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# StatePointer
## Background
Occasionally there is a need to create a link from one `ContractState` to another. This has the effect of creating a uni-directional "one-to-one" relationship between a pair of `ContractState`s.
There are two ways to do this.
### By `StateRef`
Link one `ContractState` to another by including a `StateRef` or a `StateAndRef<T>` as a property inside another `ContractState`:
// StateRef.
data class FooState(val ref: StateRef) : ContractState
// StateAndRef.
data class FooState(val ref: StateAndRef<BarState>) : ContractState
Linking to a `StateRef` or `StateAndRef<T>` is only recommended if a specific version of a state is required in perpetuity. Clearly, adding a `StateAndRef` embeds the data directly. This type of pointer is compatible with any `ContractState` type.
But what if the linked state is updated? The `StateRef` will be pointing to an older version of the data and this could be a problem for the `ContractState` which contains the pointer.
### By `linearId`
To create a link to the most up-to-date version of a state, instead of linking to a specific `StateRef`, a `linearId` which references a `LinearState` can be used. This is because all `LinearState`s contain a `linearId` which refers to a particular lineage of `LinearState`. The vault can be used to look-up the most recent state with the specified `linearId`.
// Link by LinearId.
data class FooState(val ref: UniqueIdentifier) : ContractState
This type of pointer only works with `LinearState`s.
### Resolving pointers
The trade-off with pointing to data in another state is that the data being pointed to cannot be immediately seen. To see the data contained within the pointed-to state, it must be "resolved".
## Design
Introduce a `StatePointer` interface and two implementations of it; the `StaticPointer` and the `LinearPointer`. The `StatePointer` is defined as follows:
interface StatePointer {
val pointer: Any
fun resolve(services: ServiceHub): StateAndRef<ContractState>
The `resolve` method facilitates the resolution of the `pointer` to a `StateAndRef`.
The `StaticPointer` type requires developers to provide a `StateRef` which points to a specific state.
class StaticPointer(override val pointer: StateRef) : StatePointer {
override fun resolve(services: ServiceHub): StateAndRef<ContractState> {
val transactionState = services.loadState(pointer)
return StateAndRef(transactionState, pointer)
The `LinearPointer` type contains the `linearId` of the `LinearState` being pointed to and a `resolve` method. Resolving a `LinearPointer` returns a `StateAndRef<T>` containing the latest version of the `LinearState` that the node calling `resolve` is aware of.
class LinearPointer(override val pointer: UniqueIdentifier) : StatePointer {
override fun resolve(services: ServiceHub): StateAndRef<LinearState> {
val query = QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(linearId = listOf(pointer))
val result = services.vaultService.queryBy<LinearState>(query).states
check(result.isNotEmpty()) { "LinearPointer $pointer cannot be resolved." }
return result.single()
#### Bi-directional link
Symmetrical relationships can be modelled by embedding a `LinearPointer` in the pointed-to `LinearState` which points in the "opposite" direction. **Note:** this can only work if both states are `LinearState`s.
## Use-cases
It is important to note that this design only standardises a pattern which is currently possible with the platform. In other words, this design does not enable anything new.
#### Tokens
Uncoupling token type definitions from the notion of ownership. Using the `LinearPointer`, `Token` states can include an `Amount` of some pointed-to type. The pointed-to type can evolve independently from the `Token` state which should just be concerned with the question of ownership.
## Issues and resolutions
Some issue to be aware of and their resolutions:
| Problem | Resolution |
| :----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| If the node calling `resolve` has not seen the specified `StateRef`, then `resolve` will return `null`. Here, the node calling `resolve` might be missing some crucial data. | Use data distribution groups. Assuming the creator of the `ContractState` publishes it to a data distribution group, subscribing to that group ensures that the node calling resolve will eventually have the required data. |
| The node calling `resolve` has seen and stored transactions containing a `LinearState` with the specified `linearId`. However, there is no guarantee the `StateAndRef<T>` returned by `resolve` is the most recent version of the `LinearState`. | Embed the pointed-to `LinearState` in transactions containing the `LinearPointer` as a reference state. The reference states feature will ensure the pointed-to state is the latest version. |
| The creator of the pointed-to `ContractState` exits the state from the ledger. If the pointed-to state is included a reference state then notaries will reject transactions containing it. | Contract code can be used to make a state un-exitable. |
All of the noted resolutions rely on additional paltform features:
* Reference states which will be available in V4
* Data distribution groups which are not currently available. However, there is an early prototype
* Additional state interface
### Additional concerns and responses
#### Embedding reference states in transactions
**Concern:** Embedding reference states for pointed-to states in transactions could cause transactions to increase by some unbounded size.
**Response:** The introduction of this feature doesn't create a new platform capability. It merely formalises a pattern which is currently possible. Futhermore, there is a possibility that _any_ type of state can cause a transaction to increase by some un-bounded size. It is also worth remembering that the maximum transaction size is 10MB.
#### `StatePointer`s are not human readable
**Concern:** Users won't know what sits behind the pointer.
**Response:** When the state containing the pointer is used in a flow, the pointer can be easily resolved. When the state needs to be displayed on a UI, the pointer can be resolved via vault query.
#### This feature adds complexity to the platform
**Concern:** This all seems quite complicated.
**Response:** It's possible anyway. Use of this feature is optional.
#### Coinselection will be slow.
**Concern:** We'll need to join on other tables to perform coinselection, making it slower. This is when a `StatePointer` is used as a `FungibleState` or `FungibleAsset` type.
**Response:** This is probably not true in most cases. Take the existing coinselection code from `CashSelectionH2Impl.kt`:
SELECT vs.transaction_id, vs.output_index, ccs.pennies, SET(@t, ifnull(@t,0)+ccs.pennies) total_pennies, vs.lock_id
FROM vault_states AS vs, contract_cash_states AS ccs
WHERE vs.transaction_id = ccs.transaction_id AND vs.output_index = ccs.output_index
AND vs.state_status = 0
AND vs.relevancy_status = 0
AND ccs.ccy_code = ? and @t < ?
AND (vs.lock_id = ? OR vs.lock_id is null)
Notice that the only property required which is not accessible from the `StatePointer` is the `ccy_code`. This is not necessarily a problem though, as the `pointer` specified in the pointer can be used as a proxy for the `ccy_code` or "token type".