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2017-03-01 15:43:56 +00:00
2016-05-24 13:26:17 +02:00
Here's a summary of what's changed in each Corda release. For guidance on how to upgrade code from the previous
release, see :doc:`upgrade-notes`.
* Added program line argument ``on-unknown-config-keys`` to allow specifying behaviour on unknown node configuration property keys.
Values are: [FAIL, WARN, IGNORE], default to FAIL if unspecified.
2018-04-12 11:58:56 +01:00
* Fix CORDA-1229. Setter-based serialization was broken with generic types when the property was stored
as the raw type, List for example.
* added to the default Whitelist.
* serialization support added.
* Upgraded H2 to v1.4.197.
* Shell (embedded available only in dev mode or via SSH) connects to the node via RPC instead of using the ``CordaRPCOps`` object directly.
To enable RPC connectivity ensure nodes ``rpcSettings.address`` and ``rpcSettings.adminAddress`` settings are present.
* Changes to the network bootstrapper:
* The whitelist.txt file is no longer needed. The existing network parameters file is used to update the current contracts
* The CorDapp jars are also copied to each nodes' `cordapps` directory.
* Errors thrown by a Corda node will now reported to a calling RPC client with attention to serialization and obfuscation of internal data.
* Serializing an inner class (non-static nested class in Java, inner class in Kotlin) will be rejected explicitly by the serialization
framework. Prior to this change it didn't work, but the error thrown was opaque (complaining about too few arguments
to a constructor). Whilst this was possible in the older Kryo implementation (Kryo passing null as the synthesised
reference to the outer class) as per the Java documentation `here <>`_
we are disallowing this as the paradigm in general makes little sense for Contract States
* Fix CORDA-1258. Custom serializers were spuriously registered every time a serialization factory was fetched from the cache rather than
only once when it was created. Whilst registering serializers that already exist is essentially a no-op, it's a performance overhead for
a very frequent operation that hits a synchronisation point (and is thus flagged as contended by our perfomance suite)
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* Update the fast-classpath-scanner dependent library version from 2.0.21 to 2.12.3
.. note:: Whilst this is not the latest version of this library, that being 2.18.1 at time of writing, versions later
than 2.12.3 (including 2.12.4) exhibit a different issue.
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* Fixed node's behaviour on startup when there is no connectivity to network map. Node continues to work normally if it has
all the needed network data, waiting in the background for network map to become available.
* Added `database.hibernateDialect` node configuration option
.. _changelog_r3_v3:
R3 Corda 3.0 Developer Preview
* Fix CORDA-1229. Setter-based serialization was broken with generic types when the property was stored as the raw type, List for example.
* Update the fast-classpath-scanner dependent library version from 2.0.21 to 2.12.3
.. note:: Whilst this is not the latest version of this library, that being 2.18.1 at time of writing, versions later
than 2.12.3 (including 2.12.4) exhibit a different issue.
* Fixed security vulnerability when using the ``HashAttachmentConstraint``. Added strict check that the contract JARs
referenced in a transaction were deployed on the node.
* Node can be shut down abruptly by ``shutdown`` function in `CordaRPCOps` or gracefully (draining flows first) through ``gracefulShutdown`` command from shell. Please refer to ::doc:`shell.rst` for more.
* Carpenter Exceptions will be caught internally by the Serializer and rethrown as a ``NotSerializableException``
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* Specific details of the error encountered are logged to the node's log file. More information can be enabled by setting the debug level to ``trace`` ; this will cause the full stack trace of the error to be dumped into the log.
* Parsing of ``NodeConfiguration`` will now fail if unknown configuration keys are found.
* The web server now has its own ``web-server.conf`` file, separate from ``node.conf``.
* Introduced a placeholder for custom properties within ``node.conf``; the property key is "custom".
2018-03-28 17:09:42 +01:00
* Property keys with double quotes (e.g. `"key"`) in ``node.conf`` are no longer allowed, for rationale refer to :doc:`corda-configuration-file`.
* java.math.BigInteger serialization support added.
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* added to the default Whitelist.
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* serialization support added.
* Added ``NetworkMapCache.getNodesByLegalName`` for querying nodes belonging to a distributed service such as a notary cluster
where they all share a common identity. ``NetworkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName`` has been tightened to throw if more than
one node with the legal name is found.
2018-04-13 10:44:10 +01:00
* Per CorDapp configuration is now exposed. ``CordappContext`` now exposes a ``CordappConfig`` object that is populated
at CorDapp context creation time from a file source during runtime.
* Introduced Flow Draining mode, in which a node continues executing existing flows, but does not start new. This is to support graceful node shutdown/restarts.
In particular, when this mode is on, new flows through RPC will be rejected, scheduled flows will be ignored, and initial session messages will not be consumed.
This will ensure that the number of checkpoints will strictly diminish with time, allowing for a clean shutdown.
* Make the serialisation finger-printer a pluggable entity rather than hard wiring into the factory
* Removed blacklisted word checks in Corda X.500 name to allow "Server" or "Node" to be use as part of the legal name.
* Separated our pre-existing Artemis broker into an RPC broker and a P2P broker.
* Refactored ``NodeConfiguration`` to expose ``NodeRpcOptions`` (using top-level "rpcAddress" property still works with warning).
* Modified ``CordaRPCClient`` constructor to take a ``SSLConfiguration?`` additional parameter, defaulted to ``null``.
* Introduced ``CertificateChainCheckPolicy.UsernameMustMatchCommonName`` sub-type, allowing customers to optionally enforce username == CN condition on RPC SSL certificates.
* Modified ``DriverDSL`` and sub-types to allow specifying RPC settings for the Node.
* Modified the ``DriverDSL`` to start Cordformation nodes allowing automatic generation of "rpcSettings.adminAddress" in case "rcpSettings.useSsl" is ``false`` (the default).
* Introduced ``UnsafeCertificatesFactory`` allowing programmatic generation of X509 certificates for test purposes.
* JPA Mapping annotations for States extending ``CommonSchemaV1.LinearState`` and ``CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState`` on the
`participants` collection need to be moved to the actual class. This allows to properly specify the unique table name per a collection.
See: DummyDealStateSchemaV1.PersistentDummyDealState
* JPA Mapping annotations for States extending ``CommonSchemaV1.LinearState`` and ``CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState`` on the
`participants` collection need to be moved to the actual State class. This allows developers to properly specify
the table name for the `participants` collection.
For an example on how the mapping can be done, see: DummyDealStateSchemaV1.PersistentDummyDealState
* JDBC drivers for SQL server and PostgresSQL are no longer bundled as part of Corda releases. If you are running a node
on such databases you need to provide the associated driver as described in :doc:`node-database`.
* X.509 certificates now have an extension that specifies the Corda role the certificate is used for, and the role
hierarchy is now enforced in the validation code. See ``net.corda.core.internal.CertRole`` for the current implementation
until final documentation is prepared. Certificates at ``NODE_CA``, ``WELL_KNOWN_SERVICE_IDENTITY`` and above must
only ever be issued by network services and therefore issuance constraints are not relevant to end users.
The ``TLS`` and ``WELL_KNOWN_LEGAL_IDENTITY`` roles must be issued by the ``NODE_CA`` certificate issued by the
Doorman, and ``CONFIDENTIAL_IDENTITY`` certificates must be issued from a ``WELL_KNOWN_LEGAL_IDENTITY`` certificate.
For a detailed specification of the extension please see :doc:`permissioning`.
* The network map service concept has been re-designed. More information can be found in :doc:`network-map`.
* The previous design was never intended to be final but was rather a quick implementation in the earliest days of the
Corda project to unblock higher priority items. It suffered from numerous disadvantages including lack of scalability,
as one node was expected to hold open and manage connections to every node on the network; not reliable; hard to defend
against DoS attacks; etc.
* There is no longer a special network map node for distributing the network map to the other nodes. Instead the network
map is now a collection of signed ``NodeInfo`` files distributed via HTTP.
* The ``certificateSigningService`` config has been replaced by ``compatibilityZoneURL`` which is the base URL for the
doorman registration and for downloading the network map. There is also an end-point for the node to publish its node-info
object, which the node does each time it changes. ``networkMapService`` config has been removed.
