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synced 2025-03-28 22:58:42 +00:00
This migrates the device-sessions from Redis into PostgreSQL. This fixes a performance issue in case the same DevAddr is reused many times (e.g. devices rejoining very often or a NetID with small DevAddr space). There were two issues: The Redis key containing the DevAddr -> DevEUIs mapping could contain DevEUIs that no longer used the DevAddr. This mapping would only expire from the Redis database after none of the devices would use the DevAddr for more than the configured device_session_ttl. The other issue with the previous approach was that on for example a Type 7 NetID, a single DevAddr could be re-used multiple times. As each device-session could be stored on a different Redis Cluster instance, there was no option to retrieve all device-sessions at once. Thus a high re-usage of a single DevAddr would cause an increase in Redis queries. Both issues are solved by moving the device-session into PostgreSQL as the DevAddr is a column of the device record and thus filtering on this DevAddr would always result in the devices using that DevAddr, as well all device-sessions for a DevAddr can be retrieved by a single query. Note that to migrate the device-sessions, you must run: chirpstack -c path/to/config migrate-device-sessions-to-postgres A nice side-effect is that a PostgreSQL backup / restore will also restore the device connectivity. Closes #362 and #74.
411 lines
9.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
411 lines
9.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package internal;
import "common/common.proto";
import "gw/gw.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message DeviceSession {
// Device address.
bytes dev_addr = 2;
// LoRaWAN mac-version.
common.MacVersion mac_version = 4;
// FNwkSIntKey.
bytes f_nwk_s_int_key = 5;
// SNwkSIntKey.
bytes s_nwk_s_int_key = 6;
// NwkSEncKey.
bytes nwk_s_enc_key = 7;
// AppSKey envelope.
common.KeyEnvelope app_s_key = 8;
// JS Session Key ID.
bytes js_session_key_id = 42;
// Uplink frame-counter.
uint32 f_cnt_up = 9;
// Downlink frame-counter (ns).
uint32 n_f_cnt_down = 10;
// Downlink frame-counter (as).
uint32 a_f_cnt_down = 11;
// Frame-counter holding the last confirmed downlink frame (n_f_cnt_down or
// a_f_cnt_down).
uint32 conf_f_cnt = 12;
// Skip uplink frame-counter validation.
bool skip_f_cnt_check = 13;
// RX1 delay.
uint32 rx1_delay = 14;
// RX1 data-rate offset.
uint32 rx1_dr_offset = 15;
// RX2 data-rate.
uint32 rx2_dr = 16;
// RX2 frequency.
uint32 rx2_frequency = 17;
// Enabled uplink channels.
repeated uint32 enabled_uplink_channel_indices = 18;
// Extra user-defined uplink channels.
map<uint32, DeviceSessionChannel> extra_uplink_channels = 19;
// Class-B ping-slot data-rate.
uint32 class_b_ping_slot_dr = 20;
// Class-B ping-slot frequency.
uint32 class_b_ping_slot_freq = 21;
// Class-B ping-slot nb.
uint32 class_b_ping_slot_nb = 22;
// Nb. transmissions.
uint32 nb_trans = 23;
// TXPowerIndex which the node is using. The possible values are defined
// by the lorawan/band package and are region specific. By default it is
// assumed that the node is using TXPower 0. This value is controlled by
// the ADR engine.
uint32 tx_power_index = 24;
// DR defines the (last known) data-rate at which the node is operating.
// This value is controlled by the ADR engine.
uint32 dr = 25;
// ADR defines if the device has ADR enabled.
bool adr = 26;
// MaxSupportedTXPowerIndex defines the maximum supported tx-power index
// by the node, or 0 when not set.
uint32 max_supported_tx_power_index = 27;
// MinSupportedTXPowerIndex defines the minimum supported tx-power index
// by the node (default 0).
uint32 min_supported_tx_power_index = 28;
// Pending rejoin device-session contains a device-session which has not
// yet been activated by the device (by sending a first uplink).
DeviceSession pending_rejoin_device_session = 29;
// Uplink history for ADR (last 20 uplink transmissions).
// This table is reset in case one of parameters has changed:
// * DR
// * TxPower
// * NbTrans
repeated UplinkAdrHistory uplink_adr_history = 30;
// Mac-command error count.
map<uint32, uint32> mac_command_error_count = 31;
// Last device-status request.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_device_status_request = 32;
// RejoinRequestEnabled defines if the rejoin-request is enabled on the
// device.
bool rejoin_request_enabled = 33;
// RejoinRequestMaxCountN defines the 2^(C+4) uplink message interval for
// the rejoin-request.
uint32 rejoin_request_max_count_n = 34;
// RejoinRequestMaxTimeN defines the 2^(T+10) time interval (seconds)
// for the rejoin-request.
uint32 rejoin_request_max_time_n = 35;
// Rejoin counter (RJCount0).
// This counter is reset to 0 after each successful join-accept.
uint32 rejoin_count_0 = 36;
// Uplink dwell time.
bool uplink_dwell_time_400ms = 37;
// Downlink dwell time.
bool downlink_dwell_time_400ms = 38;
// Uplink max. EIRP index.
uint32 uplink_max_eirp_index = 39;
// Region configuration ID.
string region_config_id = 40;
// Relay state.
