Merge branch 'master' into colljos-vault-code-clean-up-refactor

This commit is contained in:
Jose Coll 2016-11-02 11:20:21 +00:00
commit 012dc9ec10
15 changed files with 123 additions and 339 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
<option name="taskNames">
<option value="clean" />
<option value="build" />
<option value="installDist" />
<option value="buildCordaJAR" />

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ plugins {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'application'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply plugin: QuasarPlugin
apply plugin: 'com.github.ben-manes.versions'
@ -93,14 +92,8 @@ configurations {
integrationTestRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
// This is required for quasar. I think.
applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-javaagent:${configurations.quasar.singleFile}"]
// Needed by the :startScripts task
mainClassName = 'com.r3corda.demos.TraderDemoKt'
// To find potential version conflicts, run "gradle htmlDependencyReport" and then look in
// build/reports/project/dependencies/index.html for green highlighted parts of the tree.
dependencies {
compile project(':node')
// TODO: Demos should not depend on test code, but only use production APIs
@ -121,41 +114,11 @@ dependencies {
integrationTestCompile project(':test-utils')
// Package up the demo programs.
task getAttachmentDemo(type: CreateStartScripts) {
mainClassName = "com.r3corda.demos.attachment.AttachmentDemoKt"
applicationName = "attachment-demo"
defaultJvmOpts = ["-javaagent:${configurations.quasar.singleFile}"]
outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'scripts')
classpath = jar.outputs.files + project.configurations.runtime
task getTraderDemo(type: CreateStartScripts) {
mainClassName = "com.r3corda.demos.TraderDemoKt"
applicationName = "trader-demo"
defaultJvmOpts = ["-javaagent:${configurations.quasar.singleFile}"]
outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'scripts')
classpath = jar.outputs.files + project.configurations.runtime
// Force windows script classpath to wildcard path to avoid the 'Command Line Is Too Long' issues
// with generated scripts. Include Jolokia .war explicitly as this isn't picked up by wildcard
tasks.withType(CreateStartScripts) {
doLast {
windowsScript.text = windowsScript
.collect { line -> line.replaceAll(~/^set CLASSPATH=.*$/, 'set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%/lib/*;%APP_HOME%/lib/jolokia-agent-war-'+project.ext.jolokia_version+'.war') }
task integrationTest(type: Test, dependsOn: [':node:integrationTest',':client:integrationTest']) {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
task jacocoRootReport(type: org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks.JacocoReport) {
dependsOn = subprojects.test
additionalSourceDirs = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
@ -183,12 +146,6 @@ tasks.withType(Test) {
quasarScan.dependsOn('classes', 'core:classes', 'contracts:classes', 'node:classes')
applicationDistribution.into("bin") {
fileMode = 0755
task buildCordaJAR(type: FatCapsule, dependsOn: ['quasarScan', 'buildCertSigningRequestUtilityJAR']) {
applicationClass 'com.r3corda.node.MainKt'
archiveName 'corda.jar'

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ abstract class CordaPluginRegistry {
* List of additional long lived services to be hosted within the node.
* They are expected to have a single parameter constructor that takes a ServiceHubInternal as input.
* The ServiceHubInternal will be fully constructed before the plugin service is created and will
* They are expected to have a single parameter constructor that takes a [PluginServiceHub] as input.
* The [PluginServiceHub] will be fully constructed before the plugin service is created and will
* allow access to the protocol factory and protocol initiation entry points there.
open val servicePlugins: List<Class<*>> = emptyList()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.r3corda.core.node
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* A service hub to be used by the [CordaPluginRegistry]
interface PluginServiceHub : ServiceHub {
* Register the protocol factory we wish to use when a initiating party attempts to communicate with us. The
* registration is done against a marker [KClass] which is sent in the session handshake by the other party. If this
* marker class has been registered then the corresponding factory will be used to create the protocol which will
* communicate with the other side. If there is no mapping then the session attempt is rejected.
