2394 lines
74 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-01-26 20:07:18 -07:00
name = avian
version := $(shell grep version gradle.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)
java-version := $(shell "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java" -version 2>&1 \
| grep 'version "1' \
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
| sed 's/.*version "1.\([^.]*\).*/\1/')
2011-02-26 12:45:22 -07:00
build-arch := $(shell uname -m \
| sed 's/^i.86$$/i386/' \
| sed 's/^x86pc$$/i386/' \
2012-08-02 10:49:32 -06:00
| sed 's/amd64/x86_64/' \
| sed 's/^arm.*$$/arm/' \
| sed 's/aarch64/arm64/')
2007-06-29 10:42:39 -06:00
build-platform := \
$(shell uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] \
| sed \
-e 's/^mingw64.*$$/mingw32/' \
-e 's/^mingw32.*$$/mingw32/' \
-e 's/^cygwin.*$$/cygwin/' \
-e 's/^darwin.*$$/macosx/')
2007-09-21 08:16:43 -06:00
arch = $(build-arch)
target-arch = $(arch)
2009-06-01 12:12:29 -06:00
bootimage-platform = \
$(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform)))
2009-06-01 12:12:29 -06:00
platform = $(bootimage-platform)
codegen-targets = native
mode = fast
2008-01-03 12:49:42 -07:00
process = compile
ifneq ($(process),compile)
options := -$(process)
ifneq ($(mode),fast)
options := $(options)-$(mode)
ifneq ($(lzma),)
options := $(options)-lzma
ifeq ($(bootimage),true)
options := $(options)-bootimage
ifeq ($(bootimage-test),true)
# this option indicates that we should AOT-compile the test
# classes as well as the class library
options := $(options)-test
ifeq ($(tails),true)
options := $(options)-tails
ifeq ($(continuations),true)
options := $(options)-continuations
ifeq ($(codegen-targets),all)
options := $(options)-all
ifeq ($(filter debug debug-fast fast stress stress-major small,$(mode)),)
x := $(error "'$(mode)' is not a valid mode (choose one of: debug debug-fast fast stress stress-major small)")
ifeq ($(filter compile interpret,$(process)),)
x := $(error "'$(process)' is not a valid process (choose one of: compile interpret)")
ifeq ($(filter x86_64 i386 arm arm64,$(arch)),)
x := $(error "'$(arch)' is not a supported architecture (choose one of: x86_64 i386 arm arm64)")
ifeq ($(platform),darwin)
x := $(error "please use 'platform=macosx' or 'platform=ios' instead of 'platform=$(platform)'")
ifneq ($(ios),)
x := $(error "please use 'platform=ios' instead of 'ios=true'")
ifeq ($(filter linux windows macosx ios freebsd,$(platform)),)
x := $(error "'$(platform)' is not a supported platform (choose one of: linux windows macosx ios freebsd)")
ifeq ($(platform),macosx)
2014-11-26 20:05:46 -07:00
ifneq ($(filter arm arm64,$(arch)),)
x := $(error "please use ('arch=arm' or 'arch=arm64') 'platform=ios' to build for ios-arm")
ifeq ($(platform),ios)
2015-03-16 11:32:35 -06:00
ifeq ($(filter i386 x86_64 arm arm64,$(arch)),)
x := $(error "please specify 'arch=i386', 'arch=x86_64', 'arch=arm', or 'arch=arm64' with 'platform=ios'")
ifeq ($(bootimage-test),true)
ifneq ($(bootimage),true)
x := $(error "bootimage-test=true only works when bootimage=true")
aot-only = false
root := $(shell (cd .. && pwd))
build = build/$(platform)-$(arch)$(options)
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
host-build-root = $(build)/host
classpath-build = $(build)/classpath
test-build = $(build)/test
src = src
classpath-src = classpath
test = test
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
unittest = unittest
win32 ?= $(root)/win32
win64 ?= $(root)/win64
winrt ?= $(root)/winrt
wp8 ?= $(root)/wp8
classpath = avian
bootimage-classpath = $(classpath-build)
ifeq ($(bootimage-test),true)
bootimage-classpath = $(classpath-build):$(test-build)
ifeq ($(use-werror),true)
werror = -Werror
test-executable = $(shell pwd)/$(executable)
boot-classpath = $(classpath-build)
embed-prefix = /avian-embedded
native-path = echo
platform-kernel = $(subst macosx,darwin,$(subst ios,darwin,$1))
build-kernel = $(call platform-kernel,$(build-platform))
kernel = $(call platform-kernel,$(platform))
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
native-path = cygpath -m
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
windows-path = echo
path-separator = :
ifneq (,$(filter mingw32 cygwin,$(build-platform)))
path-separator = ;
target-path-separator = :
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
target-path-separator = ;
library-path-variable = LD_LIBRARY_PATH
ifeq ($(build-kernel),darwin)
library-path-variable = DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
library-path = $(library-path-variable)=$(build)
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
ifneq ($(openjdk),)
openjdk-version := $(shell $(openjdk)/bin/java -version 2>&1 \
| grep 'version "1' \
| sed 's/.*version "1.\([^.]*\).*/\1/')
openjdk-arch = $(arch)
ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
openjdk-arch = amd64
ifneq ($(android),)
x := $(error "android and openjdk are incompatible")
ifeq ($(openjdk-image),)
openjdk-image = $(openjdk)/jre
ifneq ($(openjdk-src),)
include openjdk-src.mk
options := $(options)-openjdk-src
classpath-objects = $(openjdk-objects) $(openjdk-local-objects)
openjdk-jar-dep = $(build)/openjdk-jar.dep
classpath-jar-dep = $(openjdk-jar-dep)
javahome = $(embed-prefix)/javahomeJar
javahome-files = lib/currency.data lib/security/java.security \
lib/security/java.policy lib/security/cacerts
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(openjdk)/jre/lib/zi))
javahome-files += lib/zi
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(openjdk)/jre/lib/tzdb.dat))
javahome-files += lib/tzdb.dat
local-policy = lib/security/local_policy.jar
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(openjdk)/jre/$(local-policy)))
javahome-files += $(local-policy)
export-policy = lib/security/US_export_policy.jar
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(openjdk)/jre/$(export-policy)))
javahome-files += $(export-policy)
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
javahome-files += lib/tzmappings
javahome-object = $(build)/javahome-jar.o
boot-javahome-object = $(build)/boot-javahome.o
2013-03-26 08:30:26 -06:00
stub-sources = $(src)/openjdk/stubs.cpp
stub-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(stub-sources),$(src),$(build))
soname-flag = -Wl,-soname -Wl,$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix)
version-script-flag = -Wl,--version-script=openjdk.ld
options := $(options)-openjdk
test-executable = $(shell pwd)/$(executable-dynamic)
ifeq ($(build-kernel),darwin)
library-path = \
library-path = \
javahome = "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre")"
ifeq ($(openjdk-image),)
openjdk-image = $(openjdk)/jre
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
classpath = openjdk
boot-classpath := "$(boot-classpath)$(path-separator)$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk)/jre/lib/rt.jar")"
build-javahome = $(openjdk)/jre
ifneq ($(android),)
options := $(options)-android
classpath-jar-dep = $(build)/android.dep
luni-native = $(android)/libcore/luni/src/main/native
classpath-cflags = -DBOOT_JAVAHOME
android-cflags = -I$(luni-native) \
-I$(android)/libnativehelper/include/nativehelper \
-I$(android)/libnativehelper \
-I$(android)/system/core/include \
-I$(android)/external/zlib \
-I$(android)/external/icu4c/i18n \
-I$(android)/external/icu4c/common \
-I$(android)/external/expat \
-I$(android)/external/openssl/include \
-I$(android)/external/openssl \
-I$(android)/libcore/include \
-I$(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm \
-I$(build)/android-src \
-fno-exceptions \
-DOS_SHARED_LIB_FORMAT_STR="\"$(so-prefix)%s$(so-suffix)\"" \
2014-03-04 00:41:58 +04:00
2015-06-03 00:01:03 +03:00
-g3 \
# on Windows (in MinGW-based build) there are neither __BEGIN_DECLS nor __END_DECLS
# defines; we don't want to patch every file that uses them, so we stub them in
# using CFLAGS mechanism
2014-10-09 17:50:09 +04:00
# Also we have off64_t defined in mingw-w64 headers, so let's tell that
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
2014-10-09 17:50:09 +04:00
android-cflags += "-D__BEGIN_DECLS=extern \"C\" {" "-D__END_DECLS=}" "-DHAVE_OFF64_T"
luni-cpps := $(shell find $(luni-native) -name '*.cpp')
libziparchive-native := $(android)/system/core/libziparchive
libziparchive-ccs := $(libziparchive-native)/zip_archive.cc
libutils-native := $(android)/system/core/libutils
libutils-cpps := $(libutils-native)/FileMap.cpp
libnativehelper-native := $(android)/libnativehelper
libnativehelper-cpps := $(libnativehelper-native)/JniConstants.cpp \
crypto-native := $(android)/external/conscrypt/src/main/native
crypto-cpps := $(crypto-native)/org_conscrypt_NativeCrypto.cpp
2014-03-15 21:21:24 +03:00
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
blacklist = $(luni-native)/java_io_Console.cpp \
2014-09-02 01:09:29 +04:00
icu-libs := $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libsicuin.a \
$(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libsicuuc.a \
2015-06-03 00:01:03 +03:00
platform-lflags := -lgdi32 -lshlwapi -lwsock32 -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic
blacklist =
icu-libs := $(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.a \
$(android)/external/icu4c/lib/libicuuc.a \
2014-07-29 13:01:51 +04:00
luni-cpps := $(filter-out $(blacklist),$(luni-cpps))
classpath-lflags := \
$(icu-libs) \
$(android)/external/fdlibm/libfdm.a \
$(android)/external/expat/.libs/libexpat.a \
$(android)/openssl-upstream/libssl.a \
$(android)/openssl-upstream/libcrypto.a \
$(platform-lflags) \
ifeq ($(platform),linux)
android-cflags += -DHAVE_OFF64_T
classpath-lflags += -lrt
classpath-objects = \
$(call cpp-objects,$(luni-cpps),$(luni-native),$(build)) \
$(call cpp-objects,$(crypto-cpps),$(crypto-native),$(build)) \
$(call cpp-objects,$(libnativehelper-cpps),$(libnativehelper-native),$(build)) \
$(call cc-objects,$(libziparchive-ccs),$(libziparchive-native),$(build)) \
$(call cpp-objects,$(libutils-cpps),$(libutils-native),$(build))
luni-java = $(android)/libcore/luni/src/main/java
luni-blacklist = \
luni-javas := \
$(filter-out $(luni-blacklist),$(shell find $(luni-java) -name '*.java'))
luni-nonjavas := $(shell find $(luni-java) -not -type d -not -name '*.java')
luni-copied-nonjavas = $(call noop-files,$(luni-nonjavas),$(luni-java),)
crypto-java = $(android)/external/conscrypt/src/main/java
crypto-javas := $(shell find $(crypto-java) -name '*.java')
crypto-platform-java = $(android)/external/conscrypt/src/platform/java
crypto-platform-javas := $(shell find $(crypto-platform-java) -name '*.java')
dalvik-java = $(android)/libcore/dalvik/src/main/java
dalvik-javas := \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/DalvikLogHandler.java \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/CloseGuard.java \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/VMDebug.java \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/BlockGuard.java \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/SocketTagger.java \
$(dalvik-java)/dalvik/system/DalvikLogging.java \
libart-java = $(android)/libcore/libart/src/main/java
libart-javas := \
$(libart-java)/dalvik/system/VMRuntime.java \
$(libart-java)/dalvik/system/VMStack.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/Thread.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/ThreadGroup.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/Enum.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/String.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/ref/Reference.java \
$(libart-java)/java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.java \
xml-java = $(android)/libcore/xml/src/main/java
xml-javas := $(shell find $(xml-java) -name '*.java')
okhttp-android-java = $(android)/external/okhttp/android/main/java
okhttp-android-javas := $(shell find $(okhttp-android-java) -name '*.java')
okhttp-java = $(android)/external/okhttp/okhttp/src/main/java
okhttp-javas := $(shell find $(okhttp-java) -name '*.java')
okio-java = $(android)/external/okhttp/okio/src/main/java
okio-javas := $(shell find $(okio-java) -name '*.java')
bcpkix-java = $(android)/external/bouncycastle/bcpkix/src/main/java
bcpkix-javas := $(shell find $(bcpkix-java) -name '*.java')
bcprov-java = $(android)/external/bouncycastle/bcprov/src/main/java
bcprov-javas := $(shell find $(bcprov-java) -name '*.java')
android-classes = \
$(call java-classes,$(luni-javas),$(luni-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(crypto-javas),$(crypto-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(crypto-platform-javas),$(crypto-platform-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(dalvik-javas),$(dalvik-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(libart-javas),$(libart-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(xml-javas),$(xml-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(okhttp-javas),$(okhttp-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(okhttp-android-javas),$(okhttp-android-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(okio-javas),$(okio-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(bcpkix-javas),$(bcpkix-java),$(build)/android) \
$(call java-classes,$(bcprov-javas),$(bcprov-java),$(build)/android)
classpath = android
javahome-files = tzdata
javahome-object = $(build)/javahome-jar.o
boot-javahome-object = $(build)/boot-javahome.o
build-javahome = $(android)/bionic/libc/zoneinfo
stub-sources = $(src)/android/stubs.cpp