* To support local and test deployments, the node polls the ``additional-node-infos`` directory for these signed ``NodeInfo``
objects which are stored in its local cache. On startup the node generates its own signed file with the filename format
"nodeInfo-*". This can be copied to every node's ``additional-node-infos`` directory that is part of the network.
* Cordform (which is the ``deployNodes`` gradle task) does this copying automatically for the demos. The ``NetworkMap``
parameter is no longer needed.
* For test deployments we've introduced a bootstrapping tool (see :doc:`setting-up-a-corda-network`).
* ``extraAdvertisedServiceIds``, ``notaryNodeAddress``, ``notaryClusterAddresses`` and ``bftSMaRt`` configs have been
removed. The configuration of notaries has been simplified into a single ``notary`` config object. See
:doc:`corda-configuration-file` for more details.
* Introducing the concept of network parameters which are a set of constants which all nodes on a network must agree on
to correctly interop. These can be retrieved from ``ServiceHub.networkParameters``.
* One of these parameters, ``maxTransactionSize``, limits the size of a transaction, including its attachments, so that
all nodes have sufficient memory to validate transactions.
* The set of valid notaries has been moved to the network parameters. Notaries are no longer identified by the CN in
their X.500 name.
* Single node notaries no longer have a second separate notary identity. Their main identity *is* their notary identity.
Use ``NetworkMapCache.notaryIdentities`` to get the list of available notaries.
* Added ``NetworkMapCache.getNodesByLegalName`` for querying nodes belonging to a distributed service such as a notary cluster
where they all share a common identity. ``NetworkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName`` has been tightened to throw if more than
one node with the legal name is found.
* The common name in the node's X.500 legal name is no longer reserved and can be used as part of the node's name.
* Moved ``NodeInfoSchema`` to internal package as the node info's database schema is not part of the public API. This
was needed to allow changes to the schema.
* Support for external user credentials data source and password encryption [CORDA-827].
* Integrate database migration tool: :
* The migration files are split per ``MappedSchemas``. (added new property: migrationResource used to point to the resource file containing the db changes corresponding to the JPA entities)
* config flag ``database.initialiseSchema`` was renamed to: ``database.runMigration`` (if true then the migration is run during startup just before hibernate is initialised.)
* config flag: ``database.serverNameTablePrefix`` was removed as we no longer use table prefixes
* New command line argument:``—just-generate-db-migration outputSqlFile``: this will generate the delta from the last release, and will output the resulting sql into the outputSqlFile. It will not write to the db. It will not start the node!
* New command line argument: ``--just-run-db-migration``: this will only run the db migration. It will not start the node!
* Exporting additional JMX metrics (artemis, hibernate statistics) and loading Jolokia agent at JVM startup when using
DriverDSL and/or cordformation node runner.
* Removed confusing property ``database.initDatabase``, enabling its guarded behaviour with the dev-mode.
In devMode Hibernate will try to create or update database schemas, otherwise it will expect relevant schemas to be present
in the database (pre configured via DDL scripts or equivalent), and validate these are correct.
* ``ConfigUtilities`` now read system properties for a node. This allow to specify data source properties at runtime.
* ``AttachmentStorage`` now allows providing metadata on attachments upload - username and filename, currently as plain
strings. Those can be then used for querying, utilizing ``queryAttachments`` method of the same interface.
* ``SSH Server`` - The node can now expose shell via SSH server with proper authorization and permissioning built in.
* ``CordaRPCOps`` implementation now checks permissions for any function invocation, rather than just when starting flows.
* ``wellKnownPartyFromAnonymous()`` now always resolve the key to a ``Party``, then the party to the well known party.
Previously if it was passed a ``Party`` it would use its name as-is without verifying the key matched that name.
* ``OpaqueBytes.bytes`` now returns a clone of its underlying ``ByteArray``, and has been redeclared as ``final``.
This is a minor change to the public API, but is required to ensure that classes like ``SecureHash`` are immutable.
Merge Open Source to Enterprise (#79) * Check array size before accessing * Review fixes * CORDA-540: Make Verifier work in AMQP mode (#1870) * reference to finance module via not hardcoded group ID (#1515) * generic way to reference to group id when loading finance.jar via cordapp * Fixed the node shell to work with the DataFeed class * Attempt to make NodeStatePersistenceTests more stable (#1895) By ensuring that the nodes are properly started and aware of each other before firing any flows through them. Also minor refactoring. * Disable unstable test on Windows (#1899) * CORDA-530 Don't soft-lock non-fungible states (#1794) * Don't run unlock query if nothing was locked * Constructors should not have side-effects * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map (#1890) * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map - Nodes started by driver run without a networkMapNode. - Driver does not take a networkMapStartStrategy anymore - a new parameter in the configuration "noNetworkMapServiceMode" allows for a node not to be a networkMapNode nor to connect to one. - Driver now waits for each node to write its own NodeInfo file to disk and then copies it into each other node. - When driver starts a node N, it waits for every node to be have N nodes in their network map. Note: the code to copy around the NodeInfo files was already in DemoBench, the NodeInfoFilesCopier class was just moved from DemoBench into core (I'm very open to core not being the best place, please advise) * Added missing cordappPackage dependencies. (#1894) * Eliminate circular dependency of NodeSchedulerService on ServiceHub. (#1891) * Update customSchemas documentation. (#1902) * [CORDA-694] Commands visibility for Oracles (without sacrificing privacy) (#1835) new checkCommandVisibility feature for Oracles * CORDA-599 PersistentNetworkMapCache no longer circularly depends on SH (#1652) * CORDA-725 - Change AMQP identifier to officially assigned value This does change our header format so pre-cached test files need regenerating * CORDA-725 - update changelog * CORDA-680 Update cordapp packages documentation (#1901) * Introduce MockNetworkParameters * Cordformation in Kotlin (#1873) Cordformation rewritten in kotlin. * Kotlin migration * Review Comments * CORDA-704: Implement `@DoNotImplement` annotation (#1903) * Enhance the API Scanner plugin to monitor class annotations. * Implement @DoNotImplement annotation, and apply it. * Update API definition. * Update API change detection to handle @DoNotImplement. * Document the `@DoNotImplement` annotation. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL (#1525) * Cash selection refactoring such that 3d party DB providers are only required to implement Coin Selection SQL logic. * Re-added debug logging statement. * Updated to include PR review feedback from VK * Refactoring following rebase from master. * Fix broken JUnits following rebase. * Use JDBC ResultSet getBlob() and added custom serializer to address concern raised by tomtau in PR. * Fix failing JUnits. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL: CashSelection done using window functions * Moved postgresql version information into corda/build.gradle * Using a PreparedStatement in CashSelectionPostgreSQLImpl * Changed the PostgreSQL Cash Selection implementation to use the new refactored AbstractCashSelection * * Retire MockServiceHubInternal (#1909) * Introduce rigorousMock * Add test-utils and node-driver to generated documentation * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample (#1912) In the previous version when running with `--role ISSUER` the application failed to start. The reason was that in spite of `quantity` and `currency` were optional, un-necessary `requestParams` been constructed regardless. * move SMM * Interface changes for multi-threading * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script (#1911) * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script * CORDA-351: Added suppression stub file with example * CORDA-351: added suppresionFile property * CORDA-435 - Ensure Kryo only tests use Kryo serializatin context Also correct lambda typos (from lamba) * Network map service REST API wrapper (#1907) * Network map client - WIP * Java doc and doc for doc site * remove dependency * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * move network map client to node * Fix jetty test dependencies * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * Address PR issues * Address PR issues and unit test fix * Address PR issues * Fixing Bank-Of-Corda Demo in `master` (#1922) * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample Use correct CorDapp packages to scan (cherry picked from commit 2caa134) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Correct run configuration * Fix-up port numbers * CORDA-435 - AMQP serialisation cannot work with private vals They won't be reported as properties by the introspector and thus we will fail to find a constructor for them. This makes sense as we will be unable to serialise an object whose members we cannot read * CORDA-435 - AMQP enablement fixes AMQP has different serialization rules than Kryo surrounding the way we introspect objects to work out how to construct them * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node (#1908) * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node Now MockNetwork will put the appropriate NodeInfos inside each running node networkMapCache. Tests relating to networkmap node starting and interaction have been removed since they where relaying on MockNetwork * Minor fix for api checker script to support macOS * Retrofit changes from Enterprise PR #61 (#1934) * Introduce MockNodeParameters/Args (#1923) * CORDA-736 Add some new features to corda.jar via node.conf for testing (#1926) * CORDA-699 Add injection or modification of memory network messages (#1920) * Updated API stability changeset to reflect new schema attribute name.