* @param markerClass The marker [KClass] present in a session initiation attempt, which is a 1:1 mapping to a [Class]
* using the <pre>::class</pre> construct. Conventionally this is a [ProtocolLogic] subclass, however any class can
* be used, with the default being the class of the initiating protocol. This enables the registration to be of the
* form: registerProtocolInitiator(InitiatorProtocol::class, ::InitiatedProtocol)
* @param protocolFactory The protocol factory generating the initiated protocol.
// TODO: remove dependency on Kotlin relfection (Kotlin KClass -> Java Class).
fun registerProtocolInitiator(markerClass: KClass<*>, protocolFactory: (Party) -> ProtocolLogic<*>)
* Return the protocol factory that has been registered with [markerClass], or null if no factory is found.
fun getProtocolFactory(markerClass: Class<*>): ((Party) -> ProtocolLogic<*>)?

View File

@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ class JDBCHashMapTestSuite {
lateinit var dataSource: Closeable
lateinit var transaction: Transaction
lateinit var database: Database
lateinit var loadOnInitFalseMap: JDBCHashMap<String, String>
lateinit var loadOnInitTrueMap: JDBCHashMap<String, String>
lateinit var loadOnInitFalseSet: JDBCHashSet<String>
lateinit var loadOnInitTrueSet: JDBCHashSet<String>
@ -32,6 +36,10 @@ class JDBCHashMapTestSuite {
dataSource = dataSourceAndDatabase.first
database = dataSourceAndDatabase.second
loadOnInitFalseMap = JDBCHashMap<String, String>("test_map_false", loadOnInit = false)
loadOnInitTrueMap = JDBCHashMap<String, String>("test_map_true", loadOnInit = true)
loadOnInitFalseSet = JDBCHashSet<String>("test_set_false", loadOnInit = false)
loadOnInitTrueSet = JDBCHashSet<String>("test_set_true", loadOnInit = true)
@ -112,7 +120,8 @@ class JDBCHashMapTestSuite {
class JDBCHashMapTestGenerator(val loadOnInit: Boolean) : {
override fun create(elements: Array<Map.Entry<String, String>>): Map<String, String> {
val map = JDBCHashMap<String, String>("test_map_${System.nanoTime()}", loadOnInit = loadOnInit)
val map = if (loadOnInit) loadOnInitTrueMap else loadOnInitFalseMap
map.putAll(elements.associate { Pair(it.key, it.value) })
return map
@ -143,7 +152,8 @@ class JDBCHashMapTestSuite {
class JDBCHashSetTestGenerator(val loadOnInit: Boolean) : {
override fun create(elements: Array<String>): Set<String> {
val set = JDBCHashSet<String>("test_set_${System.nanoTime()}", loadOnInit = loadOnInit)
val set = if (loadOnInit) loadOnInitTrueSet else loadOnInitFalseSet
return set

View File

@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration, val netwo
val pluginServices = pluginRegistries.flatMap { x -> x.servicePlugins }
val serviceList = mutableListOf<Any>()
for (serviceClass in pluginServices) {
val service = serviceClass.getConstructor(
val service = serviceClass.getConstructor(
if (service is AcceptsFileUpload) {

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.channels.FileLock
import java.time.Clock
import java.util.*
@ -143,13 +144,18 @@ class Node(override val configuration: FullNodeConfiguration, networkMapAddress:
// Export JMX monitoring statistics and data over REST/JSON.
if (configuration.exportJMXto.split(',').contains("http")) {
handlerCollection.addHandler(WebAppContext().apply {
// Find the jolokia WAR file on the classpath.
contextPath = "/monitoring/json"
setInitParameter("mimeType", "application/json")
val classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))
war = classpath.first { it.contains("jolokia-agent-war-2") && it.endsWith(".war") }
val classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path").split(System.getProperty("path.separator"))
val warpath = classpath.firstOrNull() { it.contains("jolokia-agent-war-2") && it.endsWith(".war") }
if (warpath != null) {
handlerCollection.addHandler(WebAppContext().apply {
// Find the jolokia WAR file on the classpath.
