
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_IDENTITY get() = miniCorp.identity
@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ class VaultQueryTests {
val BOB_IDENTITY get() = bob.identity
val BOC get() = bankOfCorda.party
val BOC_IDENTITY get() = bankOfCorda.identity
val BOC_KEY get() = bankOfCorda.key
val BOC_PUBKEY get() = bankOfCorda.pubkey
val BOC_KEY get() = bankOfCorda.keyPair
val BOC_PUBKEY get() = bankOfCorda.publicKey
val CASH_NOTARY get() = cashNotary.party
val CASH_NOTARY_IDENTITY get() = cashNotary.identity
val CHARLIE get() = charlie.party
val CHARLIE_IDENTITY get() = charlie.identity
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.key
val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY get() = megaCorp.identity
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MINI_CORP_IDENTITY get() = miniCorp.identity
val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class VaultQueryTests {
services = databaseAndServices.second
vaultFiller = VaultFiller(services, dummyNotary)
vaultFillerCashNotary = VaultFiller(services, dummyNotary, CASH_NOTARY)
notaryServices = MockServices(cordappPackages, rigorousMock(), dummyNotary, dummyCashIssuer.key, BOC_KEY, MEGA_CORP_KEY)
notaryServices = MockServices(cordappPackages, rigorousMock(), dummyNotary, dummyCashIssuer.keyPair, BOC_KEY, MEGA_CORP_KEY)
identitySvc = services.identityService
// Register all of the identities we're going to use
(notaryServices.myInfo.legalIdentitiesAndCerts + BOC_IDENTITY + CASH_NOTARY_IDENTITY + MINI_CORP_IDENTITY + MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY).forEach { identity ->
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class VaultWithCashTest {
val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
val MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY get() = megaCorp.identity
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
val MINI_CORP_IDENTITY get() = miniCorp.identity
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class VaultWithCashTest {
fun setUp() {
val databaseAndServices = makeTestDatabaseAndMockServices(
listOf(generateKeyPair(), dummyNotary.key),
listOf(generateKeyPair(), dummyNotary.keyPair),
makeTestIdentityService(listOf(MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY, MINI_CORP_IDENTITY, dummyCashIssuer.identity, dummyNotary.identity)),
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class NodeInterestRatesTest {
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
val MEGA_CORP_KEY = generateKeyPair()
val ALICE get() = alice.party
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.pubkey
val ALICE_PUBKEY get() = alice.publicKey
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ private val DUMMY_PARTY = Party(CordaX500Name("Dummy", "Madrid", "ES"), generate
private val dummyNotary = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20)
private val megaCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"))
private val miniCorp = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("MiniCorp", "London", "GB"))
private val ORACLE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("Oracle", "London", "GB")).pubkey
private val ORACLE_PUBKEY = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name("Oracle", "London", "GB")).publicKey
private val DUMMY_NOTARY get() = dummyNotary.party
private val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.key
private val DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY get() = dummyNotary.keyPair
private val MEGA_CORP get() = megaCorp.party
private val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.key
private val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.pubkey
private val MEGA_CORP_KEY get() = megaCorp.keyPair
private val MEGA_CORP_PUBKEY get() = megaCorp.publicKey
private val MINI_CORP get() = miniCorp.party
private val MINI_CORP_KEY get() = miniCorp.key
private val MINI_CORP_KEY get() = miniCorp.keyPair
fun createDummyIRS(irsSelect: Int): InterestRateSwap.State {
return when (irsSelect) {
1 -> {
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ class TransactionGraphSearchTests {
val notaryServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.testing.contracts"), rigorousMock(), dummyNotary)
val originBuilder = TransactionBuilder(dummyNotary.party)
.addOutputState(DummyState(random31BitValue()), DummyContract.PROGRAM_ID)
.addCommand(command, megaCorp.pubkey)
.addCommand(command, megaCorp.publicKey)
val originPtx = megaCorpServices.signInitialTransaction(originBuilder)
val originTx = notaryServices.addSignature(originPtx)
val inputBuilder = TransactionBuilder(dummyNotary.party)
val inputPtx = megaCorpServices.signInitialTransaction(inputBuilder)
val inputTx = megaCorpServices.addSignature(inputPtx)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ open class MockServices private constructor(
