Merge pull request from corda/aslemmer-quasar-hook

Add quasar-hook agent for inspecting quasar instrumentation
This commit is contained in:
Andras Slemmer 2017-05-11 15:34:46 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 1ecce79913
7 changed files with 400 additions and 3 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
What is this?
This is a javaagent that may be used while running applications using quasar. It hooks into quasar to track what
methods are scanned, instrumented and used at runtime, and generates an exclude pattern that may be passed in to quasar
to stop it from scanning classes unnecessarily.
Example usage
./gradlew experimental:quasar-hook:jar
java -javaagent:experimental/quasar-hook/build/libs/quasar-hook.jar="expand=com,de,org,co;truncate=net.corda" -jar path/to/corda.jar
The above will run corda.jar and on exit will print information about what classes were scanned/instrumented.
`expand` and `truncate` tweak the output exclude pattern. `expand` is a list of packages to always expand (for example
instead of generating `com.*` generate `*,com.typesafe.*` etc.), `truncate` is a list of packages that should
not be included in the exclude pattern. Truncating `net.corda` means nothing should be excluded from instrumentation in

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
buildscript {
// For sharing constants between builds
Properties constants = new Properties()
file("$projectDir/../../").withInputStream { constants.load(it) }
ext.kotlin_version = constants.getProperty("kotlinVersion")
ext.javaassist_version = "3.12.1.GA"
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
repositories {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
apply plugin: 'idea'
description 'A javaagent to allow hooking into the instrumentation by Quasar'
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version"
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
compile "javassist:javassist:$javaassist_version"
jar {
archiveName = "${}.jar"
manifest {
'Premain-Class': 'net.corda.quasarhook.QuasarInstrumentationHookAgent',
'Can-Redefine-Classes': 'true',
'Can-Retransform-Classes': 'true',
'Can-Set-Native-Method-Prefix': 'true',
'Implementation-Title': "QuasarHook",
'Implementation-Version': rootProject.version
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
package net.corda.quasarhook
import javassist.ClassPool
import javassist.CtClass
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation
import java.util.*
* Used to collect classes through instrumentation.
class ClassRecorder {
val usedInstrumentedClasses = HashSet<String>()
val instrumentedClasses = HashSet<String>()
val scannedClasses = HashSet<String>()
* Use global state to do the collection.
val classRecorder = ClassRecorder()
* This is a hook called from each quasar getStack call, which happens on suspension. We construct a callstack and
* extract the part of the stack between the quasar scheduler and the getStack call, which should contain all methods/classes
* relevant to this suspension.
fun recordUsedInstrumentedCallStack() {
val throwable = Throwable()
var index = 0
while (true) {
require (index < throwable.stackTrace.size) { "Can't find getStack call" }
val stackElement = throwable.stackTrace[index]
if (stackElement.className == "co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Stack" && stackElement.methodName == "getStack") {
while (true) {
require (index < throwable.stackTrace.size) { "Can't find Fiber call" }
val stackElement = throwable.stackTrace[index]
if (stackElement.className.startsWith("co.paralleluniverse")) {
* This is a hook called from the method instrumentor visitor. Note that this should only be called once we're sure
* instrumentation will happen.
fun recordInstrumentedClass(className: String) {
* This is a hook called from QuasarInstrumentor, after the exclude filtering, but before examining the bytecode.
fun recordScannedClass(className: String?) {
if (className != null) {
* Arguments to this javaagent.
* @param truncate A comma-separated list of packages to trim from the exclude patterns.
* @param expand A comma-separated list of packages to expand in the glob output. This is useful for certain top-level
* domains that we don't want to completely exclude, because later on classes may be loaded from those namespaces
* that require instrumentation.
* @param separator The package part separator character used in the above lists.
data class Arguments(
val truncate: List<String>? = null,
val expand: List<String>? = null,
val separator: Char = '.'
* This javaagent instruments quasar to extract information about what classes are scanned, instrumented, and used at
* runtime. On process exit the javaagent tries to calculate what an appropriate exclude pattern should be.
class QuasarInstrumentationHookAgent {
companion object {
fun premain(argumentsString: String?, instrumentation: Instrumentation) {
var arguments = Arguments()
argumentsString?.let {
it.split(";").forEach {
val (key, value) = it.split("=")
when (key) {
"truncate" -> arguments = arguments.copy(truncate = value.split(","))
"expand" -> arguments = arguments.copy(expand = value.split(","))
