mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 03:25:43 +00:00
Add simulation classes, which build on top of the MockNetwork infrastructure but set up a group of nodes and performs scenarios between them. Currently there's a base class and two subclasses, one that does the trader demo scenario and one that does an IRS with fixings scenario.
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,17 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
keyManagement = E2ETestKeyManagementService()
api = APIServerImpl(this)
identity = makeIdentityService()
// This object doesn't need to be referenced from this class because it registers handlers on the network
// service and so that keeps it from being collected.
DataVendingService(net, storage)
return this
private fun makeTimestampingService(timestamperAddress: NodeInfo?) {
// Insert a network map entry for the timestamper: this is all temp scaffolding and will go away. If we are
// given the details, the timestamping node is somewhere else. Otherwise, we do our own timestamping.
val tsid = if (timestamperAddress != null) {
@ -126,14 +136,6 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(val dir: Path, val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
NodeInfo(net.myAddress, storage.myLegalIdentity)
(services.networkMapCache as MockNetworkMapCache).timestampingNodes.add(tsid)
identity = makeIdentityService()
// This object doesn't need to be referenced from this class because it registers handlers on the network
// service and so that keeps it from being collected.
DataVendingService(net, storage)
return this
lateinit var interestRatesService: NodeInterestRates.Service
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ interface NetworkMapCache {
val timestampingNodes: List<NodeInfo>
val ratesOracleNodes: List<NodeInfo>
val partyNodes: List<NodeInfo>
val regulators: List<NodeInfo>
fun nodeForPartyName(name: String): NodeInfo? = partyNodes.singleOrNull { it.identity.name == name }
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ class MockNetworkMapCache : NetworkMapCache {
override val timestampingNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val ratesOracleNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val partyNodes = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
override val regulators = Collections.synchronizedList(ArrayList<NodeInfo>())
init {
partyNodes.add(NodeInfo(MockAddress("bankC:8080"), Party("Bank C", DummyPublicKey("Bank C"))))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.testing
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture
import contracts.InterestRateSwap
import core.*
import core.crypto.SecureHash
import core.node.services.FixedIdentityService
import core.node.services.linearHeadsOfType
import core.utilities.JsonSupport
import protocols.TwoPartyDealProtocol
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.*
* A simulation in which banks execute interest rate swaps with each other, including the fixing events.
class IRSSimulation(runAsync: Boolean, latencyInjector: InMemoryMessagingNetwork.LatencyCalculator?) : Simulation(runAsync, latencyInjector) {
val om = JsonSupport.createDefaultMapper(FixedIdentityService(network.identities))
init {
currentDay = LocalDate.of(2016, 3, 10) // Should be 12th but the actual first fixing date gets rolled backwards.
private val executeOnNextIteration = Collections.synchronizedList(LinkedList<() -> Unit>())
override fun start() {
startIRSDealBetween(0, 1).success {
// Next iteration is a pause.
executeOnNextIteration.add {}
executeOnNextIteration.add {
// Keep fixing until there's no more left to do.
doNextFixing(0, 1)?.addListener(object : Runnable {
override fun run() {
// Pause for an iteration.
executeOnNextIteration.add {}
executeOnNextIteration.add {
doNextFixing(0, 1)?.addListener(this, RunOnCallerThread)
}, RunOnCallerThread)
private fun doNextFixing(i: Int, j: Int): ListenableFuture<*>? {
println("Doing a fixing between $i and $j")
val node1: SimulatedNode = banks[i]
val node2: SimulatedNode = banks[j]
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
val swaps: Map<SecureHash, StateAndRef<InterestRateSwap.State>> = node1.services.walletService.linearHeadsOfType<InterestRateSwap.State>()
val theDealRef: StateAndRef<InterestRateSwap.State> = swaps.values.single()
// Do we have any more days left in this deal's lifetime? If not, return.
val nextFixingDate = theDealRef.state.calculation.nextFixingDate() ?: return null
extraNodeLabels[node1] = "Fixing event on $nextFixingDate"
extraNodeLabels[node2] = "Fixing event on $nextFixingDate"
// For some reason the first fix is always before the effective date.
