enforce that spurious commands cannot be included in a transaction, ensuring that the transaction is as clear as
possible. As an example imagine a transaction with two commands: ``Move`` and ``Issue`` included, with verification written
using ``FirstComposition`` on clauses that require single command set. Thus only one of transaction's commands will match
leaving the second unprocessed. It should raise an error - we want to ensure that commands set is minimal to simplify
analysis of intent of a transaction.
An example ``verify`` from ``Obligation`` contract:
..container:: codeset
..sourcecode:: kotlin
override fun verify(tx: TransactionForContract) = verifyClause<Commands>(tx, FirstComposition<ContractState, Commands, Unit>(
Clauses.Net<Commands, P>(),
), tx.commands.select<Obligation.Commands>())
It takes transaction to be verified, and passes it along with a top-level clause and commands to the ``verifyClause``
function. As you can see above we have used ``FirstComposition`` which is a special type of clause, which extends the
``CompositeClause`` abstract class (in that particular case, it ensures that either ``Net`` or ``Group`` will run - for explanation see `FirstComposition`_).
It's a type of clause that adds support for encapsulating multiple clauses and defines common behaviour for that composition.
There is also a ``GroupClauseVerifier`` special clause, which specifies how to group transaction input/output states
together and passes them to adequate clause for further processing.
Composition clauses
One of the most important concepts of clauses - composition clauses which extend ``CompositeClause`` abstract class,
providing a range of ways of assembling clauses together. They define a logic of verification execution specifying which clauses
will be run.
Composes a number of clauses, such that all of the clauses must run for verification to pass.
..image:: resources/allCompositionChart.png
Short description:
-``AllComposition`` holds clauses *Cl1,..,Cl5*.
- Check if all clauses that compose ``AllComposition`` have associated commands in a command set - if not, verification fails.
- After successful check runs verification logic specific for every clause *Cl1,..,Cl5* from that composition.
See code in `GroupClauseVerifier`_.
Composes a number of clauses, such that 0 or more of the clauses can be run.
..image:: resources/anyCompositionChart.png
Short description:
- Checks if zero or more clauses that compose AnyComposition have associated commands in a command set.
- After success runs verification logic specific for every *matched* (in this case *Cl2, Cl4, Cl5*) clause from composition.
Example from ``CommercialPaper.kt``:
..container:: codeset
..sourcecode:: kotlin
class Group : GroupClauseVerifier<State, Commands, Issued<Terms>>(
Issue())) {
override fun groupStates(tx: TransactionForContract): List<TransactionForContract.InOutGroup<State, Issued<Terms>>>