<h1>What’s included?<aclass="headerlink"href="#what-s-included"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>The Corda prototype currently includes:</p>
<li>A peer to peer network with message persistence and delivery retries.</li>
<li>Key data structures for defining contracts and states.</li>
<li>Smart contracts, which you can find in the <aclass="reference internal"href="contract-catalogue.html"><spanclass="doc">Contract catalogue</span></a>.</li>
<li>Algorithms that work with them, such as serialising, hashing, signing, and verification of the signatures.</li>
<li>API documentation and tutorials (what you’re reading).</li>
<li>A business process orchestration framework.</li>
<li>Notary infrastructure for precise timestamping, and elimination of double spending without a blockchain.</li>
<li>A simple REST API, and a web app demo that uses it to present a frontend for IRS trading.</li>
<p>Some things it does not currently include but should gain later are:</p>
<li>Sandboxing, distribution or publication of smart contract code</li>
<li>A user interface for administration</li>
<p>The prototype’s goal is rapid exploration of ideas. Therefore in places it takes shortcuts that a production system
would not in order to boost productivity:</p>
<li>It uses an object graph serialization framework instead of a well specified, vendor neutral protocol.</li>
<li>There’s currently no permissioning framework.</li>
<li>It uses an embedded SQL database and doesn’t yet have connectivity support for mainstream SQL vendors (Oracle,
Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server etc).</li>
<h2>Kotlin<aclass="headerlink"href="#kotlin"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>Corda is written in a language called <aclass="reference external"href="https://kotlinlang.org/">Kotlin</a>. Kotlin is a language that targets the JVM
and can be thought of as a simpler Scala, with much better Java interop. It is developed by and has commercial support
from JetBrains, the makers of the IntelliJ IDE and other popular developer tools.</p>
<p>As Kotlin is very new, without a doubt you have not encountered it before. Don’t worry: it is designed as a better
Java for industrial use and as such, the syntax was carefully designed to be readable even to people who don’t know
the language, after only a few minutes of introduction.</p>
<p>Due to the seamless Java interop the use of Kotlin to extend the platform is <em>not</em> required and the tutorial shows how
to write contracts in both Kotlin and Java. You can <aclass="reference external"href="https://medium.com/@octskyward/why-kotlin-is-my-next-programming-language-c25c001e26e3">read more about why Kotlin is a potentially strong successor to Java here</a>.</p>
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