"separator" -> arguments = arguments.copy(separator = value.toCharArray()[0])
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(Thread {
println("Instrumented classes: ${classRecorder.instrumentedClasses.size}")
classRecorder.instrumentedClasses.forEach {
println(" $it")
println("Used instrumented classes: ${classRecorder.usedInstrumentedClasses.size}")
classRecorder.usedInstrumentedClasses.forEach {
println(" $it")
println("Scanned classes: ${classRecorder.scannedClasses.size}")
classRecorder.scannedClasses.take(20).forEach {
println(" $it")
println(" (...)")
val scannedTree = PackageTree.fromStrings(classRecorder.scannedClasses.toList(), '/')
val instrumentedTree = PackageTree.fromStrings(classRecorder.instrumentedClasses.toList(), '/')
println("Suggested exclude globs:")
val truncate = arguments.truncate?.let { PackageTree.fromStrings(it, arguments.separator) }
// The separator append is a hack, it causes a package with an empty name to be added to the exclude tree,
// which practically causes that level of the tree to be always expanded in the output globs.
val expand = arguments.expand?.let { PackageTree.fromStrings( { "$it${arguments.separator}" }, arguments.separator) }
val truncatedTree = truncate?.let { scannedTree.truncate(it)} ?: scannedTree
val expandedTree = expand?.let { instrumentedTree.merge(it) } ?: instrumentedTree
val globs = truncatedTree.toGlobs(expandedTree)
globs.forEach {
println(" $it")
println("Quasar exclude expression:")
println(" x(${globs.joinToString(";")})")
object QuasarInstrumentationHook : ClassFileTransformer {
val classPool = ClassPool.getDefault()
val hookClassName = "net.corda.quasarhook.QuasarInstrumentationHookKt"
val instrumentMap = mapOf<String, (CtClass) -> Unit>(
"co/paralleluniverse/fibers/Stack" to { clazz ->
// This is called on each suspend, we hook into it to get the stack trace of actually used Suspendables
val getStackMethod = clazz.methods.single { == "getStack" }
"co/paralleluniverse/fibers/instrument/InstrumentMethod" to { clazz ->
// This is called on each instrumented method
val acceptMethod = clazz.declaredMethods.single { == "collectCodeBlocks" }
"co/paralleluniverse/fibers/instrument/QuasarInstrumentor" to { clazz ->
val instrumentClassMethods = clazz.methods.filter { == "instrumentClass"
// TODO this is very brittle, we want to match on a specific instrumentClass() function. We could use the function signature, but that may change between versions anyway. Why is this function overloaded??
override fun transform(
loader: ClassLoader?,
className: String,
classBeingRedefined: Class<*>?,
protectionDomain: ProtectionDomain?,
classfileBuffer: ByteArray
): ByteArray {
return try {
val instrument = instrumentMap.get(className)
return instrument?.let {
val clazz = classPool.makeClass(ByteArrayInputStream(classfileBuffer))
} ?: classfileBuffer
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
data class Glob(val parts: List<String>, val isFull: Boolean) {
override fun toString(): String {
if (isFull) {
return parts.joinToString(".")
} else {
return "${parts.joinToString(".")}**"
* Build up a tree from parts of the package names.
data class PackageTree(val branches: Map<String, PackageTree>) {
fun isEmpty() = branches.isEmpty()
* Merge the tree with [other].
fun merge(other: PackageTree): PackageTree {
val mergedBranches = HashMap(branches)
other.branches.forEach { (key, tree) ->
mergedBranches.compute(key) { _, previousTree ->
previousTree?.merge(tree) ?: tree
return PackageTree(mergedBranches)
* Truncate the tree below [other].
fun truncate(other: PackageTree): PackageTree {
if (other.isEmpty()) {
return empty
} else {
val truncatedBranches = HashMap(branches)
other.branches.forEach { (key, tree) ->
truncatedBranches.compute(key) { _, previousTree ->
previousTree?.truncate(tree) ?: empty
return PackageTree(truncatedBranches)
companion object {
val empty = PackageTree(emptyMap())
fun fromString(fullClassName: String, separator: Char): PackageTree {
var current = empty
fullClassName.split(separator).reversed().forEach {
current = PackageTree(mapOf(it to current))
return current
fun fromStrings(fullClassNames: List<String>, separator: Char): PackageTree {
return mergeAll( { PackageTree.fromString(it, separator) })
fun mergeAll(trees: List<PackageTree>): PackageTree {
return trees.foldRight(PackageTree.empty, PackageTree::merge)
* Construct minimal globs that match this tree but don't match [excludeTree].
fun toGlobs(excludeTree: PackageTree): List<Glob> {
data class State(
val include: PackageTree,
val exclude: PackageTree,
val globSoFar: List<String>
val toExpandList = LinkedList(listOf(State(this, excludeTree, emptyList())))
val globs = ArrayList<Glob>()
while (true) {
val state = toExpandList.pollFirst() ?: break
if (state.exclude.branches.isEmpty()) {
globs.add(Glob(state.globSoFar, state.include.isEmpty()))
} else {
state.include.branches.forEach { (key, subTree) ->
val excludeSubTree = state.exclude.branches[key]
if (excludeSubTree != null) {
toExpandList.addLast(State(subTree, excludeSubTree, state.globSoFar + key))
} else {
globs.add(Glob(state.globSoFar + key, subTree.isEmpty()))
return globs