contextPath = "/monitoring/json"
setInitParameter("mimeType", "application/json")
war = warpath
} else {
log.warn("Unable to locate Jolokia WAR on classpath")
// API, data upload and download to services (attachments, rates oracles etc)
@ -157,7 +163,7 @@ class Node(override val configuration: FullNodeConfiguration, networkMapAddress:
val server = Server()
if (configuration.useHTTPS) {
val connector = if (configuration.useHTTPS) {
val httpsConfiguration = HttpConfiguration()
httpsConfiguration.outputBufferSize = 32768
@ -173,14 +179,16 @@ class Node(override val configuration: FullNodeConfiguration, networkMapAddress:
val sslConnector = ServerConnector(server, SslConnectionFactory(sslContextFactory, "http/1.1"), HttpConnectionFactory(httpsConfiguration))
sslConnector.port = configuration.webAddress.port
server.connectors = arrayOf<Connector>(sslConnector)
} else {
val httpConfiguration = HttpConfiguration()
httpConfiguration.outputBufferSize = 32768
val httpConnector = ServerConnector(server, HttpConnectionFactory(httpConfiguration))
httpConnector.port = configuration.webAddress.port
server.connectors = arrayOf<Connector>(httpConnector)
server.connectors = arrayOf<Connector>(connector)"Starting web API server on port ${connector.port}")
server.handler = handlerCollection
runOnStop += Runnable { server.stop() }
@ -203,8 +211,19 @@ class Node(override val configuration: FullNodeConfiguration, networkMapAddress:
val webAPIsOnClasspath = pluginRegistries.flatMap { x -> x.webApis }
for (webapi in webAPIsOnClasspath) {"Add Plugin web API from attachment ${}")
val customAPI = webapi.getConstructor("Add plugin web API from attachment ${}")
val constructor = try {
} catch (ex: NoSuchMethodException) {
log.error("Missing constructor ${}(ServiceHub)")
val customAPI = try {
} catch (ex: InvocationTargetException) {
log.error("Constructor ${}(ServiceHub) threw an error: ", ex.targetException)
@ -270,7 +289,13 @@ class Node(override val configuration: FullNodeConfiguration, networkMapAddress:
// Only start the service API requests once the network map registration is complete
networkMapRegistrationFuture.then {
webServer = initWebServer()
try {
webServer = initWebServer()
} catch(ex: Exception) {
// TODO: We need to decide if this is a fatal error, given the API is unavailable, or whether the API
// is not critical and we continue anyway.
log.error("Web server startup failed", ex)
// Begin exporting our own metrics via JMX.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import com.r3corda.core.node.CordaPluginRegistry
import com.r3corda.core.node.PluginServiceHub
import com.r3corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
import com.r3corda.protocols.NotaryChangeProtocol
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ object NotaryChange {
* A service that monitors the network for requests for changing the notary of a state,
* and immediately runs the [NotaryChangeProtocol] if the auto-accept criteria are met.
class Service(services: ServiceHubInternal) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
class Service(services: PluginServiceHub) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
init {
services.registerProtocolInitiator(NotaryChangeProtocol.Instigator::class) { NotaryChangeProtocol.Acceptor(it) }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.messaging.MessagingService
import com.r3corda.core.node.PluginServiceHub
import com.r3corda.core.node.ServiceHub
import com.r3corda.core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ interface MessagingServiceBuilder<out T : MessagingServiceInternal> {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
abstract class ServiceHubInternal : ServiceHub {
abstract class ServiceHubInternal : PluginServiceHub {
abstract val monitoringService: MonitoringService
abstract val protocolLogicRefFactory: ProtocolLogicRefFactory
abstract val schemaService: SchemaService
@ -71,24 +72,6 @@ abstract class ServiceHubInternal : ServiceHub {
abstract fun <T> startProtocol(logic: ProtocolLogic<T>): ListenableFuture<T>
* Register the protocol factory we wish to use when a initiating party attempts to communicate with us. The
* registration is done against a marker [KClass] which is sent in the session handshake by the other party. If this
* marker class has been registered then the corresponding factory will be used to create the protocol which will
* communicate with the other side. If there is no mapping then the session attempt is rejected.
