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synced 2025-03-21 11:35:57 +00:00
CORDA-2497 fix (#4630)
CORDA-2497 fix * Added test to show the fix working. * Now backwards compatible. * Refactored out some duped code. * Added better explanations for what's going on. * Fixed test which was failing due to the serializationEnvRule problem. * Addressed Tudor's review comments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class NodeMonitorModel : AutoCloseable {
statesSnapshot.statesMetadata[index].status == Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED
val consumedStates = statesSnapshot.states.toSet() - unconsumedStates
val initialVaultUpdate = Vault.Update(consumedStates, unconsumedStates)
val initialVaultUpdate = Vault.Update(consumedStates, unconsumedStates, references = emptySet())
vaultUpdates.startWith(initialVaultUpdate).subscribe({ vaultUpdatesSubject.onNext(it) }, {})
// Transactions
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
* other transactions observed, then the changes are observed "net" of those.
data class Update<U : ContractState>(
data class Update<U : ContractState> @JvmOverloads constructor(
val consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>,
val produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>,
val flowId: UUID? = null,
@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
* Notary change transactions only modify the notary field on states, and potentially need to be handled
* differently.
val type: UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL
val type: UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL,
val references: Set<StateAndRef<U>> = emptySet()
) {
/** Checks whether the update contains a state of the specified type. */
inline fun <reified T : ContractState> containsType() = consumed.any { it.state.data is T } || produced.any { it.state.data is T }
inline fun <reified T : ContractState> containsType() = consumed.any { it.state.data is T } || produced.any { it.state.data is T } || references.any { it.state.data is T }
/** Checks whether the update contains a state of the specified type and state status */
fun <T : ContractState> containsType(clazz: Class<T>, status: StateStatus) =
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
val combinedConsumed = consumed + (rhs.consumed - produced)
// The ordering below matters to preserve ordering of consumed/produced Sets when they are insertion order dependent implementations.
val combinedProduced = produced.filter { it !in rhs.consumed }.toSet() + rhs.produced
return copy(consumed = combinedConsumed, produced = combinedProduced)
return copy(consumed = combinedConsumed, produced = combinedProduced, references = references + rhs.references)
override fun toString(): String {
@ -99,8 +100,23 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
produced.forEach {
sb.appendln("${it.ref}: ${it.state}")
references.forEach {
sb.appendln("${it.ref}: ${it.state}")
return sb.toString()
/** Additional copy method to maintain backwards compatibility. */
fun copy(
consumed: Set<StateAndRef<U>>,
produced: Set<StateAndRef<U>>,
flowId: UUID? = null,
type: UpdateType = UpdateType.GENERAL
): Update<U> {
return Update(consumed, produced, flowId, type, references)
@ -232,9 +248,9 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
companion object {
@Deprecated("No longer used. The vault does not emit empty updates")
val NoUpdate = Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.GENERAL)
val NoUpdate = Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.GENERAL, references = emptySet())
@Deprecated("No longer used. The vault does not emit empty updates")
val NoNotaryUpdate = Vault.Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.NOTARY_CHANGE)
val NoNotaryUpdate = Vault.Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.NOTARY_CHANGE, references = emptySet())
@ -284,7 +300,7 @@ interface VaultService {
val result = trackBy<ContractState>(query)
val snapshot = result.snapshot.states
return if (snapshot.isNotEmpty()) {
doneFuture(Vault.Update(consumed = setOf(snapshot.single()), produced = emptySet()))
doneFuture(Vault.Update(consumed = setOf(snapshot.single()), produced = emptySet(), references = emptySet()))
} else {
@ -8,31 +8,41 @@ import net.corda.core.node.StatesToRecord
import net.corda.core.node.services.Vault
import net.corda.core.node.services.queryBy
import net.corda.core.node.services.vault.QueryCriteria
import net.corda.core.toFuture
import net.corda.core.transactions.LedgerTransaction
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.transactions.TransactionBuilder
import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.node.VersionInfo
import net.corda.testing.common.internal.testNetworkParameters
import net.corda.testing.core.SerializationEnvironmentRule
import net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DUMMY_LINEAR_CONTRACT_PROGRAM_ID
import net.corda.testing.internal.vault.DummyLinearContract
import net.corda.testing.node.StartedMockNode
import net.corda.testing.node.internal.*
import net.corda.testing.node.transaction
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
companion object {
private val mockNet = InternalMockNetwork(
cordappsForAllNodes = listOf(DUMMY_CONTRACTS_CORDAPP, enclosedCordapp()),
threadPerNode = true,
initialNetworkParameters = testNetworkParameters(minimumPlatformVersion = 4)
class ReferencedStatesFlowTests {
private val nodes = (0..1).map {
parameters = InternalMockNodeParameters(version = VersionInfo(4, "Blah", "Blah", "Blah"))
var mockNet: InternalMockNetwork = InternalMockNetwork(
cordappsForAllNodes = listOf(DUMMY_CONTRACTS_CORDAPP, enclosedCordapp()),
threadPerNode = true,
initialNetworkParameters = testNetworkParameters(minimumPlatformVersion = 4)
lateinit var nodes: List<TestStartedNode>
fun setup() {
nodes = (0..1).map {
parameters = InternalMockNodeParameters(version = VersionInfo(4, "Blah", "Blah", "Blah"))
@ -41,7 +51,7 @@ class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
fun test() {
fun `with referenced states flow blocks until the reference state update is received`() {
// 1. Create reference state.