stub-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(stub-sources),$(src),$(build))
ifeq ($(classpath),avian)
jni-sources := $(shell find $(classpath-src) -name '*.cpp')
jni-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(jni-sources),$(classpath-src),$(build))
classpath-objects = $(jni-objects)
2009-06-04 17:54:06 -06:00
input = List
ifeq ($(use-clang),true)
build-cxx = clang++ -std=c++11
build-cc = clang
build-cxx = g++
build-cc = gcc
mflag =
ifneq ($(kernel),darwin)
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
mflag = -m32
ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
mflag = -m64
2010-02-05 16:40:48 -07:00
target-format = elf
cxx = $(build-cxx) $(mflag)
cc = $(build-cc) $(mflag)
ar = ar
ranlib = ranlib
dlltool = dlltool
2008-01-03 19:17:42 -07:00
vg = nice valgrind --num-callers=32 --db-attach=yes --freelist-vol=100000000
vg += --leak-check=full --suppressions=valgrind.supp
db = gdb --args
javac = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac" -encoding UTF-8
javah = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javah"
jar = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/jar"
strip = strip
strip-all = --strip-all
rdynamic = -rdynamic
cflags_debug = -O0 -g3
cflags_debug_fast = -O0 -g3
cflags_stress = -O0 -g3
cflags_stress_major = -O0 -g3
ifeq ($(use-clang),true)
cflags_fast = -O3 -g3
cflags_small = -Oz -g3
cflags_fast = -O3 -g3
cflags_small = -Os -g3
# note that we suppress the non-virtual-dtor warning because we never
# use the delete operator, which means we don't need virtual
# destructors:
warnings = -Wall -Wextra $(werror) -Wunused-parameter -Winit-self \
target-cflags = -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size)
common-cflags = $(warnings) -std=c++0x -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -I$(classpath-src) \
"-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include" -I$(src) -I$(build) -Iinclude $(classpath-cflags) \
-DAVIAN_INFO="\"$(info)\"" \
-DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" $(target-cflags)
asmflags = $(target-cflags) -I$(src)
2011-01-28 17:05:42 -07:00
ifneq (,$(filter i386 x86_64,$(arch)))
ifeq ($(use-frame-pointer),true)
common-cflags += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DAVIAN_USE_FRAME_POINTER
2007-10-26 08:34:54 -06:00
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden \
"-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" $(extra-build-cflags) -I$(src) -pthread
2007-10-26 08:34:54 -06:00
converter-cflags = -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -std=c++0x -Iinclude/ -Isrc/ \
-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions \
-Wall -Wextra $(werror) -Wunused-parameter -Winit-self -Wno-non-virtual-dtor
2010-11-23 15:54:35 -07:00
2007-10-26 08:34:54 -06:00
cflags = $(build-cflags)
common-lflags = -lm -lz
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
2013-10-27 07:36:32 -07:00
ifeq ($(use-clang),true)
ifeq ($(build-kernel),darwin)
common-lflags += -Wl,-export_dynamic
ifneq ($(platform),windows)
common-lflags += -Wl,-E
common-lflags += -Wl,--export-all-symbols
2013-10-27 07:36:32 -07:00
build-lflags = -lz -lpthread -ldl
lflags = $(common-lflags) -lpthread -ldl
2007-10-26 08:34:54 -06:00
build-system = posix
system = posix
2007-10-22 19:00:57 -06:00
asm = x86
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
2017-01-19 16:55:54 +00:00
ifeq ($(system),sgx)
cflags += -DSGX -I../linux-sgx/common/inc -I../jvm-enclave/common
lflags += $(shared)
2017-01-19 16:55:54 +00:00
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
pointer-size = 8
so-prefix = lib
so-suffix = .so
static-prefix = lib
static-suffix = .a
output = -o $(1)
asm-output = -o $(1)
asm-input = -c $(1)
asm-format = S
as = $(cc)
ld = $(cc)
build-ld = $(build-cc)
build-ld-cpp = $(build-cxx)
default-remote-test-host = localhost
default-remote-test-port = 22
ifeq ($(remote-test-host),)
remote-test-host = $(default-remote-test-host)
remote-test = true
ifeq ($(remote-test-port),)
remote-test-port = $(default-remote-test-port)
remote-test = true
remote-test-user = ${USER}
remote-test-dir = /tmp/avian-test-${USER}
static = -static
shared = -shared
rpath = -Wl,-rpath=\$$ORIGIN -Wl,-z,origin
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
openjdk-extra-cflags = -fvisibility=hidden
bootimage-cflags = -DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size)
bootimage-symbols = _binary_bootimage_bin_start:_binary_bootimage_bin_end
codeimage-symbols = _binary_codeimage_bin_start:_binary_codeimage_bin_end
2013-09-03 21:03:29 -06:00
developer-dir := $(shell if test -d /Developer/Platforms/$(target).platform/Developer/SDKs; then echo /Developer; \
2012-03-07 08:55:01 -07:00
else echo /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer; fi)
ifneq (,$(filter i386 arm,$(arch)))
pointer-size = 4
ifneq (,$(filter arm arm64,$(arch)))
2010-11-08 20:48:08 -07:00
asm = arm
ifneq ($(platform),ios)
ifneq ($(arch),arm64)
no-psabi = -Wno-psabi
cflags += -marm $(no-psabi)
# By default, assume we can't use armv7-specific instructions on
# non-iOS platforms. Ideally, we'd detect this at runtime.
2010-11-09 11:28:58 -07:00
ifneq ($(arch),$(build-arch))
ifneq ($(kernel),darwin)
ifeq ($(arch),arm64)
cxx = aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
cc = aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
ar = aarch64-linux-gnu-ar
ranlib = aarch64-linux-gnu-ranlib
strip = aarch64-linux-gnu-strip
cxx = arm-linux-gnueabi-g++
cc = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
ar = arm-linux-gnueabi-ar
ranlib = arm-linux-gnueabi-ranlib
strip = arm-linux-gnueabi-strip
2010-11-09 11:28:58 -07:00
2009-08-06 13:25:20 -06:00
ifeq ($(armv6),true)
ifeq ($(platform),ios)
cflags += -DAVIAN_IOS
use-lto = false
ifeq ($(build-kernel),darwin)
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src)
2013-11-04 17:26:57 -07:00
cflags += -Wno-deprecated-declarations
build-lflags += -framework CoreFoundation
ifeq ($(platform),qnx)
cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src)
lflags = $(common-lflags) -lsocket
ifeq ($(build-platform),qnx)
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src)
build-lflags = $(common-lflags)
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
prefix = i486-pc-nto-qnx6.5.0-
prefix = arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.5.0-
cxx = $(prefix)g++
cc = $(prefix)gcc
ar = $(prefix)ar
ranlib = $(prefix)ranlib
strip = $(prefix)strip
rdynamic = -Wl,--export-dynamic
2012-08-02 10:36:16 -06:00
ifeq ($(platform),freebsd)
# There is no -ldl on FreeBSD
build-lflags = $(common-lflags) -lz -lpthread
lflags = $(common-lflags) -lpthread
# include/freebsd instead of include/linux
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden \
"-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/freebsd" -I$(src) -pthread
cflags = $(build-cflags)
2013-01-24 00:55:23 +01:00
ifeq ($(platform),android)
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
ndk = "$$(cygpath -u "$(ANDROID_NDK)")"
ndk = $(ANDROID_NDK)
ifeq ($(android-version),)
android-version = 5
ifeq ($(android-toolchain),)
android-toolchain = 4.7
ifeq ($(arch),arm)
android-toolchain-name = arm-linux-androideabi
android-toolchain-prefix = arm-linux-androideabi-
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
android-toolchain-name = x86
android-toolchain-prefix = i686-linux-android-
ifeq ($(android-arm-arch),)
android-arm-arch = armv5
options := $(options)-api$(android-version)-$(android-toolchain)-$(android-arm-arch)
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src)
build-lflags = -lz -lpthread
ifeq ($(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform))),windows)
toolchain-host-platform = $(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform)))
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
build-system = windows
build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++
build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
sysroot = "$$(cygpath -w "$(ndk)/platforms/android-$(android-version)/arch-arm")"
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
build-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32"
toolchain-host-platform = $(subst cygwin,windows,$(subst mingw32,windows,$(build-platform)))-*
sysroot = $(ndk)/platforms/android-$(android-version)/arch-arm
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
build-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux"
build-lflags += -ldl
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
toolchain = $(ndk)/toolchains/$(android-toolchain-name)-$(android-toolchain)/prebuilt/$(toolchain-host-platform)
cflags = "-I$(sysroot)/usr/include" "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux" $(common-cflags) "-I$(src)" -std=c++11 $(no-psabi)
lflags = "-L$(sysroot)/usr/lib" $(common-lflags) -llog
target-format = elf
2013-01-24 16:17:52 +02:00
use-lto = false
ifeq ($(arch),arm)
cflags += -marm -march=$(android-arm-arch) -ftree-vectorize -ffast-math -mfloat-abi=softfp
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
cxx = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)g++ --sysroot="$(sysroot)"
cc = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)gcc --sysroot="$(sysroot)"
as = $(cxx)
ar = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)ar
ranlib = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)ranlib
strip = $(toolchain)/bin/$(android-toolchain-prefix)strip
2013-01-24 00:55:23 +01:00
2012-08-02 10:36:16 -06:00
ifeq ($(kernel),darwin)
target-format = macho
ifeq (${OSX_SDK_SYSROOT},)
ifeq (${OSX_SDK_VERSION},)
ifneq ($(build-kernel),darwin)
cxx = i686-apple-darwin8-g++ $(mflag)
cc = i686-apple-darwin8-gcc $(mflag)
ar = i686-apple-darwin8-ar
ranlib = i686-apple-darwin8-ranlib
strip = i686-apple-darwin8-strip
2011-05-26 11:57:30 -06:00
sysroot = /opt/mac/SDKs/MacOSX${OSX_SDK_SYSROOT}.sdk
cflags = -I$(sysroot)/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Headers/ \
$(common-cflags) -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I$(src)
ifneq ($(platform),ios)
platform-dir = $(developer-dir)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform
sdk-dir = $(platform-dir)/Developer/SDKs
mac-version := $(shell \
if test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.11.sdk; then echo 10.11; \
elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.10.sdk; then echo 10.10; \
elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.9.sdk; then echo 10.9; \
elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.8.sdk; then echo 10.8; \
elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.7.sdk; then echo 10.7; \
elif test -d $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then echo 10.6; \
else echo; fi)
sysroot = $(sdk-dir)/MacOSX$(mac-version).sdk
soname-flag =
2010-11-07 21:23:25 -07:00
version-script-flag =
lflags = $(common-lflags) -ldl -framework CoreFoundation -framework Foundation
2012-06-04 09:52:06 -06:00
2012-06-06 12:58:24 -06:00
ifeq (,$(shell ld -v 2>&1 | grep cctools))
2012-06-04 09:52:06 -06:00
lflags += -Wl,-compatibility_version,1.0.0
ifneq ($(platform),ios)
2012-03-11 16:26:46 -06:00
lflags += -framework CoreServices -framework SystemConfiguration \
-framework Security
2008-12-18 19:52:03 -07:00
ifeq ($(bootimage),true)
bootimage-lflags = -Wl,-segprot,__RWX,rwx,rwx
2008-12-18 19:52:03 -07:00
2008-03-30 22:23:51 -06:00
rdynamic =
2007-11-01 14:37:51 -06:00
strip-all = -S -x
so-suffix = .dylib
shared = -dynamiclib
rpath =
ifeq ($(platform),ios)
ifeq ($(sim),true)
target = iPhoneSimulator
sdk = iphonesimulator$(ios-version)
2015-03-16 11:32:35 -06:00
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
arch-flag = -arch i386
arch-flag = -arch x86_64
arch = x86_64
2015-03-16 11:32:35 -06:00
release = Release-iphonesimulator
target = iPhoneOS
sdk = iphoneos$(ios-version)
ifeq ($(arch),arm)
arch-flag = -arch armv7
arch-flag = -arch arm64
arch = arm64
release = Release-iphoneos
platform-dir = $(developer-dir)/Platforms/$(target).platform
sdk-dir = $(platform-dir)/Developer/SDKs
ios-version := $(shell for x in 10.3 10.2 10.1 10.0 9.3 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0; \
2016-04-05 07:51:31 -06:00
do if test -d $(sdk-dir)/$(target)$$x.sdk \
-o -L $(sdk-dir)/$(target)$$x.sdk; \
then echo $$x; break; fi; done)
ifeq ($(ios-version),)
x := $(error "couldn't find SDK in $(sdk-dir)")
sysroot = $(sdk-dir)/$(target)$(ios-version).sdk
# apparently, the header files we need are part of the simulator SDK
# but not the device SDK, so we copy them from the former even if
# we're targeting the latter
header-sysroot := $(subst iPhoneOS,iPhoneSimulator,$(sysroot))
ios-bin = $(platform-dir)/Developer/usr/bin
found-gcc = $(shell if test -f $(ios-bin)/gcc; then echo true; else echo false; fi)
ifeq ($(found-gcc),false)
use-clang = true
ifeq ($(use-clang),true)
cxx = clang -std=c++11
cc = clang
cxx = $(ios-bin)/g++
cc = $(ios-bin)/gcc
flags = -isysroot $(sdk-dir)/$(target)$(ios-version).sdk \
classpath-extra-cflags += $(flags)
cflags += $(flags)
asmflags += $(flags)
lflags += $(flags)
ifdef ios_deployment_target
ifeq ($(sim),true)
ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
classpath-extra-cflags += \
-arch x86_64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
cflags += -arch x86_64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
asmflags += -arch x86_64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
lflags += -arch x86_64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
classpath-extra-cflags += \