* @param markerClass The marker [KClass] present in a session initiation attempt, which is a 1:1 mapping to a [Class]
* using the <pre>::class</pre> construct. Conventionally this is a [ProtocolLogic] subclass, however any class can
* be used, with the default being the class of the initiating protocol. This enables the registration to be of the
* form: registerProtocolInitiator(InitiatorProtocol::class, ::InitiatedProtocol)
* @param protocolFactory The protocol factory generating the initiated protocol.
abstract fun registerProtocolInitiator(markerClass: KClass<*>, protocolFactory: (Party) -> ProtocolLogic<*>)
* Return the protocol factory that has been registered with [markerClass], or null if no factory is found.
abstract fun getProtocolFactory(markerClass: Class<*>): ((Party) -> ProtocolLogic<*>)?
override fun <T : Any> invokeProtocolAsync(logicType: Class<out ProtocolLogic<T>>, vararg args: Any?): ListenableFuture<T> {
val logicRef = protocolLogicRefFactory.create(logicType, *args)

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import
import com.r3corda.core.bufferUntilSubscribed
import com.r3corda.core.contracts.Contract
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.toStringShort
import com.r3corda.core.messaging.MessagingService
import com.r3corda.core.messaging.SingleMessageRecipient
@ -72,9 +73,16 @@ open class InMemoryNetworkMapCache : SingletonSerializeAsToken(), NetworkMapCach
override fun get(serviceType: ServiceType) = registeredNodes.filterValues { it.advertisedServices.any { } }.map { it.value }
override fun getRecommended(type: ServiceType, contract: Contract, vararg party: Party): NodeInfo? = get(type).firstOrNull()
override fun getNodeByLegalName(name: String) = get().singleOrNull { == name }
override fun getNodeByPublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey) = get().singleOrNull {
(it.legalIdentity.owningKey == publicKey)
|| it.advertisedServices.any { it.identity.owningKey == publicKey }
override fun getNodeByPublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey): NodeInfo? {
// Although we should never have more than one match, it is theoretically possible. Report an error if it happens.
val candidates = get().filter {
(it.legalIdentity.owningKey == publicKey)
|| it.advertisedServices.any { it.identity.owningKey == publicKey }
if (candidates.size > 1) {
throw IllegalStateException("Found more than one match for key ${publicKey.toStringShort()}")
return candidates.singleOrNull()
override fun addMapService(net: MessagingService, networkMapAddress: SingleMessageRecipient, subscribe: Boolean,

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.Party
import com.r3corda.core.node.CordaPluginRegistry
import com.r3corda.core.node.PluginServiceHub
import com.r3corda.core.node.recordTransactions
import com.r3corda.core.protocols.ProtocolLogic
import com.r3corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
@ -31,10 +32,7 @@ object DataVending {
* Additionally, because nodes do not store invalid transactions, requesting such a transaction will always yield null.
// TODO: I don't like that this needs ServiceHubInternal, but passing in a state machine breaks MockServices because
// the state machine isn't set when this is constructed. [NodeSchedulerService] has the same problem, and both
// should be fixed at the same time.
