Merge pull request #1349 from corda/mike-merge-2fae95c58f9

Merge to 2fae95c58f9
This commit is contained in:
Rick Parker 2018-08-22 14:52:55 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 153519e72e
No known key found for this signature in database
22 changed files with 232 additions and 183 deletions

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@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ import
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
* Temporarily restore Sun's [SecureRandom] provider.
* This is ONLY for allowing us to generate test data, e.g. signatures.
class CheatingSecurityProvider : Provider(NAME, 1.8, "$NAME security provider"), AutoCloseable {
class CheatingSecurityProvider : Provider("Cheat-${counter.getAndIncrement()}", 1.8, "Cheat security provider"), AutoCloseable {
private companion object {
private const val NAME = "Cheat!"
private val counter = AtomicInteger()
init {
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ class CheatingSecurityProvider : Provider(NAME, 1.8, "$NAME security provider"),
override fun close() {
private class SunSecureRandom : SecureRandom(, null)

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@ -208,6 +208,11 @@ interface SerializationContext {
fun withEncoding(encoding: SerializationEncoding?): SerializationContext
* A shallow copy of this context but with the given encoding whitelist.
fun withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist: EncodingWhitelist): SerializationContext
* The use case that we are serializing for, since it influences the implementations chosen.

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@ -11,23 +11,36 @@
package net.corda.core.cordapp
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.crypto.Crypto.generateKeyPair
import net.corda.core.crypto.sign
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.copyToDirectory
import net.corda.core.internal.createDirectories
import net.corda.core.internal.div
import net.corda.core.internal.list
import net.corda.core.identity.PartyAndCertificate
import net.corda.core.internal.*
import net.corda.core.messaging.startFlow
import net.corda.core.node.NodeInfo
import net.corda.core.serialization.serialize
import net.corda.core.utilities.NetworkHostAndPort
import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.DEV_INTERMEDIATE_CA
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.DEV_ROOT_CA
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.SignedNodeInfo
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.config.User
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.createDevNodeCa
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.crypto.CertificateType
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.crypto.X509Utilities
import net.corda.smoketesting.NodeConfig
import net.corda.smoketesting.NodeProcess
import net.corda.smoketesting.NodeProcess.Companion.CORDAPPS_DIR_NAME
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.Test
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import kotlin.streams.toList
@ -50,13 +63,21 @@ class CordappSmokeTest {
fun `FlowContent appName returns the filename of the CorDapp jar`() {
val cordappsDir = (factory.baseDirectory(aliceConfig) / CORDAPPS_DIR_NAME).createDirectories()
val baseDir = factory.baseDirectory(aliceConfig)
val cordappsDir = (baseDir / CORDAPPS_DIR_NAME).createDirectories()
// Find the jar file for the smoke tests of this module
val selfCordapp = Paths.get("build", "libs").list {
it.filter { "-smokeTests" in it.toString() }.toList().single()
// The `nodeReadyFuture` in the persistent network map cache will not complete unless there is at least one other
// node in the network. We work around this limitation by putting another node info file in the additional-node-info
// folder.
// TODO clean this up after we refactor the persistent network map cache / network map updater
val additionalNodeInfoDir = (baseDir / "additional-node-infos").createDirectories()
factory.create(aliceConfig).use { alice ->
alice.connect().use { connectionToAlice ->
val aliceIdentity = connectionToAlice.proxy.nodeInfo().legalIdentitiesAndCerts.first().party
@ -100,4 +121,39 @@ class CordappSmokeTest {
private fun createDummyNodeInfo(additionalNodeInfoDir: Path) {
val dummyKeyPair = generateKeyPair()
val nodeInfo = createNodeInfoWithSingleIdentity(CordaX500Name(organisation = "Bob Corp", locality = "Madrid", country = "ES"), dummyKeyPair, dummyKeyPair.public)
val signedNodeInfo = signWith(nodeInfo, listOf(dummyKeyPair.private))
(additionalNodeInfoDir / "nodeInfo-41408E093F95EAD51F6892C34DEB65AE1A3569A4B0E5744769A1B485AF8E04B5").write(signedNodeInfo.serialize().bytes)
private fun createNodeInfoWithSingleIdentity(name: CordaX500Name, nodeKeyPair: KeyPair, identityCertPublicKey: PublicKey): NodeInfo {
val nodeCertificateAndKeyPair = createDevNodeCa(DEV_INTERMEDIATE_CA, name, nodeKeyPair)
val identityCert = X509Utilities.createCertificate(
val certPath = X509Utilities.buildCertPath(
val partyAndCertificate = PartyAndCertificate(certPath)
return NodeInfo(
listOf(NetworkHostAndPort("my.${}.com", 1234)),
private fun signWith(nodeInfo: NodeInfo, keys: List<PrivateKey>): SignedNodeInfo {
val serialized = nodeInfo.serialize()
val signatures = { it.sign(serialized.bytes) }
return SignedNodeInfo(serialized, signatures)

