# $Id: INSTALL,v 4.1 91/06/19 15:27:49 ksb Exp $ # Prep: Did you do the prep work in ../conserver yet? If not please start there. Compiling: Try a make in this directory. If cons.h is correct this should just compile. First test: Run a version command: ./console -V and see something like: console: $Id: INSTALL,v 4.1 91/06/19 15:27:49 ksb Exp $ console: initial master server `staff.cc.purdue.edu' console: default escape sequence `^Ec' console: loopback address for mentor.cc.purdue.edu is Finish the INSTALL in conserver now. Connect to the conserver on your dumb port, Try all the commands. Especially ^Ecz and ^Ecd/^Eco. Try two connections to the same console, note the cool way you can force the other guy off (^Ecf).