private constructor(cordappLoader: CordappLoader, identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentityName: CordaX500Name, keys: Array<out KeyPair>) : this(cordappLoader, MockTransactionStorage(), identityService, initialIdentityName, keys)
constructor(cordappPackages: List<String>, identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentityName: CordaX500Name, vararg keys: KeyPair) : this(CordappLoader.createWithTestPackages(cordappPackages), identityService, initialIdentityName, keys)
constructor(cordappPackages: List<String>, identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentity: TestIdentity, vararg moreKeys: KeyPair) : this(CordappLoader.createWithTestPackages(cordappPackages), identityService, initialIdentity.name, arrayOf(initialIdentity.key) + moreKeys)
constructor(cordappPackages: List<String>, identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentity: TestIdentity, vararg moreKeys: KeyPair) : this(CordappLoader.createWithTestPackages(cordappPackages), identityService, initialIdentity.name, arrayOf(initialIdentity.keyPair) + moreKeys)
constructor(identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentityName: CordaX500Name, vararg keys: KeyPair) : this(emptyList(), identityService, initialIdentityName, *keys)
constructor(identityService: IdentityServiceInternal, initialIdentityName: CordaX500Name) : this(identityService, initialIdentityName, generateKeyPair())
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
package net.corda.testing
import net.corda.core.contracts.PartyAndReference
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateRef
import net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.ThrowsException
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ fun freePort(): Int = freePortCounter.getAndAccumulate(0) { prev, _ -> 30000 + (
fun getFreeLocalPorts(hostName: String, numberToAlloc: Int): List<NetworkHostAndPort> {
val freePort = freePortCounter.getAndAccumulate(0) { prev, _ -> 30000 + (prev - 30000 + numberToAlloc) % 10000 }
return (freePort..freePort + numberToAlloc - 1).map { NetworkHostAndPort(hostName, it) }
return (freePort until freePort + numberToAlloc).map { NetworkHostAndPort(hostName, it) }
fun configureTestSSL(legalName: CordaX500Name): SSLConfiguration = object : SSLConfiguration {
@ -117,11 +119,11 @@ fun getTestPartyAndCertificate(name: CordaX500Name, publicKey: PublicKey): Party
class TestIdentity @JvmOverloads constructor(val name: CordaX500Name, entropy: Long? = null) {
val key = if (entropy != null) entropyToKeyPair(BigInteger.valueOf(entropy)) else generateKeyPair()
val pubkey get() = key.public!!
val party = Party(name, pubkey)
val identity by lazy { getTestPartyAndCertificate(party) } // Often not needed.
fun ref(vararg bytes: Byte) = party.ref(*bytes)
val keyPair: KeyPair = if (entropy != null) entropyToKeyPair(BigInteger.valueOf(entropy)) else generateKeyPair()
val publicKey: PublicKey get() = keyPair.public
val party: Party = Party(name, publicKey)
val identity: PartyAndCertificate by lazy { getTestPartyAndCertificate(party) } // Often not needed.
fun ref(vararg bytes: Byte): PartyAndReference = party.ref(*bytes)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class VaultFiller @JvmOverloads constructor(
val stx = issuerServices.signInitialTransaction(dummyIssue)
return@map services.addSignature(stx, defaultNotary.pubkey)
return@map services.addSignature(stx, defaultNotary.publicKey)
// Get all the StateAndRefs of all the generated transactions.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class VaultFiller @JvmOverloads constructor(
linearTimestamp: Instant = now()): Vault<LinearState> {
val myKey: PublicKey = services.myInfo.chooseIdentity().owningKey
val me = AnonymousParty(myKey)
val issuerKey = defaultNotary.key
val issuerKey = defaultNotary.keyPair
val signatureMetadata = SignatureMetadata(services.myInfo.platformVersion, Crypto.findSignatureScheme(issuerKey.public).schemeNumberID)
val transactions: List<SignedTransaction> = (1..numberToCreate).map {
// Issue a Linear state
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ data class NotariseCommand(val issueTx: SignedTransaction, val moveTx: SignedTra
val dummyNotarisationTest = LoadTest<NotariseCommand, Unit>(
"Notarising dummy transactions",
generate = { _, _ ->
val issuerServices = MockServices(makeTestIdentityService(listOf(megaCorp.identity, miniCorp.identity, dummyCashIssuer.identity, dummyNotary.identity)), megaCorp.name, dummyCashIssuer.key)
val issuerServices = MockServices(makeTestIdentityService(listOf(megaCorp.identity, miniCorp.identity, dummyCashIssuer.identity, dummyNotary.identity)), megaCorp.name, dummyCashIssuer.keyPair)
val generateTx = Generator.pickOne(simpleNodes).flatMap { node ->
Generator.int().map {
val issueBuilder = DummyContract.generateInitial(it, notary.info.legalIdentities[0], DUMMY_CASH_ISSUER) // TODO notary choice
Reference in New Issue
Block a user