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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
import net.corda.core.contracts.AlwaysAcceptAttachmentConstraint
import net.corda.core.flows.NotaryFlow
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.transactions.TransactionBuilder
import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.testing.contracts.DummyContract
import net.corda.testing.core.dummyCommand
import net.corda.testing.core.singleIdentity
import net.corda.testing.internal.IntegrationTest
import net.corda.testing.internal.IntegrationTestSchemas
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.cordappsForPackages
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.InternalMockNetwork
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.TestStartedNode
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.startFlow
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.ClassRule
import org.junit.Test
class BFTSMaRtTests : IntegrationTest() {
companion object {
val databaseSchemas = IntegrationTestSchemas("node_0", "node_1", "node_2", "node_3", "node_4", "node_5",
"node_6", "node_7", "node_8", "node_9")
private lateinit var mockNet: InternalMockNetwork
fun before() {
mockNet = InternalMockNetwork(cordappsForAllNodes = cordappsForPackages("net.corda.testing.contracts"))
fun stopNodes() {
/** Failure mode is the redundant replica gets stuck in startup, so we can't dispose it cleanly at the end. */
fun `all replicas start even if there is a new consensus during startup`() {
val clusterSize = minClusterSize(1)
val (notary, node) = startBftClusterAndNode(clusterSize, mockNet, exposeRaces = true) // This true adds a sleep to expose the race.
val f = {
val trivialTx = signInitialTransaction(notary) {
addOutputState(DummyContract.SingleOwnerState(owner = info.singleIdentity()), DummyContract.PROGRAM_ID, AlwaysAcceptAttachmentConstraint)
// Create a new consensus while the redundant replica is sleeping:
private fun TestStartedNode.signInitialTransaction(notary: Party, block: TransactionBuilder.() -> Any?): SignedTransaction {
return services.signInitialTransaction(
TransactionBuilder(notary).apply {

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ open class NodeStartup(val args: Array<String>) {
private fun Exception.logAsExpected(message: String? = this.message, print: (String?) -> Unit = logger::error) = print("$message [errorCode=${errorCode()}]")
private fun Exception.logAsUnexpected(message: String? = this.message, error: Exception = this, print: (String?, Throwable) -> Unit = logger::error) = print("$message [errorCode=${errorCode()}]", error)
private fun Exception.logAsUnexpected(message: String? = this.message, error: Exception = this, print: (String?, Throwable) -> Unit = logger::error) = print("$message${this.message?.let { ": $it" } ?: ""} [errorCode=${errorCode()}]", error)
private fun Exception.isOpenJdkKnownIssue() = message?.startsWith("Unknown named curve:") == true