if (nextFixingDate > currentDay)
currentDay = nextFixingDate
val sideA = TwoPartyDealProtocol.Floater(node2.net.myAddress, sessionID, timestamper.info,
theDealRef, node1.services.keyManagementService.freshKey(), sessionID)
val sideB = TwoPartyDealProtocol.Fixer(node1.net.myAddress, timestamper.info.identity,
theDealRef, sessionID)
linkConsensus(listOf(node1, node2, regulators[0]), sideB)
linkProtocolProgress(node1, sideA)
linkProtocolProgress(node2, sideB)
// We have to start the protocols in separate iterations, as adding to the SMM effectively 'iterates' that node
// in the simulation, so if we don't do this then the two sides seem to act simultaneously.
val retFuture = SettableFuture.create<Any>()
val futA = node1.smm.add("floater", sideA)
executeOnNextIteration += {
val futB = node2.smm.add("fixer", sideB)
Futures.allAsList(futA, futB).then {
return retFuture
private fun startIRSDealBetween(i: Int, j: Int): ListenableFuture<SignedTransaction> {
val node1: SimulatedNode = banks[i]
val node2: SimulatedNode = banks[j]
extraNodeLabels[node1] = "Setting up deal"
extraNodeLabels[node2] = "Setting up deal"
// We load the IRS afresh each time because the leg parts of the structure aren't data classes so they don't
// have the convenient copy() method that'd let us make small adjustments. Instead they're partly mutable.
// TODO: We should revisit this in post-Excalibur cleanup and fix, e.g. by introducing an interface.
val irs = om.readValue<InterestRateSwap.State>(javaClass.getResource("trade.json"))
irs.fixedLeg.fixedRatePayer = node1.info.identity
irs.floatingLeg.floatingRatePayer = node2.info.identity
if (irs.fixedLeg.effectiveDate < irs.floatingLeg.effectiveDate)
currentDay = irs.fixedLeg.effectiveDate
currentDay = irs.floatingLeg.effectiveDate
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
val instigator = TwoPartyDealProtocol.Instigator(node2.net.myAddress, timestamper.info,
irs, node1.services.keyManagementService.freshKey(), sessionID)
val acceptor = TwoPartyDealProtocol.Acceptor(node1.net.myAddress, timestamper.info.identity,
irs, sessionID)
// TODO: Eliminate the need for linkProtocolProgress
linkConsensus(listOf(node1, node2, regulators[0]), acceptor)
linkProtocolProgress(node1, instigator)
linkProtocolProgress(node2, acceptor)
val instigatorFuture: ListenableFuture<SignedTransaction> = node1.smm.add("instigator", instigator)
return Futures.transformAsync(Futures.allAsList(instigatorFuture, node2.smm.add("acceptor", acceptor))) {
override fun iterate() {
if (executeOnNextIteration.isNotEmpty())
@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ class MockNetwork(private val threadPerNode: Boolean = false,
return this
val place: PhysicalLocation get() = info.physicalLocation!!
/** Returns a started node, optionally created by the passed factory method */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.testing
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import core.node.NodeConfiguration
import core.node.services.CityDatabase
import core.node.services.MockNetworkMapCache
import core.node.services.NodeInfo
import core.node.services.PhysicalLocation
import core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import core.then
import core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import rx.Observable
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.*
* Base class for network simulations that are based on the unit test / mock environment.
* Sets up some nodes that can run protocols between each other, and exposes their progress trackers. Provides banks
* in a few cities around the world.
abstract class Simulation(val runAsync: Boolean,
val latencyInjector: InMemoryMessagingNetwork.LatencyCalculator?) {
init {
if (!runAsync && latencyInjector != null)
throw IllegalArgumentException("The latency injector is only useful when using manual pumping.")
val bankLocations = listOf("London", "Frankfurt", "Rome")
// This puts together a mock network of SimulatedNodes.
