diff --git a/docs/source/CLI-vs-IDE.rst b/docs/source/CLI-vs-IDE.rst
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index a4888a7adb..0000000000
--- a/docs/source/CLI-vs-IDE.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-We have tried to make every example, tutorial and sample usable via both the command line and the IntelliJ IDE.
-Most developers will find writing, editing and debugging code more easy with tools such as an IDE. But when a production node
-is deployed, it will be controlled via the command line - no organisation allows their systems to be running via
-a developer environment.
-IDE - IntelliJ
-IntelliJ (the preferred IDE for Corda) integrates well with gradle (Corda's default build, deployment and CLI tool).
-IntelliJ understands gradle tasks and dependencies, automatically loading them in the background when a project is
-first opened or the gradle project changes. Occasionally, however, you may need to refresh the gradle project manually
-- but this is hinted to you by the IDE. It's a good idea to do this before carrying on with other work (and in fact you
-may find it is essential to pick up new libraries, etc.).
-There are some great resources about how to get started using IntelliJ. As opposed to trying to repeat them here, we advise
-you to go to the `IntelliJ docs here `_.
-Command Line
-Windows vs Mac / Unix
-Due to the nature of their respective command interfaces, gradle is typically ran in windows with the command ``gradle.bat``
-(or ``gradlew.bat`` if using the wrapper) and in Mac / Unix environments it is ran via ``./gradlew``. For brevity, the
-simple windows syntax ``gradle`` is used for the majority of the documentation.
-As well as including the most significant run and build configurations in the IDE, we also provide gradle tasks to build, install
-and run significant parts of Corda demos and tools. Gradle is highly extensible and we use it for downloading required resources,
-building components, installing those built components into shared areas, configuring the scripts that run nodes, starting
-up demonstration API calls amongst other things. It is exceptionally good at deriving dependency maps and therefore performing
-the preceding tasks required in order to do the requested task. However, when confusing build errors manifest, then sometimes
-a ``gradle clean`` may be required in order to clear out any build areas that have an inconsistent state. The total build time
-from downloading / cloning the repo to a complete build should be only a few minutes, obviously slightly longer if the
-unit tests are run.
-Frequently Used Gradle Tasks
-Note that the list of tasks can be ran for any gradle project can be displayed by running the task ``tasks``. Also, note that
-gradle is hierarchical and therefore tasks in child directories can be run using a colon separator. For example, if you want to run
-the sample attachment demo run configuration ``runSender``, you would use the command ``gradle samples:attachment-demo:runSender``
-The most frequent gradle tasks you will probably be running are ``build`` and ``install``. The ``build`` command also executes the
-unit tests as well. If you want to build without this level of verification, then use the ``assemble`` command - but we do
-not recommend this. After running build, the ``install`` tasks copies over the built jars into the local maven repository
-which will then make these available for either the sample code or use with the CorDapp template.
-Tasks and processes that are run directly via the IDE (including via the usage of the ``driver`` DSL) can be remotely debugged.
-We do not have java debugging currently enabled in the ``runnodes`` scripts generated by a process we refer to as 'cordformation'
-but we will be implementing that shortly.
-Via the IDE
-To debug: From the IDE, configure the debug connectivity option by the "Edit Configurations" and choosing "+" and then "Remote".
-The debug port start at 5005 and increments for each additional node that starts, the order given by the list in the main
-driver configuration (which is primarily listed in the ``main`` function of ``Main.kt`` for each sample. Look for the string
-``Listening for transport dt_socket at address:5xxx`` in the log output to determine the exact port for that node. If the log
-messages are mixed from several nodes to the same console, then (as earlier stated), the port numbers increment in the order
-they are listed in the driver DSL configuration.
diff --git a/docs/source/quickstart-index.rst b/docs/source/quickstart-index.rst
index 02e9045ac9..fa884b229d 100644
--- a/docs/source/quickstart-index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/quickstart-index.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ Quickstart
- Sample CorDapps
- building-against-master
- CLI-vs-IDE
\ No newline at end of file
+ Other CorDapps
+ Utilities
\ No newline at end of file