diff --git a/detekt-baseline.xml b/detekt-baseline.xml
index d37757a64c..e954e25ce2 100644
--- a/detekt-baseline.xml
+++ b/detekt-baseline.xml
@@ -3258,9 +3258,9 @@
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$MissingMigrationException.Companion$fun errorMessageFor(mappedSchema: MappedSchema): String
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$OutstandingDatabaseChangesException : DatabaseMigrationException
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$ private fun migrateOlderDatabaseToUseLiquibase(existingCheckpoints: Boolean): Boolean
+ MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$( val schemas: Set<MappedSchema>, val dataSource: DataSource, private val databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig, cordappLoader: CordappLoader? = null, private val currentDirectory: Path?, // This parameter is used by the vault state migration to establish what the node's legal identity is when setting up // its copy of the identity service. It is passed through using a system property. When multiple identity support is added, this will need // reworking so that multiple identities can be passed to the migration. private val ourName: CordaX500Name, // This parameter forces an error to be thrown if there are missing migrations. When using H2, Hibernate will automatically create schemas where they are // missing, so no need to throw unless you're specifically testing whether all the migrations are present. private val forceThrowOnMissingMigration: Boolean = false)
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$(mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CashSchemaV1" || mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CommercialPaperSchemaV1") && mappedSchema.migrationResource == null -> null
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$(run && !check) && (unRunChanges.isNotEmpty() && existingCheckpoints!!) -> throw CheckpointsException()
- MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$// Collect all changelog file referenced in the included schemas. // For backward compatibility reasons, when failOnMigrationMissing=false, we don't manage CorDapps via Liquibase but use the hibernate hbm2ddl=update. val changelogList = schemas.mapNotNull { mappedSchema -> val resource = getMigrationResource(mappedSchema, classLoader) when { resource != null -> resource // Corda OS FinanceApp in v3 has no Liquibase script, so no error is raised (mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CashSchemaV1" || mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CommercialPaperSchemaV1") && mappedSchema.migrationResource == null -> null else -> throw MissingMigrationException(mappedSchema) } } val path = currentDirectory?.toString() if (path != null) { System.setProperty(NODE_BASE_DIR_KEY, path) // base dir for any custom change set which may need to load a file (currently AttachmentVersionNumberMigration) } System.setProperty(NODE_X500_NAME, ourName.toString()) val customResourceAccessor = CustomResourceAccessor(dynamicInclude, changelogList, classLoader) checkResourcesInClassPath(changelogList) // current version of Liquibase appears to be non-threadsafe // this is apparent when multiple in-process nodes are all running migrations simultaneously mutex.withLock { val liquibase = Liquibase(dynamicInclude, customResourceAccessor, getLiquibaseDatabase(JdbcConnection(connection))) val unRunChanges = liquibase.listUnrunChangeSets(Contexts(), LabelExpression()) when { (run && !check) && (unRunChanges.isNotEmpty() && existingCheckpoints!!) -> throw CheckpointsException() // Do not allow database migration when there are checkpoints run && !check -> liquibase.update(Contexts()) check && !run && unRunChanges.isNotEmpty() -> throw OutstandingDatabaseChangesException(unRunChanges.size) check && !run -> { } // Do nothing will be interpreted as "check succeeded" else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid usage.") } }
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$System.setProperty(NODE_BASE_DIR_KEY, path)
MaxLineLength:SchemaMigration.kt$SchemaMigration$it.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DATABASECHANGELOG WHERE FILENAME IN ('migration/cash.changelog-init.xml','migration/commercial-paper.changelog-init.xml')")
diff --git a/node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/persistence/SchemaMigration.kt b/node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/persistence/SchemaMigration.kt
index b8226e7e2d..6ab3bceb19 100644
--- a/node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/persistence/SchemaMigration.kt
+++ b/node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/persistence/SchemaMigration.kt
@@ -22,17 +22,19 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
// Migrate the database to the current version, using liquibase.
-// A note on the ourName parameter: This is used by the vault state migration to establish what the node's legal identity is when setting up
-// its copy of the identity service. It is passed through using a system property. When multiple identity support is added, this will need
-// reworking so that multiple identities can be passed to the migration.
class SchemaMigration(
val schemas: Set,
val dataSource: DataSource,
private val databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig,
cordappLoader: CordappLoader? = null,
private val currentDirectory: Path?,
- private val ourName: CordaX500Name) {
+ // This parameter is used by the vault state migration to establish what the node's legal identity is when setting up
+ // its copy of the identity service. It is passed through using a system property. When multiple identity support is added, this will need
+ // reworking so that multiple identities can be passed to the migration.
+ private val ourName: CordaX500Name,
+ // This parameter forces an error to be thrown if there are missing migrations. When using H2, Hibernate will automatically create schemas where they are
+ // missing, so no need to throw unless you're specifically testing whether all the migrations are present.