Relay relay = 41;
message UplinkAdrHistory {
// Uplink frame-counter.
uint32 f_cnt = 1;
// Max SNR (of deduplicated frames received by one or multiple gateways).
float max_snr = 2;
// Max RSSI.
int32 max_rssi = 5;
// TX Power (as known by the network-server).
uint32 tx_power_index = 3;
// Number of receiving gateways.
uint32 gateway_count = 4;
message Relay {
// Devices provisioned on the relay.
repeated RelayDevice devices = 1;
// Filter list.
repeated RelayFilter filters = 2;
// Relay is enabled.
bool enabled = 3;
// CAD periodicity.
uint32 cad_periodicity = 4;
// Default channel index.
uint32 default_channel_index = 5;
// Second channel freq.
uint32 second_channel_freq = 6;
// Second channel DR.
uint32 second_channel_dr = 7;
// Second channel ACK offset.
uint32 second_channel_ack_offset = 8;
// End-device activation mode.
uint32 ed_activation_mode = 9;
// End-device smart-enable level.
uint32 ed_smart_enable_level = 10;
// End-device back-off.
uint32 ed_back_off = 11;
// Join-request limit reload rate.
uint32 join_req_limit_reload_rate = 12;
// Notify limit reload rate.
uint32 notify_limit_reload_rate = 13;
// Global uplink limit reload rate.
uint32 global_uplink_limit_reload_rate = 14;
// Overall limit reload rate.
uint32 overall_limit_reload_rate = 15;
// Join-request limit bucket size.
uint32 join_req_limit_bucket_size = 16;
// Notify limit bucket size.
uint32 notify_limit_bucket_size = 17;
// Global uplink limit bucket size.
uint32 global_uplink_limit_bucket_size = 18;
// Overall limit bucket size.
uint32 overall_limit_bucket_size = 19;
// End-device must communicate through relay only.
// This is stored in the device-session as we need to validate on retrieving
// the device-session.
bool ed_relay_only = 20;
// End-device WFCnt.
// This holds the last known WFCnt value. ChirpStack will periodically read
// this value from the Relay.
uint32 w_f_cnt = 21;
message RelayDevice {
// Index (used for filter and uplink filters).
// This must be between 0 - 15.
uint32 index = 1;
// JoinEUI (EUI64).
bytes join_eui = 2;
// DevEUI (EUI64).
bytes dev_eui = 3;
// DevAddr.
bytes dev_addr = 4;
// RootWorSKey.
bytes root_wor_s_key = 5;
// Provisioned.
bool provisioned = 6;
// Uplink limit bucket size.
uint32 uplink_limit_bucket_size = 7;
// Uplink limit reload rate.
uint32 uplink_limit_reload_rate = 8;
// Timestamp of the last WFCnt request.
// Note that ChirpStack periodically requests the WFCnt from the relay.
google.protobuf.Timestamp w_f_cnt_last_request = 9;
message RelayFilter {
// Index.
// This must be between 0 - 15.
uint32 index = 1;
// Action.
// * 0: No Rule
// * 1: Forward
// * 2: Filter
uint32 action = 2;
// DevEUI (EUI64).
bytes dev_eui = 3;
// JoinEUI (EUI64).
bytes join_eui = 4;
// Provisioned.
bool provisioned = 5;
message DeviceSessionChannel {
// Frequency Hz.
uint32 frequency = 1;
// Min. data-rate.
uint32 min_dr = 2;
// Max. data-rate.
uint32 max_dr = 3;
message DeviceGatewayRxInfo {
// DevEUI (EUI64).
bytes dev_eui = 1;
// Data-rate.
uint32 dr = 2;
// Gateway RxInfo elements.
repeated DeviceGatewayRxInfoItem items = 3;
message DeviceGatewayRxInfoItem {
// Gateway ID (EUI64).
bytes gateway_id = 1;
// RSSI.
int32 rssi = 2;
// LoRa SNR.
float lora_snr = 3;
// Antenna.
uint32 antenna = 4;
// Board.
uint32 board = 5;
// Context blob.
bytes context = 6;
// Gateway is private (uplink).
bool is_private_up = 7;
// Gateway is private (downlink).
bool is_private_down = 8;
// Tenant ID (UUID).
bytes tenant_id = 9;
message DownlinkFrame {
// Downlink ID.
uint32 downlink_id = 1;
// DevEUI.
bytes dev_eui = 2;
// Device queue item ID.
bytes device_queue_item_id = 3;
// Multicast Group ID.
bytes multicast_group_id = 4;
// Multicast queue item ID.
bytes multicast_group_queue_item_id = 5;
// Downlink frames.
gw.DownlinkFrame downlink_frame = 6;
// Encrypted FOpts (LoRaWAN 1.1).
bool encrypted_fopts = 8;
// Network session encryption key (for FOpts and FRMPayload mac-commands).
bytes nwk_s_enc_key = 9;
// NFCntDown (for decrypting mac-commands).
uint32 n_f_cnt_down = 10;
// AFCntDown (for decrypting FRMPayload in case of Relay).
uint32 a_f_cnt_down = 11;
// DevEUI of relayed device.
bytes dev_eui_relayed = 12;
message LoraCloudGeolocBuffer {
// Uplinks in buffer.
repeated LoraCloudGeolocBufferUplink uplinks = 1;
message LoraCloudGeolocBufferUplink {
// RxInfo set for a single uplink.
repeated gw.UplinkRxInfo rx_info = 1;
message PassiveRoamingDeviceSession {
// Session ID (UUID).
// Unfortunately we can not use the DevEUI as unique identifier
// as the PRStartAns DevEUI field is optional.
bytes session_id = 1;
// NetID of the hNS.
bytes net_id = 2;
// DevAddr of the device.
bytes dev_addr = 3;
// DevEUI of the device (optional).
bytes dev_eui = 4;
// LoRaWAN 1.1.
bool lorawan_1_1 = 5;
// LoRaWAN 1.0 NwkSKey / LoRaWAN 1.1 FNwkSIntKey.
bytes f_nwk_s_int_key = 6;
// Lifetime.
google.protobuf.Timestamp lifetime = 7;
// Uplink frame-counter.
uint32 f_cnt_up = 8;
// Validate MIC.
bool validate_mic = 9;