2017-10-25 13:54:34 +01:00
* Experimental support for PostgreSQL: CashSelection done using window functions
* ``FlowLogic`` now exposes a series of function called ``receiveAll(...)`` allowing to join ``receive(...)`` instructions.
* Renamed "plugins" directory on nodes to "cordapps"
* The ``Cordformation`` gradle plugin has been split into ``cordformation`` and ``cordapp``. The former builds and
deploys nodes for development and testing, the latter turns a project into a cordapp project that generates JARs in
the standard CorDapp format.
* ``Cordapp`` now has a name field for identifying CorDapps and all CorDapp names are printed to console at startup.
Merge Open Source to Enterprise (#79) * Check array size before accessing * Review fixes * CORDA-540: Make Verifier work in AMQP mode (#1870) * reference to finance module via not hardcoded group ID (#1515) * generic way to reference to group id when loading finance.jar via cordapp * Fixed the node shell to work with the DataFeed class * Attempt to make NodeStatePersistenceTests more stable (#1895) By ensuring that the nodes are properly started and aware of each other before firing any flows through them. Also minor refactoring. * Disable unstable test on Windows (#1899) * CORDA-530 Don't soft-lock non-fungible states (#1794) * Don't run unlock query if nothing was locked * Constructors should not have side-effects * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map (#1890) * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map - Nodes started by driver run without a networkMapNode. - Driver does not take a networkMapStartStrategy anymore - a new parameter in the configuration "noNetworkMapServiceMode" allows for a node not to be a networkMapNode nor to connect to one. - Driver now waits for each node to write its own NodeInfo file to disk and then copies it into each other node. - When driver starts a node N, it waits for every node to be have N nodes in their network map. Note: the code to copy around the NodeInfo files was already in DemoBench, the NodeInfoFilesCopier class was just moved from DemoBench into core (I'm very open to core not being the best place, please advise) * Added missing cordappPackage dependencies. (#1894) * Eliminate circular dependency of NodeSchedulerService on ServiceHub. (#1891) * Update customSchemas documentation. (#1902) * [CORDA-694] Commands visibility for Oracles (without sacrificing privacy) (#1835) new checkCommandVisibility feature for Oracles * CORDA-599 PersistentNetworkMapCache no longer circularly depends on SH (#1652) * CORDA-725 - Change AMQP identifier to officially assigned value This does change our header format so pre-cached test files need regenerating * CORDA-725 - update changelog * CORDA-680 Update cordapp packages documentation (#1901) * Introduce MockNetworkParameters * Cordformation in Kotlin (#1873) Cordformation rewritten in kotlin. * Kotlin migration * Review Comments * CORDA-704: Implement `@DoNotImplement` annotation (#1903) * Enhance the API Scanner plugin to monitor class annotations. * Implement @DoNotImplement annotation, and apply it. * Update API definition. * Update API change detection to handle @DoNotImplement. * Document the `@DoNotImplement` annotation. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL (#1525) * Cash selection refactoring such that 3d party DB providers are only required to implement Coin Selection SQL logic. * Re-added debug logging statement. * Updated to include PR review feedback from VK * Refactoring following rebase from master. * Fix broken JUnits following rebase. * Use JDBC ResultSet getBlob() and added custom serializer to address concern raised by tomtau in PR. * Fix failing JUnits. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL: CashSelection done using window functions * Moved postgresql version information into corda/build.gradle * Using a PreparedStatement in CashSelectionPostgreSQLImpl * Changed the PostgreSQL Cash Selection implementation to use the new refactored AbstractCashSelection * * Retire MockServiceHubInternal (#1909) * Introduce rigorousMock * Add test-utils and node-driver to generated documentation * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample (#1912) In the previous version when running with `--role ISSUER` the application failed to start. The reason was that in spite of `quantity` and `currency` were optional, un-necessary `requestParams` been constructed regardless. * move SMM * Interface changes for multi-threading * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script (#1911) * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script * CORDA-351: Added suppression stub file with example * CORDA-351: added suppresionFile property * CORDA-435 - Ensure Kryo only tests use Kryo serializatin context Also correct lambda typos (from lamba) * Network map service REST API wrapper (#1907) * Network map client - WIP * Java doc and doc for doc site * remove dependency * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * move network map client to node * Fix jetty test dependencies * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * Address PR issues * Address PR issues and unit test fix * Address PR issues * Fixing Bank-Of-Corda Demo in `master` (#1922) * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample Use correct CorDapp packages to scan (cherry picked from commit 2caa134) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Correct run configuration * Fix-up port numbers * CORDA-435 - AMQP serialisation cannot work with private vals They won't be reported as properties by the introspector and thus we will fail to find a constructor for them. This makes sense as we will be unable to serialise an object whose members we cannot read * CORDA-435 - AMQP enablement fixes AMQP has different serialization rules than Kryo surrounding the way we introspect objects to work out how to construct them * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node (#1908) * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node Now MockNetwork will put the appropriate NodeInfos inside each running node networkMapCache. Tests relating to networkmap node starting and interaction have been removed since they where relaying on MockNetwork * Minor fix for api checker script to support macOS * Retrofit changes from Enterprise PR #61 (#1934) * Introduce MockNodeParameters/Args (#1923) * CORDA-736 Add some new features to corda.jar via node.conf for testing (#1926) * CORDA-699 Add injection or modification of memory network messages (#1920) * Updated API stability changeset to reflect new schema attribute name.
2017-10-25 13:54:34 +01:00
* Enums now respect the whitelist applied to the Serializer factory serializing / deserializing them. If the enum isn't
either annotated with the @CordaSerializable annotation or explicitly whitelisted then a NotSerializableException is
* Gradle task ``deployNodes`` can have an additional parameter ``configFile`` with the path to a properties file
to be appended to node.conf.
* Cordformation node building DSL can have an additional parameter ``configFile`` with the path to a properties file
to be appended to node.conf.
* ``FlowLogic`` now has a static method called ``sleep`` which can be used in certain circumstances to help with resolving
contention over states in flows. This should be used in place of any other sleep primitive since these are not compatible
with flows and their use will be prevented at some point in the future. Pay attention to the warnings and limitations
described in the documentation for this method. This helps resolve a bug in ``Cash`` coin selection.
A new static property ``currentTopLevel`` returns the top most ``FlowLogic`` instance, or null if not in a flow.
* ``CordaService`` annotated classes should be upgraded to take a constructor parameter of type ``AppServiceHub`` which
allows services to start flows marked with the ``StartableByService`` annotation. For backwards compatability
service classes with only ``ServiceHub`` constructors will still work.
* ``TimeWindow`` now has a ``length`` property that returns the length of the time-window as a ``java.time.Duration`` object,
or ``null`` if the time-window isn't closed.
