2. Scroll down to "Java SE Development Kit 8uXXX" (where "XXX" is the latest minor version number)
3. Toggle "Accept License Agreement"
4. Click the download link for jdk-8uXXX-windows-x64.exe (where "XXX" is the latest minor version number)
5. Download and run the executable to install Java (use the default settings)
6. Add Java to the PATH environment variable by following the instructions at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/windows/jdk-installation-windows.html#path
7. Open a new command prompt and run ``java -version`` to test that Java is installed correctly
1. Visit https://git-scm.com/download/win
2. Click the "64-bit Git for Windows Setup" download link.
3. Download and run the executable to install Git (use the default installation values) and make a note of the installation directory.
4. Open a new command prompt and type ``git --version`` to test that Git is installed correctly