class Service(services: ServiceHubInternal) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
class Service(services: PluginServiceHub) : SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
companion object {
val logger = loggerFor<DataVending.Service>()

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
import com.r3corda.core.crypto.generateKeyPair
import com.r3corda.testing.expect
import com.r3corda.testing.node.MockNetwork
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class InMemoryNetworkMapCacheTest {
lateinit var network: MockNetwork
@ -20,4 +26,20 @@ class InMemoryNetworkMapCacheTest {
fun `key collision`() {
val keyPair = generateKeyPair()
val nodeA = network.createNode(null, -1, MockNetwork.DefaultFactory, true, "Node A", keyPair, ServiceInfo(NetworkMapService.type))
val nodeB = network.createNode(null, -1, MockNetwork.DefaultFactory, true, "Node B", keyPair, ServiceInfo(NetworkMapService.type))
// Node A currently knows only about itself, so this returns node A
// Now both nodes match, so it throws an error
expect<IllegalStateException> {

View File

@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
# Some pretend noddy rate fixes, for the interest rate oracles.
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-16 1M = 0.678
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-16 2M = 0.655
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 1M = 0.123
EURIBOR 2016-03-15 2M = 0.111
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-06 3M = 0.0063515
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-07 3M = 0.0063516
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-08 3M = 0.0063517
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-09 3M = 0.0063518
ICE LIBOR 2016-03-10 3M = 0.0063519
ICE LIBOR 2016-06-06 3M = 0.0063520
ICE LIBOR 2016-06-07 3M = 0.0063521
ICE LIBOR 2016-06-08 3M = 0.0063522
ICE LIBOR 2016-06-09 3M = 0.0063523
ICE LIBOR 2016-06-10 3M = 0.0063524
ICE LIBOR 2016-09-06 3M = 0.0063525
ICE LIBOR 2016-09-07 3M = 0.0063526
ICE LIBOR 2016-09-08 3M = 0.0063527
ICE LIBOR 2016-09-09 3M = 0.0063528
ICE LIBOR 2016-09-10 3M = 0.0063529
ICE LIBOR 2016-12-06 3M = 0.0063530
ICE LIBOR 2016-12-07 3M = 0.0063531
ICE LIBOR 2016-12-08 3M = 0.0063532
ICE LIBOR 2016-12-09 3M = 0.0063533
ICE LIBOR 2016-12-10 3M = 0.0063534
ICE LIBOR 2017-03-06 3M = 0.0063535
ICE LIBOR 2017-03-07 3M = 0.0063536
ICE LIBOR 2017-03-08 3M = 0.0063537
ICE LIBOR 2017-03-09 3M = 0.0063538
ICE LIBOR 2017-03-10 3M = 0.0063539
ICE LIBOR 2017-06-06 3M = 0.0063540
ICE LIBOR 2017-06-07 3M = 0.0063541