Merge Open Source to Enterprise (#79) * Check array size before accessing * Review fixes * CORDA-540: Make Verifier work in AMQP mode (#1870) * reference to finance module via not hardcoded group ID (#1515) * generic way to reference to group id when loading finance.jar via cordapp * Fixed the node shell to work with the DataFeed class * Attempt to make NodeStatePersistenceTests more stable (#1895) By ensuring that the nodes are properly started and aware of each other before firing any flows through them. Also minor refactoring. * Disable unstable test on Windows (#1899) * CORDA-530 Don't soft-lock non-fungible states (#1794) * Don't run unlock query if nothing was locked * Constructors should not have side-effects * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map (#1890) * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map - Nodes started by driver run without a networkMapNode. - Driver does not take a networkMapStartStrategy anymore - a new parameter in the configuration "noNetworkMapServiceMode" allows for a node not to be a networkMapNode nor to connect to one. - Driver now waits for each node to write its own NodeInfo file to disk and then copies it into each other node. - When driver starts a node N, it waits for every node to be have N nodes in their network map. Note: the code to copy around the NodeInfo files was already in DemoBench, the NodeInfoFilesCopier class was just moved from DemoBench into core (I'm very open to core not being the best place, please advise) * Added missing cordappPackage dependencies. (#1894) * Eliminate circular dependency of NodeSchedulerService on ServiceHub. (#1891) * Update customSchemas documentation. (#1902) * [CORDA-694] Commands visibility for Oracles (without sacrificing privacy) (#1835) new checkCommandVisibility feature for Oracles * CORDA-599 PersistentNetworkMapCache no longer circularly depends on SH (#1652) * CORDA-725 - Change AMQP identifier to officially assigned value This does change our header format so pre-cached test files need regenerating * CORDA-725 - update changelog * CORDA-680 Update cordapp packages documentation (#1901) * Introduce MockNetworkParameters * Cordformation in Kotlin (#1873) Cordformation rewritten in kotlin. * Kotlin migration * Review Comments * CORDA-704: Implement `@DoNotImplement` annotation (#1903) * Enhance the API Scanner plugin to monitor class annotations. * Implement @DoNotImplement annotation, and apply it. * Update API definition. * Update API change detection to handle @DoNotImplement. * Document the `@DoNotImplement` annotation. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL (#1525) * Cash selection refactoring such that 3d party DB providers are only required to implement Coin Selection SQL logic. * Re-added debug logging statement. * Updated to include PR review feedback from VK * Refactoring following rebase from master. * Fix broken JUnits following rebase. * Use JDBC ResultSet getBlob() and added custom serializer to address concern raised by tomtau in PR. * Fix failing JUnits. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL: CashSelection done using window functions * Moved postgresql version information into corda/build.gradle * Using a PreparedStatement in CashSelectionPostgreSQLImpl * Changed the PostgreSQL Cash Selection implementation to use the new refactored AbstractCashSelection * * Retire MockServiceHubInternal (#1909) * Introduce rigorousMock * Add test-utils and node-driver to generated documentation * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample (#1912) In the previous version when running with `--role ISSUER` the application failed to start. The reason was that in spite of `quantity` and `currency` were optional, un-necessary `requestParams` been constructed regardless. * move SMM * Interface changes for multi-threading * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script (#1911) * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script * CORDA-351: Added suppression stub file with example * CORDA-351: added suppresionFile property * CORDA-435 - Ensure Kryo only tests use Kryo serializatin context Also correct lambda typos (from lamba) * Network map service REST API wrapper (#1907) * Network map client - WIP * Java doc and doc for doc site * remove dependency * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * move network map client to node * Fix jetty test dependencies * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * Address PR issues * Address PR issues and unit test fix * Address PR issues * Fixing Bank-Of-Corda Demo in `master` (#1922) * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample Use correct CorDapp packages to scan (cherry picked from commit 2caa134) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Correct run configuration * Fix-up port numbers * CORDA-435 - AMQP serialisation cannot work with private vals They won't be reported as properties by the introspector and thus we will fail to find a constructor for them. This makes sense as we will be unable to serialise an object whose members we cannot read * CORDA-435 - AMQP enablement fixes AMQP has different serialization rules than Kryo surrounding the way we introspect objects to work out how to construct them * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node (#1908) * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node Now MockNetwork will put the appropriate NodeInfos inside each running node networkMapCache. Tests relating to networkmap node starting and interaction have been removed since they where relaying on MockNetwork * Minor fix for api checker script to support macOS * Retrofit changes from Enterprise PR #61 (#1934) * Introduce MockNodeParameters/Args (#1923) * CORDA-736 Add some new features to corda.jar via node.conf for testing (#1926) * CORDA-699 Add injection or modification of memory network messages (#1920) * Updated API stability changeset to reflect new schema attribute name.
2017-10-25 13:54:34 +01:00
* A new ``SIGNERS_GROUP`` with ordinal 6 has been added to ``ComponentGroupEnum`` that corresponds to the ``Command``
* ``PartialMerkleTree`` is equipped with a ``leafIndex`` function that returns the index of a hash (leaf) in the
partial Merkle tree structure.
* A new function ``checkCommandVisibility(publicKey: PublicKey)`` has been added to ``FilteredTransaction`` to check
if every command that a signer should receive (e.g. an Oracle) is indeed visible.
* Changed the AMQP serialiser to use the officially assigned R3 identifier rather than a placeholder.
* The ``ReceiveTransactionFlow`` can now be told to record the transaction at the same time as receiving it. Using this
feature, better support for observer/regulator nodes has been added. See :doc:`tutorial-observer-nodes`.
Merge Open Source to Enterprise (#79) * Check array size before accessing * Review fixes * CORDA-540: Make Verifier work in AMQP mode (#1870) * reference to finance module via not hardcoded group ID (#1515) * generic way to reference to group id when loading finance.jar via cordapp * Fixed the node shell to work with the DataFeed class * Attempt to make NodeStatePersistenceTests more stable (#1895) By ensuring that the nodes are properly started and aware of each other before firing any flows through them. Also minor refactoring. * Disable unstable test on Windows (#1899) * CORDA-530 Don't soft-lock non-fungible states (#1794) * Don't run unlock query if nothing was locked * Constructors should not have side-effects * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map (#1890) * [CORDA-442] let Driver run without network map - Nodes started by driver run without a networkMapNode. - Driver does not take a networkMapStartStrategy anymore - a new parameter in the configuration "noNetworkMapServiceMode" allows for a node not to be a networkMapNode nor to connect to one. - Driver now waits for each node to write its own NodeInfo file to disk and then copies it into each other node. - When driver starts a node N, it waits for every node to be have N nodes in their network map. Note: the code to copy around the NodeInfo files was already in DemoBench, the NodeInfoFilesCopier class was just moved from DemoBench into core (I'm very open to core not being the best place, please advise) * Added missing cordappPackage dependencies. (#1894) * Eliminate circular dependency of NodeSchedulerService on ServiceHub. (#1891) * Update customSchemas documentation. (#1902) * [CORDA-694] Commands visibility for Oracles (without sacrificing privacy) (#1835) new checkCommandVisibility feature for Oracles * CORDA-599 PersistentNetworkMapCache no longer circularly depends on SH (#1652) * CORDA-725 - Change AMQP identifier to officially assigned value This does change our header format so pre-cached test files need regenerating * CORDA-725 - update changelog * CORDA-680 Update cordapp packages documentation (#1901) * Introduce MockNetworkParameters * Cordformation in Kotlin (#1873) Cordformation rewritten in kotlin. * Kotlin migration * Review Comments * CORDA-704: Implement `@DoNotImplement` annotation (#1903) * Enhance the API Scanner plugin to monitor class annotations. * Implement @DoNotImplement annotation, and apply it. * Update API definition. * Update API change detection to handle @DoNotImplement. * Document the `@DoNotImplement` annotation. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL (#1525) * Cash selection refactoring such that 3d party DB providers are only required to implement Coin Selection SQL logic. * Re-added debug logging statement. * Updated to include PR review feedback from VK * Refactoring following rebase from master. * Fix broken JUnits following rebase. * Use JDBC ResultSet getBlob() and added custom serializer to address concern raised by tomtau in PR. * Fix failing JUnits. * Experimental support for PostgreSQL: CashSelection done using window functions * Moved postgresql version information into corda/build.gradle * Using a PreparedStatement in CashSelectionPostgreSQLImpl * Changed the PostgreSQL Cash Selection implementation to use the new refactored AbstractCashSelection * * Retire MockServiceHubInternal (#1909) * Introduce rigorousMock * Add test-utils and node-driver to generated documentation * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample (#1912) In the previous version when running with `--role ISSUER` the application failed to start. The reason was that in spite of `quantity` and `currency` were optional, un-necessary `requestParams` been constructed regardless. * move SMM * Interface changes for multi-threading * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script (#1911) * CORDA-351: added dependency check plugin to gradle build script * CORDA-351: Added suppression stub file with example * CORDA-351: added suppresionFile property * CORDA-435 - Ensure Kryo only tests use Kryo serializatin context Also correct lambda typos (from lamba) * Network map service REST API wrapper (#1907) * Network map client - WIP * Java doc and doc for doc site * remove dependency * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * move network map client to node * Fix jetty test dependencies * NetworkParameter -> NetworkParameters * Address PR issues * Address PR issues and unit test fix * Address PR issues * Fixing Bank-Of-Corda Demo in `master` (#1922) * Fix-up: Bank Of Corda sample Use correct CorDapp packages to scan (cherry picked from commit 2caa134) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Set adequate permissions for the nodes such that NodeExplorer can connect (cherry picked from commit ae88242) * Correct run configuration * Fix-up port numbers * CORDA-435 - AMQP serialisation cannot work with private vals They won't be reported as properties by the introspector and thus we will fail to find a constructor for them. This makes sense as we will be unable to serialise an object whose members we cannot read * CORDA-435 - AMQP enablement fixes AMQP has different serialization rules than Kryo surrounding the way we introspect objects to work out how to construct them * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node (#1908) * [CORDA-442] make MockNetwork not start a networkmap node Now MockNetwork will put the appropriate NodeInfos inside each running node networkMapCache. Tests relating to networkmap node starting and interaction have been removed since they where relaying on MockNetwork * Minor fix for api checker script to support macOS * Retrofit changes from Enterprise PR #61 (#1934) * Introduce MockNodeParameters/Args (#1923) * CORDA-736 Add some new features to corda.jar via node.conf for testing (#1926) * CORDA-699 Add injection or modification of memory network messages (#1920) * Updated API stability changeset to reflect new schema attribute name.