open class SimulatedNode(dir: Path, config: NodeConfiguration, mockNet: MockNetwork,
withTimestamper: NodeInfo?) : MockNetwork.MockNode(dir, config, mockNet, withTimestamper) {
override fun findMyLocation(): PhysicalLocation? = CityDatabase[configuration.nearestCity]
inner class BankFactory : MockNetwork.Factory {
var counter = 0
override fun create(dir: Path, config: NodeConfiguration, network: MockNetwork, timestamperAddr: NodeInfo?): MockNetwork.MockNode {
val letter = 'A' + counter
val city = bankLocations[counter++ % bankLocations.size]
val cfg = object : NodeConfiguration {
// TODO: Set this back to "Bank of $city" after video day.
override val myLegalName: String = "Bank $letter"
override val exportJMXto: String = ""
override val nearestCity: String = city
val node = SimulatedNode(dir, cfg, network, timestamperAddr)
// TODO: This is obviously bogus: there should be a single network map for the whole simulated network.
(node.services.networkMapCache as MockNetworkMapCache).ratesOracleNodes += ratesOracle.info
(node.services.networkMapCache as MockNetworkMapCache).regulators += regulators.map { it.info }
return node
fun createAll(): List<SimulatedNode> = bankLocations.map { network.createNode(timestamper.info, nodeFactory = this) as SimulatedNode }
val bankFactory = BankFactory()
object TimestampingNodeFactory : MockNetwork.Factory {
override fun create(dir: Path, config: NodeConfiguration, network: MockNetwork, timestamperAddr: NodeInfo?): MockNetwork.MockNode {
val cfg = object : NodeConfiguration {
override val myLegalName: String = "Timestamping Service" // A magic string recognised by the CP contract
override val exportJMXto: String = ""
override val nearestCity: String = "Zurich"
return SimulatedNode(dir, cfg, network, timestamperAddr)
object RatesOracleFactory : MockNetwork.Factory {
override fun create(dir: Path, config: NodeConfiguration, network: MockNetwork, timestamperAddr: NodeInfo?): MockNetwork.MockNode {
val cfg = object : NodeConfiguration {
override val myLegalName: String = "Rates Service Provider"
override val exportJMXto: String = ""
override val nearestCity: String = "Madrid"
val n = object : SimulatedNode(dir, cfg, network, timestamperAddr) {
override fun makeInterestRatesOracleService() {
(services.networkMapCache as MockNetworkMapCache).ratesOracleNodes += info
return n
object RegulatorFactory : MockNetwork.Factory {
override fun create(dir: Path, config: NodeConfiguration, network: MockNetwork, timestamperAddr: NodeInfo?): MockNetwork.MockNode {
val cfg = object : NodeConfiguration {
override val myLegalName: String = "Regulator A"
override val exportJMXto: String = ""
override val nearestCity: String = "Paris"
val n = object : SimulatedNode(dir, cfg, network, timestamperAddr) {
// TODO: Regulatory nodes don't actually exist properly, this is a last minute demo request.
// So we just fire a message at a node that doesn't know how to handle it, and it'll ignore it.
// But that's fine for visualisation purposes.
return n
val network = MockNetwork(false)
val timestamper: SimulatedNode = network.createNode(null, nodeFactory = TimestampingNodeFactory) as SimulatedNode
val ratesOracle: SimulatedNode = network.createNode(null, nodeFactory = RatesOracleFactory) as SimulatedNode
val serviceProviders: List<SimulatedNode> = listOf(timestamper, ratesOracle)
val banks: List<SimulatedNode> = bankFactory.createAll()
val regulators: List<SimulatedNode> = listOf(network.createNode(null, nodeFactory = RegulatorFactory) as SimulatedNode)
private val _allProtocolSteps = PublishSubject.create<Pair<SimulatedNode, ProgressTracker.Change>>()
private val _doneSteps = PublishSubject.create<Collection<SimulatedNode>>()
val allProtocolSteps: Observable<Pair<SimulatedNode, ProgressTracker.Change>> = _allProtocolSteps
val doneSteps: Observable<Collection<SimulatedNode>> = _doneSteps
private var pumpCursor = 0
* The current simulated date. By default this never changes. If you want it to change, you should do so from
* within your overridden [iterate] call. Changes in the current day surface in the [dateChanges] observable.
var currentDay: LocalDate = LocalDate.now()
protected set(value) {
field = value
private val _dateChanges = PublishSubject.create<LocalDate>()
val dateChanges: Observable<LocalDate> = _dateChanges
* A place for simulations to stash human meaningful text about what the node is "thinking", which might appear
* in the UI somewhere.
val extraNodeLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap<SimulatedNode, String>())
* Iterates the simulation by one step.