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@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class TestScheme : AbstractKryoSerializationScheme() {
override fun rpcClientKryoPool(context: SerializationContext): KryoPool = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun rpcServerKryoPool(context: SerializationContext): KryoPool = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
@ -99,7 +98,6 @@ class KryoTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncoding?) {
assertThat(bits.deserialize(factory, context)).isEqualTo(Person("bob", null))
fun `serialised form is stable when the same object instance is added to the deserialised object graph`() {
val noReferencesContext = context.withoutReferences()
@ -366,4 +364,16 @@ class KryoTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncoding?) {
assertEquals(encodingNotPermittedFormat.format(compression), message)
fun `compression reduces number of bytes significantly`() {
class Holder(val holder: ByteArray)
val obj = Holder(ByteArray(20000))
val uncompressedSize = obj.serialize(factory, context.withEncoding(null)).size
val compressedSize = obj.serialize(factory, context.withEncoding(CordaSerializationEncoding.SNAPPY)).size
// If these need fixing, sounds like Kryo wire format changed and checkpoints might not surive an upgrade.
assertEquals(20222, uncompressedSize)
assertEquals(1111, compressedSize)

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.OpaqueBytes
import net.corda.serialization.internal.OrdinalBits.OrdinalWriter
import org.iq80.snappy.SnappyFramedInputStream
import org.iq80.snappy.SnappyFramedOutputStream
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ enum class CordaSerializationEncoding : SerializationEncoding, OrdinalWriter {
override fun wrap(stream: InputStream) = InflaterInputStream(stream)
override fun wrap(stream: OutputStream) = SnappyFramedOutputStream(stream)
override fun wrap(stream: OutputStream) = FlushAverseOutputStream(SnappyFramedOutputStream(stream))
override fun wrap(stream: InputStream) = SnappyFramedInputStream(stream, false)
@ -68,3 +69,21 @@ enum class CordaSerializationEncoding : SerializationEncoding, OrdinalWriter {
const val encodingNotPermittedFormat = "Encoding not permitted: %s"
* Has an empty flush implementation. This is because Kryo keeps calling flush all the time, which stops the Snappy
* stream from building up big chunks to compress and instead keeps compressing small chunks giving terrible compression ratio.
class FlushAverseOutputStream(private val delegate: OutputStream) : OutputStream() {
override fun write(b: Int) = delegate.write(b)
override fun write(b: ByteArray?, off: Int, len: Int) = delegate.write(b, off, len)
override fun close() {

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@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ data class SerializationContextImpl @JvmOverloads constructor(override val prefe
override fun withPreferredSerializationVersion(magic: SerializationMagic) = copy(preferredSerializationVersion = magic)
override fun withEncoding(encoding: SerializationEncoding?) = copy(encoding = encoding)
override fun withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist: EncodingWhitelist) = copy(encodingWhitelist = encodingWhitelist)

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@ -39,9 +39,8 @@ data class ObjectAndEnvelope<out T>(val obj: T, val envelope: Envelope)
* instances and threads.
class DeserializationInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
private val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory,
private val encodingWhitelist: EncodingWhitelist = NullEncodingWhitelist
class DeserializationInput constructor(
private val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory
) {
private val objectHistory: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf()
private val logger = loggerFor<DeserializationInput>()
@ -90,9 +89,9 @@ class DeserializationInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
fun getEnvelope(byteSequence: ByteSequence) = getEnvelope(byteSequence, encodingWhitelist)
fun getEnvelope(byteSequence: ByteSequence, context: SerializationContext) = getEnvelope(byteSequence, context.encodingWhitelist)
@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ class DeserializationInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
fun <T : Any> deserialize(bytes: ByteSequence, clazz: Class<T>, context: SerializationContext): T =
des {
val envelope = getEnvelope(bytes, encodingWhitelist)
val envelope = getEnvelope(bytes, context.encodingWhitelist)
logger.trace("deserialize blob scheme=\"${envelope.schema.toString()}\"")
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ class DeserializationInput @JvmOverloads constructor(
clazz: Class<T>,
context: SerializationContext
): ObjectAndEnvelope<T> = des {
val envelope = getEnvelope(bytes, encodingWhitelist)
val envelope = getEnvelope(bytes, context.encodingWhitelist)
// Now pick out the obj and schema from the envelope.

