..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
6. Add Java to the PATH environment variable by following the instructions at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/windows/jdk-installation-windows.html#path
7. Open a new command prompt and run ``java -version`` to test that Java is installed correctly
..warning:: If you are using a Windows, Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`windows-label`, :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Windows or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`windows-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
These instructions were tested on Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS.
1. Open a new terminal and add the Oracle PPA to your repositories by typing ``sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java``. Press ENTER when prompted.
2. Update your packages list with the command ``sudo apt update``
3. Install the Oracle JDK 8 by typing ``sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer``. Press Y when prompted and agree to the licence terms.
4. Verify that the JDK was installed correctly by running ``java -version``
1. From the terminal, Git can be installed using apt with the command ``sudo apt install git``
2. Verify that git was installed correctly by typing ``git --version``
Jetbrains offers a pre-built snap package that allows for easy, one-step installation of IntelliJ onto Ubuntu.
1. To download the snap, navigate to https://snapcraft.io/intellij-idea-community
2. Click ``Install``, then ``View in Desktop Store``. Choose ``Ubuntu Software`` in the Launch Application window.
3. Ensure the Kotlin plugin in Intellij is updated to version |kotlin_version|
..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Windows or Debian/Ubuntu machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`windows-label` or :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` instructions instead.
These instructions were tested on Fedora 28.
1. Download the RPM installation file of Oracle JDK from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html.
2. Install the package with ``rpm -ivh jdk-<version>-linux-<architecture>.rpm`` or use the default software manager.
3. Choose java version by using the following command ``alternatives --config java``
4. Verify that the JDK was installed correctly by running ``java -version``
1. From the terminal, Git can be installed using dnf with the command ``sudo dnf install git``
2. Verify that git was installed correctly by typing ``git --version``