Support for floating point conversions and tests

Floats and doubles can now be read from strings, using the C standard library
functions for this purpose (strtof and strtod).  The code also relies on
standard library functions to implement isNaN() and isInfinite()
This commit is contained in:
Eric Scharff 2008-02-28 08:35:16 -07:00
parent 73e7bfc1dc
commit 0d5b7bd126
3 changed files with 118 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -431,6 +431,70 @@ Java_java_lang_System_doMapLibraryName(JNIEnv* e, jclass, jstring name)
return r;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Double_isInfinite(JNIEnv*, jclass, jdouble val)
return !isfinite(val);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Double_isNaN(JNIEnv*, jclass, jdouble val)
return isnan(val);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Double_doubleFromString(JNIEnv*e, jclass, jstring s,
jintArray numDoublesRead)
const char* chars = e->GetStringUTFChars(s, 0);
double d = 0.0;
int numRead = 0;
if (chars) {
char* lastRead;
d = strtod(chars, &lastRead);
if ((lastRead != chars) && ((chars + strlen(chars)) == lastRead)) {
numRead = 1;
e->ReleaseStringUTFChars(s, chars);
e->SetIntArrayRegion(numDoublesRead, 0, 1, &numRead);
return d;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Float_isInfinite(JNIEnv*, jclass, jfloat val)
return !isfinite(val);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Float_isNaN(JNIEnv*, jclass, jfloat val)
return isnan(val);
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Float_floatFromString(JNIEnv*e, jclass, jstring s,
jintArray numFloatsRead)
const char* chars = e->GetStringUTFChars(s, 0);
float f = 0.0;
int numRead = 0;
if (chars) {
char* lastRead;
f = strtof(chars, &lastRead);
if ((lastRead != chars) && ((chars + strlen(chars)) == lastRead)) {
numRead = 1;
e->ReleaseStringUTFChars(s, chars);
e->SetIntArrayRegion(numFloatsRead, 0, 1, &numRead);
return f;
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL
Java_java_lang_Math_sin(JNIEnv*, jclass, jdouble val)

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@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ public final class Double extends Number {
return new Double(value);
public static Double valueOf(String s) {
return new Double(s);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Double && ((Double) o).value == value;
@ -74,10 +78,23 @@ public final class Double extends Number {
return value;
public boolean isInfinite() {
return isInfinite(value);
public boolean isNaN() {
return isNaN(value);
public static double parseDouble(String s) {
// todo
int[] numRead = new int[1];
double d = doubleFromString(s, numRead);
if (numRead[0] == 1) {
return d;
} else {
throw new NumberFormatException(s);
public static native int fillBufferWithDouble(double value, byte[] buffer,
int charCount);
@ -85,4 +102,10 @@ public final class Double extends Number {
public static native long doubleToRawLongBits(double value);
public static native double longBitsToDouble(long bits);
public static native boolean isInfinite(double value);
public static native boolean isNaN(double value);
public static native double doubleFromString(String s, int[] numRead);

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@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ public final class Float extends Number {
private final float value;
public Float(String value) {
this.value = parseFloat(value);
public Float(float value) {
this.value = value;
@ -23,6 +27,10 @@ public final class Float extends Number {
return new Float(value);
public static Float valueOf(String s) {
return new Float(s);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Float && ((Float) o).value == value;
@ -63,12 +71,31 @@ public final class Float extends Number {
return (double) value;
public boolean isInfinite() {
return isInfinite(value);
public boolean isNaN() {
return isNaN(value);
public static float parseFloat(String s) {
// todo
int[] numRead = new int[1];
float f = floatFromString(s, numRead);
if (numRead[0] == 1) {
return f;
} else {
throw new NumberFormatException(s);
public static native int floatToRawIntBits(float value);
public static native float intBitsToFloat(int bits);
public static native boolean isInfinite(float value);
public static native boolean isNaN(float value);
public static native float floatFromString(String s, int[] numRead);