* The default implementation circles around the nodes, pumping until one of them handles a message. The next call
* will carry on from where this one stopped. In an environment where you want to take actions between anything
* interesting happening, or control the precise speed at which things operate (beyond the latency injector), this
* is a useful way to do things.
open fun iterate() {
// Keep going until one of the nodes has something to do, or we have checked every node.
val endpoints = network.messagingNetwork.endpoints
var countDown = endpoints.size
while (countDown > 0) {
val handledMessage = endpoints[pumpCursor].pump(false)
if (handledMessage) break
// If this node had nothing to do, advance the cursor with wraparound and try again.
pumpCursor = (pumpCursor + 1) % endpoints.size
protected fun linkProtocolProgress(node: SimulatedNode, protocol: ProtocolLogic<*>) {
val pt = protocol.progressTracker ?: return
pt.changes.subscribe { change: ProgressTracker.Change ->
// Runs on node thread.
_allProtocolSteps.onNext(Pair(node, change))
// This isn't technically a "change" but it helps with UIs to send this notification of the first step.
_allProtocolSteps.onNext(Pair(node, ProgressTracker.Change.Position(pt, pt.steps[1])))
protected fun linkConsensus(nodes: Collection<SimulatedNode>, protocol: ProtocolLogic<*>) {
protocol.progressTracker?.changes?.subscribe { change: ProgressTracker.Change ->
// Runs on node thread.
if (protocol.progressTracker!!.currentStep == ProgressTracker.DONE) {
open fun start() {}
fun stop() {
network.nodes.forEach { it.stop() }
* Given a function that returns a future, iterates that function with arguments like (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3) etc
* each time the returned future completes.
fun startTradingCircle(tradeBetween: (indexA: Int, indexB: Int) -> ListenableFuture<*>) {
fun next(i: Int, j: Int) {
tradeBetween(i, j).then {
val ni = (i + 1) % banks.size
val nj = (j + 1) % banks.size
next(ni, nj)
next(0, 1)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Copyright 2015 Distributed Ledger Group LLC. Distributed as Licensed Company IP to DLG Group Members
* pursuant to the August 7, 2015 Advisory Services Agreement and subject to the Company IP License terms
* set forth therein.
* All other rights reserved.
package core.testing
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import contracts.CommercialPaper
import core.*
import core.node.services.NodeWalletService
import core.utilities.BriefLogFormatter
import protocols.TwoPartyTradeProtocol
import java.time.Instant
* Simulates a never ending series of trades that go pair-wise through the banks (e.g. A and B trade with each other,
* then B and C trade with each other, then C and A etc).