val newRefTx = nodes[0].services.startFlow(CreateRefState()).resultFuture.getOrThrow()
val newRefState = newRefTx.tx.outRefsOfType<RefState.State>().single()
@ -54,7 +64,8 @@ class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
val updatedRefState = updatedRefTx.tx.outRefsOfType<RefState.State>().single()
// 4. Try to use the old reference state. This will throw a NotaryException.
val useRefTx = nodes[1].services.startFlow(WithReferencedStatesFlow { UseRefState(newRefState.state.data.linearId) }).resultFuture
val nodeOneIdentity = nodes[1].info.legalIdentities.first()
val useRefTx = nodes[1].services.startFlow(WithReferencedStatesFlow { UseRefState(nodeOneIdentity, newRefState.state.data.linearId) }).resultFuture
// 5. Share the update reference state.
@ -64,6 +75,40 @@ class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
assertEquals(updatedRefState.ref, result.tx.references.single())
fun `check ref state is persisted when used in tx with relevant states`() {
// 1. Create a state to be used as a reference state. Don't share it.
val newRefTx = nodes[0].services.startFlow(CreateRefState()).resultFuture.getOrThrow()
val newRefState = newRefTx.tx.outRefsOfType<RefState.State>().single()
// 2. Use the "newRefState" a transaction involving another party (nodes[1]) which creates a new state. They should store the new state and the reference state.
val newTx = nodes[0].services.startFlow(UseRefState(nodes[1].info.legalIdentities.first(), newRefState.state.data.linearId)).resultFuture.getOrThrow()
// Wait until node 1 stores the new tx.
nodes[1].services.validatedTransactions.updates.filter { it.id == newTx.id }.toFuture().getOrThrow()
// Check that nodes[1] has finished recording the transaction (and updating the vault.. hopefully!).
val allRefStates = nodes[1].services.vaultService.queryBy<RefState.State>()
// nodes[1] should have two states. The newly created output and the reference state created by nodes[0].
assertEquals(2, allRefStates.states.size)
// Now let's find the specific reference state on nodes[1].
val refStateLinearId = newRefState.state.data.linearId
val query = QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(linearId = listOf(refStateLinearId))
val theReferencedState = nodes[1].services.vaultService.queryBy<RefState.State>(query)
// There should be one result - the reference state.
assertEquals(newRefState, theReferencedState.states.single())
// nodes[0] should also have the same state.
val nodeZeroQuery = QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(linearId = listOf(refStateLinearId))
val theReferencedStateOnNodeZero = nodes[0].services.vaultService.queryBy<RefState.State>(nodeZeroQuery)
assertEquals(newRefState, theReferencedStateOnNodeZero.states.single())
// nodes[0] sends the tx that created the reference state to nodes[1].
// Query again.
val theReferencedStateAgain = nodes[1].services.vaultService.queryBy<RefState.State>(query)
// There should be one result - the reference state.
assertEquals(newRefState, theReferencedStateAgain.states.single())
// A dummy reference state contract.
class RefState : Contract {
companion object {
@ -135,7 +180,8 @@ class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
// A flow to use a reference state in another transaction.