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ package net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp
import net.corda.core.KeepForDJVM
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationEncoding
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import net.corda.core.utilities.contextLogger
import net.corda.serialization.internal.CordaSerializationEncoding
@ -38,9 +37,8 @@ data class BytesAndSchemas<T : Any>(
* instances and threads.
open class SerializationOutput @JvmOverloads constructor(
internal val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory,
private val encoding: SerializationEncoding? = null
open class SerializationOutput constructor(
internal val serializerFactory: SerializerFactory
) {
companion object {
private val logger = contextLogger()
@ -100,6 +98,7 @@ open class SerializationOutput @JvmOverloads constructor(
var stream: OutputStream = it
try {
val encoding = context.encoding
if (encoding != null) {
(encoding as CordaSerializationEncoding).writeTo(stream)

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@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.DeserializationInput
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.Envelope
import net.corda.serialization.internal.amqp.SerializerFactory
import net.corda.testing.core.SerializationEnvironmentRule
import net.corda.testing.internal.amqpSpecific
import net.corda.testing.internal.kryoSpecific
import net.corda.testing.core.SerializationEnvironmentRule
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions
import org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ListsSerializationTest {
fun <T : Any> verifyEnvelope(serBytes: SerializedBytes<T>, envVerBody: (Envelope) -> Unit) =
amqpSpecific("AMQP specific envelope verification") {
val context = SerializationFactory.defaultFactory.defaultContext
val envelope = DeserializationInput(SerializerFactory(context.whitelist, context.deserializationClassLoader)).getEnvelope(serBytes)
val envelope = DeserializationInput(SerializerFactory(context.whitelist, context.deserializationClassLoader)).getEnvelope(serBytes, context)