-arch i386 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
cflags += -arch i386 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
asmflags += -arch i386 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
lflags += -arch i386 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
2015-03-16 11:32:35 -06:00
ifeq ($(arch),arm64)
classpath-extra-cflags += \
-arch arm64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
cflags += -arch arm64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
asmflags += -arch arm64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
lflags += -arch arm64 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
classpath-extra-cflags += \
-arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
cflags += -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
asmflags += -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
lflags += -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=$(ios-version-min)
else # not ios
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
classpath-extra-cflags += \
-arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION}
cflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION}
asmflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION}
lflags += -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=${OSX_SDK_VERSION}
ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
classpath-extra-cflags += -arch x86_64
cflags += -arch x86_64
asmflags += -arch x86_64
lflags += -arch x86_64
2015-03-16 11:32:35 -06:00
2009-12-01 14:24:33 -07:00
2013-11-04 17:26:57 -07:00
cflags += -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/darwin
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
openjdk-extra-cflags += $(classpath-extra-cflags)
find-tool = $(shell if ( command -v "$(1)$(2)" >/dev/null ); then (echo "$(1)$(2)") else (echo "$(2)"); fi)
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
target-format = pe
inc = "$(win32)/include"
lib = "$(win32)/lib"
embed-prefix = c:/avian-embedded
system = windows
so-prefix =
so-suffix = .dll
exe-suffix = .exe
rpath =
lflags = -L$(lib) $(common-lflags) -lws2_32 -lversion -luuid -liphlpapi \
-lmswsock -mconsole
cflags = -I$(inc) $(common-cflags) -DWINVER=0x0500 -U__STRICT_ANSI__
2011-09-30 15:21:12 -06:00
ifeq (,$(filter mingw32 cygwin,$(build-platform)))
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
openjdk-extra-cflags += -I$(src)/openjdk/caseSensitive
prefix := $(shell i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --version >/dev/null 2>&1 \
&& echo i686-w64-mingw32- || echo x86_64-w64-mingw32-)
cxx = $(prefix)g++ -m32
cc = $(prefix)gcc -m32
dlltool = $(prefix)dlltool -mi386 --as-flags=--32
ar = $(prefix)ar
ranlib = $(prefix)ranlib
strip = $(prefix)strip --strip-all
2010-11-12 16:53:16 -07:00
build-system = windows
static-on-windows = -static
2009-02-13 17:03:46 -07:00
common-cflags += "-I$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32"
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src) -I$(inc) -mthreads \
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
openjdk-extra-cflags =
2010-11-12 19:04:17 -07:00
build-lflags = -L$(lib) $(common-lflags)
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++
build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
dlltool = i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool
ar = i686-w64-mingw32-ar
ranlib = i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib
strip = i686-w64-mingw32-strip
2009-06-11 09:36:53 -06:00
ifeq ($(arch),x86_64)
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
build-cxx = x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
build-cc = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
cxx = x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ $(mflag)
cc = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc $(mflag)
dlltool = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,dlltool)
ar = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,ar)
ranlib = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,ranlib)
strip = $(call find-tool,x86_64-w64-mingw32-,strip)
inc = "$(win64)/include"
lib = "$(win64)/lib"
2012-03-17 18:47:22 -06:00
shared += -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias
2009-06-11 09:36:53 -06:00
2012-12-04 17:37:02 -07:00
embed = $(build-embed)/embed$(exe-suffix)
embed-loader = $(build-embed-loader)/embed-loader$(exe-suffix)
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
embed-loader-o = $(build-embed)/embed-loader.o
ifeq ($(platform),wp8)
ifeq ($(shell uname -s | grep -i -c WOW64),1)
programFiles = Program Files (x86)
2012-06-02 18:56:07 -06:00
programFiles = Program Files
2012-06-02 18:56:07 -06:00
ifeq ($(MSVS_ROOT),)
# Environment variable MSVS_ROOT not found. It should be something like
# "C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0"
MSVS_ROOT = C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
ifeq ($(MSVC_ROOT),)
# Environment variable MSVC_ROOT not found. It should be something like
# "C:\$(programFiles)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC"
ifeq ($(WP80_SDK),)
# Environment variable WP8_SDK not found. It should be something like
# "C:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\WPSDK\WP80"
# TODO: Lookup in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\WindowsPhone\v8.0
2013-01-29 14:21:02 +02:00
ifeq ($(WP80_KIT),)
# Environment variable WP8_KIT not found. It should be something like
# "c:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Windows Phone Kits\8.0"
# TODO: Lookup in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\WindowsPhone\v8.0
WP80_KIT = C:\$(programFiles)\Windows Phone Kits\8.0
ifeq ($(WIN8_KIT),)
# Environment variable WIN8_KIT not found. It should be something like
# "c:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Windows Kits\8.0"
WIN8_KIT = C:\$(programFiles)\Windows Kits\8.0
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
windows-path = cygpath -w
windows-path = $(native-path)
windows-java-home := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(JAVA_HOME)")
target-format = pe
ms_cl_compiler = wp8
use-lto = false
supports_avian_executable = false
aot-only = true
2013-02-09 13:09:58 +02:00
ifneq ($(bootimage),true)
2013-02-09 13:18:39 +02:00
x := $(error Windows Phone 8 target requires bootimage=true)
system = windows
build-system = windows
static-prefix =
static-suffix = .lib
so-prefix =
so-suffix = .dll
exe-suffix = .exe
manifest-flags = -MANIFEST:NO
ifeq ($(arch),arm)
wp8_arch = \x86_arm
vc_arch = \arm
w8kit_arch = arm
deps_arch = ARM
as = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\armasm.exe")"
cxx = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\cl.exe")"
ld = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\x86_arm\link.exe")"
2013-01-31 12:54:51 +02:00
asmflags = -machine ARM -32
asm-output = -o $(1)
asm-input = $(1)
machine_type = ARM
2013-01-31 12:54:51 +02:00
bootimage-symbols = binary_bootimage_bin_start:binary_bootimage_bin_end
codeimage-symbols = binary_codeimage_bin_start:binary_codeimage_bin_end
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
wp8_arch =
vc_arch =
w8kit_arch = x86
deps_arch = x86
asmflags = $(target-cflags) -safeseh -nologo -Gd
as = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\ml.exe")"
cxx = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\cl.exe")"
ld = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\link.exe")"
ifeq ($(mode),debug)
asmflags += -Zd
ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast)
asmflags += -Zd
asm-output = $(output)
machine_type = X86
PATH := $(shell cygpath -u "$(MSVS_ROOT)\Common7\IDE"):$(shell cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin$(wp8_arch)"):$(shell cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin"):${PATH}
build-cflags = $(common-cflags) -I$(src) -I$(inc) -mthreads
build-lflags = -lz -lpthread
cflags = -nologo \
-AI"$(WP80_KIT)\Windows Metadata" \
-I"$(WP80_SDK)\include" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include\minwin" -I"$(WP80_KIT)\Include\mincore" \
-DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" \
2013-02-02 09:38:03 +02:00
-I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/zlib/upstream")" -I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/interop/avian-interop-client")" \
-I"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)/include")" -I$(src) -I$(classpath-src) \
-I"$(build)" \
-I"$(windows-java-home)/include" -I"$(windows-java-home)/include/win32" \
-DTARGET_BYTES_PER_WORD=$(pointer-size) \
2013-02-02 09:38:03 +02:00
-Gd -EHsc
common-lflags =
ifeq ($(mode),debug)
build-type = Debug
ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast)
build-type = Debug
ifeq ($(mode),stress-major)
build-type = Release
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
build-type = Release
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
build-type = Release
ifeq ($(mode),small)
build-type = Release
arflags = -MACHINE:$(machine_type)
lflags = $(common-lflags) -nologo \
-MACHINE:$(machine_type) \
-LIBPATH:"$(WP80_KIT)\lib\$(w8kit_arch)" -LIBPATH:"$(WP80_SDK)\lib$(vc_arch)" -LIBPATH:"$(WIN8_KIT)\Lib\win8\um\$(w8kit_arch)" \
ws2_32.lib \
2013-02-02 09:38:03 +02:00
"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\zlib.lib")" "$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\ThreadEmulation.lib")" \
"$(shell $(windows-path) "$(wp8)\lib\$(deps_arch)\$(build-type)\AvianInteropClient.lib")"
lflags += -NODEFAULTLIB:"ole32.lib" -NODEFAULTLIB:"kernel32.lib"
lflags += PhoneAppModelHost.lib WindowsPhoneCore.lib -WINMD -WINMDFILE:$(subst $(so-suffix),.winmd,$(@))
cc = $(cxx)
asm-format = masm
shared = -dll
ar = "$$(cygpath -u "$(WP80_SDK)\bin\lib.exe")"
arflags += -nologo
ifeq ($(build-platform),cygwin)
build-cxx = i686-w64-mingw32-g++
build-cc = i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
dlltool = i686-w64-mingw32-dlltool
ranlib =
strip =
output = -Fo$(1)
#TODO: -MT or -ZW?
cflags_debug = -Od -Zi -MDd
cflags_debug_fast = -Od -Zi -MDd
cflags_stress = -O0 -g3 -MD
cflags_stress_major = -O0 -g3 -MD
cflags_fast = -O2 -Zi -MD
cflags_small = -O1s -Zi -MD
# -GL [whole program optimization] in 'fast' and 'small' breaks compilation for some reason
ifeq ($(mode),debug)
cflags +=
lflags +=
ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast)
cflags += -DNDEBUG
lflags +=
ifeq ($(mode),stress-major)
cflags +=
lflags +=
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
cflags +=
lflags +=
# -LTCG is needed only if -GL is used
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
cflags += -DNDEBUG
lflags += -LTCG
arflags +=
ifeq ($(mode),small)
cflags += -DNDEBUG
lflags += -LTCG
arflags +=
strip = :
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
ifdef msvc
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
target-format = pe
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
windows-path = $(native-path)
windows-java-home := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(JAVA_HOME)")
zlib := $(shell $(windows-path) "$(win32)/msvc")
ms_cl_compiler = regular
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
as = $(build-cc)
cxx = "$(msvc)/BIN/cl.exe"
cc = $(cxx)
ld = "$(msvc)/BIN/link.exe"
mt = "mt.exe"
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
ar = "$(msvc)/BIN/lib.exe"
manifest-flags = -MANIFEST -MANIFESTFILE:$(@).manifest
cflags = -nologo -DAVIAN_VERSION=\"$(version)\" -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ \
2011-01-21 16:14:21 -07:00
-DAVIAN_EMBED_PREFIX=\"$(embed-prefix)\" \
2012-08-15 17:42:31 -06:00
-Fd$(build)/$(name).pdb -I"$(zlib)/include" -I$(src) -I$(classpath-src) \
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
-I"$(build)" -Iinclude \
2012-02-16 18:22:11 -07:00
-I"$(windows-java-home)/include" -I"$(windows-java-home)/include/win32" \
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
ifneq ($(lzma),)
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
cflags += -I$(shell $(windows-path) "$(lzma)")
shared = -dll
lflags = -nologo -LIBPATH:"$(zlib)/lib" -DEFAULTLIB:ws2_32 \
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
2009-08-27 09:30:34 -06:00
output = -Fo$(1)
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
cflags_debug = -Od -Zi -MDd
cflags_debug_fast = -Od -Zi -DNDEBUG
cflags_fast = -O2 -GL -Zi -DNDEBUG
cflags_small = -O1s -Zi -GL -DNDEBUG
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
lflags += -LTCG
ifeq ($(mode),small)
lflags += -LTCG
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
use-lto = false
strip = :
ifeq ($(mode),debug)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_debug)
converter-cflags += $(cflags_debug)
strip = :
2008-01-11 17:15:34 -07:00
ifeq ($(mode),debug-fast)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_debug_fast) -DNDEBUG
strip = :
2008-01-11 17:15:34 -07:00
ifeq ($(mode),stress)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_stress) -DVM_STRESS
strip = :
ifeq ($(mode),stress-major)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_stress_major) -DVM_STRESS -DVM_STRESS_MAJOR
strip = :
ifeq ($(mode),fast)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_fast) -DNDEBUG
ifeq ($(mode),small)
optimization-cflags = $(cflags_small) -DNDEBUG
ifeq ($(use-lto),true)
ifeq ($(use-clang),true)
optimization-cflags += -flto
lflags += $(optimization-cflags)
# only try to use LTO when GCC 4.6.0 or greater is available
gcc-major := $(shell $(cc) -dumpversion | cut -f1 -d.)
