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<h1>What&#8217;s included?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-s-included" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>The current prototype consists of a small amount of code that defines:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Key data structures</li>
<li>Algorithms that work with them, such as serialising, hashing, signing, and verification of the signatures.</li>
<li>Two smart contracts that implement a notion of a cash claim, and a notion of commercial paper. These are simplified
versions of the real things.</li>
<li>Unit tests that check the algorithms do what is expected, and which verify the behaviour of the smart contracts.</li>
<li>API documentation and tutorials (what you&#8217;re reading)</li>
<p>Some things it does not currently include but should gain later are:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Sandboxing of smart contract code</li>
<li>A peer to peer network</li>
<li>Database persistence</li>
<li>An API for integrating external software</li>
<li>A user interface for administration</li>
<li>Many other things</li>
<p>You can browse <a class="reference external" href="">the JIRA bug tracker</a>.</p>
<p>The prototype&#8217;s goal is rapid exploration of ideas. Therefore in places it takes shortcuts that a production system
would not in order to boost productivity:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li>It uses a serialization framework instead of a well specified, vendor neutral protocol.</li>
<li>It uses secp256r1, an obsolete elliptic curve.</li>
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