ICE LIBOR 2017-06-08 3M = 0.0063542
ICE LIBOR 2017-06-09 3M = 0.0063543
ICE LIBOR 2017-06-10 3M = 0.0063544
ICE LIBOR 2017-09-06 3M = 0.0063545
ICE LIBOR 2017-09-07 3M = 0.0063546
ICE LIBOR 2017-09-08 3M = 0.0063547
ICE LIBOR 2017-09-09 3M = 0.0063548
ICE LIBOR 2017-09-10 3M = 0.0063549
ICE LIBOR 2017-12-06 3M = 0.0063550
ICE LIBOR 2017-12-07 3M = 0.0063551
ICE LIBOR 2017-12-08 3M = 0.0063552
ICE LIBOR 2017-12-09 3M = 0.0063553
ICE LIBOR 2017-12-10 3M = 0.0063554
ICE LIBOR 2018-03-06 3M = 0.0063555
ICE LIBOR 2018-03-07 3M = 0.0063556
ICE LIBOR 2018-03-08 3M = 0.0063557
ICE LIBOR 2018-03-09 3M = 0.0063558
ICE LIBOR 2018-03-10 3M = 0.0063559
ICE LIBOR 2018-06-06 3M = 0.0063560
ICE LIBOR 2018-06-07 3M = 0.0063561
ICE LIBOR 2018-06-08 3M = 0.0063562
ICE LIBOR 2018-06-09 3M = 0.0063563
ICE LIBOR 2018-06-10 3M = 0.0063564
ICE LIBOR 2018-09-06 3M = 0.0063565
ICE LIBOR 2018-09-07 3M = 0.0063566
ICE LIBOR 2018-09-08 3M = 0.0063567
ICE LIBOR 2018-09-09 3M = 0.0063568
ICE LIBOR 2018-09-10 3M = 0.0063569
ICE LIBOR 2018-12-06 3M = 0.0063570
ICE LIBOR 2018-12-07 3M = 0.0063571
ICE LIBOR 2018-12-08 3M = 0.0063572
ICE LIBOR 2018-12-09 3M = 0.0063573
ICE LIBOR 2018-12-10 3M = 0.0063574
ICE LIBOR 2019-03-06 3M = 0.0063575
ICE LIBOR 2019-03-07 3M = 0.0063576
ICE LIBOR 2019-03-08 3M = 0.0063577
ICE LIBOR 2019-03-09 3M = 0.0063578
ICE LIBOR 2019-03-10 3M = 0.0063579
ICE LIBOR 2019-06-06 3M = 0.0063580
ICE LIBOR 2019-06-07 3M = 0.0063581
ICE LIBOR 2019-06-08 3M = 0.0063582
ICE LIBOR 2019-06-09 3M = 0.0063583
ICE LIBOR 2019-06-10 3M = 0.0063584
ICE LIBOR 2019-09-06 3M = 0.0063585
ICE LIBOR 2019-09-07 3M = 0.0063586
ICE LIBOR 2019-09-08 3M = 0.0063587
ICE LIBOR 2019-09-09 3M = 0.0063588
ICE LIBOR 2019-09-10 3M = 0.0063589
ICE LIBOR 2019-12-06 3M = 0.0063590
ICE LIBOR 2019-12-07 3M = 0.0063591
ICE LIBOR 2019-12-08 3M = 0.0063592
ICE LIBOR 2019-12-09 3M = 0.0063593
ICE LIBOR 2019-12-10 3M = 0.0063594
ICE LIBOR 2020-03-06 3M = 0.0063595
ICE LIBOR 2020-03-07 3M = 0.0063596
ICE LIBOR 2020-03-08 3M = 0.0063597
ICE LIBOR 2020-03-09 3M = 0.0063598
ICE LIBOR 2020-03-10 3M = 0.0063599
ICE LIBOR 2020-06-06 3M = 0.0063600
ICE LIBOR 2020-06-07 3M = 0.0063601
ICE LIBOR 2020-06-08 3M = 0.0063602
ICE LIBOR 2020-06-09 3M = 0.0063603
ICE LIBOR 2020-06-10 3M = 0.0063604
ICE LIBOR 2020-09-06 3M = 0.0063605
ICE LIBOR 2020-09-07 3M = 0.0063606
ICE LIBOR 2020-09-08 3M = 0.0063607
ICE LIBOR 2020-09-09 3M = 0.0063608
ICE LIBOR 2020-09-10 3M = 0.0063609
ICE LIBOR 2020-12-06 3M = 0.0063610
ICE LIBOR 2020-12-07 3M = 0.0063611