gcc-minor := $(shell $(cc) -dumpversion | cut -f2 -d.)
ifeq ($(shell expr 4 \< $(gcc-major) \
\| \( 4 \<= $(gcc-major) \& 6 \<= $(gcc-minor) \)),1)
optimization-cflags += -flto
no-lto = -fno-lto
lflags += $(optimization-cflags)
cflags += $(optimization-cflags)
ifndef ms_cl_compiler
ifneq ($(kernel),darwin)
ifeq ($(arch),i386)
# this is necessary to support __sync_bool_compare_and_swap:
cflags += -march=i586
lflags += -march=i586
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
c-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.c,$(3)/%.o,$(x)))
cpp-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.cpp,$(3)/%.o,$(x)))
cc-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.cc,$(3)/%.o,$(x)))
asm-objects = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.$(asm-format),$(3)/%-asm.o,$(x)))
java-classes = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.java,$(3)/%.class,$(x)))
noop-files = $(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%,$(3)/%,$(x)))
generated-code = \
$(build)/type-enums.cpp \
$(build)/type-declarations.cpp \
$(build)/type-constructors.cpp \
$(build)/type-initializations.cpp \
$(build)/type-java-initializations.cpp \
$(build)/type-name-initializations.cpp \
2007-07-06 17:50:26 -06:00
vm-depends := $(generated-code) \
$(shell find src include -name '*.h' -or -name '*.inc.cpp')
2007-07-06 17:50:26 -06:00
vm-sources = \
$(src)/system/$(system).cpp \
$(wildcard $(src)/system/$(system)/*.cpp) \
$(src)/finder.cpp \
2007-07-06 17:50:26 -06:00
$(src)/machine.cpp \
2007-11-26 16:15:53 -07:00
$(src)/util.cpp \
2013-02-15 07:35:17 -07:00
$(src)/heap/heap.cpp \
2007-09-25 17:53:11 -06:00
$(src)/$(process).cpp \
$(src)/classpath-$(classpath).cpp \
$(src)/builtin.cpp \
$(src)/jnienv.cpp \
$(src)/process.cpp \
2007-06-28 20:58:48 -06:00
vm-asm-sources = $(src)/$(arch).$(asm-format)
target-asm = $(asm)
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
build-embed = $(build)/embed
build-embed-loader = $(build)/embed-loader
2013-04-02 10:37:20 +02:00
embed-loader-sources = $(src)/embedded-loader.cpp
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
embed-loader-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(embed-loader-sources),$(src),$(build-embed-loader))
embed-sources = $(src)/embed.cpp
embed-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(embed-sources),$(src),$(build-embed))
compiler-sources = \
$(src)/codegen/compiler.cpp \
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
$(wildcard $(src)/codegen/compiler/*.cpp) \
$(src)/debug-util.cpp \
$(src)/codegen/runtime.cpp \
2014-02-25 15:15:37 -07:00
$(src)/codegen/targets.cpp \
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
x86-assembler-sources = $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/target/x86/*.cpp)
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
arm-assembler-sources = $(wildcard $(src)/codegen/target/arm/*.cpp)
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
all-assembler-sources = \
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
$(x86-assembler-sources) \
2014-04-29 13:26:40 -06:00
2013-02-16 19:50:34 -07:00
native-assembler-sources = $($(target-asm)-assembler-sources)
all-codegen-target-sources = \
$(compiler-sources) \
ifeq ($(process),compile)
vm-sources += $(compiler-sources)
ifeq ($(codegen-targets),native)
vm-sources += $(native-assembler-sources)
ifeq ($(codegen-targets),all)
ifneq (,$(filter arm arm64,$(arch)))
# The x86 jit has a dependency on the x86 assembly code,
# and thus can't be successfully built on non-x86 platforms.
vm-sources += $(native-assembler-sources)
vm-sources += $(all-assembler-sources)
2007-12-09 15:45:43 -07:00
vm-asm-sources += $(src)/compile-$(arch).$(asm-format)
ifeq ($(aot-only),true)
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
cflags += -DAVIAN_AOT_ONLY
2007-06-28 20:58:48 -06:00
vm-cpp-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(vm-sources),$(src),$(build))
all-codegen-target-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(all-codegen-target-sources),$(src),$(build))
vm-asm-objects = $(call asm-objects,$(vm-asm-sources),$(src),$(build))
vm-objects = $(vm-cpp-objects) $(vm-asm-objects)
heapwalk-sources = $(src)/heapwalk.cpp
heapwalk-objects = \
$(call cpp-objects,$(heapwalk-sources),$(src),$(build))
unittest-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(unittest-sources),$(unittest),$(build)/unittest)
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
vm-heapwalk-objects = $(heapwalk-objects)
ifeq ($(tails),true)
cflags += -DAVIAN_TAILS
ifeq ($(continuations),true)
bootimage-generator-sources = $(src)/tools/bootimage-generator/main.cpp $(src)/util/arg-parser.cpp $(stub-sources)
ifneq ($(lzma),)
bootimage-generator-sources += $(src)/lzma-encode.cpp
bootimage-generator-objects = \
$(call cpp-objects,$(bootimage-generator-sources),$(src),$(build))
bootimage-generator = $(build)/bootimage-generator
ifneq ($(mode),fast)
host-vm-options := -$(mode)
host-vm = build/$(build-platform)-$(build-arch)-interpret$(host-vm-options)/$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix)
bootimage-object = $(build)/bootimage-bin.o
codeimage-object = $(build)/codeimage-bin.o
ifeq ($(bootimage),true)
vm-classpath-objects = $(bootimage-object) $(codeimage-object)
vm-classpath-objects = $(classpath-object)
cflags += -DBOOT_CLASSPATH=\"[classpathJar]\" \
cflags += $(extra-cflags)
lflags += $(extra-lflags)
openjdk-cflags += $(extra-cflags)
driver-source = $(src)/main.cpp
driver-object = $(build)/main.o
2010-11-27 14:46:07 -07:00
driver-dynamic-objects = \
boot-source = $(src)/boot.cpp
boot-object = $(build)/boot.o
generator-depends := $(wildcard $(src)/*.h)
generator-sources = \
$(src)/tools/type-generator/main.cpp \
$(src)/system/$(build-system).cpp \
$(wildcard $(src)/system/$(build-system)/*.cpp) \
2014-05-28 21:34:58 -06:00
$(src)/finder.cpp \
ifneq ($(lzma),)
common-cflags += -I$(lzma) -DAVIAN_USE_LZMA
vm-sources += \
generator-sources += \
lzma-decode-sources = \
lzma-decode-objects = \
$(call c-objects,$(lzma-decode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build))
lzma-encode-sources = \
$(lzma)/C/LzmaEnc.c \
lzma-encode-objects = \
$(call c-objects,$(lzma-encode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build))
lzma-encoder = $(build)/lzma/lzma
lzma-build-cflags = -D_7ZIP_ST -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS \
-fno-exceptions -fPIC -I$(lzma)/C
lzma-cflags = $(lzma-build-cflags) $(classpath-extra-cflags)
lzma-encoder-sources = \
lzma-encoder-objects = \
$(call cpp-objects,$(lzma-encoder-sources),$(src),$(build))
lzma-encoder-lzma-sources = $(lzma-encode-sources) $(lzma-decode-sources)
lzma-encoder-lzma-objects = \
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
$(call generator-c-objects,$(lzma-encoder-lzma-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build))
lzma-loader = $(build)/lzma/load.o
lzma-library = $(build)/libavian-lzma.a
generator-cpp-objects = \
$(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.cpp,$(3)/%-build.o,$(x)))
generator-c-objects = \
$(foreach x,$(1),$(patsubst $(2)/%.c,$(3)/%-build.o,$(x)))
generator-objects = \
$(call generator-cpp-objects,$(generator-sources),$(src),$(build))
generator-lzma-objects = \
$(call generator-c-objects,$(lzma-decode-sources),$(lzma)/C,$(build))
generator = $(build)/generator
all-depends = $(shell find include -name '*.h')
object-writer-depends = $(shell find $(src)/tools/object-writer -name '*.h')
object-writer-sources = $(shell find $(src)/tools/object-writer -name '*.cpp')
object-writer-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(object-writer-sources),$(src),$(build))
2012-04-25 09:09:26 -06:00
binary-to-object-depends = $(shell find $(src)/tools/binary-to-object/ -name '*.h')
binary-to-object-sources = $(shell find $(src)/tools/binary-to-object/ -name '*.cpp')
binary-to-object-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(binary-to-object-sources),$(src),$(build))
converter-sources = $(object-writer-sources)
converter-tool-depends = $(binary-to-object-depends) $(all-depends)
converter-tool-sources = $(binary-to-object-sources)
2012-04-25 09:09:26 -06:00
converter-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(converter-sources),$(src),$(build))
converter-tool-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(converter-tool-sources),$(src),$(build))
2012-04-25 09:09:26 -06:00
converter = $(build)/binaryToObject/binaryToObject
static-library = $(build)/$(static-prefix)$(name)$(static-suffix)
executable = $(build)/$(name)${exe-suffix}
dynamic-library = $(build)/$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix)
executable-dynamic = $(build)/$(name)-dynamic$(exe-suffix)
2007-06-29 20:39:01 -06:00
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
unittest-executable = $(build)/$(name)-unittest${exe-suffix}
ifneq ($(classpath),avian)
# Assembler, ConstantPool, and Stream are not technically needed for a
# working build, but we include them since our Subroutine test uses
# them to synthesize a class:
classpath-sources := \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Addendum.java \
2013-02-21 15:37:17 -07:00
$(classpath-src)/avian/AnnotationInvocationHandler.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Assembler.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Callback.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Cell.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/ClassAddendum.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Classes.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Code.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/ConstantPool.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Continuations.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/FieldAddendum.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Function.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/IncompatibleContinuationException.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/InnerClassReference.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Machine.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/MethodAddendum.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Pair.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Singleton.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/Stream.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/SystemClassLoader.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/VMClass.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/VMField.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/VMMethod.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/avianvmresource/Handler.java \
$(classpath-src)/avian/file/Handler.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/invoke/MethodType.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory.java \
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/invoke/LambdaConversionException.java \
ifeq ($(openjdk),)
classpath-sources := $(classpath-sources) \
$(classpath-src)/dalvik/system/BaseDexClassLoader.java \
$(classpath-src)/libcore/reflect/AnnotationAccess.java \
$(classpath-src)/sun/reflect/ConstantPool.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/net/ProtocolFamily.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/net/StandardProtocolFamily.java \
$(classpath-src)/sun/misc/Cleaner.java \
$(classpath-src)/sun/misc/Unsafe.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/Object.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/Class.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/ClassLoader.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/Package.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/Proxy.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/Field.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/SignatureParser.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/Constructor.java \
$(classpath-src)/java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject.java \
classpath-sources := $(shell find $(classpath-src) -name '*.java')
classpath-classes = \
$(call java-classes,$(classpath-sources),$(classpath-src),$(classpath-build))
classpath-object = $(build)/classpath-jar.o
classpath-dep = $(classpath-build).dep
vm-classes = \
avian/*.class \
test-support-sources = $(shell find $(test)/avian/ -name '*.java')
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
test-sources := $(wildcard $(test)/*.java)
# This test fails regularly on travis, but nowhere else. We have yet to spend the time to investigate that test, so we disable it on PR builds.
