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synced 2025-03-03 04:49:46 +00:00
CORDA-1312: Removed the need to have whitelist.txt for updating the contracts whitelist using the bootstrapper. (#2954)
Instead the current whitelist is read in from the existing network parameters file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@ public @interface net.corda.core.messaging.RPCReturnsObservables
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final List getNotaries()
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public final Map getWhitelistedContractImplementations()
public int hashCode()
public String toString()
@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull public String toString()
@net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable public final class net.corda.core.node.NodeInfo extends java.lang.Object
public <init>(List, List, int, long)
@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ data class NetworkParameters(
require(maxMessageSize > 0) { "maxMessageSize must be at least 1" }
require(maxTransactionSize > 0) { "maxTransactionSize must be at least 1" }
override fun toString(): String {
return """NetworkParameters {
whitelistedContractImplementations {
${whitelistedContractImplementations.entries.joinToString("\n ")}
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ Unreleased
* Shell (embedded available only in dev mode or via SSH) connects to the node via RPC instead of using the ``CordaRPCOps`` object directly.
To enable RPC connectivity ensure node’s ``rpcSettings.address`` and ``rpcSettings.adminAddress`` settings are present.
* The network bootstrapper uses the existing network parameters file to update the current contracts whitelist, and no longer
needs the whitelist.txt file.
* Errors thrown by a Corda node will now reported to a calling RPC client with attention to serialization and obfuscation of internal data.
* Serializing an inner class (non-static nested class in Java, inner class in Kotlin) will be rejected explicitly by the serialization
@ -93,34 +93,16 @@ If you want to create a *Zone whitelist* (see :doc:`api-contract-constraints`),
``java -jar network-bootstrapper.jar <nodes-root-dir> <path-to-first-corDapp> <path-to-second-corDapp> ..``
The CorDapp jars will be hashed and scanned for ``Contract`` classes.
By default the tool would generate a file named ``whitelist.txt`` containing an entry for each contract with the hash of the jar.
The CorDapp jars will be hashed and scanned for ``Contract`` classes. These contract class implementations will become part
of the whitelisted contracts in the network parameters (see ``NetworkParameters.whitelistedContractImplementations`` :doc:`network-map`).
If the network already has a set of network parameters defined (i.e. the node directories all contain the same network-parameters
file) then the new set of contracts will be appended to the current whitelist.
For example:
.. note:: The whitelist can only ever be appended to. Once added a contract implementation can never be removed.
.. sourcecode:: none
These will be added to the ``NetworkParameters.whitelistedContractImplementations``. See :doc:`network-map`.
This means that by default the Network bootstrapper tool will whitelist all contracts found in all passed CorDapps.
In case there is a ``whitelist.txt`` file in the root dir already, the tool will append the new jar hashes or contracts to it.
The zone operator will maintain this whitelist file, and, using the tool, will append new versions of CorDapps to it.
.. warning::
- The zone operator must ensure that this file is *append only*.
- If the operator removes hashes from the list, all transactions pointing to that version will suddenly fail the constraint verification, and the entire chain is compromised.
- If a contract is removed from the whitelist, then all states created from that moment on will be constrained by the HashAttachmentConstraint.
Note: In future releases, we will provider a tamper-proof way of maintaining the contract whitelist.
For fine-grained control of constraints, in case multiple contracts live in the same jar, the tool reads from another file:
``exclude_whitelist.txt``, which contains a list of contracts that should not be whitelisted, and thus default to the very restrictive:
By default the bootstrapper tool will whitelist all the contracts found in all the CorDapp jars. To prevent certain
contracts from being whitelisted, add their fully qualified class name in the ``exclude_whitelist.txt``. These will instead
use the more restrictive ``HashAttachmentConstraint``.
For example:
@ -129,7 +111,6 @@ For example:
Starting the nodes
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.corda.nodeapi.internal.network
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import net.corda.cordform.CordformNode
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash.Companion.parse
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.*
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.fork
@ -11,10 +10,13 @@ import net.corda.core.node.NodeInfo
import net.corda.core.node.NotaryInfo
import net.corda.core.node.services.AttachmentId
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationContext
import net.corda.core.serialization.SerializedBytes
import net.corda.core.serialization.deserialize
import net.corda.core.serialization.internal.SerializationEnvironmentImpl
import net.corda.core.serialization.internal._contextSerializationEnv
import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.utilities.seconds
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.DEV_ROOT_CA
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.SignedNodeInfo
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.scanJarForContracts
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.AMQP_P2P_CONTEXT
@ -23,11 +25,10 @@ import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.SerializationFactoryImpl
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.amqp.AMQPServerSerializationScheme
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.kryo.AbstractKryoSerializationScheme
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.serialization.kryo.kryoMagic
import java.io.PrintStream
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
@ -47,12 +48,11 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
private const val LOGS_DIR_NAME = "logs"
private const val WHITELIST_FILE_NAME = "whitelist.txt"
private const val EXCLUDE_WHITELIST_FILE_NAME = "exclude_whitelist.txt"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val baseNodeDirectory = args.firstOrNull() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Expecting first argument which is the nodes' parent directory")
val baseNodeDirectory = requireNotNull(args.firstOrNull()) { "Expecting first argument which is the nodes' parent directory" }
val cordapps = if (args.size > 1) args.toList().drop(1) else null
NetworkBootstrapper().bootstrap(Paths.get(baseNodeDirectory).toAbsolutePath().normalize(), cordapps)
@ -70,15 +70,17 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
try {
println("Waiting for all nodes to generate their node-info files...")