ICE LIBOR 2020-12-08 3M = 0.0063612
ICE LIBOR 2020-12-09 3M = 0.0063613
ICE LIBOR 2020-12-10 3M = 0.0063614
ICE LIBOR 2021-03-06 3M = 0.0063615
ICE LIBOR 2021-03-07 3M = 0.0063616
ICE LIBOR 2021-03-08 3M = 0.0063617
ICE LIBOR 2021-03-09 3M = 0.0063618
ICE LIBOR 2021-03-10 3M = 0.0063619
ICE LIBOR 2021-06-06 3M = 0.0063620
ICE LIBOR 2021-06-07 3M = 0.0063621
ICE LIBOR 2021-06-08 3M = 0.0063622
ICE LIBOR 2021-06-09 3M = 0.0063623
ICE LIBOR 2021-06-10 3M = 0.0063624
ICE LIBOR 2021-09-06 3M = 0.0063625
ICE LIBOR 2021-09-07 3M = 0.0063626
ICE LIBOR 2021-09-08 3M = 0.0063627
ICE LIBOR 2021-09-09 3M = 0.0063628
ICE LIBOR 2021-09-10 3M = 0.0063629
ICE LIBOR 2021-12-06 3M = 0.0063630
ICE LIBOR 2021-12-07 3M = 0.0063631
ICE LIBOR 2021-12-08 3M = 0.0063632
ICE LIBOR 2021-12-09 3M = 0.0063633
ICE LIBOR 2021-12-10 3M = 0.0063634
ICE LIBOR 2022-03-06 3M = 0.0063635
ICE LIBOR 2022-03-07 3M = 0.0063636
ICE LIBOR 2022-03-08 3M = 0.0063637
ICE LIBOR 2022-03-09 3M = 0.0063638
ICE LIBOR 2022-03-10 3M = 0.0063639
ICE LIBOR 2022-06-06 3M = 0.0063640
ICE LIBOR 2022-06-07 3M = 0.0063641
ICE LIBOR 2022-06-08 3M = 0.0063642
ICE LIBOR 2022-06-09 3M = 0.0063643
ICE LIBOR 2022-06-10 3M = 0.0063644
ICE LIBOR 2022-09-06 3M = 0.0063645
ICE LIBOR 2022-09-07 3M = 0.0063646
ICE LIBOR 2022-09-08 3M = 0.0063647
ICE LIBOR 2022-09-09 3M = 0.0063648
ICE LIBOR 2022-09-10 3M = 0.0063649
ICE LIBOR 2022-12-06 3M = 0.0063650
ICE LIBOR 2022-12-07 3M = 0.0063651
ICE LIBOR 2022-12-08 3M = 0.0063652
ICE LIBOR 2022-12-09 3M = 0.0063653
ICE LIBOR 2022-12-10 3M = 0.0063654
ICE LIBOR 2023-03-06 3M = 0.0063655
ICE LIBOR 2023-03-07 3M = 0.0063656
ICE LIBOR 2023-03-08 3M = 0.0063657
ICE LIBOR 2023-03-09 3M = 0.0063658
ICE LIBOR 2023-03-10 3M = 0.0063659
ICE LIBOR 2023-06-06 3M = 0.0063660
ICE LIBOR 2023-06-07 3M = 0.0063661
ICE LIBOR 2023-06-08 3M = 0.0063662
ICE LIBOR 2023-06-09 3M = 0.0063663
ICE LIBOR 2023-06-10 3M = 0.0063664
ICE LIBOR 2023-09-06 3M = 0.0063665
ICE LIBOR 2023-09-07 3M = 0.0063666
ICE LIBOR 2023-09-08 3M = 0.0063667
ICE LIBOR 2023-09-09 3M = 0.0063668
ICE LIBOR 2023-09-10 3M = 0.0063669
ICE LIBOR 2023-12-06 3M = 0.0063670
ICE LIBOR 2023-12-07 3M = 0.0063671
ICE LIBOR 2023-12-08 3M = 0.0063672
ICE LIBOR 2023-12-09 3M = 0.0063673
ICE LIBOR 2023-12-10 3M = 0.0063674
ICE LIBOR 2024-03-06 3M = 0.0063675
ICE LIBOR 2024-03-07 3M = 0.0063676
ICE LIBOR 2024-03-08 3M = 0.0063677
ICE LIBOR 2024-03-09 3M = 0.0063678
ICE LIBOR 2024-03-10 3M = 0.0063679
ICE LIBOR 2024-06-06 3M = 0.0063680
ICE LIBOR 2024-06-07 3M = 0.0063681
ICE LIBOR 2024-06-08 3M = 0.0063682