# Note: travis set TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST environment variable to either the PR number or "false", as appropriate
ifeq (false,$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST))
test-sources := $(subst $(test)/Trace.java,,$(test-sources))
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
ifeq (7,$(java-version))
test-sources := $(subst $(test)/InvokeDynamic.java,,$(test-sources))
test-sources := $(subst $(test)/Interfaces.java,,$(test-sources))
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
test-cpp-sources = $(wildcard $(test)/*.cpp)
test-sources += $(test-support-sources)
test-support-classes = $(call java-classes, $(test-support-sources),$(test),$(test-build))
test-classes = $(call java-classes,$(test-sources),$(test),$(test-build))
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
test-cpp-objects = $(call cpp-objects,$(test-cpp-sources),$(test),$(test-build))
test-library = $(build)/$(so-prefix)test$(so-suffix)
test-dep = $(test-build).dep
test-extra-sources = $(wildcard $(test)/extra/*.java)
test-extra-classes = \
$(call java-classes,$(test-extra-sources),$(test),$(test-build))
test-extra-dep = $(test-build)-extra.dep
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
unittest-sources = \
$(wildcard $(unittest)/*.cpp) \
2013-02-17 12:10:18 -07:00
$(wildcard $(unittest)/util/*.cpp) \
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
$(wildcard $(unittest)/codegen/*.cpp)
unittest-depends = \
$(wildcard $(unittest)/*.h)
ifeq ($(continuations),true)
continuation-tests = \
extra.ComposableContinuations \
extra.Continuations \
extra.Coroutines \
2011-03-15 17:51:32 -06:00
ifeq ($(tails),true)
tail-tests = \
2012-05-02 13:38:00 -06:00
ifeq ($(target-arch),i386)
ifeq ($(target-arch),x86_64)
ifeq ($(target-arch),arm)
ifeq ($(target-arch),arm64)
ifeq ($(target-format),elf)
ifeq ($(target-format),pe)
ifeq ($(target-format),macho)
2012-08-02 10:36:16 -06:00
class-name = $(patsubst $(1)/%.class,%,$(2))
2007-10-27 19:54:30 -06:00
class-names = $(foreach x,$(2),$(call class-name,$(1),$(x)))
test-flags = -Djava.library.path=$(build) \
-cp '$(build)/test$(target-path-separator)$(build)/extra-dir'
test-args = $(test-flags) $(input)
2007-06-20 19:38:02 -06:00
Added targets for Eclipse environment descriptor. Someone on the Google Groups site asked how to set up an Eclipse project with Avian classpath. This patch creates the descriptor that you can you use to do that at `$(build)/eclipse/jdk/avian.ee`. The descriptor includes the Avian version, platform, architecture, and build options to allow for multiple versions to exist side by side. Users can import the descriptor into Eclipse via: Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Installed JREs >> Add >> Execution Environment Description Once the descriptor is imported, Avian can be used just like any other JVM installation for Eclipse projects. Personally I use this in conjunction with Eclim to gain code completion for Avian in vim. The new targets also create symlinks to loosely mimic OpenJDK's filenames and folder layout: build/linux-x86_64-tails-continuations/eclipse/jdk/ ├── avian.ee ├── bin │   └── java -> ../../../avian ├── jre │   └── lib │   └── rt.jar -> ../../../../classpath.jar └── src -> ../../classpath Annoyingly, Eclipse for some reason expects this layout to exist even though the descriptor format has required parameters for specifying these locations. I suppose that other software may look for this "standard" layout in a JVM installation so it may be generally useful. These artifacts are only built if the platform is one of `windows`, `linux`, or `macosx`. The symlinks might not actually work at all on Windows, I'm not sure how things like cygwin/msys handle that and I do not have the means to test it. If they do not work a fallback for windows might be to actually copy the files instead of symlinking. I realize this can be done outside of the makefile but it seemed useful to put it here to gain access to the information about the build location, platform, architecture, and other build options. For the record, this contribution is my original work and is released under the same license that Avian uses, found in the license.txt file in this repository.
2015-07-16 09:44:55 -04:00
ifneq ($(filter linux windows macosx,$(platform)),)
eclipse-exec-env = eclipse-ee
eclipse-jdk-dir = $(build)/eclipse/jdk
eclipse-ee-file = $(eclipse-jdk-dir)/avian.ee
eclipse-bin-dir = $(eclipse-jdk-dir)/bin
eclipse-lib-dir = $(eclipse-jdk-dir)/jre/lib
eclipse-src-dir = $(eclipse-jdk-dir)/src
define eclipse-ee-descriptor
# An Eclipse execution environment for the Avian JVM\
eclipse-exec-env =
.PHONY: build
ifneq ($(supports_avian_executable),false)
build: $(static-library) $(executable) $(dynamic-library) $(lzma-library) \
2012-06-02 13:23:52 -06:00
$(lzma-encoder) $(executable-dynamic) $(classpath-dep) $(test-dep) \
Added targets for Eclipse environment descriptor. Someone on the Google Groups site asked how to set up an Eclipse project with Avian classpath. This patch creates the descriptor that you can you use to do that at `$(build)/eclipse/jdk/avian.ee`. The descriptor includes the Avian version, platform, architecture, and build options to allow for multiple versions to exist side by side. Users can import the descriptor into Eclipse via: Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Installed JREs >> Add >> Execution Environment Description Once the descriptor is imported, Avian can be used just like any other JVM installation for Eclipse projects. Personally I use this in conjunction with Eclim to gain code completion for Avian in vim. The new targets also create symlinks to loosely mimic OpenJDK's filenames and folder layout: build/linux-x86_64-tails-continuations/eclipse/jdk/ ├── avian.ee ├── bin │   └── java -> ../../../avian ├── jre │   └── lib │   └── rt.jar -> ../../../../classpath.jar └── src -> ../../classpath Annoyingly, Eclipse for some reason expects this layout to exist even though the descriptor format has required parameters for specifying these locations. I suppose that other software may look for this "standard" layout in a JVM installation so it may be generally useful. These artifacts are only built if the platform is one of `windows`, `linux`, or `macosx`. The symlinks might not actually work at all on Windows, I'm not sure how things like cygwin/msys handle that and I do not have the means to test it. If they do not work a fallback for windows might be to actually copy the files instead of symlinking. I realize this can be done outside of the makefile but it seemed useful to put it here to gain access to the information about the build location, platform, architecture, and other build options. For the record, this contribution is my original work and is released under the same license that Avian uses, found in the license.txt file in this repository.
2015-07-16 09:44:55 -04:00
$(test-extra-dep) $(embed) $(build)/classpath.jar $(eclipse-exec-env)
build: $(static-library) $(dynamic-library) $(lzma-library) \
$(lzma-encoder) $(classpath-dep) $(test-dep) \
$(test-extra-dep) $(embed) $(build)/classpath.jar
2009-09-05 16:04:43 -06:00
$(test-dep): $(classpath-dep)
$(test-extra-dep): $(classpath-dep)
2007-06-20 19:38:02 -06:00
.PHONY: run
2007-09-30 10:32:17 -06:00
run: build
$(library-path) $(test-executable) $(test-args)
.PHONY: debug
2007-09-30 10:32:17 -06:00
debug: build
2014-05-07 13:01:53 -06:00
$(library-path) $(db) $(test-executable) $(test-args)
.PHONY: vg
2007-09-30 10:32:17 -06:00
vg: build
$(library-path) $(vg) $(test-executable) $(test-args)
.PHONY: test
test: build-test run-test
.PHONY: build-test
build-test: build $(build)/run-tests.sh $(build)/test.sh $(unittest-executable)
.PHONY: run-test
ifneq ($(remote-test),true)
/bin/sh $(build)/run-tests.sh
@echo "running tests on $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host):$(remote-test-port), in $(remote-test-dir)"
rsync $(build) -rav --exclude '*.o' --rsh="ssh -p$(remote-test-port)" $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host):$(remote-test-dir)
ssh -p$(remote-test-port) $(remote-test-user)@$(remote-test-host) sh "$(remote-test-dir)/$(platform)-$(arch)$(options)/run-tests.sh"
.PHONY: jdk-test
2013-12-06 19:30:04 -07:00
jdk-test: $(test-dep) $(build)/classpath.jar $(build)/jdk-run-tests.sh $(build)/test.sh
/bin/sh $(build)/jdk-run-tests.sh
2009-04-11 11:54:43 -06:00
.PHONY: tarball
@echo "creating build/avian-$(version).tar.bz2"
@mkdir -p build
(cd .. && tar --exclude=build --exclude=cmake-build --exclude=distrib \
2015-03-16 10:39:11 -06:00
--exclude=lib --exclude='.*' --exclude='*~' \
-cjf avian/build/avian-$(version).tar.bz2 avian)
2009-04-11 11:54:43 -06:00
.PHONY: clean-current
@echo "removing $(build)"
rm -rf $(build)
.PHONY: clean
2015-03-16 10:39:11 -06:00
@echo "removing build directories"
rm -rf build cmake-build distrib lib
Added targets for Eclipse environment descriptor. Someone on the Google Groups site asked how to set up an Eclipse project with Avian classpath. This patch creates the descriptor that you can you use to do that at `$(build)/eclipse/jdk/avian.ee`. The descriptor includes the Avian version, platform, architecture, and build options to allow for multiple versions to exist side by side. Users can import the descriptor into Eclipse via: Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Installed JREs >> Add >> Execution Environment Description Once the descriptor is imported, Avian can be used just like any other JVM installation for Eclipse projects. Personally I use this in conjunction with Eclim to gain code completion for Avian in vim. The new targets also create symlinks to loosely mimic OpenJDK's filenames and folder layout: build/linux-x86_64-tails-continuations/eclipse/jdk/ ├── avian.ee ├── bin │   └── java -> ../../../avian ├── jre │   └── lib │   └── rt.jar -> ../../../../classpath.jar └── src -> ../../classpath Annoyingly, Eclipse for some reason expects this layout to exist even though the descriptor format has required parameters for specifying these locations. I suppose that other software may look for this "standard" layout in a JVM installation so it may be generally useful. These artifacts are only built if the platform is one of `windows`, `linux`, or `macosx`. The symlinks might not actually work at all on Windows, I'm not sure how things like cygwin/msys handle that and I do not have the means to test it. If they do not work a fallback for windows might be to actually copy the files instead of symlinking. I realize this can be done outside of the makefile but it seemed useful to put it here to gain access to the information about the build location, platform, architecture, and other build options. For the record, this contribution is my original work and is released under the same license that Avian uses, found in the license.txt file in this repository.
2015-07-16 09:44:55 -04:00
.PHONY: eclipse-ee
ifneq ($(strip $(eclipse-exec-env)),)
eclipse-ee: $(eclipse-ee-file) $(eclipse-lib-dir)/rt.jar $(eclipse-bin-dir)/java${exe-suffix} $(eclipse-src-dir)
@mkdir -p $(@)
@mkdir -p $(@)
@mkdir -p $(@)
$(eclipse-ee-file): $(eclipse-jdk-dir)
@echo "writing eclipse execution environment descriptor to $(@)"
@printf '${eclipse-ee-descriptor}' > $(@)
$(eclipse-src-dir): $(eclipse-jdk-dir)
@echo "symlinking classpath for $(@)"
@ln -sf ../../../../classpath $(@)
Added targets for Eclipse environment descriptor. Someone on the Google Groups site asked how to set up an Eclipse project with Avian classpath. This patch creates the descriptor that you can you use to do that at `$(build)/eclipse/jdk/avian.ee`. The descriptor includes the Avian version, platform, architecture, and build options to allow for multiple versions to exist side by side. Users can import the descriptor into Eclipse via: Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Installed JREs >> Add >> Execution Environment Description Once the descriptor is imported, Avian can be used just like any other JVM installation for Eclipse projects. Personally I use this in conjunction with Eclim to gain code completion for Avian in vim. The new targets also create symlinks to loosely mimic OpenJDK's filenames and folder layout: build/linux-x86_64-tails-continuations/eclipse/jdk/ ├── avian.ee ├── bin │   └── java -> ../../../avian ├── jre │   └── lib │   └── rt.jar -> ../../../../classpath.jar └── src -> ../../classpath Annoyingly, Eclipse for some reason expects this layout to exist even though the descriptor format has required parameters for specifying these locations. I suppose that other software may look for this "standard" layout in a JVM installation so it may be generally useful. These artifacts are only built if the platform is one of `windows`, `linux`, or `macosx`. The symlinks might not actually work at all on Windows, I'm not sure how things like cygwin/msys handle that and I do not have the means to test it. If they do not work a fallback for windows might be to actually copy the files instead of symlinking. I realize this can be done outside of the makefile but it seemed useful to put it here to gain access to the information about the build location, platform, architecture, and other build options. For the record, this contribution is my original work and is released under the same license that Avian uses, found in the license.txt file in this repository.