@ -34,9 +34,13 @@ task buildCordaJAR(type: FatCapsule) {
from 'NOTICE' // Copy CDDL notice
capsuleManifest {
applicationVersion = corda_release_version
appClassPath = ["jolokia-agent-war-${project.rootProject.ext.jolokia_version}.war"]
// TODO add this once we upgrade quasar to 0.7.8
// def quasarExcludeExpression = "x(rx**;io**;kotlin**;jdk**;reflectasm**;groovyjarjarasm**;groovy**;joptsimple**;groovyjarjarantlr**;javassist**;com.fasterxml**;com.typesafe**;**;com.zaxxer**;com.jcabi**;com.codahale**;com.esotericsoftware**;de.javakaffee**;org.objectweb**;org.slf4j**;org.w3c**;org.codehaus**;org.h2**;org.crsh**;org.fusesource**;org.hibernate**;org.dom4j**;org.bouncycastle**;org.apache**;org.objenesis**;org.jboss**;org.xml**;**;org.jetbrains**;org.yaml**;co.paralleluniverse**;net.i2p**)"
// javaAgents = ["quasar-core-${quasar_version}-jdk8.jar=${quasarExcludeExpression}"]
javaAgents = ["quasar-core-${quasar_version}-jdk8.jar"]
systemProperties[''] = 'Corda'
systemProperties['jdk.serialFilter'] = 'maxbytes=0'

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package net.corda.node
import net.corda.node.driver.driver
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@Ignore("Only use locally")
class NodeStartupPerformanceTests {
// Measure the startup time of nodes. Note that this includes an RPC roundtrip, which causes e.g. Kryo initialisation.
fun `single node startup time`() {
driver(automaticallyStartNetworkMap = false) {
val times = ArrayList<Long>()
for (i in 1 .. 10) {
val time = Stopwatch.createStarted().apply {
println( { it / 1_000_000.0 })

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ interface DriverDSLExposedInterface {
* Starts a network map service node. Note that only a single one should ever be running, so you will probably want
* to set automaticallyStartNetworkMap to false in your [driver] call.
fun startNetworkMapService()
fun startNetworkMapService(): ListenableFuture<Unit>
fun waitForAllNodesToFinish()
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ class DriverDSL(
override fun startNetworkMapService() {
override fun startNetworkMapService(): ListenableFuture<Unit> {
val debugPort = if (isDebug) debugPortAllocation.nextPort() else null
val apiAddress = portAllocation.nextHostAndPort().toString()
val baseDirectory = driverDirectory / networkMapLegalName.commonName
@ -581,6 +581,7 @@ class DriverDSL("Starting network-map-service")
val startNode = startNode(executorService, config.parseAs<FullNodeConfiguration>(), config, quasarJarPath, debugPort, systemProperties)
return startNode.flatMap { addressMustBeBound(executorService, networkMapAddress, it) }
override fun <A> pollUntilNonNull(pollName: String, pollInterval: Duration, warnCount: Int, check: () -> A?): ListenableFuture<A> {
@ -615,6 +616,10 @@ class DriverDSL(
"" to "corda-${nodeConf.myLegalName}",
"" to System.getProperty("") // Inherit from parent process
// TODO Add this once we upgrade to quasar 0.7.8, this causes startup time to halve.
// val excludePattern = x(rx**;io**;kotlin**;jdk**;reflectasm**;groovyjarjarasm**;groovy**;joptsimple**;groovyjarjarantlr**;javassist**;com.fasterxml**;com.typesafe**;**;com.zaxxer**;com.jcabi**;com.codahale**;com.esotericsoftware**;de.javakaffee**;org.objectweb**;org.slf4j**;org.w3c**;org.codehaus**;org.h2**;org.crsh**;org.fusesource**;org.hibernate**;org.dom4j**;org.bouncycastle**;org.apache**;org.objenesis**;org.jboss**;org.xml**;**;org.jetbrains**;org.yaml**;co.paralleluniverse**;net.i2p**)"
// val extraJvmArguments = { "-D${it.key}=${it.value}" } +
// "-javaagent:$quasarJarPath=$excludePattern"
val extraJvmArguments = { "-D${it.key}=${it.value}" } +
val loggingLevel = if (debugPort == null) "INFO" else "DEBUG"

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ include 'webserver'
include 'webserver:webcapsule'
include 'experimental'
include 'experimental:sandbox'
include 'experimental:quasar-hook'
include 'verifier'
include 'test-utils'
include 'tools:explorer'
@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ include 'samples:irs-demo'
include 'samples:network-visualiser'
include 'samples:simm-valuation-demo'
include 'samples:raft-notary-demo'
include 'samples:bank-of-corda-demo'
include 'samples:bank-of-corda-demo'