This commit is contained in:
Joel Dice 2007-06-16 15:39:05 -06:00
parent 9e356c1b40
commit 1301a6a1c8

View File

@ -501,13 +501,65 @@ isLongOrDouble(object o)
inline object
getField(Thread* t, object instance, object field)
return cast<object>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field) * sizeof(object));
switch (rawArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field))[0]) {
case 'B':
return makeByte(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'C':
return makeChar(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'D':
return makeDouble(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'F':
return makeFloat(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'I':
return makeInt(t, cast<int32_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'J':
return makeLong(t, cast<int64_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'S':
return makeShort(t, cast<int16_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'Z':
return makeBoolean(t, cast<int8_t>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field)));
case 'L':
case '[':
return cast<object>(instance, fieldOffset(t, field));
default: abort(t);
inline void
setField(Thread* t, object o, object field, object value)
set(t, cast<object>(o, fieldOffset(t, field) * sizeof(object)), value);
switch (rawArrayBody(t, fieldSpec(t, field))[0]) {
case 'B':
cast<int8_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = byteValue(t, value);
case 'C':
cast<int16_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = charValue(t, value);
case 'D':
cast<int64_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = doubleValue(t, value);
case 'F':
cast<int32_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = floatValue(t, value);
case 'I':
cast<int32_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = intValue(t, value);
case 'J':
cast<int64_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = longValue(t, value);
case 'S':
cast<int16_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = shortValue(t, value);
case 'Z':
cast<int8_t>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)) = booleanValue(t, value);
case 'L':
case '[':
set(t, cast<object>(o, fieldOffset(t, field)), value);
default: abort(t);
inline object
@ -658,6 +710,12 @@ hash(const int8_t* s, unsigned length)
return h;
inline uint32_t
hashByteArray(Thread* t, object array)
return hash(byteArrayBody(t, array), byteArrayLength(t, array) - 1);
byteArrayEqual(Thread* t, object a, object b)
@ -695,6 +753,207 @@ hashMapInsert(Thread* t, object map, uint32_t hash, object key, object value)
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, map)[index], n);
parseInterfaceTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
PROTECT(t, class_);
PROTECT(t, pool);
object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, map);
object superInterfaces = classInterfaceTable(t, classSuper(t, class_));
PROTECT(t, superInterfaces);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rawArrayLength(t, superInterfaces); i += 2) {
object name = interfaceName(t, rawArrayBody(t, superInterfaces)[i]);
hashMapInsert(t, map, hashByteArray(t, name), name, name);
unsigned count = s.read2();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
object name = rawArrayBody(t, pool)[s.read2()];
hashMapInsert(t, map, hashByteArray(t, name), name, name);
object interfaceTable = 0;
if (hashMapSize(t, map)) {
interfaceTable = makeRawArray(t, hashMapSize(t, map));
unsigned i = 0;
for (object it = hmIterator(t, map); it; it = hmIteratorNext(t, it)) {
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, interfaceTable)[i], hmIteratorKey(t, it));
i += 2;
set(t, classInterfaceTable(t, class_), interfaceTable);
parseFieldTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
PROTECT(t, class_);
PROTECT(t, pool);
unsigned count = s.read2();
if (count) {
unsigned memberOffset
= classFixedSize(t, classSuper(t, class_)) * sizeof(void*);
unsigned staticOffset = 0;
object fieldTable = makeRawArray(t, count);
PROTECT(t, fieldTable);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
unsigned flags = s.read2();
unsigned name = s.read2();
unsigned spec = s.read2();
unsigned attributeCount = s.read2();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) {
object value = makeField(t,
0, // offset
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[name],
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec],
if (flags & ACC_STATIC) {
fieldOffset(t, value) = staticOffset++;
} else {
if (memberOffset % sizeof(void*) and isReferenceField(t, value)) {
while (memberOffset % sizeof(void*)) ++ memberOffset;
fieldOffset(t, value) = memberOffset;
memberOffset += fieldSize(t, value);
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, fieldTable)[i], value);
set(t, classFieldTable(t, class_), fieldTable);
if (staticOffset) {
object staticTable = makeRawArray(t, staticOffset);
memset(rawArrayBody(t, staticTable), 0, staticOffset * sizeof(void*));
set(t, classStaticTable(t, class_), staticTable);
parseCode(Thread* t, Stream& s)
parseMemberTable(Thread* t, Stream& s, object class_, object pool)
PROTECT(t, class_);
PROTECT(t, pool);
object map = makeHashMap(t, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, map);
unsigned virtualCount = 0;
object superVTable = classVTable(t, super);
PROTECT(t, superVTable);
if (superVTable) {
virtualCount = rawArrayLength(t, superVTable);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < virtualCount; ++i) {
object method = rawArrayBody(t, superVTable)[i];
hashMapInsert(t, map, hashMethod(t, method), method, method);
