..note:: If you are connecting to the demo nodes, only Alice and Bob (20004, 20006) are accessible using user1 credential, you won't be able to connect to the notary.
..image:: resources/explorer/login.png
:scale:50 %
Home view shows the top level state of node and vault; currently, it shows your cash balance and the numbers of transaction executed.
The dashboard is intended to house widgets from different CordApp's and provide useful information to system admin at a glance.
..image:: resources/explorer/dashboard.png
The cash view shows all currencies you currently own in a tree table format, it is grouped by issuer -> currency.
Individual cash transactions can be viewed by clicking on the table row. The user can also use the search field to narrow down the scope.
..image:: resources/explorer/vault.png
The transaction view contains all transactions handled by the node in a table view. It shows basic information on the table e.g. Transaction ID,
command type, USD equivalence value etc. User can expand the row by double clicking to view the inputs,
outputs and the signatures details for that transaction.
..image:: resources/explorer/transactionView.png
New Transaction
This is where you can create new transaction; currently only the cash contract is supported.
The user can choose from three transaction types (issue, move and exit) and any party visible on the network.
The result of the transaction will be visible in the transaction screen when executed.