2015-07-16 09:44:55 -04:00
$(eclipse-bin-dir)/java$(exe-suffix): $(eclipse-bin-dir) $(executable)
@echo "symlinking $(executable) for $(@)"
@ln -sf ../../../$(name)${exe-suffix} $(@)
$(eclipse-lib-dir)/rt.jar: $(eclipse-lib-dir) $(build)/classpath.jar
@echo "symlinking $(build)/classpath.jar for $(@)"
@ln -sf ../../../../classpath.jar $(@)
$(error "Eclipse execution environment for platform '$(platform)' is not supported")
2013-01-29 09:40:29 +02:00
ifeq ($(continuations),true)
$(build)/compile-x86-asm.o: $(src)/continuations-x86.$(asm-format)
2013-01-29 09:40:29 +02:00
$(build)/run-tests.sh: $(test-classes) makefile $(build)/extra-dir/multi-classpath-test.txt $(build)/test/multi-classpath-test.txt
echo 'cd $$(dirname $$0)' > $(@)
echo "sh ./test.sh 2>/dev/null \\" >> $(@)
echo "$(shell echo $(library-path) | sed 's|$(build)|\.|g') ./$(name)-unittest${exe-suffix} ./$(notdir $(test-executable)) $(mode) \"-Djava.library.path=. -cp test$(target-path-separator)extra-dir\" \\" >> $(@)
echo "$(call class-names,$(test-build),$(filter-out $(test-support-classes), $(test-classes))) \\" >> $(@)
echo "$(continuation-tests) $(tail-tests)" >> $(@)
$(build)/jdk-run-tests.sh: $(test-classes) makefile $(build)/extra-dir/multi-classpath-test.txt $(build)/test/multi-classpath-test.txt
echo 'cd $$(dirname $$0)' > $(@)
echo "sh ./test.sh 2>/dev/null \\" >> $(@)
echo "'' true $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java $(mode) \"-Xmx128m -Djava.library.path=. -cp test$(path-separator)extra-dir$(path-separator)classpath\" \\" >> $(@)
echo "$(call class-names,$(test-build),$(filter-out $(test-support-classes), $(test-classes))) \\" >> $(@)
echo "$(continuation-tests) $(tail-tests)" >> $(@)
mkdir -p $(build)/extra-dir
echo "$@" > $@
echo "$@" > $@
$(build)/test.sh: $(test)/test.sh
cp $(<) $(@)
gen-arg = $(shell echo $(1) | sed -e 's:$(build)/type-\(.*\)\.cpp:\1:')
$(generated-code): %.cpp: $(src)/types.def $(generator) $(classpath-dep)
@echo "generating $(@)"
2007-10-27 19:54:30 -06:00
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
2014-05-28 21:34:58 -06:00
$(generator) -cp $(boot-classpath) -i $(<) -o $(@) -t $(call gen-arg,$(@))
$(classpath-dep): $(classpath-sources) $(classpath-jar-dep)
@echo "compiling classpath classes"
2009-06-04 17:54:06 -06:00
@mkdir -p $(classpath-build)
$(javac) -source 1.$(java-version) -target 1.$(java-version) \
-d $(classpath-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) \
@touch $(@)
2007-06-28 20:58:48 -06:00
$(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(luni-native)/%.cpp
cp $(<) $(@)
$(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(libnativehelper-native)/%.cpp
cp $(<) $(@)
$(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(crypto-native)/%.cpp
cp $(<) $(@)
$(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(libziparchive-native)/%.cc
cp $(<) $(@)
$(build)/android-src/%.cpp: $(libutils-native)/%.cpp
cp $(<) $(@)
$(build)/%.o: $(build)/android-src/%.cpp $(build)/android.dep
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(cxx) $(android-cflags) $(classpath-extra-cflags) -c \
$$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@))
$(build)/android.dep: $(luni-javas) $(dalvik-javas) $(libart-javas) \
$(xml-javas) $(okhttp-android-javas) $(okhttp-javas) $(okio-javas) \
$(bcpkix-javas) $(bcprov-javas) $(luni-nonjavas) $(crypto-javas) $(crypto-platform-javas)
@echo "compiling luni classes"
@mkdir -p $(classpath-build)
@mkdir -p $(build)/android
@mkdir -p $(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm
@mkdir -p $(build)/android-src/libexpat
cp $(android)/external/fdlibm/fdlibm.h $(build)/android-src/external/fdlibm/
cp $(android)/external/expat/lib/expat*.h $(build)/android-src/libexpat/
cp -a $(luni-java)/* $(xml-java)/* $(okhttp-android-java)/* $(okhttp-java)/* $(okio-java)/* $(bcpkix-java)/* $(bcprov-java)/* $(build)/android-src/
rm $(call noop-files,$(luni-blacklist),$(luni-java),$(build)/android-src)
(cd $(dalvik-java) && \
$(jar) c $(call noop-files,$(dalvik-javas),$(dalvik-java),.)) \
| (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
(cd $(libart-java) && \
$(jar) c $(call noop-files,$(libart-javas),$(libart-java),.)) \
| (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
(cd $(crypto-java) && \
$(jar) c $(call noop-files,$(crypto-javas),$(crypto-java),.)) \
| (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
(cd $(crypto-platform-java) && \
$(jar) c $(call noop-files,$(crypto-platform-javas),$(crypto-platform-java),.)) \
| (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
(cd $(classpath-src) && \
$(jar) c $(call noop-files,$(classpath-sources),$(classpath-src),.)) \
| (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
# (cd android && $(jar) c *) | (cd $(build)/android-src && $(jar) x)
find $(build)/android-src -name '*.java' > $(build)/android.txt
$(javac) -Xmaxerrs 1000 -d $(build)/android @$(build)/android.txt
2013-02-21 15:37:17 -07:00
rm $(build)/android/sun/misc/Unsafe* \
for x in $(luni-copied-nonjavas); \
do cp $(luni-java)$${x} $(build)/android$${x} ; \
# fix security.properties - get rid of "com.android" in front of classes starting with "org"
sed -i -e 's/\(.*=\)com\.android\.\(org\..*\)/\1\2/g' \
chmod +w $(build)/android/java/security/security.properties
cp -r $(build)/android/* $(classpath-build)
@touch $(@)
$(test-build)/%.class: $(test)/%.java
2007-11-02 15:08:14 -06:00
@echo $(<)
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
$(test-dep): $(test-sources) $(test-library)
@echo "compiling test classes"
@mkdir -p $(test-build)
files="$(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory build=$(build) $(test-classes))"; \
if test -n "$${files}"; then \
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
$(javac) -source 1.$(java-version) -target 1.$(java-version) \
-classpath $(test-build) -d $(test-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) $${files}; \
$(javac) -source 1.2 -target 1.1 -XDjsrlimit=0 -d $(test-build) \
-bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) test/Subroutine.java
@touch $(@)
$(test-extra-dep): $(test-extra-sources)
@echo "compiling extra test classes"
@mkdir -p $(test-build)
files="$(shell $(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory build=$(build) $(test-extra-classes))"; \
if test -n "$${files}"; then \
2015-08-06 17:23:14 -06:00
$(javac) -source 1.$(java-version) -target 1.$(java-version) \
-d $(test-build) -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) $${files}; \
@touch $(@)
define compile-object
@echo "compiling $(@)"
2007-10-27 19:54:30 -06:00
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
$(cxx) $(cflags) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@))
define compile-asm-object
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(as) $(asmflags) $(call asm-output,$(@)) $(call asm-input,$(<))
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
define compile-unittest-object
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
$(cxx) $(cflags) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) -I$(unittest) $(call output,$(@))
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
$(vm-cpp-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
ifeq ($(process),interpret)
$(all-codegen-target-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
$(unittest-objects): $(build)/unittest/%.o: $(unittest)/%.cpp $(vm-depends) $(unittest-depends)
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
$(test-cpp-objects): $(test-build)/%.o: $(test)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
$(test-library): $(test-cpp-objects)
@echo "linking $(@)"
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ld) $(shared) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \
-IMPLIB:$(test-build)/$(name).lib $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);2"
2012-08-01 16:02:55 +00:00
$(ld) $(^) $(shared) $(lflags) -o $(@)
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
ifdef embed
$(embed): $(embed-objects) $(embed-loader-o)
@echo "building $(embed)"
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
$(cxx) $(^) $(lflags) $(static) $(call output,$(@))
2012-12-04 17:37:02 -07:00
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
$(build-embed)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
$(cxx) $(cflags) -c $(<) $(call output,$(@))
2012-12-04 17:37:02 -07:00
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
$(embed-loader-o): $(embed-loader) $(converter)
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_loader_start \
_binary_loader_end $(target-format) $(arch)
2013-04-02 10:37:20 +02:00
$(embed-loader): $(embed-loader-objects) $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) \
$(heapwalk-objects) $(lzma-decode-objects)
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
2013-03-01 14:52:27 -07:00
$(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
2013-03-01 14:52:27 -07:00
$(dlltool) -z $(addsuffix .def,$(basename $(@))) $(^)
$(dlltool) -d $(addsuffix .def,$(basename $(@))) -e $(addsuffix .exp,$(basename $(@)))
2013-03-01 14:52:27 -07:00
$(ld) $(addsuffix .exp,$(basename $(@))) $(^) \
2015-06-03 00:01:03 +03:00
$(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) -o $(@)
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
$(strip) $(strip-all) $(@)
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
$(build-embed-loader)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
2012-12-05 15:30:49 -07:00
$(cxx) $(cflags) -c $(<) $(call output,$(@))
2012-11-13 09:11:49 +01:00
$(build)/%.o: $(lzma)/C/%.c
2012-06-02 18:56:07 -06:00
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(cc) $(lzma-cflags) -c $$($(windows-path) $(<)) $(call output,$(@))
$(vm-asm-objects): $(build)/%-asm.o: $(src)/%.$(asm-format)
$(bootimage-generator-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
$(heapwalk-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
$(driver-object): $(driver-source)
2010-11-27 14:46:07 -07:00
$(build)/main-dynamic.o: $(driver-source)
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(cxx) $(cflags) -DBOOT_LIBRARY=\"$(so-prefix)jvm$(so-suffix)\" \
2009-08-27 09:30:34 -06:00
-c $(<) $(call output,$(@))
$(boot-object): $(boot-source)
$(boot-javahome-object): $(src)/boot-javahome.cpp
$(object-writer-objects) $(binary-to-object-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(src)/%.cpp $(binary-to-object-depends) $(object-writer-depends) $(all-depends)
2012-04-25 09:09:26 -06:00
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(build-cxx) $(converter-cflags) -c $(<) -o $(@)
$(converter): $(converter-objects) $(converter-tool-objects)
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(build-cc) $(^) -g -o $(@)
$(lzma-encoder-objects): $(build)/lzma/%.o: $(src)/lzma/%.cpp
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(build-cxx) $(lzma-build-cflags) -c $(<) -o $(@)
$(lzma-encoder): $(lzma-encoder-objects) $(lzma-encoder-lzma-objects)
$(build-cc) $(^) -g -o $(@)
$(lzma-library): $(lzma-loader) $(lzma-decode-objects)
@echo "creating $(@)"
@rm -rf $(build)/libavian-lzma
@mkdir -p $(build)/libavian-lzma
rm -rf $(@)
for x in $(^); \
do cp $${x} $(build)/libavian-lzma/$$(echo $${x} | sed s:/:_:g); \
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ar) $(arflags) $(build)/libavian-lzma/*.o -out:$(@)
$(ar) cru $(@) $(build)/libavian-lzma/*.o
$(ranlib) $(@)
$(lzma-loader): $(src)/lzma/load.cpp
$(build)/classpath.jar: $(classpath-dep) $(classpath-jar-dep)
@echo "creating $(@)"
(wd=$$(pwd) && \
cd $(classpath-build) && \
$(jar) c0f "$$($(native-path) "$${wd}/$(@)")" .)
$(classpath-object): $(build)/classpath.jar $(converter)
2008-03-30 22:23:51 -06:00
@echo "creating $(@)"
$(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_classpath_jar_start \
_binary_classpath_jar_end $(target-format) $(arch)
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
@echo "creating $(@)"
(wd=$$(pwd) && \
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
cd "$(build-javahome)" && \
$(jar) c0f "$$($(native-path) "$${wd}/$(@)")" $(javahome-files))
$(javahome-object): $(build)/javahome.jar $(converter)
@echo "creating $(@)"
$(converter) $(<) $(@) _binary_javahome_jar_start \
_binary_javahome_jar_end $(target-format) $(arch)
define compile-generator-object
@echo "compiling $(@)"
2007-10-27 19:54:30 -06:00
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(build-cxx) -DPOINTER_SIZE=$(pointer-size) -O0 -g3 $(build-cflags) \
-c $(<) -o $(@)
$(generator-objects): $(generator-depends)
$(generator-objects): $(build)/%-build.o: $(src)/%.cpp
2012-06-02 15:43:42 -06:00
$(build)/%-build.o: $(lzma)/C/%.c
2012-06-02 18:56:07 -06:00
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(build-cc) -DPOINTER_SIZE=$(pointer-size) -O0 -g3 $(lzma-build-cflags) \
-c $(<) -o $(@)
$(jni-objects): $(build)/%.o: $(classpath-src)/%.cpp $(vm-depends)
2007-06-24 19:34:07 -06:00
$(static-library): $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) $(vm-heapwalk-objects) \
$(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) $(lzma-decode-objects)
@echo "creating $(@)"
@rm -rf $(build)/libavian
@mkdir -p $(build)/libavian
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
rm -rf $(@)
for x in $(^); \
do cp $${x} $(build)/libavian/$$(echo $${x} | sed s:/:_:g); \
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ar) $(arflags) $(build)/libavian/*.o -out:$(@)
$(ar) cru $(@) $(build)/libavian/*.o
$(ranlib) $(@)
$(bootimage-object) $(codeimage-object): $(bootimage-generator) \
$(classpath-jar-dep) $(test-dep)
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
@echo "generating bootimage and codeimage binaries from $(classpath-build) using $(<)"
$(<) -cp $(bootimage-classpath) -bootimage $(bootimage-object) -codeimage $(codeimage-object) \
-bootimage-symbols $(bootimage-symbols) \
-codeimage-symbols $(codeimage-symbols) \
-hostvm $(host-vm)
executable-objects = $(vm-objects) $(classpath-objects) $(driver-object) \
$(vm-heapwalk-objects) $(boot-object) $(vm-classpath-objects) \
$(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) $(lzma-decode-objects)
unittest-executable-objects = $(unittest-objects) $(vm-objects) \
2014-07-16 14:18:42 -06:00
$(vm-heapwalk-objects) $(build)/util/arg-parser.o $(stub-objects) \
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
ifeq ($(process),interpret)
unittest-executable-objects += $(all-codegen-target-objects)