class TradeSimulation(runAsync: Boolean, latencyInjector: InMemoryMessagingNetwork.LatencyCalculator?) : Simulation(runAsync, latencyInjector) {
override fun start() {
BriefLogFormatter.loggingOn("bank", "core.TransactionGroup", "recordingmap")
startTradingCircle { i, j -> tradeBetween(i, j) }
private fun tradeBetween(buyerBankIndex: Int, sellerBankIndex: Int): ListenableFuture<MutableList<SignedTransaction>> {
val buyer = banks[buyerBankIndex]
val seller = banks[sellerBankIndex]
(buyer.services.walletService as NodeWalletService).fillWithSomeTestCash(1500.DOLLARS)
val issuance = run {
val tx = CommercialPaper().generateIssue(seller.info.identity.ref(1, 2, 3), 1100.DOLLARS, Instant.now() + 10.days)
tx.setTime(Instant.now(), timestamper.info.identity, 30.seconds)
seller.services.storageService.validatedTransactions[issuance.id] = issuance
val sessionID = random63BitValue()
val buyerProtocol = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Buyer(seller.net.myAddress, timestamper.info.identity,
1000.DOLLARS, CommercialPaper.State::class.java, sessionID)
val sellerProtocol = TwoPartyTradeProtocol.Seller(buyer.net.myAddress, timestamper.info,
issuance.tx.outRef(0), 1000.DOLLARS, seller.storage.myLegalIdentityKey, sessionID)
linkConsensus(listOf(buyer, seller, timestamper), sellerProtocol)
linkProtocolProgress(buyer, buyerProtocol)
linkProtocolProgress(seller, sellerProtocol)
val buyerFuture = buyer.smm.add("bank.$buyerBankIndex.${TwoPartyTradeProtocol.TRADE_TOPIC}.buyer", buyerProtocol)
val sellerFuture = seller.smm.add("bank.$sellerBankIndex.${TwoPartyTradeProtocol.TRADE_TOPIC}.seller", sellerProtocol)
return Futures.successfulAsList(buyerFuture, sellerFuture)
@ -73,8 +73,11 @@ object TwoPartyDealProtocol {
object TIMESTAMPING : ProgressTracker.Step("Timestamping transaction")
object SENDING_SIGS : ProgressTracker.Step("Sending transaction signatures to other party")
object RECORDING : ProgressTracker.Step("Recording completed transaction")
object COPYING_TO_REGULATOR : ProgressTracker.Step("Copying regulator")
childrenFor[TIMESTAMPING] = TimestampingProtocol.tracker()
@ -149,6 +152,15 @@ object TwoPartyDealProtocol {
logger.trace { "Deal stored" }
val regulators = serviceHub.networkMapCache.regulators
if (regulators.isNotEmpty()) {
// Copy the transaction to every regulator in the network. This is obviously completely bogus, it's
// just for demo purposes.
for (regulator in regulators) {
send("regulator.all.seeing.eye", regulator.address, 0, fullySigned)
return fullySigned
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Some pretend noddy rate fixes, for the interest rate oracles.
3M USD 2016-03-16 1M = 0.678
3M USD 2016-03-16 2M = 0.655
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 1M = 0.123
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 2M = 0.111
3M USD 2016-03-08 3M = 0.0063515
3M USD 2016-06-08 3M = 0.0063520
3M USD 2016-09-08 3M = 0.0063521
3M USD 2016-12-08 3M = 0.0063515
3M USD 2017-03-08 3M = 0.0063525
3M USD 2017-06-08 3M = 0.0063530
3M USD 2017-09-07 3M = 0.0063531
3M USD 2017-12-07 3M = 0.0063532
3M USD 2018-03-08 3M = 0.0063533
3M USD 2018-06-07 3M = 0.0063534
3M USD 2018-09-06 3M = 0.0063535
3M USD 2018-12-06 3M = 0.0063536
3M USD 2019-03-07 3M = 0.0063537
3M USD 2019-06-06 3M = 0.0063538
3M USD 2019-09-06 3M = 0.0063539
3M USD 2019-12-06 3M = 0.0063540
3M USD 2020-03-06 3M = 0.0063541
3M USD 2020-06-08 3M = 0.0063542
3M USD 2020-09-08 3M = 0.0063543
3M USD 2020-12-08 3M = 0.0063544
3M USD 2021-03-08 3M = 0.0063545