2017-10-25 13:54:34 +01:00
* Added an overload of ``TransactionWithSignatures.verifySignaturesExcept`` which takes in a collection of ``PublicKey``s.
* ``DriverDSLExposedInterface`` has been renamed to ``DriverDSL`` and the ``waitForAllNodesToFinish()`` method has instead
become a parameter on driver creation.
* Values for the ``database.transactionIsolationLevel`` config now follow the ``java.sql.Connection`` int constants but
without the "TRANSACTION_" prefix, i.e. "NONE", "READ_UNCOMMITTED", etc.
* Peer-to-peer communications is now via AMQP 1.0 as default.
Although the legacy Artemis CORE bridging can still be used by setting the ``useAMQPBridges`` configuration property to false.
* The Artemis topics used for peer-to-peer communication have been changed to be more consistent with future cryptographic
agility and to open up the future possibility of sharing brokers between nodes. This is a breaking wire level change
as it means that nodes after this change will not be able to communicate correctly with nodes running the previous version.
Also, any pending enqueued messages in the Artemis message store will not be delivered correctly to their original target.
However, assuming a clean reset of the artemis data and that the nodes are consistent versions,
data persisted via the AMQP serializer will be forward compatible.
* The ability for CordaServices to register callbacks so they can be notified of shutdown and clean up resource such as
open ports.
* Enterprise Corda only: Compatibility with SQL Server 2017 and SQL Azure databases.
* Enterprise Corda only: node configuration property ``database.schema`` and documented existing database properties.
* Enterprise Corda only: Compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.6 database.
* Enterprise Corda only: Compatibility with Oracle 11g RC2 and 12c database.
* Move to a message based control of peer to peer bridge formation to allow for future out of process bridging components.
This removes the legacy Artemis bridges completely, so the ``useAMQPBridges`` configuration property has been removed.
* A ``CordaInternal`` attribute has been added to identify properties that are not intended to form part of the
public api and as such are not intended for public use. This is alongside the existing ``DoNotImplement`` attribute for classes which
provide Corda functionality to user applications, but should not be implemented by consumers, and any classes which
are defined in ``.internal`` packages, which are also not for public use.
* Marked ``stateMachine`` on ``FlowLogic`` as ``CordaInternal`` to make clear that is it not part of the public api and is
only for internal use
* Provided experimental support for specifying your own webserver to be used instead of the default development
webserver in ``Cordform`` using the ``webserverJar`` argument
* Created new ``StartedMockNode`` and ``UnstartedMockNode`` classes which are wrappers around our MockNode implementation
that expose relevant methods for testing without exposing internals, create these using a ``MockNetwork``.
* The test utils in ``Expect.kt``, ``SerializationTestHelpers.kt``, ``TestConstants.kt`` and ``TestUtils.kt`` have moved
from the ``net.corda.testing`` package to the ``net.corda.testing.core`` package, and ``FlowStackSnapshot.kt`` has moved to the
```` package. Moving existing classes out of the ``net.corda.testing.*`` package
will help make it clearer which parts of the api are stable. Scripts have been provided to smooth the upgrade
process for existing projects in the ``tools\scripts`` directory of the Corda repo.
* Shell (embedded available only in dev mode or via SSH) connects to the node via RPC instead of using the ``CordaRPCOps`` object directly.
To enable RPC connectivity ensure nodes ``rpcSettings.address`` and ``rpcSettings.adminAddress`` settings are present.
.. _changelog_v2:
Corda 2.0
* ``OpaqueBytes.bytes`` now returns a clone of its underlying ``ByteArray``, and has been redeclared as ``final``.
This is a minor change to the public API, but is required to ensure that classes like ``SecureHash`` are immutable.
* ``FlowLogic`` now has a static method called ``sleep`` which can be used in certain circumstances to help with resolving
contention over states in flows. This should be used in place of any other sleep primitive since these are not compatible
with flows and their use will be prevented at some point in the future. Pay attention to the warnings and limitations
described in the documentation for this method. This helps resolve a bug in ``Cash`` coin selection.
A new static property `currentTopLevel` returns the top most `FlowLogic` instance, or null if not in a flow.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
.. _changelog_v1:
Corda 1.0
2017-09-27 15:29:00 +01:00
* Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs
Developers now only need to work with a single Vault Service API for all needs.
* Java 8 lambdas now work property with Kryo during check-pointing.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Java 8 serializable lambdas now work property with Kryo during check-pointing.
* String constants have been marked as ``const`` type in Kotlin, eliminating cases where functions of the form
``get<constant name>()`` were created for the Java API. These can now be referenced by their name directly.
* ``FlowLogic`` communication has been extensively rewritten to use functions on ``FlowSession`` as the base for communication
between nodes.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Calls to ``send()``, ``receive()`` and ``sendAndReceive()`` on FlowLogic should be replaced with calls
to the function of the same name on ``FlowSession``. Note that the replacement functions do not take in a destination
parameter, as this is defined in the session.
* Initiated flows now take in a ``FlowSession`` instead of ``Party`` in their constructor. If you need to access the
counterparty identity, it is in the ``counterparty`` property of the flow session.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Added X509EdDSAEngine to intercept and rewrite EdDSA public keys wrapped in X509Key instances. This corrects an issue
with verifying certificate paths loaded from a Java Keystore where they contain EdDSA keys.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Confidential identities are now complete:
* The identity negotiation flow is now called ``SwapIdentitiesFlow``, renamed from ``TransactionKeyFlow``.
* generateSpend() now creates a new confidential identity for the change address rather than using the identity of the
input state owner.
* Please see the documentation :doc:`key-concepts-identity` and :doc:`api-identity` for more details.
* Remove the legacy web front end from the SIMM demo.
* ``NodeInfo`` and ``NetworkMapCache`` changes:
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Removed ``NodeInfo::legalIdentity`` in preparation for handling of multiple identities. We left list of ``NodeInfo::legalIdentitiesAndCerts``,
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
the first identity still plays a special role of main node identity.
* We no longer support advertising services in network map. Removed ``NodeInfo::advertisedServices``, ``serviceIdentities``
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
and ``notaryIdentity``.