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
# apparently, make does poorly with ifs inside of defines, and indented defines.
# I suggest re-indenting the following before making edits (and unindenting afterwards):
ifneq ($(platform),windows)
define link-executable
@echo linking $(@)
$(ld) $(^) $(rdynamic) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) \
-o $(@)
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
ifdef mt
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
define link-executable
@echo linking $(@)
$(ld) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags)
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
define link-executable
@echo linking $(@)
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
define link-executable
@echo linking $(@)
$(dlltool) -z $(@).def $(^)
$(dlltool) -d $(@).def -e $(@).exp
$(ld) $(@).exp $(^) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) -o $(@)
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
$(executable): $(executable-objects)
2013-02-14 20:54:20 -07:00
$(unittest-executable): $(unittest-executable-objects)
2013-02-18 07:50:37 -07:00
$(bootimage-generator): $(bootimage-generator-objects) $(vm-objects)
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
echo building $(bootimage-generator) arch=$(build-arch) platform=$(bootimage-platform)
2016-08-12 17:30:09 +00:00
$(MAKE) process=interpret \
bootimage= \
bootimage-test= \
mode=$(mode) \
platform=$(bootimage-platform) \
2009-09-05 18:26:13 -06:00
$(MAKE) mode=$(mode) \
2013-01-28 19:15:29 +02:00
build=$(host-build-root) \
arch=$(build-arch) \
aot-only=false \
target-arch=$(arch) \
armv6=$(armv6) \
2009-06-01 12:12:29 -06:00
platform=$(bootimage-platform) \
target-format=$(target-format) \
android=$(android) \
openjdk=$(openjdk) \
openjdk-src=$(openjdk-src) \
bootimage-generator= \
build-bootimage-generator=$(bootimage-generator) \
target-cflags="$(bootimage-cflags)" \
target-asm=$(asm) \
2009-09-05 18:26:13 -06:00
$(build-bootimage-generator): \
$(vm-objects) $(classpath-object) \
$(heapwalk-objects) $(bootimage-generator-objects) $(converter-objects) \
$(lzma-decode-objects) $(lzma-encode-objects)
@echo "linking $(@)"
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ld) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
$(dlltool) -z $(@).def $(^)
$(dlltool) -d $(@).def -e $(@).exp
$(ld) $(@).exp $(^) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) -o $(@)
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
$(ld) $(^) $(rdynamic) $(bootimage-generator-lflags) $(lflags) -o $(@)
2007-10-26 15:02:39 -06:00
$(dynamic-library): $(vm-objects) $(dynamic-object) $(classpath-objects) \
$(vm-heapwalk-objects) $(boot-object) $(vm-classpath-objects) \
$(classpath-libraries) $(javahome-object) $(boot-javahome-object) \
@echo "linking $(@)"
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ld) $(shared) $(lflags) $(^) -out:$(@) \
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \
-IMPLIB:$(subst $(so-suffix),.lib,$(@)) $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);2"
$(ld) $(^) $(version-script-flag) $(soname-flag) \
$(shared) $(lflags) $(classpath-lflags) $(bootimage-lflags) \
2010-11-07 21:23:25 -07:00
-o $(@)
2008-03-30 22:23:51 -06:00
$(strip) $(strip-all) $(@)
# todo: the $(no-lto) flag below is due to odd undefined reference errors on
# Ubuntu 11.10 which may be fixable without disabling LTO.
2010-11-27 14:46:07 -07:00
$(executable-dynamic): $(driver-dynamic-objects) $(dynamic-library)
@echo "linking $(@)"
ifdef ms_cl_compiler
$(ld) $(lflags) -LIBPATH:$(build) -DEFAULTLIB:$(name) \
2013-03-04 11:09:59 -07:00
-debug -PDB:$(subst $(exe-suffix),.pdb,$(@)) \
$(driver-dynamic-objects) -out:$(@) $(manifest-flags)
ifdef mt
$(mt) -nologo -manifest $(@).manifest -outputresource:"$(@);1"
$(ld) $(driver-dynamic-objects) -L$(build) -ljvm $(lflags) $(no-lto) $(rpath) -o $(@)
$(strip) $(strip-all) $(@)
$(generator): $(generator-objects) $(generator-lzma-objects)
@echo "linking $(@)"
$(build-ld-cpp) $(^) $(build-lflags) $(static-on-windows) -o $(@)
$(openjdk-objects): $(build)/openjdk/%-openjdk.o: $(openjdk-src)/%.c \
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
sed 's/^static jclass ia_class;//' < $(<) > $(build)/openjdk/$(notdir $(<))
ifeq ($(platform),ios)
sed \
-e 's/^#ifndef __APPLE__/#if 1/' \
-e 's/^#ifdef __APPLE__/#if 0/' \
< "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/ProcessEnvironment_md.c" \
> $(build)/openjdk/ProcessEnvironment_md.c
sed \
-e 's/^#ifndef __APPLE__/#if 1/' \
-e 's/^#ifdef __APPLE__/#if 0/' \
< "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/UNIXProcess_md.c" \
> $(build)/openjdk/UNIXProcess_md.c
if [ -e "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/childproc.h" ]; then \
sed \
-e 's/^#ifndef __APPLE__/#if 1/' \
-e 's/^#ifdef __APPLE__/#if 0/' \
< "$(openjdk-src)/solaris/native/java/lang/childproc.h" \
> $(build)/openjdk/childproc.h; \
ifneq (7,$(openjdk-version))
if [ -f openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).8.patch ]; then \
( cd $(build) && patch -p0 ) < openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).8.patch; \
if [ -f openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).8.$(platform).patch ]; then \
( cd $(build) && patch -p0 ) < openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).8.$(platform).patch; \
if [ -f openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).patch ]; then \
( cd $(build) && patch -p0 ) < openjdk-patches/$(notdir $(<)).patch; \
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
$(cc) -fPIC $(openjdk-extra-cflags) $(openjdk-cflags) \
$(optimization-cflags) -w -c $(build)/openjdk/$(notdir $(<)) \
$(call output,$(@)) -Wno-return-type
$(openjdk-local-objects): $(build)/openjdk/%-openjdk.o: $(src)/openjdk/%.c \
@echo "compiling $(@)"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(cc) -fPIC $(openjdk-extra-cflags) $(openjdk-cflags) \
$(optimization-cflags) -w -c $(<) $(call output,$(@))
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
@echo "generating openjdk headers"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
$(javah) -d $(build)/openjdk -bootclasspath $(boot-classpath) \
2010-11-29 17:39:41 -07:00
ifeq ($(platform),windows)
sed 's/^#ifdef _WIN64/#if 1/' \
< "$(openjdk-src)/windows/native/java/net/net_util_md.h" \
> $(build)/openjdk/net_util_md.h
sed \
-e 's/\(^#include "net_util.h"\)/\1\n#if (defined _INC_NLDEF) || (defined _WS2DEF_)\n#define HIDE(x) hide_##x\n#else\n#define HIDE(x) x\n#define _WINSOCK2API_\n#endif/' \
-e 's/\(IpPrefix[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \
-e 's/\(IpSuffix[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \
-e 's/\(IpDad[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \
-e 's/\(ScopeLevel[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \
-e 's/\(SCOPE_LEVEL[a-zA-Z_]*\)/HIDE(\1)/' \
< "$(openjdk-src)/windows/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.h" \
> $(build)/openjdk/NetworkInterface.h
echo 'static int getAddrsFromAdapter(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *ptr, netaddr **netaddrPP);' >> $(build)/openjdk/NetworkInterface.h
ifeq ($(kernel),darwin)
mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/netinet
for file in \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/in_systm.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip_icmp.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/in_var.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/icmp6.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet/ip_var.h; do \
if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/netinet/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \
Squashed commit of the following: (#15) commit fabf4dd0cca19118c59c925f572a655d1d9c4092 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:36:06 2017 -0600 reserve a little more stack space for worst-case lambda expressions commit 24b95016dd6f62fa4a82312310fcb5c55cc22f93 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:33:39 2017 -0600 support constructor references commit a329416f4f37840d2a5d7976874585413cd4c6af Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:11:19 2017 -0600 normalize class name in Classes.forName This fixes a Tomcat classloading issue when using the OpenJDK class library. commit ecafdf40baf2f3cde4835620e9af4380b1081fe7 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 16:58:04 2017 -0600 fix some lambda bugs commit 552dfd779baf077cc6445b4042588e4b6e34f3d2 Merge: 63dda56 aa2f25d Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:57:59 2017 -0600 Merge remote-tracking branch 'corda/chrisr3-invoking-extension' commit 63dda560f8648a793bdb609879076ab729b17e19 Merge: 3ec983d e589f10 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:54:53 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #538 from dicej/master avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit aa2f25da404b2fc168a672392df939b52ea250ab Author: Chris Rankin <chris.rankin@r3.com> Date: Mon Jul 3 17:26:41 2017 +0100 Add support for "invokevirtual" and "invokeinterface". The "invokeinterface" support seems to be broken for lambdas that require native types to be boxed/unboxed. commit e589f105741ea36d07bba1e300c7ed69c33a22d1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 2 19:43:36 2017 -0600 avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit 3ec983dd82e01b36fb96411df345a54119a68181 Merge: 6f6bdd7 78881d4 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Tue Jun 13 09:50:49 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #534 from lwahlmeier/fileGetParentFile fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 78881d427cd474c14f5ce94484f5253de564074b Author: Luke Wahlmeier <lwahlmeier@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 30 13:42:56 2017 -0600 fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 6f6bdd7d5c171e0c4c807d0a4f3aa676461307de Merge: 8b694f9 b22343e Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:58:09 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #529 from mikehearn/proguard-fixes Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 8b694f961496f2d47a377254f61153b0338335fd Merge: dfae414 61c82e1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:54 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #531 from mikehearn/fileinputstream-compat FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods commit dfae414da8da57049076c16c43472cc32bdeb07c Merge: 16dd804 d7a6f68 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:38 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #532 from mikehearn/use-symlinks Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit d7a6f68235b2d42c03aba36f1bb48d173adb4fa6 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:42:06 2017 +0200 Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit 61c82e1070d857bcdc7a4f086d13836d9608da00 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:40:52 2017 +0200 FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods in recent OpenJDK releases commit b22343eb6731f1df2631635e2fcf9d51817273fe Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:38:09 2017 +0200 Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 16dd804f392168497fa17ab682978f938e291bfb Merge: e2d3270 19deadd Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:30 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #526 from MaartenR/arrays-binsearch Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit e2d3270fe8e92203b6107b95f862ff5bd245c37a Merge: dee99d6 545b9c8 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:20 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #527 from MaartenR/integer-nolz Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 545b9c8732a6ea026285b1edf976a79eb541ef2e Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 11:23:36 2017 +0100 Tested more negative numbers commit b45bcf09535daef99ed31451ae55db8bec83164c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 10:47:27 2017 +0100 Added unit test for numberOfLeadingZeros method of the Integer class commit 19deadd36bbfc02a8c13e6d91963e41f5125057f Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 13 12:19:17 2017 +0100 Fixed mistake with end index being exclusive commit 7271c0b7077ae3bef473e036aa0f0298a9eb0601 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Mar 10 11:17:13 2017 +0100 Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 023bb69acd071348f29cd43ff954d3dcf2856c7c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 9 13:43:03 2017 +0100 Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit dee99d6dd60b743a870d1a2c58183649c8a6449c Merge: f7a651d 6c90953 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 1 08:39:32 2017 -0700 Merge pull request #525 from MaartenR/master Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length commit 6c90953745be5451ac9a028639f94e3fcc43d7f3 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <raaphorst@serviceplanet.nl> Date: Wed Mar 1 14:19:51 2017 +0100 Made http headers case insensitive commit 2c3a82d2b387251a8932ddb6575e718c2c1785a7 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Feb 3 05:42:56 2017 -0800 Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length
2017-07-10 17:01:56 +01:00
ln -s "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/netinet/$$(basename $${file})"; \
fi; \
mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/netinet6
for file in \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/netinet6/in6_var.h; do \
if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/netinet6/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \
