The following modules have a stable API we commit not to break in following releases, unless an incompatible change is required for security reasons:
***Core (net.corda.core)**: core Corda libraries such as crypto functions, types for Corda's building blocks: states, contracts, transactions, attachments, etc. and some interfaces for nodes and protocols
*****: a range of elementary contracts (and associated schemas) and protocols, such as abstract fungible assets, cash, obligation and commercial paper
***net.corda.client.jfx**: support for Java FX UI
***net.corda.client.mock**: client mock utilities
***Cordformation**: Gradle integration plugins
Corda unstable modules
The following modules are available but we do not commit to their stability or continuation in any sense:
***net.corda.buildSrc**: necessary gradle plugins to build Corda
***net.corda.node**: core code of the Corda node (eg: node driver, node services, messaging, persistence)
***net.corda.node.api**: data structures shared between the node and the client module, e.g. types sent via RPC
*****: a network visualiser that uses a simulation to visualise the interaction and messages between nodes on the Corda network
***net.corda.samples.demos.attachment**: demonstrates sending a transaction with an attachment from one to node to another, and the receiving node accessing the attachment
***net.corda.samples.demos.bankofcorda**: simulates the role of an asset issuing authority (eg. central bank for cash)
***net.corda.samples.demos.irs**: demonstrates an Interest Rate Swap agreement between two banks
***net.corda.samples.demos.notary**: a simple demonstration of a node getting multiple transactions notarised by a distributed (Raft or BFT SMaRt) notary
***net.corda.samples.demos.trader**: demonstrates four nodes, a notary, an issuer of cash (Bank of Corda), and two parties trading with each other, exchanging cash for a commercial paper
***net.corda.node.smoke.test.utils**: test utilities for smoke testing
***net.corda.node.test.common**: common test functionality
*****: a GUI tool that allows to run Corda nodes locally for demonstrations
*****: a GUI front-end for Corda
*****: utilities to infer project dependencies
*****: Corda load tests
***net.corda.webserver**: is a servlet container for CorDapps that export HTTP endpoints. This server is an RPC client of the node
***net.corda.sandbox-creator**: sandbox utilities
***net.corda.quasar.hook**: agent to hook into Quasar and provide types exclusion lists
..warning:: Code inside any package in the ``net.corda`` namespace which contains ``.internal`` or in ``net.corda.node`` for internal use only.
Future releases will reject any CorDapps that use types from these packages.
..warning:: The web server module will be removed in future. You should call Corda nodes through RPC from your web server of choice e.g., Spring Boot, Vertx, Undertow.