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DemoBench is a standalone desktop application that makes it easy to configure and launch local Corda nodes. It is useful for training sessions, demos or just experimentation.
Installers compatible with the latest Corda release will soon be downloadable from the R3 website.
Running DemoBench
Configuring a Node
Each node must have a unique name to identify it to the network map service. DemoBench will also suggest local port numbers to use.
The first node will host the network map service, and therefore *must* be a notary. Hence only notary services will be available to be selected in the ``Services`` list. For subsequent nodes you may also select any of Corda's other built-in services.
.. note:: Press ``Ctrl``/``Cmd`` and then click with the mouse to select multiple services, and also to deselect a service again.
Press the ``Create Node`` button to launch the Corda node with your configuration.
Running Nodes
DemoBench launches each new node in a terminal emulator. The ``View Database``, ``Launch Explorer`` and ``Launch WebServer`` buttons will all be disabled until the node has finished booting. DemoBench will then display simple statistics about the node such as its cash balance.
.. warning:: After switching tabs, it may currently be necessary to click on the new tab panel before its contents update correctly. This is a BUG and we're working on it.
Exiting DemoBench
When you terminate DemoBench, it will automatically shut down any nodes and explorers that it has launched and then exit.
You can save all of DemoBench's currently running nodes into a profile, which is a ``ZIP`` file with the following layout, e.g.:
.. parsed-literal::
When DemoBench reloads this profile it will close any nodes that it is currently running and then launch these new nodes instead. Note that the ``node.conf`` files within each profile are JSON/HOCON format, and so can be extracted and edited as required.
Building the Installers
There are three scripts in the ``tools/demobench`` directory:
#. ``package-demobench-exe.bat`` (Windows)
#. ``package-demobench-dmg.sh`` (MacOS)
#. ``package-demobench-rpm.sh`` (Fedora/Linux)
Each script can only be run on its target platform, and each expects the platform's installation tools already to be available.
#. Windows: `Inno Setup 5+ <http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php>`_
#. MacOS: The packaging tools should be available automatically. The DMG contents will also be signed if the packager finds a valid ``Developer ID Application`` certificate on the keyring. You can create such a certificate by generating a Certificate Signing Request and then asking your local "Apple team agent" to upload it to the Apple Developer portal. (See `here <https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingCertificates/MaintainingCertificates.html>`_.)
#. Fedora/Linux: ``rpm-build`` packages.
You will also need to define the environment variable ``JAVA_HOME`` to point to the same JDK that you use to run Gradle. The installer will be written to the ``tools/demobench/build/javapackage/bundles`` directory, and can be installed like any other application for your platform.
Developer Notes
Developers wishing to run DemoBench *without* building a new installer each time can install it locally using Gradle:
.. parsed-literal::
$ gradlew tools:demobench:installDist
$ cd tools/demobench/build/install/demobench
$ bin/demobench
Unfortunately, DemoBench's ``$CLASSPATH`` may be too long for the Windows shell . In which case you can still run DemoBench as follows:
.. parsed-literal::
> java -Djava.util.logging.config.class=net.corda.demobench.config.LoggingConfig -jar lib/demobench-$version.jar