Squashed commit of the following: (#15) commit fabf4dd0cca19118c59c925f572a655d1d9c4092 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:36:06 2017 -0600 reserve a little more stack space for worst-case lambda expressions commit 24b95016dd6f62fa4a82312310fcb5c55cc22f93 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:33:39 2017 -0600 support constructor references commit a329416f4f37840d2a5d7976874585413cd4c6af Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:11:19 2017 -0600 normalize class name in Classes.forName This fixes a Tomcat classloading issue when using the OpenJDK class library. commit ecafdf40baf2f3cde4835620e9af4380b1081fe7 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 16:58:04 2017 -0600 fix some lambda bugs commit 552dfd779baf077cc6445b4042588e4b6e34f3d2 Merge: 63dda56 aa2f25d Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:57:59 2017 -0600 Merge remote-tracking branch 'corda/chrisr3-invoking-extension' commit 63dda560f8648a793bdb609879076ab729b17e19 Merge: 3ec983d e589f10 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:54:53 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #538 from dicej/master avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit aa2f25da404b2fc168a672392df939b52ea250ab Author: Chris Rankin <chris.rankin@r3.com> Date: Mon Jul 3 17:26:41 2017 +0100 Add support for "invokevirtual" and "invokeinterface". The "invokeinterface" support seems to be broken for lambdas that require native types to be boxed/unboxed. commit e589f105741ea36d07bba1e300c7ed69c33a22d1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 2 19:43:36 2017 -0600 avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit 3ec983dd82e01b36fb96411df345a54119a68181 Merge: 6f6bdd7 78881d4 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Tue Jun 13 09:50:49 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #534 from lwahlmeier/fileGetParentFile fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 78881d427cd474c14f5ce94484f5253de564074b Author: Luke Wahlmeier <lwahlmeier@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 30 13:42:56 2017 -0600 fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 6f6bdd7d5c171e0c4c807d0a4f3aa676461307de Merge: 8b694f9 b22343e Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:58:09 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #529 from mikehearn/proguard-fixes Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 8b694f961496f2d47a377254f61153b0338335fd Merge: dfae414 61c82e1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:54 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #531 from mikehearn/fileinputstream-compat FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods commit dfae414da8da57049076c16c43472cc32bdeb07c Merge: 16dd804 d7a6f68 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:38 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #532 from mikehearn/use-symlinks Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit d7a6f68235b2d42c03aba36f1bb48d173adb4fa6 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:42:06 2017 +0200 Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit 61c82e1070d857bcdc7a4f086d13836d9608da00 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:40:52 2017 +0200 FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods in recent OpenJDK releases commit b22343eb6731f1df2631635e2fcf9d51817273fe Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:38:09 2017 +0200 Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 16dd804f392168497fa17ab682978f938e291bfb Merge: e2d3270 19deadd Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:30 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #526 from MaartenR/arrays-binsearch Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit e2d3270fe8e92203b6107b95f862ff5bd245c37a Merge: dee99d6 545b9c8 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:20 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #527 from MaartenR/integer-nolz Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 545b9c8732a6ea026285b1edf976a79eb541ef2e Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 11:23:36 2017 +0100 Tested more negative numbers commit b45bcf09535daef99ed31451ae55db8bec83164c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 10:47:27 2017 +0100 Added unit test for numberOfLeadingZeros method of the Integer class commit 19deadd36bbfc02a8c13e6d91963e41f5125057f Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 13 12:19:17 2017 +0100 Fixed mistake with end index being exclusive commit 7271c0b7077ae3bef473e036aa0f0298a9eb0601 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Mar 10 11:17:13 2017 +0100 Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 023bb69acd071348f29cd43ff954d3dcf2856c7c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 9 13:43:03 2017 +0100 Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit dee99d6dd60b743a870d1a2c58183649c8a6449c Merge: f7a651d 6c90953 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 1 08:39:32 2017 -0700 Merge pull request #525 from MaartenR/master Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length commit 6c90953745be5451ac9a028639f94e3fcc43d7f3 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <raaphorst@serviceplanet.nl> Date: Wed Mar 1 14:19:51 2017 +0100 Made http headers case insensitive commit 2c3a82d2b387251a8932ddb6575e718c2c1785a7 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Feb 3 05:42:56 2017 -0800 Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length
2017-07-10 17:01:56 +01:00
ln -s "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/netinet6/$$(basename $${file})"; \
fi; \
mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/net
for file in \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/net/if_arp.h; do \
if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/net/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \
Squashed commit of the following: (#15) commit fabf4dd0cca19118c59c925f572a655d1d9c4092 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:36:06 2017 -0600 reserve a little more stack space for worst-case lambda expressions commit 24b95016dd6f62fa4a82312310fcb5c55cc22f93 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:33:39 2017 -0600 support constructor references commit a329416f4f37840d2a5d7976874585413cd4c6af Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:11:19 2017 -0600 normalize class name in Classes.forName This fixes a Tomcat classloading issue when using the OpenJDK class library. commit ecafdf40baf2f3cde4835620e9af4380b1081fe7 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 16:58:04 2017 -0600 fix some lambda bugs commit 552dfd779baf077cc6445b4042588e4b6e34f3d2 Merge: 63dda56 aa2f25d Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:57:59 2017 -0600 Merge remote-tracking branch 'corda/chrisr3-invoking-extension' commit 63dda560f8648a793bdb609879076ab729b17e19 Merge: 3ec983d e589f10 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:54:53 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #538 from dicej/master avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit aa2f25da404b2fc168a672392df939b52ea250ab Author: Chris Rankin <chris.rankin@r3.com> Date: Mon Jul 3 17:26:41 2017 +0100 Add support for "invokevirtual" and "invokeinterface". The "invokeinterface" support seems to be broken for lambdas that require native types to be boxed/unboxed. commit e589f105741ea36d07bba1e300c7ed69c33a22d1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 2 19:43:36 2017 -0600 avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit 3ec983dd82e01b36fb96411df345a54119a68181 Merge: 6f6bdd7 78881d4 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Tue Jun 13 09:50:49 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #534 from lwahlmeier/fileGetParentFile fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 78881d427cd474c14f5ce94484f5253de564074b Author: Luke Wahlmeier <lwahlmeier@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 30 13:42:56 2017 -0600 fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 6f6bdd7d5c171e0c4c807d0a4f3aa676461307de Merge: 8b694f9 b22343e Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:58:09 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #529 from mikehearn/proguard-fixes Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 8b694f961496f2d47a377254f61153b0338335fd Merge: dfae414 61c82e1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:54 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #531 from mikehearn/fileinputstream-compat FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods commit dfae414da8da57049076c16c43472cc32bdeb07c Merge: 16dd804 d7a6f68 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:38 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #532 from mikehearn/use-symlinks Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit d7a6f68235b2d42c03aba36f1bb48d173adb4fa6 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:42:06 2017 +0200 Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit 61c82e1070d857bcdc7a4f086d13836d9608da00 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:40:52 2017 +0200 FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods in recent OpenJDK releases commit b22343eb6731f1df2631635e2fcf9d51817273fe Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:38:09 2017 +0200 Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 16dd804f392168497fa17ab682978f938e291bfb Merge: e2d3270 19deadd Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:30 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #526 from MaartenR/arrays-binsearch Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit e2d3270fe8e92203b6107b95f862ff5bd245c37a Merge: dee99d6 545b9c8 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:20 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #527 from MaartenR/integer-nolz Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 545b9c8732a6ea026285b1edf976a79eb541ef2e Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 11:23:36 2017 +0100 Tested more negative numbers commit b45bcf09535daef99ed31451ae55db8bec83164c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 10:47:27 2017 +0100 Added unit test for numberOfLeadingZeros method of the Integer class commit 19deadd36bbfc02a8c13e6d91963e41f5125057f Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 13 12:19:17 2017 +0100 Fixed mistake with end index being exclusive commit 7271c0b7077ae3bef473e036aa0f0298a9eb0601 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Mar 10 11:17:13 2017 +0100 Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 023bb69acd071348f29cd43ff954d3dcf2856c7c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 9 13:43:03 2017 +0100 Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit dee99d6dd60b743a870d1a2c58183649c8a6449c Merge: f7a651d 6c90953 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 1 08:39:32 2017 -0700 Merge pull request #525 from MaartenR/master Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length commit 6c90953745be5451ac9a028639f94e3fcc43d7f3 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <raaphorst@serviceplanet.nl> Date: Wed Mar 1 14:19:51 2017 +0100 Made http headers case insensitive commit 2c3a82d2b387251a8932ddb6575e718c2c1785a7 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Feb 3 05:42:56 2017 -0800 Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length
2017-07-10 17:01:56 +01:00
ln -s "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/net/$$(basename $${file})"; \
fi; \
mkdir -p $(build)/openjdk/sys
for file in \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/sys/kern_event.h \
$(header-sysroot)/usr/include/sys/sys_domain.h; do \
if [ ! -f "$(build)/openjdk/sys/$$(basename $${file})" ]; then \
Squashed commit of the following: (#15) commit fabf4dd0cca19118c59c925f572a655d1d9c4092 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:36:06 2017 -0600 reserve a little more stack space for worst-case lambda expressions commit 24b95016dd6f62fa4a82312310fcb5c55cc22f93 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:33:39 2017 -0600 support constructor references commit a329416f4f37840d2a5d7976874585413cd4c6af Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 17:11:19 2017 -0600 normalize class name in Classes.forName This fixes a Tomcat classloading issue when using the OpenJDK class library. commit ecafdf40baf2f3cde4835620e9af4380b1081fe7 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 9 16:58:04 2017 -0600 fix some lambda bugs commit 552dfd779baf077cc6445b4042588e4b6e34f3d2 Merge: 63dda56 aa2f25d Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:57:59 2017 -0600 Merge remote-tracking branch 'corda/chrisr3-invoking-extension' commit 63dda560f8648a793bdb609879076ab729b17e19 Merge: 3ec983d e589f10 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sat Jul 8 10:54:53 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #538 from dicej/master avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit aa2f25da404b2fc168a672392df939b52ea250ab Author: Chris Rankin <chris.rankin@r3.com> Date: Mon Jul 3 17:26:41 2017 +0100 Add support for "invokevirtual" and "invokeinterface". The "invokeinterface" support seems to be broken for lambdas that require native types to be boxed/unboxed. commit e589f105741ea36d07bba1e300c7ed69c33a22d1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jul 2 19:43:36 2017 -0600 avoid definePackage infinite recursion with OpenJDK class library commit 3ec983dd82e01b36fb96411df345a54119a68181 Merge: 6f6bdd7 78881d4 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Tue Jun 13 09:50:49 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #534 from lwahlmeier/fileGetParentFile fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 78881d427cd474c14f5ce94484f5253de564074b Author: Luke Wahlmeier <lwahlmeier@gmail.com> Date: Tue May 30 13:42:56 2017 -0600 fixed File.getParent when getting parent returns root commit 6f6bdd7d5c171e0c4c807d0a4f3aa676461307de Merge: 8b694f9 b22343e Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:58:09 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #529 from mikehearn/proguard-fixes Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 8b694f961496f2d47a377254f61153b0338335fd Merge: dfae414 61c82e1 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:54 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #531 from mikehearn/fileinputstream-compat FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods commit dfae414da8da57049076c16c43472cc32bdeb07c Merge: 16dd804 d7a6f68 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Mon May 22 12:57:38 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #532 from mikehearn/use-symlinks Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit d7a6f68235b2d42c03aba36f1bb48d173adb4fa6 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:42:06 2017 +0200 Symlink OpenJDK files rather than hardlink commit 61c82e1070d857bcdc7a4f086d13836d9608da00 Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:40:52 2017 +0200 FileInputStream has wrapped some more native methods in recent OpenJDK releases commit b22343eb6731f1df2631635e2fcf9d51817273fe Author: Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> Date: Sun May 14 21:38:09 2017 +0200 Some fixes to the ProGuard files commit 16dd804f392168497fa17ab682978f938e291bfb Merge: e2d3270 19deadd Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:30 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #526 from MaartenR/arrays-binsearch Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit e2d3270fe8e92203b6107b95f862ff5bd245c37a Merge: dee99d6 545b9c8 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 22 16:00:20 2017 -0600 Merge pull request #527 from MaartenR/integer-nolz Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 545b9c8732a6ea026285b1edf976a79eb541ef2e Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 11:23:36 2017 +0100 Tested more negative numbers commit b45bcf09535daef99ed31451ae55db8bec83164c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Tue Mar 14 10:47:27 2017 +0100 Added unit test for numberOfLeadingZeros method of the Integer class commit 19deadd36bbfc02a8c13e6d91963e41f5125057f Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Mon Mar 13 12:19:17 2017 +0100 Fixed mistake with end index being exclusive commit 7271c0b7077ae3bef473e036aa0f0298a9eb0601 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Mar 10 11:17:13 2017 +0100 Added numberOfLeadingZeros method to Integer class commit 023bb69acd071348f29cd43ff954d3dcf2856c7c Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Thu Mar 9 13:43:03 2017 +0100 Added integer array binary search methods to Arrays class commit dee99d6dd60b743a870d1a2c58183649c8a6449c Merge: f7a651d 6c90953 Author: Joel Dice <joel.dice@gmail.com> Date: Wed Mar 1 08:39:32 2017 -0700 Merge pull request #525 from MaartenR/master Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length commit 6c90953745be5451ac9a028639f94e3fcc43d7f3 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <raaphorst@serviceplanet.nl> Date: Wed Mar 1 14:19:51 2017 +0100 Made http headers case insensitive commit 2c3a82d2b387251a8932ddb6575e718c2c1785a7 Author: Maarten Raaphorst <mwraaphorst@gmail.com> Date: Fri Feb 3 05:42:56 2017 -0800 Added functionality to HttpURLConnection for obtaining content length
2017-07-10 17:01:56 +01:00
ln -s "$${file}" "$(build)/openjdk/sys/$$(basename $${file})"; \
fi; \
2010-11-29 17:39:41 -07:00
@touch $(@)
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
@echo "extracting openjdk classes"
@mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
@mkdir -p $(classpath-build)
2010-11-15 16:27:00 -07:00
(cd $(classpath-build) && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk-image)/lib/rt.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk-image)/lib/charsets.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk-image)/lib/resources.jar")" && \
$(jar) xf "$$($(native-path) "$(openjdk-image)/lib/ext/sunec.jar")")
@touch $(@)