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2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Getting started</span></p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<ul class="current">
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="inthebox.html">What&#8217;s included?</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1 current"><a class="current reference internal" href="#">Getting set up</a><ul>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#a-jvm">A JVM</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#intellij">IntelliJ</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#kotlin">Kotlin</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#version-control-via-git">Version control via Git</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#gradle">Gradle</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#corda-source-code">Corda source code</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="running-the-demos.html">Running the demos</a></li>
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Key concepts</span></p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="data-model.html">Data model</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="transaction-data-types.html">Data types</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="merkle-trees.html">Transaction tear-offs</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="consensus.html">Consensus model</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">The Corda node</span></p>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="clientrpc.html">Client RPC</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="messaging.html">Networking and messaging</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="persistence.html">Persistence</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="node-administration.html">Node administration</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="corda-configuration-file.html">Node configuration</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="corda-plugins.html">The Corda plugin framework</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="node-services.html">Brief introduction to the node services</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="node-explorer.html">Node Explorer</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="permissioning.html">Network permissioning</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">CorDapps</span></p>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="creating-a-cordapp.html">Creating a CorDapp</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="creating-a-cordapp.html#gradle-plugins-for-cordapps">Gradle plugins for CorDapps</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Tutorials</span></p>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="where-to-start.html">Where to start</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="tutorial-contract.html">Writing a contract</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="tutorial-contract-clauses.html">Writing a contract using clauses</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="tutorial-test-dsl.html">Writing a contract test</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="tutorial-clientrpc-api.html">Client RPC API tutorial</a></li>
2016-11-25 13:10:21 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="flow-state-machines.html">Writing flows</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="flow-testing.html">Writing flow tests</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="running-a-notary.html">Running a notary service</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="using-a-notary.html">Using a notary service</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="oracles.html">Writing oracle services</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="tutorial-attachments.html">Using attachments</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="event-scheduling.html">Event scheduling</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Other</span></p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="network-simulator.html">Network Simulator</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="initial-margin-agreement.html">Initial margin agreements</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Component library</span></p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="contract-catalogue.html">Contract catalogue</a></li>
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="contract-irs.html">Interest rate swaps</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Appendix</span></p>
2016-11-18 13:57:39 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="loadtesting.html">Load testing</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="secure-coding-guidelines.html">Secure coding guidelines</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="release-process.html">Release process</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="release-process.html#steps-to-cut-a-release">Steps to cut a release</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="release-notes.html">Release notes</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="codestyle.html">Code style guide</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="building-the-docs.html">Building the documentation</a></li>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">Glossary</span></p>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="glossary.html">Glossary</a></li>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
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<div class="section" id="getting-set-up">
<h1>Getting set up<a class="headerlink" href="#getting-set-up" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p>We have tried to make access to Corda as relatively simple as possible, using industry standard established tools.
Although it is possible to replace any of the recommendations below, we will find it a lot easier to support your efforts
if you follow our guidelines. Saying that, we are also interested in problems that arise due to different configurations.</p>
<div class="section" id="a-jvm">
<h2>A JVM<a class="headerlink" href="#a-jvm" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Corda runs in a JVM and is written predominantly in Kotlin with some example use cases demonstrated in Java that we have
incorporated to demonstrate that Kotlin and Java can work seemlessly together. We recommend the most recent production
version of Java 8. The JDK can be obtained <a class="reference external" href="">from Oracle</a>.
Other implementations of the JVM are not actively supported, but as mentioned, we are interested in finding out any issues you
do have with them.</p>
<div class="section" id="intellij">
<h2>IntelliJ<a class="headerlink" href="#intellij" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>We strongly recommend the use of IntelliJ&#8217;s Development Environment known as IDEA. Download it for free from
<a class="reference external" href="">JetBrains</a>. The primary reason we recommend this particular IDE is that it integrates
very well with our choice of language for Corda, &#8220;Kotlin&#8221;, as Jetbrains also support the development of Kotlin.</p>
<div class="section" id="kotlin">
<h2>Kotlin<a class="headerlink" href="#kotlin" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Kotlin is available as a downloadable plugin to IntelliJ. Refer to IntelliJ&#8217;s instructions on
<a class="reference external" href="">getting Started with Kotlin and IntelliJ</a>. Additionally,
if you would like to start getting to grips with the Kotlin language, then we strongly recommend you work through some
of the tutorials (known as &#8220;koans&#8221;) as well. Also see our <a class="reference internal" href="further-notes-on-kotlin.html"><span class="doc">Further notes on Kotlin</span></a>.</p>
<div class="section" id="version-control-via-git">
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<h2>Version control via Git<a class="headerlink" href="#version-control-via-git" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p>We use git to version control Corda. The authorative place to obtain git is from the main <a class="reference external" href="">git website</a>
but it may be the case that your operating system provides git with a supported utility (e.g. for Apple, git is provided along
with XCode - their free development environment). If this is the case, we would recommend you obtain git via that
supported route.</p>
<p>You will need the command line package installed which you can then use natively (via the command line) or via IntelliJ
(in which case you may need to configure IntelliJ to recognise where git has been installed on your system). IntelliJ and
git configuration are quite seemless although the first time you use it, you will have to configure IntelliJ the location
of your git command installation. More details regarding this can be found
on the <a class="reference external" href="">JetBrains website</a></p>
<div class="section" id="gradle">
<h2>Gradle<a class="headerlink" href="#gradle" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>Gradle is our primary means of building Corda and managing dependencies. IntelliJ has its own view of this and occasionally
may need to be resynced from time to time. This can be done within IntelliJ by pressing the &#8220;gradle refresh&#8221; icon located
on the gradle tab (generally found on the right hand side), or by following the gradle commands specific for the task you
are performing (details expounded later). Whenever prompted about gradle, accept the defaults suggested by IntelliJ.</p>
<div class="section" id="corda-source-code">
2016-11-29 11:38:52 +00:00
<h2>Corda source code<a class="headerlink" href="#corda-source-code" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<p>You can check out the Corda platform source code from this repository:</p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<div><a class="reference external" href=""></a></div></blockquote>
<p>and a template app that you can use as a basis for experimenting with app development from:</p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<div><a class="reference external" href=""></a></div></blockquote>
<p>You can catch up with the latest code by selecting &#8220;VCS -&gt; Update Project&#8221; in the IntelliJ menu.</p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
2016-11-23 13:50:02 +01:00
<div class="section" id="troubleshooting">
<h2>Troubleshooting<a class="headerlink" href="#troubleshooting" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<p>See <a class="reference internal" href="getting-set-up-fault-finding.html"><span class="doc">Getting Set Up : Faultfinding</span></a>.</p>
2016-11-11 12:52:29 +01:00
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