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@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
freshDeserializationFactory: SerializerFactory = defaultFactory(),
expectedEqual: Boolean = true,
expectDeserializedEqual: Boolean = true): T {
val ser = SerializationOutput(factory, compression)
val bytes = ser.serialize(obj)
val ser = SerializationOutput(factory)
val bytes = ser.serialize(obj, compression)
val decoder = DecoderImpl().apply {
this.register(Envelope.DESCRIPTOR, Envelope.Companion)
@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
val result = decoder.readObject() as Envelope
val des = DeserializationInput(freshDeserializationFactory, encodingWhitelist)
val desObj = des.deserialize(bytes)
val des = DeserializationInput(freshDeserializationFactory)
val desObj = des.deserialize(bytes, testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist))
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(obj, desObj) == expectedEqual)
// Now repeat with a re-used factory
val ser2 = SerializationOutput(factory, compression)
val des2 = DeserializationInput(factory, encodingWhitelist)
val desObj2 = des2.deserialize(ser2.serialize(obj))
val ser2 = SerializationOutput(factory)
val des2 = DeserializationInput(factory)
val desObj2 = des2.deserialize(ser2.serialize(obj, compression), testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist))
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(obj, desObj2) == expectedEqual)
assertTrue(Objects.deepEquals(desObj, desObj2) == expectDeserializedEqual)
@ -481,10 +481,10 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
fun `class constructor is invoked on deserialisation`() {
compression == null || return // Manipulation of serialized bytes is invalid if they're compressed.
val ser = SerializationOutput(SerializerFactory(AllWhitelist, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()), compression)
val des = DeserializationInput(ser.serializerFactory, encodingWhitelist)
val serialisedOne = ser.serialize(NonZeroByte(1)).bytes
val serialisedTwo = ser.serialize(NonZeroByte(2)).bytes
val ser = SerializationOutput(SerializerFactory(AllWhitelist, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()))
val des = DeserializationInput(ser.serializerFactory)
val serialisedOne = ser.serialize(NonZeroByte(1), compression).bytes
val serialisedTwo = ser.serialize(NonZeroByte(2), compression).bytes
// Find the index that holds the value byte
val valueIndex = { index, (oneByte, twoByte) ->
@ -495,12 +495,12 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
// Double check
copy[valueIndex] = 0x03
assertThat(des.deserialize(OpaqueBytes(copy),, testSerializationContext).value).isEqualTo(3)
assertThat(des.deserialize(OpaqueBytes(copy),, testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist)).value).isEqualTo(3)
// Now use the forbidden value
copy[valueIndex] = 0x00
assertThatExceptionOfType( {
des.deserialize(OpaqueBytes(copy),, testSerializationContext)
des.deserialize(OpaqueBytes(copy),, testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist))
}.withStackTraceContaining("Zero not allowed")
@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
val c = C(Amount(100, BigDecimal("1.5"), Currency.getInstance("USD")))
// were the issue not fixed we'd blow up here
SerializationOutput(factory, compression).serialize(c)
SerializationOutput(factory).serialize(c, compression)
@ -1216,9 +1216,9 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
compression ?: return
val factory = defaultFactory()
val data = ByteArray(12345).also { Random(0).nextBytes(it) }.let { it + it }
val compressed = SerializationOutput(factory, compression).serialize(data)
val compressed = SerializationOutput(factory).serialize(data, compression)
assertEquals(.5, compressed.size.toDouble() / data.size, .03)
assertArrayEquals(data, DeserializationInput(factory, encodingWhitelist).deserialize(compressed))
assertArrayEquals(data, DeserializationInput(factory).deserialize(compressed, testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist)))
@ -1226,9 +1226,9 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
compression ?: return
val factory = defaultFactory()
val compressed = SerializationOutput(factory, compression).serialize("whatever")
val input = DeserializationInput(factory, encodingWhitelist)
catchThrowable { input.deserialize(compressed) }.run {
val compressed = SerializationOutput(factory).serialize("whatever", compression)
val input = DeserializationInput(factory)
catchThrowable { input.deserialize(compressed, testSerializationContext.withEncodingWhitelist(encodingWhitelist)) }.run {
assertSame(, javaClass)
assertEquals(encodingNotPermittedFormat.format(compression), message)
@ -1358,5 +1358,16 @@ class SerializationOutputTests(private val compression: CordaSerializationEncodi
throw Error("Deserializing serialized \$C should not throw")
fun `compression reduces number of bytes significantly`() {
val ser = SerializationOutput(SerializerFactory(AllWhitelist, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()))
val obj = ByteArray(20000)
val uncompressedSize = ser.serialize(obj).bytes.size
val compressedSize = ser.serialize(obj, CordaSerializationEncoding.SNAPPY).bytes.size
// Ordinarily this might be considered high maintenance, but we promised wire compatibility, so they'd better not change!
assertEquals(20059, uncompressedSize)
assertEquals(1018, compressedSize)

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import net.corda.core.internal.copyTo
import net.corda.core.internal.div
import net.corda.core.internal.packageName
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationEncoding
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import net.corda.core.utilities.OpaqueBytes
import net.corda.serialization.internal.AllWhitelist
@ -98,9 +99,9 @@ fun <T : Any> SerializationOutput.serializeAndReturnSchema(
fun <T : Any> SerializationOutput.serialize(obj: T): SerializedBytes<T> {
fun <T : Any> SerializationOutput.serialize(obj: T, encoding: SerializationEncoding? = null): SerializedBytes<T> {
try {
return _serialize(obj, testSerializationContext)
return _serialize(obj, testSerializationContext.withEncoding(encoding))
} finally {

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class BlobInspector : Runnable {
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Error: this input does not appear to be encoded in Corda's AMQP extended format, sorry.")
if (schema) {
val envelope = DeserializationInput.getEnvelope(bytes.sequence())
val envelope = DeserializationInput.getEnvelope(bytes.sequence(), SerializationDefaults.STORAGE_CONTEXT.encodingWhitelist)

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Explorer internal constructor(private val explorerController: ExplorerCont
val user = config.nodeConfig.rpcUsers[0]
val p = explorerController.process(