object newVirtuals = makeList(t, 0, 0, 0);
PROTECT(t, newVirtuals);
unsigned count = s.read2();
if (count) {
object methodTable = makeRawArray(t, count);
PROTECT(t, methodTable);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
unsigned flags = s.read2();
unsigned name = s.read2();
unsigned spec = s.read2();
object code = 0;
unsigned attributeCount = s.read2();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) {
object name = rawArrayBody(t, pool)[s.read2()];
if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>("Code"),
byteArrayBody(t, name)) == 0)
code = parseCode(t, s);
} else {
object value = makeMethod(t,
0, // offset
parameterCount(rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec]),
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[name],
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec],
if ((flags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) {
object p = hashMapFindNode
(t, map, hashMethod(t, method), method, methodEqual);
if (p) {
methodOffset(t, value) = methodOffset(t, tripleFirst(t, p));
set(t, tripleSecond(t, p), value);
} else {
methodOffset(t, value) = offset++;
listAppend(t, newVirtuals, value);
++ virtualCount;
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, methodTable)[i], value);
set(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), methodTable);
if (virtualCount) {
object vtable = makeRawArray(t, virtualCount);
unsigned i = 0;
if (superVTable) {
for (; i < rawArrayLength(t, superVTable); ++i) {
object method = rawArrayBody(t, superVTable)[i];
method = hashMapFind
(t, map, hashMethod(t, method), method, methodEqual);
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, vtable)[i], method);
for (object p = listFront(t, newVirtuals); p; p = pairSecond(t, p)) {
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, vtable)[i++], pairFirst(t, p));
set(t, classVTable(t, class_), vtable);
parseClass(Thread* t, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size)
@ -783,16 +1042,6 @@ parseClass(Thread* t, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size)
unsigned flags = s.read2();
unsigned name = s.read2();
unsigned super = s.read2();
unsigned interfaceCount = s.read2();
object interfaces = makeRawArray(t, interfaceCount * 2);
PROTECT(t, interfaces);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < interfaceCount * 2; i += 2) {
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, interfaces)[i], rawArrayBody(t, pool)[s.read2()]);
rawArrayBody(t, interfaces)[i + 1] = 0;
object class_ = makeClass(t,
@ -801,76 +1050,24 @@ parseClass(Thread* t, const uint8_t* data, unsigned size)
0, // object mask
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[name],
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[super],
0, // super
0, // interfaces
0, // fields
0, // methods
0, // static table
0); // initializers
PROTECT(t, class_);
object super = resolveClass(t, rawArrayBody(t, pool)[s.read2()]);
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
unsigned fieldCount = s.read2();
object fields = makeRawArray(t, fieldCount * 2);
set(t, classFieldTable(t, class_), fields);
PROTECT(t, fields);
set(t, classSuper(t, class_), super);
parseInterfaceTable(t, s, class_, pool);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i) {
unsigned flags = s.read2();
unsigned name = s.read2();
unsigned spec = s.read2();
parseFieldTable(t, s, class_, pool);
unsigned attributeCount = s.read2();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) {
object value = makeField(t,
0, // offset
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[name],
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec],
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, fields)[i], value);
unsigned methodCount = s.read2();
object methods = makeRawArray(t, methodCount * 2);
set(t, classMethodTable(t, class_), methods);
PROTECT(t, methods);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i) {
unsigned flags = s.read2();
unsigned name = s.read2();
unsigned spec = s.read2();
object code = 0;
unsigned attributeCount = s.read2();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributeCount; ++j) {
object name = rawArrayBody(t, pool)[s.read2()];
if (strcmp(reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>("Code"),
byteArrayBody(t, name)) == 0)
unsigned length = s.read2();
code = makeByteArray(t, length);<uint8_t*>(byteArrayBody(t, code)), length);
} else {
object value = makeMethod(t,
0, // offset
parameterCount(rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec]),
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[name],
rawArrayBody(t, pool)[spec],
set(t, rawArrayBody(t, methods)[i], value);
parseMethodTable(t, s, class_, pool);
return class_;
@ -881,7 +1078,7 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec)
PROTECT(t, spec);
ACQUIRE(t, t->vm->classLock);
uint32_t h = hash(byteArrayBody(t, spec), byteArrayLength(t, spec) - 1);
uint32_t h = hashByteArray(t, spec);
object class_ = hashMapFind(t, t->vm->classMap, h, spec, byteArrayEqual);
if (class_ == 0) {
unsigned size;
@ -896,22 +1093,6 @@ resolveClass(Thread* t, object spec)
PROTECT(t, class_);
// resolve superclass
object super = resolveClass(t, classSuper(t, class_));
if (UNLIKELY(t->exception)) return 0;
set(t, classSuper(t, class_), super);
#error todo
// merge interface table with that of superclass and generate
// vtables
// concatenate field table with those of superclass and populate
// offsets
// merge method table with that of superclass and populate
// offsets
// cache class
hashMapInsert(t, t->vm->classMap, h, spec, class_);
} else {