* Removed service methods from ``NetworkMapCache``: ``partyNodes``, ``networkMapNodes``, ``notaryNodes``, ``regulatorNodes``,
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
``getNodesWithService``, ``getPeersWithService``, ``getRecommended``, ``getNodesByAdvertisedServiceIdentityKey``, ``getAnyNotary``,
``notaryNode``, ``getAnyServiceOfType``. To get all known ``NodeInfo``'s call ``allNodes``.
* In preparation for ``NetworkMapService`` redesign and distributing notaries through ``NetworkParameters`` we added
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
``NetworkMapCache::notaryIdentities`` list to enable to lookup for notary parties known to the network. Related ``CordaRPCOps::notaryIdentities``
was introduced. Other special nodes parties like Oracles or Regulators need to be specified directly in CorDapp or flow.
* Moved ``ServiceType`` and ``ServiceInfo`` to ``net.corda.nodeapi`` package as services are only required on node startup.
* Adding enum support to the class carpenter
* ``ContractState::contract`` has been moved ``TransactionState::contract`` and it's type has changed to ``String`` in order to
support dynamic classloading of contract and contract constraints.
* CorDapps that contain contracts are now automatically loaded into the attachment storage - for CorDapp developers this
now means that contracts should be stored in separate JARs to flows, services and utilities to avoid large JARs being
auto imported to the attachment store.
* About half of the code in test-utils has been moved to a new module ``node-driver``,
and the test scope modules are now located in a ``testing`` directory.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* ``CordaPluginRegistry`` has been renamed to ``SerializationWhitelist`` and moved to the ``net.corda.core.serialization``
package. The API for whitelisting types that can't be annotated was slightly simplified. This class used to contain
many things, but as we switched to annotations and classpath scanning over time it hollowed out until this was
the only functionality left. You also need to rename your services resource file to the new class name.
An associated property on ``MockNode`` was renamed from ``testPluginRegistries`` to ``testSerializationWhitelists``.
* Contract Upgrades: deprecated RPC authorisation / deauthorisation API calls in favour of equivalent flows in ContractUpgradeFlow.
Implemented contract upgrade persistence using JDBC backed persistent map.
* Vault query common attributes (state status and contract state types) are now handled correctly when using composite
criteria specifications. State status is overridable. Contract states types are aggregatable.
* Cash selection algorithm is now pluggable (with H2 being the default implementation)
Requery removal (#1276) * Removed Requery object relational mapping usage (and associated schemas including node-schemas module) * Fixed issues with NodeAttachmentService tests. Cannot use JPA custom converters with Primary Key fields. Hibernate entities require explicit call to flush() to persist to disk. * Removed redundant requery converters (equivalents not even required in Hibernate). * Removed remaining gradle requery dependency definitions. * Fixed broken tests. * Fixes for failing NodeVaultService tests: - Dynamic SQL updates (in soft locking code) - Explicit request by session to participate in transaction (causing "TransactionRequiredException" Executing an update/delete query) - Explicit flush() required to persist to disk * Updated changelog. Fixed compiler warning. * Fixed WHERE clause AND/OR condition. Enforced immediate data visibility through transaction commit. * Final fixes to address failing tests. * Deferred all hibernate session/txn management to DatabaseTransactionManager. * Fixed transaction boundaries in failing Cash tests. * Fixes to address failing tests (transaction boundaries, merge detached object, config clean-up). * Final adjustment to transaction boundaries in JUnit tests. * Refactored AttachmentSchemaV1 into NodeAttachmentService itself and referenced from NodeServicesV1. * Refactored HSQL UPDATE statements to use CriteriaUpdate API. * Updated all criteria API getters to reference attribute names by type. * Remove redundant VaultSchema entity name (required when previously using HSQL UPDATE syntax) * Fix compiler warnings. * Minor changes following rebase from master. * Fixed suppress warning type.
2017-08-21 10:42:59 +01:00
* Removed usage of Requery ORM library (repalced with JPA/Hibernate)
* Vault Query performance improvement (replaced expensive per query SQL statement to obtain concrete state types
with single query on start-up followed by dynamic updates using vault state observable))
* Vault Query fix: filter by multiple issuer names in ``FungibleAssetQueryCriteria``
* Following deprecated methods have been removed:
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* In ``DataFeed``
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* ``first`` and ``current``, replaced by ``snapshot``
* ``second`` and ``future``, replaced by ``updates``
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* In ``CordaRPCOps``
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* ``stateMachinesAndUpdates``, replaced by ``stateMachinesFeed``
* ``verifiedTransactions``, replaced by ``verifiedTransactionsFeed``
* ``stateMachineRecordedTransactionMapping``, replaced by ``stateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingFeed``
* ``networkMapUpdates``, replaced by ``networkMapFeed``
* Due to security concerns and the need to remove the concept of state relevancy (which isn't needed in Corda),
``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` has been made internal. Instead merge the receipt of the ``SignedTransaction`` and the subsequent
sub-flow call to ``ResolveTransactionsFlow`` with a single call to ``ReceiveTransactionFlow``. The flow running on the counterparty
must use ``SendTransactionFlow`` at the correct place. There is also ``ReceiveStateAndRefFlow`` and ``SendStateAndRefFlow`` for
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
dealing with ``StateAndRef``'s.
* Vault query soft locking enhancements and deprecations
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* removed original ``VaultService`` ``softLockedStates` query mechanism.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* introduced improved ``SoftLockingCondition`` filterable attribute in ``VaultQueryCriteria`` to enable specification of different soft locking retrieval behaviours (exclusive of soft locked states, soft locked states only, specified by set of lock ids)
* Trader demo now issues cash and commercial paper directly from the bank node, rather than the seller node self-issuing
commercial paper but labelling it as if issued by the bank.
* Merged handling of well known and confidential identities in the identity service. Registration now takes in an identity
(either type) plus supporting certificate path, and de-anonymisation simply returns the issuing identity where known.
If you specifically need well known identities, use the network map, which is the authoritative source of current well
known identities.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Currency-related API in ``net.corda.core.contracts.ContractsDSL`` has moved to `````.
* Remove `IssuerFlow` as it allowed nodes to request arbitrary amounts of cash to be issued from any remote node. Use
`CashIssueFlow` instead.
* Some utility/extension functions (``sumOrThrow``, ``sumOrNull``, ``sumOrZero`` on ``Amount`` and ``Commodity``)
have moved to be static methods on the classes themselves. This improves the API for Java users who no longer
have to see or known about file-level FooKt style classes generated by the Kotlin compile, but means that IntelliJ
no longer auto-suggests these extension functions in completion unless you add import lines for them yourself
(this is Kotlin IDE bug KT-15286).
* ``:finance`` module now acting as a CorDapp with regard to flow registration, schemas and serializable types.
* ``WebServerPluginRegistry`` now has a ``customizeJSONSerialization`` which can be overridden to extend the REST JSON
serializers. In particular the IRS demos must now register the ``BusinessCalendar`` serializers.
* Moved ``:finance`` gradle project files into a ```` package namespace.
This may require adjusting imports of Cash flow references and also of ``StartFlow`` permission in ```` files.
* Removed the concept of relevancy from ``LinearState``. The ``ContractState``'s relevancy to the vault can be determined
by the flow context, the vault will process any transaction from a flow which is not derived from transaction resolution verification.
* Removed the tolerance attribute from ``TimeWindowChecker`` and thus, there is no extra tolerance on the notary side anymore.
* The ``FungibleAsset`` interface has been made simpler. The ``Commands`` grouping interface
that included the ``Move``, ``Issue`` and ``Exit`` interfaces have all been removed, while the ``move`` function has
been renamed to ``withNewOwnerAndAmount`` to be consistent with the ``withNewOwner`` function of the ``OwnableState``.
* The ``IssueCommand`` interface has been removed from ``Structures``, because, due to the introduction of nonces per
transaction component, the issue command does not need a nonce anymore and it does not require any other attributes.
* As a consequence of the above and the simpler ``FungibleAsset`` format, fungible assets like ``Cash`` now use
``class Issue : TypeOnlyCommandData()``, because it's only its presence (``Issue``) that matters.