+ private val forceThrowOnMissingMigration: Boolean = false) {
companion object {
private val logger = contextLogger()
@@ -89,6 +91,14 @@ class SchemaMigration(
+ private fun logOrThrowMigrationError(mappedSchema: MappedSchema): String? =
+ if (forceThrowOnMissingMigration) {
+ throw MissingMigrationException(mappedSchema)
+ } else {
+ logger.warn(MissingMigrationException.errorMessageFor(mappedSchema))
+ null
+ }
private fun doRunMigration(run: Boolean, check: Boolean, existingCheckpoints: Boolean? = null) {
// Virtual file name of the changelog that includes all schemas.
@@ -96,15 +106,14 @@ class SchemaMigration(
dataSource.connection.use { connection ->
- // Collect all changelog file referenced in the included schemas.
- // For backward compatibility reasons, when failOnMigrationMissing=false, we don't manage CorDapps via Liquibase but use the hibernate hbm2ddl=update.
+ // Collect all changelog files referenced in the included schemas.
val changelogList = schemas.mapNotNull { mappedSchema ->
val resource = getMigrationResource(mappedSchema, classLoader)
when {
resource != null -> resource
// Corda OS FinanceApp in v3 has no Liquibase script, so no error is raised
(mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CashSchemaV1" || mappedSchema::class.qualifiedName == "net.corda.finance.schemas.CommercialPaperSchemaV1") && mappedSchema.migrationResource == null -> null
- else -> throw MissingMigrationException(mappedSchema)
+ else -> logOrThrowMigrationError(mappedSchema)
@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ class SchemaMigration(
val isFinanceAppWithLiquibaseNotMigrated = isFinanceAppWithLiquibase // If Finance App is pre v4.0 then no need to migrate it so no need to check.
&& existingDatabase
&& (!hasLiquibase // Migrate as other tables.
- || (hasLiquibase && it.createStatement().use { noLiquibaseEntryLogForFinanceApp(it) })) // If Liquibase is already in the database check if Finance App schema log is missing.
+ || (hasLiquibase && it.createStatement().use { noLiquibaseEntryLogForFinanceApp(it) })) // If Liquibase is already in the database check if Finance App schema log is missing.
Pair(existingDatabase && !hasLiquibase, isFinanceAppWithLiquibaseNotMigrated)
diff --git a/node-api/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/SchemaMigrationTest.kt b/node-api/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/SchemaMigrationTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1864cf5e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-api/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/SchemaMigrationTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package net.corda.nodeapi.internal
+import net.corda.core.schemas.MappedSchema
+import net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentState
+import net.corda.node.internal.DataSourceFactory
+import net.corda.node.services.persistence.DBCheckpointStorage
+import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
+import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.DatabaseConfig
+import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.MissingMigrationException
+import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.persistence.SchemaMigration
+import net.corda.testing.core.ALICE_NAME
+import net.corda.testing.core.TestIdentity
+import net.corda.testing.node.MockServices
+import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy
+import org.junit.Before
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.assertDoesNotThrow
+import java.util.*
+import javax.persistence.Column
+import javax.persistence.Entity
+import javax.sql.DataSource
+class SchemaMigrationTest {
+ object TestSchemaFamily
+ object GoodSchema : MappedSchema(schemaFamily = TestSchemaFamily.javaClass, version = 1, mappedTypes = listOf(State::class.java)) {
+ @Entity
+ class State(
+ @Column
+ var id: String
+ ) : PersistentState()
+ }
+ lateinit var hikariProperties: Properties
+ lateinit var dataSource: DataSource
+ @Before
+ fun setUp() {
+ hikariProperties = MockServices.makeTestDataSourceProperties()
+ dataSource = DataSourceFactory.createDataSource(hikariProperties)
+ }
+ private fun createSchemaMigration(schemasToMigrate: Set, forceThrowOnMissingMigration: Boolean): SchemaMigration {
+ val databaseConfig = DatabaseConfig()
+ return SchemaMigration(schemasToMigrate, dataSource, databaseConfig, null, null,
+ TestIdentity(ALICE_NAME, 70).name, forceThrowOnMissingMigration)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test that an error is thrown when forceThrowOnMissingMigration is set and a mapped schema is missing a migration`() {
+ assertThatThrownBy {
+ createSchemaMigration(setOf(GoodSchema), true)
+ .nodeStartup(dataSource.connection.use { DBCheckpointStorage().getCheckpointCount(it) != 0L })
+ }.isInstanceOf(MissingMigrationException::class.java)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test that an error is not thrown when forceThrowOnMissingMigration is not set and a mapped schema is missing a migration`() {
+ assertDoesNotThrow {
+ createSchemaMigration(setOf(GoodSchema), false)
+ .nodeStartup(dataSource.connection.use { DBCheckpointStorage().getCheckpointCount(it) != 0L })
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `test that there are no missing migrations for the node`() {
+ assertDoesNotThrow("This test failure indicates " +
+ "a new table has been added to the node without the appropriate migration scripts being present") {
+ createSchemaMigration(NodeSchemaService().internalSchemas(), false)
+ .nodeStartup(dataSource.connection.use { DBCheckpointStorage().getCheckpointCount(it) != 0L })
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file