val nodeInfoFiles = gatherNodeInfoFiles(processes, nodeDirs)
println("Distributing all node info-files to all nodes")
println("Distributing all node-info files to all nodes")
distributeNodeInfos(nodeDirs, nodeInfoFiles)
print("Loading existing network parameters... ")
val existingNetParams = loadNetworkParameters(nodeDirs)
println(existingNetParams ?: "none found")
println("Gathering notary identities")
val notaryInfos = gatherNotaryInfos(nodeInfoFiles)
println("Notary identities to be used in network parameters: ${notaryInfos.joinToString("; ") { it.prettyPrint() }}")
val mergedWhiteList = generateWhitelist(directory / WHITELIST_FILE_NAME, directory / EXCLUDE_WHITELIST_FILE_NAME, cordapps?.distinct())
println("Updating whitelist")
overwriteWhitelist(directory / WHITELIST_FILE_NAME, mergedWhiteList)
installNetworkParameters(notaryInfos, nodeDirs, mergedWhiteList)
println("Generating contract implementations whitelist")
val newWhitelist = generateWhitelist(existingNetParams, directory / EXCLUDE_WHITELIST_FILE_NAME, cordapps?.distinct())
val netParams = installNetworkParameters(notaryInfos, newWhitelist, existingNetParams, nodeDirs)
println("${if (existingNetParams == null) "New" else "Updated"} $netParams")
println("Bootstrapping complete!")
} finally {
@ -96,15 +98,15 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
val nodeName = confFile.fileName.toString().removeSuffix("_node.conf")
println("Generating directory for $nodeName")
val nodeDir = (directory / nodeName).createDirectories()
confFile.moveTo(nodeDir / "node.conf", StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
webServerConfFiles.firstOrNull { directory.relativize(it).toString().removeSuffix("_web-server.conf") == nodeName }?.moveTo(nodeDir / "web-server.conf", StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
Files.copy(cordaJar, (nodeDir / "corda.jar"), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
confFile.moveTo(nodeDir / "node.conf", REPLACE_EXISTING)
webServerConfFiles.firstOrNull { directory.relativize(it).toString().removeSuffix("_web-server.conf") == nodeName }?.moveTo(nodeDir / "web-server.conf", REPLACE_EXISTING)
cordaJar.copyToDirectory(nodeDir, REPLACE_EXISTING)
private fun extractCordaJarTo(directory: Path): Path {
val cordaJarPath = (directory / "corda.jar")
val cordaJarPath = directory / "corda.jar"
if (!cordaJarPath.exists()) {
println("No corda jar found in root directory. Extracting from jar")
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
return try {
future.getOrThrow(timeout = 60.seconds)
} catch (e: TimeoutException) {
println("...still waiting. If this is taking longer than usual, check the node logs.")