* A new `PrivacySalt` transaction component is introduced, which is now an attribute in ``TraversableTransaction`` and
inherently in ``WireTransaction``.
* A new ``nonces: List<SecureHash>`` feature has been added to ``FilteredLeaves``.
* Due to the ``nonces`` and ``PrivacySalt`` introduction, new functions have been added to ``MerkleTransaction``:
``fun <T : Any> serializedHash(x: T, privacySalt: PrivacySalt?, index: Int): SecureHash``
``fun <T : Any> serializedHash(x: T, nonce: SecureHash): SecureHash``
``fun computeNonce(privacySalt: PrivacySalt, index: Int)``.
* A new ``SignatureMetadata`` data class is introduced with two attributes, ``platformVersion: Int`` and
``schemeNumberID: Int`` (the signature scheme used).
* As part of the metadata support in signatures, a new ``data class SignableData(val txId: SecureHash, val signatureMetadata: SignatureMetadata)``
is introduced, which represents the object actually signed.
* The unused ``MetaData`` and ``SignatureType`` in ``crypto`` package have been removed.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* The ``class TransactionSignature(bytes: ByteArray, val by: PublicKey, val signatureMetadata:``
``SignatureMetadata): DigitalSignature(bytes)`` class is now utilised Vs the old ``DigitalSignature.WithKey`` for
Corda transaction signatures. Practically, it takes the ``signatureMetadata`` as an extra input, in order to support
signing both the transaction and the extra metadata.
* To reflect changes in the signing process, the ``Crypto`` object is now equipped with the:
``fun doSign(keyPair: KeyPair, signableData: SignableData): TransactionSignature`` and
``fun doVerify(txId: SecureHash, transactionSignature: TransactionSignature): Boolean`` functions.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* ``SerializationCustomization.addToWhitelist()`` now accepts multiple classes via varargs.
* Two functions to easily sign a ``FilteredTransaction`` have been added to ``ServiceHub``:
``createSignature(filteredTransaction: FilteredTransaction, publicKey: PublicKey)`` and
``createSignature(filteredTransaction: FilteredTransaction)`` to sign with the legal identity key.
* A new helper method ``buildFilteredTransaction(filtering: Predicate<Any>)`` is added to ``SignedTransaction`` to
directly build a ``FilteredTransaction`` using provided filtering functions, without first accessing the
``tx: WireTransaction``.
* Test type ``NodeHandle`` now has method ``stop(): CordaFuture<Unit>`` that terminates the referenced node.
* Fixed some issues in IRS demo:
* Fixed leg and floating leg notional amounts were not displayed for created deals neither in single nor in list view.
* Parties were not displayed for created deals in single view.
* Non-default notional amounts caused the creation of new deals to fail.
.. warning:: Renamed configuration property key `basedir` to `baseDirectory`. This will require updating existing configuration files.
* Removed deprecated parts of the API.
2017-09-14 09:00:02 +01:00
* Removed ``PluginServiceHub``. Replace with ``ServiceHub`` for ``@CordaService`` constructors.
* ``X509CertificateHolder`` has been removed from the public API, replaced by ````.
* Moved ``CityDatabase`` out of ``core`` and into ``finance``
* All of the ``serializedHash`` and ``computeNonce`` functions have been removed from ``MerkleTransaction``.
The ``serializedHash(x: T)`` and ``computeNonce`` were moved to ``CryptoUtils``.
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* Two overloaded methods ``componentHash(opaqueBytes: OpaqueBytes, privacySalt: PrivacySalt,``
``componentGroupIndex: Int, internalIndex: Int): SecureHash`` and ``componentHash(nonce: SecureHash, opaqueBytes: OpaqueBytes): SecureHash`` have
been added to ``CryptoUtils``. Similarly to ``computeNonce``, they internally use SHA256d for nonce and leaf hash
* The ``verify(node: PartialTree, usedHashes: MutableList<SecureHash>): SecureHash`` in ``PartialMerkleTree`` has been
renamed to ``rootAndUsedHashes`` and is now public, as it is required in the verify function of ``FilteredTransaction``.
* ``TraversableTransaction`` is now an abstract class extending ``CoreTransaction``. ``WireTransaction`` and
``FilteredTransaction`` now extend ``TraversableTransaction``.
* Two classes, ``ComponentGroup(open val groupIndex: Int, open val components: List<OpaqueBytes>)`` and
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
``FilteredComponentGroup(override val groupIndex: Int, override val components:``
``List<OpaqueBytes>, val nonces: List<SecureHash>, val partialMerkleTree:``
``PartialMerkleTree): ComponentGroup(groupIndex, components)`` have been added, which are properties
of the ``WireTransaction`` and ``FilteredTransaction``, respectively.
* ``checkAllComponentsVisible(componentGroupEnum: ComponentGroupEnum)`` is added to ``FilteredTransaction``, a new
function to check if all components are visible in a specific component-group.
* To allow for backwards compatibility, ``WireTransaction`` and ``FilteredTransaction`` have new fields and
constructors: ``WireTransaction(componentGroups: List<ComponentGroup>, privacySalt: PrivacySalt = PrivacySalt())``,
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
``FilteredTransaction private constructor(id: SecureHash,filteredComponentGroups:``
``List<FilteredComponentGroup>, groupHashes: List<SecureHash>``. ``FilteredTransaction`` is still built via
``buildFilteredTransaction(wtx: WireTransaction, filtering: Predicate<Any>)``.
* ``FilteredLeaves`` class have been removed and as a result we can directly call the components from
``FilteredTransaction``, such as ``ftx.inputs`` Vs the old ``ftx.filteredLeaves.inputs``.
* A new ``ComponentGroupEnum`` is added with the following enum items: ``INPUTS_GROUP``, ``OUTPUTS_GROUP``,
Merge release-v1 onto master (mostly documentation changes) (#1797) * Updated corda release version to 1.0.0.RC2 (#1641) * Fixed Simm Valuation Demo Test and enable serializabe java 8 lambdas. (#1655) * [CORDA-624] Node Explorer on Issuing cash throws MissingContractAttachements exception (#1656) (cherry picked from commit 27fea4d) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. (#1658) * BIGINT fix for H2 coin selection. * Review feedback * CORDA-637 Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown (#1665) * [CORDA-637] Node Explorer shows Network Map Service in Cash Issue dropdown * add TODO to remove the hack * Declare this internal message string as "const". (#1676) * Merge "A variety of small fixes" into the 1.0 release branch (#1673) * Minor: improve javadocs in NodeInfo * Minor: use package descriptions in Kotlin build of api docs too, not just javadocs. * RPC: make RPCConnection non-internal, as it's a core API. Move docs around so they're on public API not internal API. * Add an IntelliJ scope that covers the currently supported Corda API. This is useful when used in combination with the "Highlight public declarations with missing KDoc" inspection. * Ironic: upgrade the version of the Gradle plugin that checks for upgraded versions of things. It had broken due being incompatible with the new versions of Gradle itself. * Docs: flesh out javadocs on ServiceHub * Docs: add @suppress to a few things that were polluting the Dokka docs. * Docs: mention RPC access in NodeInfo javadoc * IRS Fixes to bring UI closer to declared financial types (#1662) * Made problematic CordaRPCClient c'tor private (with internal bridge methods) and added correct c'tors for public use. (#1653) initialiseSerialization param has also been removed. * Fixing flow snapshot feature (#1685) * Fix validating notary flow to handle notary change transactions properly. (#1687) Add a notary change test for checking longer chains involving both regular and notary change transactions. * Unification of VaultQuery And VaultService APIs (into single VaultService interface) to simplify node bootstrapping and usability. (#1677) (#1688) * Identity documentation (#1620) * Sketch initial identity docs * Restructure confidential identity docs to better fit structure * Split confidential identities into API and concepts * Further expansion on basic identity conceptS * Merge Party type into api-identity.rst * Address feedback on written content * Rework inline code with literalinclude * Start addressing feedback from Richard * Clarify use of "counterparty" * Address comments on key concepts * Correct back to US english * Clarify distribution/publishing of identities * Update changelog around confidential identities * CORDA-642 Notary demo documentation fixes (#1682) * Notary demo documentation fixes. * One of the tables is prefixed. * CORDA-641: A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions (#1700) * A temporary fix for contract upgrade transactions: during LedgerTransaction verification run the right logic based on whether it contains the UpgradeCommand. * Move ContractUpgradeFlowTest away from createSomeNodes() * Remove assembleBareTx as it's not used * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 (#1705) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (#1707) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Hide SerializationContext from public API on TransactionBuilder (cherry picked from commit 6ff7b7e) * Address feedback on confidential identities docs (#1701) * Address