1. Consensus over state **validity** -- parties can reach certainty that a transaction defining output states is accepted by the contracts pointed to by the states and has all the required signatures. This is achieved by parties independently running the same contract code and validation logic (as described in :doc:`data model <data-model>`)
2. Consensus over state **uniqueness** -- parties can reach certainty the the output states created in a transaction are the unique successors to the input states consumed by that transaction (in other words -- a state has not been used as an input by more than one transaction)
This article presents an initial model for addressing the **uniqueness** problem.
..note:: The current model is still a **work in progress** and everything described in this article can and is likely to change
We introduce the concept of a **Notary**, which is an authority responsible for attesting that for a given transaction, it had not signed another transaction consuming any of its input states.
The data model is extended so that every **state** has an appointed Notary:
/** Identity of the notary that ensures this state is not used as an input to a transaction more than once */
val notary: Party
All transactions have to be signed by their input state Notary for the output states to be **valid** (apart from *issue* transactions, containing no input states).
When the Notary is requested to sign a transaction, it either signs over it, attesting that the outputs are the **unique** successors of the inputs,
or provides conflict information for any input state that had been consumed by another transaction it had signed before.
In doing so, the Notary provides the point of finality in the system. Until the Notary signature is obtained, parties cannot be sure that an equally valid, but conflicting transaction,
will not be regarded as confirmed. After the signature is obtained, the parties know that the inputs to this transaction have been uniquely consumed by this transaction.
Hence it is the point at which we can say finality has occurred.
However, this makes it open to "denial of state" attacks, where a party could submit any invalid transaction to the Notary and thus "block" someone else's states.
That is partially alleviated by requiring the calling party to authenticate and storing its identity for the request.
The conflict information returned by the Notary specifies the consuming transaction id along with the identity of the party that had requested the commit.
If the conflicting transaction is valid, the current one gets aborted; if not – a dispute can be raised and the input states of the conflicting invalid transaction are "un-committed" (to be covered by legal process).
..note:: At present the Notary can see the entire transaction, but we have a separate piece of work to replace the parts of the transaction it does not require knowing about with hashes (only input references, timestamp information, overall transaction ID and the necessary digests of the rest of the transaction to prove that the referenced inputs/timestamps really do form part of the stated transaction ID should be visible).