3M USD 2021-06-08 3M = 0.0063546
3M USD 2021-09-08 3M = 0.0063547
3M USD 2021-12-08 3M = 0.0063548
3M USD 2022-03-08 3M = 0.0063549
3M USD 2022-06-08 3M = 0.0063550
3M USD 2022-09-08 3M = 0.0063551
3M USD 2022-12-08 3M = 0.0063553
3M USD 2023-03-08 3M = 0.0063554
3M USD 2023-06-08 3M = 0.0063555
3M USD 2023-09-07 3M = 0.0063556
3M USD 2023-12-07 3M = 0.0063557
3M USD 2024-03-07 3M = 0.0063558
3M USD 2024-06-06 3M = 0.0063559
3M USD 2024-09-06 3M = 0.0063560
3M USD 2024-12-06 3M = 0.0063561
3M USD 2025-03-06 3M = 0.0063562
3M USD 2025-06-06 3M = 0.0063563
3M USD 2025-09-08 3M = 0.0063564
3M USD 2025-12-08 3M = 0.0063565
3M USD 2026-03-06 3M = 0.0063566
3M USD 2026-06-08 3M = 0.0063567
3M USD 2026-09-08 3M = 0.0063568
3M USD 2026-12-08 3M = 0.0063569
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
"fixedLeg": {
"fixedRatePayer": "Bank A",
"notional": {
"pennies": 2500000000,
"currency": "USD"
"paymentFrequency": "SemiAnnual",
"effectiveDate": "2016-03-16",
"effectiveDateAdjustment": null,
"terminationDate": "2026-03-16",
"terminationDateAdjustment": null,
"fixedRate": {
"ratioUnit": {
"value": "0.01676"
"dayCountBasisDay": "D30",
"dayCountBasisYear": "Y360",
"rollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing",
"dayInMonth": 10,
"paymentRule": "InArrears",
"paymentDelay": 0,
"paymentCalendar": "London",
"interestPeriodAdjustment": "Adjusted"
"floatingLeg": {
"floatingRatePayer": "Bank B",
"notional": {
"pennies": 2500000000,
"currency": "USD"
"paymentFrequency": "Quarterly",
"effectiveDate": "2016-03-12",
"effectiveDateAdjustment": null,
"terminationDate": "2026-03-12",
"terminationDateAdjustment": null,
"dayCountBasisDay": "D30",
"dayCountBasisYear": "Y360",
"rollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing",
"fixingRollConvention": "ModifiedFollowing",
"dayInMonth": 10,
"resetDayInMonth": 10,
"paymentRule": "InArrears",
"paymentDelay": 0,
"paymentCalendar": [ "London" ],
"interestPeriodAdjustment": "Adjusted",
"fixingPeriod": "TWODAYS",
"resetRule": "InAdvance",
"fixingsPerPayment": "Quarterly",
"fixingCalendar": [ "NewYork" ],
"index": "3M USD",
"indexSource": "Rates Service Provider",
"indexTenor": {
"name": "3M"
"calculation": {
"expression": "( fixedLeg.notional.pennies * (fixedLeg.fixedRate.ratioUnit.value)) -(floatingLeg.notional.pennies * (calculation.fixingSchedule.get(context.getDate('currentDate')).rate.ratioUnit.value))",
"floatingLegPaymentSchedule": {
"fixedLegPaymentSchedule": {
"common": {
"baseCurrency": "EUR",
"eligibleCurrency": "EUR",
"eligibleCreditSupport": "Cash in an Eligible Currency",
"independentAmounts": {
"pennies": 0,
"currency": "EUR"
"threshold": {
"pennies": 0,
"currency": "EUR"
"minimumTransferAmount": {
"pennies": 25000000,
"currency": "EUR"
"rounding": {
"pennies": 1000000,
"currency": "EUR"
"valuationDate": "Every Local Business Day",
"notificationTime": "2:00pm London",
"resolutionTime": "2:00pm London time on the first LocalBusiness Day following the date on which the notice is given ",
"interestRate": {
"oracle": "Rates Service Provider",
"tenor": {
"name": "6M"
"ratioUnit": null,
"name": "EONIA"
"addressForTransfers": "",
"exposure": {},
"localBusinessDay": [ "London" , "NewYork" ],
"dailyInterestAmount": "(CashAmount * InterestRate ) / (fixedLeg.notional.currency.currencyCode.equals('GBP')) ? 365 : 360",
"tradeID": "tradeXXX",
"hashLegalDocs": "put hash here"
"programRef": "1E6BBA305D445341F0026E51B6C7F3ACB834AFC6C2510C0EF7BC0477235EFECF"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user