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class InstallFactory : Controller() {
val nodeConfig = config.parseAs<NodeConfig>(UnknownConfigKeysPolicy.IGNORE::handle)
val tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory(baseDir, ".node")

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@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ import java.util.Properties
data class NodeConfig(
val myLegalName: CordaX500Name,
val p2pAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
val rpcAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
val rpcAdminAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
val rpcSettings: NodeRpcSettings,
/** This is not used by the node but by the webserver which looks at node.conf. */
val webAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
val notary: NotaryService?,
@ -54,8 +53,8 @@ data class NodeConfig(
fun nodeConf(): Config {
val rpcSettings: ConfigObject = empty()
.withValue("address", valueFor(rpcAddress.toString()))
.withValue("adminAddress", valueFor(rpcAdminAddress.toString()))
.withValue("address", valueFor(rpcSettings.address.toString()))
.withValue("adminAddress", valueFor(rpcSettings.adminAddress.toString()))
val customMap: Map<String, Any> = HashMap<String, Any>().also {
if (issuableCurrencies.isNotEmpty()) {
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ data class NodeConfig(
val custom: ConfigObject = ConfigFactory.parseMap(customMap).root()
return NodeConfigurationData(myLegalName, p2pAddress, rpcAddress, notary, h2port, rpcUsers, useTestClock, detectPublicIp, devMode)
return NodeConfigurationData(myLegalName, p2pAddress, this.rpcSettings.address, notary, h2port, rpcUsers, useTestClock, detectPublicIp, devMode)
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ data class NodeConfig(
.withOptionalValue("custom", custom)
fun webServerConf() = WebServerConfigurationData(myLegalName, rpcAddress, webAddress, rpcUsers).asConfig()
fun webServerConf() = WebServerConfigurationData(myLegalName, rpcSettings.address, webAddress, rpcUsers).asConfig()
fun toNodeConfText() = nodeConf().render()

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@ -80,8 +80,10 @@ class NodeController(check: atRuntime = ::checkExists) : Controller() {
country = location.countryCode
p2pAddress = nodeData.p2pPort.toLocalAddress(),
rpcAddress = nodeData.rpcPort.toLocalAddress(),
rpcAdminAddress = nodeData.rpcAdminPort.toLocalAddress(),
rpcSettings = NodeRpcSettings(
address = nodeData.rpcPort.toLocalAddress(),
adminAddress = nodeData.rpcAdminPort.toLocalAddress()
webAddress = nodeData.webPort.toLocalAddress(),
notary = notary,
h2port = nodeData.h2Port.value,
@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ class NodeController(check: atRuntime = ::checkExists) : Controller() {
private fun updatePort(config: NodeConfig) {
val nextPort = 1 + arrayOf(config.p2pAddress.port, config.rpcAddress.port, config.webAddress.port, config.h2port).max() as Int
val nextPort = 1 + arrayOf(config.p2pAddress.port, config.rpcSettings.address.port, config.webAddress.port, config.h2port).max() as Int
port.getAndUpdate { Math.max(nextPort, it) }

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package net.corda.demobench.model
import net.corda.core.utilities.NetworkHostAndPort
data class NodeRpcSettings(
val address: NetworkHostAndPort,
val adminAddress: NetworkHostAndPort

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class NodeRPC(config: NodeConfigWrapper, start: (NodeConfigWrapper, CordaRPCOps)
private val oneSecond = SECONDS.toMillis(1)
private val rpcClient = CordaRPCClient(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", config.nodeConfig.rpcAddress.port))
private val rpcClient = CordaRPCClient(NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", config.nodeConfig.rpcSettings.address.port))
private var rpcConnection: CordaRPCConnection? = null
private val timer = Timer("DemoBench NodeRPC (${config.key})", true)