minor comments on confidential identities docs * Expand on implementation details of confidential identities * Cleanup * Clarify details of the data blob in the swap identites flow * Add that certificate path is not made public for confidential identities * FlowSession docs (#1693) * FlowSession docs (#1660) * FlowSession docs * PR comments * Milder example flow name * Fixes bugs with contract constraints (#1696) * Added schedulable flows to cordapp scanning Fixed a bug where the core flows are included in every cordapp. Added a test to prove the scheduled flows are loaded correctly. Added scheduled flow support to cordapp. Renabled broken test. Fixed test to prove cordapps aren't retreived from network. Review fixes. Fixed a test issue caused by gradle having slightly different paths to IntelliJ * Fixed test for real this time. * Consistent use of CordaException and CordaRuntimeException (#1710) * Custom exceptions in corda, should either derive from an appropriate closely related java exception, or CordaException, or CordaRuntimeException. They should not inherit just from Exception, or RuntimeException. Handle PR comments Add nicer constructors to CordaException and CordaRuntimeException * Fix ambiguous defaulted constructor * Add @suppress (#1725) * Git-ignore Node Explorer config. (#1709) * add message warning windows users they might need to manually kill explorer demo nodes started by gradle (#1717) (#1726) * Misc documentation fixes (#1694) (cherry picked from commit 592896f) * Document -parameters compiler arg for Java CorDapps. (#1712) * Correct non-anonymous two party trade flow (#1731) * Parameterize TwoPartyTradeFlowTests to confirm deanonymised functionality works. * Correct handling of counterparty using well known identity in TWoPartyTradeFlow * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update (#1723) (#1735) * CORDA-594 - SIMM Demo doc update For V1 write a series of JSON / curl commands a user can follow to run the demo * Review Comments * Updated the rationale behind as to why SIMM was introduced. * typo * Cordapps now have a name field. (#1664) Corrected cordapp name generation. Added changelog entry. * Small API fixes against M16 (#1737) * Move CompositeSignaturesWithKeys into net.corda.core.crypto package. (cherry picked from commit 8f29562) * Rename and move CordaPluginRegistry to reflect its real purpose now. Simplify serialization code a bit. (cherry picked from commit e2ecd3a) * Docs: docsite improvements * Remove discussion of webserver from 'writing a cordapp' page. * Fixup some flow docs. * Add a couple more package descriptions. (cherry picked from commit 2aedc43) * Review comments (cherry picked from commit ba1d007) * Review comments - always apply default whitelist and no longer load it via ServiceLoader (cherry picked from commit 7d4d7bb) * Added wording about renaming services resource file * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 (#1734) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC3 * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0-RC4 * Update build.gradle * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work (#1739) * V1 tests and fixes for the ContractConstraints work * More fixes. * Added a contract constraints section to the key concepts doc. (#1704) Documentation for contract constraints. Added to index. Review fixes round 1. More review fixes. Review fixes. Explained package contents. review fixes. Addressed RGB's final review comments. Updated source code type to 'java' * Fixes dead links. (#1749) * Update gradle plugins version to 1.0.0 (#1753) * Update Readme (#1756) * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Copied master readme. * Update Readme Minor tweaks to Readme -- consistent capitalisation and more descriptive list of features (also reordered to put the important things first) * Fixes .rst formatting. (#1751) * Updates tutorials. (#1649) * Updates tutorials. * Addresses review comments. * Tutorial refresh for v1.0 and moving of code into separate files. (#1758) * Moves code sections in tutorials to code files. * Removes wallet references. * Updates repo layout doc. * Removes remaining cordapp-tutorial references, replaced with cordapp-example. * Fixes broken link. * Misc docs fixes. * Refreshes the ServiceHub and rpc ops api pages. * Updates the cheat sheet. * Updates cookbooks. * Refreshes the running-a-notary tutorial. * Updates flow-testing tutorial * Updates tear-offs tutorial. * Refreshes integration-testing tutorial. * Updates to contract tutorial and accompanying code to bring inline with V1 release. * Refreshes contract-upgrade tutorial. * Fixed broken code sample in "writing a contract" and updated contracts dsl. * Added contract ref to java code. Fixed broken rst markup. * Updates transaction-building tutorial. * Updates the client-rpc and flow-state-machines tutorials. * Updates the oracles tutorial. * Amended country in X500 names from "UK" to "GB" * Update FlowCookbook.kt * Amended cheatsheet. Minor update on contract upgrades tutoraial. * Added `extraCordappPackagesToScan` to node driver. * Changes to match new function signature. * Update to reflect change in location of cash contract name. * CORDA-670: Correct scanned packages in network visualiser (#1763) * Add CorDapp dependency of IRS to network visualiser * Set CorDapp directories * Checking out the latest milestone will no longer be required. (#1761) * Updated documentation indices (#1754) * Update documentation indices. * Reference a moveable tag for V1 docs. Remove redundant warning text. * Reverted proposed usage of new docs release tag * Minor: print a deprecation warning when the web server starts. (#1767) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 (#1736) * Release and upgrade notes for V1.0 * Update changelog.rst * Update changelog.rst * Formatting. * Incorporating review feedback from KB and MN. * "guarantee" instead of "promise" * Updated with final review comments from KB and RGB. * Updated upgrade notes to describe migration from removed CordaPluginRegistry. * Minor clarification. * Minor updates following final RGB feedback. * Kat's further pedantic feedback * Minor changes following feedback from KB. * Incorporating review feedback from MH. * killed 'patent-pending' * Made the visualiser into a regular JVM module - not a CorDapp. (#1771) * Docs: more package descriptions and take non-stabilised APIs out of the docs build. (#1775) * Update corda version tag to 1.0.0 * Updated release notes to fix minor typos (#1779) Fixed bold type on simplified annotation driven scanning bullet and added bold type to module name bullets * Fixed drop down.. probably. (#1780) * fixed formatting for release notes. (#1782) * Improve API page wording (#1784) * Removed "unreleased" sections from the release notes and change log. * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-V1' into colljos-merge-v1-docs # Conflicts: # build.gradle # client/jfx/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/jfx/model/NodeMonitorModel.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/CordaRPCClient.kt # client/rpc/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/PermissionException.kt # # core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/FlowSession.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/contracts/DummyContractV2Tests.kt # core/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/core/flows/ContractUpgradeFlowTest.kt # docs/source/api-flows.rst # docs/source/api-index.rst # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/example-code/src/main/java/net/corda/docs/java/tutorial/testdsl/ # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/FlowCookbook.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/contract/TutorialContract.kt # docs/source/example-code/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/docs/tutorial/testdsl/TutorialTestDSL.kt # docs/source/hello-world-state.rst # docs/source/key-concepts-contract-constraints.rst # docs/source/serialization.rst # docs/source/tut-two-party-flow.rst # docs/source/tutorial-tear-offs.rst # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/CordaClassResolver.kt # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node-api/src/test/java/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/ # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/NodeStartup.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/cordapp/CordappLoaderTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/NotaryChangeTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemo.kt # samples/trader-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/traderdemo/TraderDemo.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/FlowStackSnapshotTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/Driver.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # webserver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/internal/NodeWebServer.kt
2017-10-03 17:32:11 +01:00
* ``ContractUpgradeFlow.Initiator`` has been renamed to ``ContractUpgradeFlow.Initiate``
* ``@RPCSinceVersion``, ``RPCException`` and ``PermissionException`` have moved to ``net.corda.client.rpc``.
* Current implementation of SSL in ``CordaRPCClient`` has been removed until we have a better solution which doesn't rely
on the node's keystore.