class UseRefState(private val linearId: UniqueIdentifier) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
class UseRefState(private val participant: Party, private val linearId: UniqueIdentifier) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
val notary = serviceHub.networkMapCache.notaryIdentities.first()
@ -147,10 +193,23 @@ class WithReferencedStatesFlowTests {
val stx = serviceHub.signInitialTransaction(TransactionBuilder(notary = notary).apply {
addOutputState(RefState.State(ourIdentity), RefState.CONTRACT_ID)
addOutputState(RefState.State(participant), RefState.CONTRACT_ID)
addCommand(RefState.Create(), listOf(ourIdentity.owningKey))
return subFlow(FinalityFlow(stx, emptyList()))
return if (participant != ourIdentity) {
subFlow(FinalityFlow(stx, listOf(initiateFlow(participant))))
} else {
subFlow(FinalityFlow(stx, emptyList()))
class UseRefStateResponder(val otherSession: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<SignedTransaction>() {
override fun call(): SignedTransaction {
// This should also store the reference state if one is there.
return subFlow(ReceiveFinalityFlow(otherSession, statesToRecord = StatesToRecord.ONLY_RELEVANT))
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class VaultUpdateTests {
private companion object {
const val DUMMY_PROGRAM_ID = "net.corda.core.node.VaultUpdateTests.DummyContract"
val DUMMY_NOTARY = TestIdentity(DUMMY_NOTARY_NAME, 20).party
val emptyUpdate = Vault.Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.GENERAL)
val emptyUpdate = Vault.Update(emptySet(), emptySet(), type = Vault.UpdateType.GENERAL, references = emptySet())
object DummyContract : Contract {
@ -101,59 +101,73 @@ class NodeVaultService(
private fun saveStates(session: Session, states: Map<StateRef, StateAndRef<ContractState>>) {
states.forEach { stateAndRef ->
val stateOnly = stateAndRef.value.state.data
// TODO: Optimise this.
// For EVERY state to be committed to the vault, this checks whether it is spendable by the recording
// node. The behaviour is as follows:
// 1) All vault updates marked as RELEVANT will, of course, all have relevancy_status = 1 in the
// "vault_states" table.
// 2) For ALL_VISIBLE updates, those which are not relevant according to the relevancy rules will have
// relevancy_status = 0 in the "vault_states" table.
// This is useful when it comes to querying for fungible states, when we do not want irrelevant states
// included in the result.
// The same functionality could be obtained by passing in a list of participants to the vault query,
// however this:
// * requires a join on the participants table which results in slow queries
// * states may flip from being non-relevant to relevant
// * it's more complicated for CorDapp developers
// Adding a new column in the "VaultStates" table was considered the best approach.
val keys = stateOnly.participants.map { it.owningKey }
val persistentStateRef = PersistentStateRef(stateAndRef.key)
// This check is done to set the "relevancyStatus". When one performs a vault query, it is possible to return ALL states, ONLY
// RELEVANT states or NOT relevant states.
val isRelevant = isRelevant(stateOnly, keyManagementService.filterMyKeys(keys).toSet())
val constraintInfo = Vault.ConstraintInfo(stateAndRef.value.state.constraint)
// Save a row for each party in the state_party table.
// TODO: Perhaps these can be stored in a batch?
stateOnly.participants.groupBy { it.owningKey }.forEach { participants ->
val persistentParty = VaultSchemaV1.PersistentParty(persistentStateRef, participants.value.first())
val stateToAdd = VaultSchemaV1.VaultStates(
notary = stateAndRef.value.state.notary,
contractStateClassName = stateAndRef.value.state.data.javaClass.name,
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED,
recordedTime = clock.instant(),
relevancyStatus = if (isRelevant) Vault.RelevancyStatus.RELEVANT else Vault.RelevancyStatus.NOT_RELEVANT,
constraintType = constraintInfo.type(),
constraintData = constraintInfo.data()
stateToAdd.stateRef = persistentStateRef
private fun recordUpdate(update: Vault.Update<ContractState>): Vault.Update<ContractState> {
if (!update.isEmpty()) {
val producedStateRefs = update.produced.map { it.ref }
val producedStateRefsMap = update.produced.associateBy { it.ref }
val consumedStateRefs = update.consumed.map { it.ref }
val referenceStateRefsMap = update.references.associateBy { it.ref }
log.trace { "Removing $consumedStateRefs consumed contract states and adding $producedStateRefs produced contract states to the database." }
val session = currentDBSession()
producedStateRefsMap.forEach { stateAndRef ->
val stateOnly = stateAndRef.value.state.data
// TODO: Optimise this.
// For EVERY state to be committed to the vault, this checks whether it is spendable by the recording
// node. The behaviour is as follows:
// 1) All vault updates marked as RELEVANT will, of course, all have relevancy_status = 1 in the
// "vault_states" table.
// 2) For ALL_VISIBLE updates, those which are not relevant according to the relevancy rules will have
// relevancy_status = 0 in the "vault_states" table.