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@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ import net.corda.webserver.WebServerConfig
import org.junit.Test
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class NodeConfigTest {
companion object {
@ -32,21 +35,21 @@ class NodeConfigTest {
fun `reading node configuration`() {
val config = createConfig(
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 40002,
rpcAdminPort = 40005,
webPort = 20001,
h2port = 30001,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
users = listOf(user("jenny"))
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 40002,
rpcAdminPort = 40005,
webPort = 20001,
h2port = 30001,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
users = listOf(user("jenny"))
val nodeConfig = config.nodeConf()
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
.withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseMap(mapOf("devMode" to true)))
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
.withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseMap(mapOf("devMode" to true)))
val fullConfig = nodeConfig.parseAsNodeConfiguration()
// No custom configuration is created by default.
@ -63,20 +66,20 @@ class NodeConfigTest {
fun `reading node configuration with currencies`() {
val config = createConfig(
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 10002,
rpcAdminPort = 10003,
webPort = 10004,
h2port = 10005,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
issuableCurrencies = listOf("GBP")
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 10002,
rpcAdminPort = 10003,
webPort = 10004,
h2port = 10005,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
issuableCurrencies = listOf("GBP")
val nodeConfig = config.nodeConf()
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
val custom = nodeConfig.getConfig("custom")
assertEquals(listOf("GBP"), custom.getAnyRefList("issuableCurrencies"))
@ -84,20 +87,20 @@ class NodeConfigTest {
fun `reading webserver configuration`() {
val config = createConfig(
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 40002,
rpcAdminPort = 40003,
webPort = 20001,
h2port = 30001,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
users = listOf(user("jenny"))
legalName = myLegalName,
p2pPort = 10001,
rpcPort = 40002,
rpcAdminPort = 40003,
webPort = 20001,
h2port = 30001,
notary = NotaryService(validating = false),
users = listOf(user("jenny"))
val nodeConfig = config.webServerConf()
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
.withValue("baseDirectory", valueFor(baseDir.toString()))
val webConfig = WebServerConfig(baseDir, nodeConfig)
// No custom configuration is created by default.
@ -110,26 +113,28 @@ class NodeConfigTest {
private fun createConfig(
legalName: CordaX500Name = CordaX500Name(organisation = "Unknown", locality = "Nowhere", country = "GB"),
p2pPort: Int = -1,
rpcPort: Int = -1,
rpcAdminPort: Int = -1,
webPort: Int = -1,
h2port: Int = -1,
notary: NotaryService?,
users: List<User> = listOf(user("guest")),
issuableCurrencies: List<String> = emptyList()
legalName: CordaX500Name = CordaX500Name(organisation = "Unknown", locality = "Nowhere", country = "GB"),
p2pPort: Int = -1,
rpcPort: Int = -1,
rpcAdminPort: Int = -1,
webPort: Int = -1,
h2port: Int = -1,
notary: NotaryService?,
users: List<User> = listOf(user("guest")),
issuableCurrencies: List<String> = emptyList()
): NodeConfig {
return NodeConfig(
myLegalName = legalName,
p2pAddress = localPort(p2pPort),
rpcAddress = localPort(rpcPort),
rpcAdminAddress = localPort(rpcAdminPort),
webAddress = localPort(webPort),
h2port = h2port,
notary = notary,
rpcUsers = users,
issuableCurrencies = issuableCurrencies
myLegalName = legalName,
p2pAddress = localPort(p2pPort),
rpcSettings = NodeRpcSettings(
address = localPort(rpcPort),
adminAddress = localPort(rpcAdminPort)
webAddress = localPort(webPort),
h2port = h2port,
notary = notary,
rpcUsers = users,
issuableCurrencies = issuableCurrencies

View File

@ -173,8 +173,10 @@ class NodeControllerTest {
country = "US"
p2pAddress = localPort(p2pPort),
rpcAddress = localPort(rpcPort),
rpcAdminAddress = localPort(rpcAdminPort),
rpcSettings = NodeRpcSettings(
address = localPort(rpcPort),
adminAddress = localPort(rpcAdminPort)
webAddress = localPort(webPort),
h2port = h2port,
notary = notary,