..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
2. Click the download link for jdk-8uXXX-windows-x64.exe (where "XXX" is the latest minor version number)
3. Download and run the executable to install Java (use the default settings)
4. Add Java to the PATH environment variable by following the instructions in the `Oracle documentation <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/windows/jdk-installation-windows.html#path>`_
5. Open a new command prompt and run ``java -version`` to test that Java is installed correctly
..warning:: If you are using a Windows, Debian/Ubuntu or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`windows-label`, :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Windows or Fedora machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`windows-label` or :ref:`fedora-label` instructions instead.
These instructions were tested on Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS.
1. Open a new terminal and add the Oracle PPA to your repositories by typing ``sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java``. Press ENTER when prompted.
2. Update your packages list with the command ``sudo apt update``
3. Install the Oracle JDK 8 by typing ``sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer``. Press Y when prompted and agree to the licence terms.
4. Verify that the JDK was installed correctly by running ``java -version``
1. From the terminal, Git can be installed using apt with the command ``sudo apt install git``
2. Verify that git was installed correctly by typing ``git --version``
Jetbrains offers a pre-built snap package that allows for easy, one-step installation of IntelliJ onto Ubuntu.
1. To download the snap, navigate to https://snapcraft.io/intellij-idea-community
2. Click ``Install``, then ``View in Desktop Store``. Choose ``Ubuntu Software`` in the Launch Application window.
..warning:: If you are using a Mac, Windows or Debian/Ubuntu machine, please follow the :ref:`mac-label`, :ref:`windows-label` or :ref:`deb-ubuntu-label` instructions instead.
These instructions were tested on Fedora 28.
1. Download the RPM installation file of Oracle JDK from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html.
2. Install the package with ``rpm -ivh jdk-<version>-linux-<architecture>.rpm`` or use the default software manager.
3. Choose java version by using the following command ``alternatives --config java``
4. Verify that the JDK was installed correctly by running ``java -version``
1. From the terminal, Git can be installed using dnf with the command ``sudo dnf install git``
2. Verify that git was installed correctly by typing ``git --version``