// This is useful when it comes to querying for fungible states, when we do not want irrelevant states
// included in the result.
// The same functionality could be obtained by passing in a list of participants to the vault query,
// however this:
// * requires a join on the participants table which results in slow queries
// * states may flip from being non-relevant to relevant
// * it's more complicated for CorDapp developers
// Adding a new column in the "VaultStates" table was considered the best approach.
val keys = stateOnly.participants.map { it.owningKey }
val persistentStateRef = PersistentStateRef(stateAndRef.key)
val isRelevant = isRelevant(stateOnly, keyManagementService.filterMyKeys(keys).toSet())
val constraintInfo = Vault.ConstraintInfo(stateAndRef.value.state.constraint)
// Save a row for each party in the state_party table.
// TODO: Perhaps these can be stored in a batch?
stateOnly.participants.groupBy { it.owningKey }.forEach { participants ->
val persistentParty = VaultSchemaV1.PersistentParty(persistentStateRef, participants.value.first())
val stateToAdd = VaultSchemaV1.VaultStates(
notary = stateAndRef.value.state.notary,
contractStateClassName = stateAndRef.value.state.data.javaClass.name,
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED,
recordedTime = clock.instant(),
relevancyStatus = if (isRelevant) Vault.RelevancyStatus.RELEVANT else Vault.RelevancyStatus.NOT_RELEVANT,
constraintType = constraintInfo.type(),
constraintData = constraintInfo.data()
stateToAdd.stateRef = persistentStateRef
// Persist the outputs.
saveStates(session, producedStateRefsMap)
// Persist the reference states.
saveStates(session, referenceStateRefsMap)
// Persist the consumed inputs.
consumedStateRefs.forEach { stateRef ->
val state = session.get<VaultSchemaV1.VaultStates>(VaultSchemaV1.VaultStates::class.java, PersistentStateRef(stateRef))
state?.run {
@ -168,6 +182,7 @@ class NodeVaultService(
return update
@ -208,16 +223,34 @@ class NodeVaultService(
StatesToRecord.ALL_VISIBLE -> tx.outputs.withIndex()
}.map { tx.outRef<ContractState>(it.index) }
// Retrieve all unconsumed states for this transaction's inputs
// Retrieve all unconsumed states for this transaction's inputs.
val consumedStates = loadStates(tx.inputs)
// Is transaction irrelevant?
// Is transaction irrelevant? If so, then we don't care about the reference states either.
if (consumedStates.isEmpty() && ourNewStates.isEmpty()) {
log.trace { "tx ${tx.id} was irrelevant to this vault, ignoring" }
return null
return Vault.Update(consumedStates.toSet(), ourNewStates.toSet())
// This list should only contain NEW states which we have not seen before as an output in another transaction. If we can't
// obtain the references from the vault then the reference must be a state we have not seen before, therefore we should store it
// in the vault. If StateToRecord is set to ALL_VISIBLE or ONLY_RELEVANT then we should store all of the previously unseen
// states in the reference list. The assumption is that we might need to inspect them at some point if they were referred to
// in the contracts of the input or output states. If states to record is none then we shouldn't record any reference states.
val newReferenceStateAndRefs = if (tx.references.isEmpty()) {
} else {
when (statesToRecord) {
StatesToRecord.NONE -> throw AssertionError("Should not reach here")
StatesToRecord.ALL_VISIBLE, StatesToRecord.ONLY_RELEVANT -> {
val notSeenReferences = tx.references - loadStates(tx.references).map { it.ref }
// TODO: This is expensive - is there another way?
tx.toLedgerTransaction(servicesForResolution).references.filter { it.ref in notSeenReferences }
return Vault.Update(consumedStates.toSet(), ourNewStates.toSet(), references = newReferenceStateAndRefs.toSet())
fun resolveAndMakeUpdate(tx: CoreTransaction): Vault.Update<ContractState>? {
@ -244,12 +277,14 @@ class NodeVaultService(
return null
val referenceStateAndRefs = ltx.references
val updateType = if (tx is ContractUpgradeWireTransaction) {
} else {
return Vault.Update(consumedStateAndRefs.toSet(), producedStateAndRefs.toSet(), null, updateType)
return Vault.Update(consumedStateAndRefs.toSet(), producedStateAndRefs.toSet(), null, updateType, referenceStateAndRefs.toSet())
@ -293,7 +328,7 @@ class NodeVaultService(
softLockReserve(uuid, stateRefs)
persistentStateService.persist(vaultUpdate.produced + vaultUpdate.references)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user