ICE LIBOR 2024-06-09 3M = 0.0063683
ICE LIBOR 2024-06-10 3M = 0.0063684
ICE LIBOR 2024-09-06 3M = 0.0063685
ICE LIBOR 2024-09-07 3M = 0.0063686
ICE LIBOR 2024-09-08 3M = 0.0063687
ICE LIBOR 2024-09-09 3M = 0.0063688
ICE LIBOR 2024-09-10 3M = 0.0063689
ICE LIBOR 2024-12-06 3M = 0.0063690
ICE LIBOR 2024-12-07 3M = 0.0063691
ICE LIBOR 2024-12-08 3M = 0.0063692
ICE LIBOR 2024-12-09 3M = 0.0063693
ICE LIBOR 2024-12-10 3M = 0.0063694
ICE LIBOR 2025-03-06 3M = 0.0063695
ICE LIBOR 2025-03-07 3M = 0.0063696
ICE LIBOR 2025-03-08 3M = 0.0063697
ICE LIBOR 2025-03-09 3M = 0.0063698
ICE LIBOR 2025-03-10 3M = 0.0063699
ICE LIBOR 2025-06-06 3M = 0.0063700
ICE LIBOR 2025-06-07 3M = 0.0063701
ICE LIBOR 2025-06-08 3M = 0.0063702
ICE LIBOR 2025-06-09 3M = 0.0063703
ICE LIBOR 2025-06-10 3M = 0.0063704
ICE LIBOR 2025-09-06 3M = 0.0063705
ICE LIBOR 2025-09-07 3M = 0.0063706
ICE LIBOR 2025-09-08 3M = 0.0063707
ICE LIBOR 2025-09-09 3M = 0.0063708
ICE LIBOR 2025-09-10 3M = 0.0063709
ICE LIBOR 2025-12-06 3M = 0.0063710
ICE LIBOR 2025-12-07 3M = 0.0063711
ICE LIBOR 2025-12-08 3M = 0.0063712
ICE LIBOR 2025-12-09 3M = 0.0063713
ICE LIBOR 2025-12-10 3M = 0.0063714
ICE LIBOR 2026-03-06 3M = 0.0063715
ICE LIBOR 2026-03-07 3M = 0.0063716
ICE LIBOR 2026-03-08 3M = 0.0063717
ICE LIBOR 2026-03-09 3M = 0.0063718
ICE LIBOR 2026-03-10 3M = 0.0063719
ICE LIBOR 2026-06-06 3M = 0.0063720
ICE LIBOR 2026-06-07 3M = 0.0063721
ICE LIBOR 2026-06-08 3M = 0.0063722
ICE LIBOR 2026-06-09 3M = 0.0063723
ICE LIBOR 2026-06-10 3M = 0.0063724
ICE LIBOR 2026-09-06 3M = 0.0063725
ICE LIBOR 2026-09-07 3M = 0.0063726
ICE LIBOR 2026-09-08 3M = 0.0063727
ICE LIBOR 2026-09-09 3M = 0.0063728
ICE LIBOR 2026-09-10 3M = 0.0063729
ICE LIBOR 2026-12-06 3M = 0.0063730
ICE LIBOR 2026-12-07 3M = 0.0063731
ICE LIBOR 2026-12-08 3M = 0.0063732
ICE LIBOR 2026-12-09 3M = 0.0063733
ICE LIBOR 2026-12-10 3M = 0.0063734

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This needs the buyer node to be running first.
if [ ! -e ./gradlew ]; then
echo "Run from the root directory please"
exit 1
if [ ! -e $bin ]; then
./gradlew installDist
if [ ! -e build/trader-demo/buyer/identity-public ]; then
echo "You must run scripts/ buyer before running this script (and keep it running)"
exit 1
# Upload the rates to the buyer node
curl -F rates=@scripts/example.rates.txt http://localhost:31338/upload/interest-rates
$bin --network-address=localhost:31300 --directory=build/trader-demo/rates-fix --network-map=localhost:31337 --network-map-identity-file=build/trader-demo/buyer/identity-public