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
for (nodeDir in nodeDirs) {
val additionalNodeInfosDir = (nodeDir / CordformNode.NODE_INFO_DIRECTORY).createDirectories()
for (nodeInfoFile in nodeInfoFiles) {
nodeInfoFile.copyToDirectory(additionalNodeInfosDir, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
nodeInfoFile.copyToDirectory(additionalNodeInfosDir, REPLACE_EXISTING)
@ -168,25 +170,67 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
}.distinct() // We need distinct as nodes part of a distributed notary share the same notary identity
private fun installNetworkParameters(notaryInfos: List<NotaryInfo>, nodeDirs: List<Path>, whitelist: Map<String, List<AttachmentId>>) {
// TODO Add config for minimumPlatformVersion, maxMessageSize and maxTransactionSize
val copier = NetworkParametersCopier(NetworkParameters(
minimumPlatformVersion = 1,
notaries = notaryInfos,
modifiedTime = Instant.now(),
maxMessageSize = 10485760,
maxTransactionSize = Int.MAX_VALUE,
epoch = 1,
whitelistedContractImplementations = whitelist
), overwriteFile = true)
private fun loadNetworkParameters(nodeDirs: List<Path>): NetworkParameters? {
val netParamsFilesGrouped = nodeDirs.mapNotNull {
val netParamsFile = it / NETWORK_PARAMS_FILE_NAME
if (netParamsFile.exists()) netParamsFile else null
}.groupBy { SerializedBytes<SignedNetworkParameters>(it.readAll()) }
nodeDirs.forEach { copier.install(it) }
when (netParamsFilesGrouped.size) {
0 -> return null
1 -> return netParamsFilesGrouped.keys.first().deserialize().verifiedNetworkMapCert(DEV_ROOT_CA.certificate)
val msg = StringBuilder("Differing sets of network parameters were found. Make sure all the nodes have the same " +
"network parameters by copying over the correct $NETWORK_PARAMS_FILE_NAME file.\n\n")
netParamsFilesGrouped.forEach { bytes, netParamsFiles ->
netParamsFiles.map { it.parent.fileName }.joinTo(msg, ", ")
val netParamsString = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Invalid network parameters file: $e"
throw IllegalStateException(msg.toString())
private fun generateWhitelist(whitelistFile: Path, excludeWhitelistFile: Path, cordapps: List<String>?): Map<String, List<AttachmentId>> {
val existingWhitelist = if (whitelistFile.exists()) readContractWhitelist(whitelistFile) else emptyMap()
private fun installNetworkParameters(notaryInfos: List<NotaryInfo>,
whitelist: Map<String, List<AttachmentId>>,
existingNetParams: NetworkParameters?,
nodeDirs: List<Path>): NetworkParameters {
val networkParameters = if (existingNetParams != null) {
notaries = notaryInfos,
modifiedTime = Instant.now(),
whitelistedContractImplementations = whitelist,
epoch = existingNetParams.epoch + 1
} else {
minimumPlatformVersion = 1,
notaries = notaryInfos,
modifiedTime = Instant.now(),
maxMessageSize = 10485760,
maxTransactionSize = Int.MAX_VALUE,
whitelistedContractImplementations = whitelist,
epoch = 1
// TODO Add config for minimumPlatformVersion, maxMessageSize and maxTransactionSize
val copier = NetworkParametersCopier(networkParameters, overwriteFile = true)
nodeDirs.forEach { copier.install(it) }
return networkParameters
println(if (existingWhitelist.isEmpty()) "No existing whitelist file found." else "Found existing whitelist: $whitelistFile")
private fun generateWhitelist(networkParameters: NetworkParameters?,
excludeWhitelistFile: Path,
cordapps: List<String>?): Map<String, List<AttachmentId>> {
val existingWhitelist = networkParameters?.whitelistedContractImplementations ?: emptyMap()
val excludeContracts = if (excludeWhitelistFile.exists()) readExcludeWhitelist(excludeWhitelistFile) else emptyList()
if (excludeContracts.isNotEmpty()) {
@ -200,38 +244,15 @@ class NetworkBootstrapper {
}?.filter { (contractClassName, _) -> contractClassName !in excludeContracts }?.toMap() ?: emptyMap()
println("Calculating whitelist for current installed CorDapps..")
val merged = (newWhiteList.keys + existingWhitelist.keys).map { contractClassName ->
return (newWhiteList.keys + existingWhitelist.keys).map { contractClassName ->
val existing = existingWhitelist[contractClassName] ?: emptyList()
val newHash = newWhiteList[contractClassName]
contractClassName to (if (newHash == null || newHash in existing) existing else existing + newHash)
println("CorDapp whitelist " + (if (existingWhitelist.isEmpty()) "generated" else "updated") + " in $whitelistFile")
return merged
private fun overwriteWhitelist(whitelistFile: Path, mergedWhiteList: Map<String, List<AttachmentId>>) {
PrintStream(whitelistFile.toFile().outputStream()).use { out ->
mergedWhiteList.forEach { (contract, attachments) ->
private fun readContractWhitelist(file: Path): Map<String, List<AttachmentId>> {
return file.readAllLines()
.map { line -> line.split(":") }
.map { (contract, attachmentIds) ->
contract to (attachmentIds.split(",").map(::parse))
private fun readExcludeWhitelist(file: Path): List<String> = file.readAllLines().map(String::trim)
private fun NotaryInfo.prettyPrint(): String = "${identity.name} (${if (validating) "" else "non-"}validating)"
private fun NodeInfo.notaryIdentity(): Party {
return when (legalIdentities.size) {
// Single node notaries have just one identity like all other nodes. This identity is the notary identity
Reference in New Issue
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