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synced 2025-02-28 11:20:09 +00:00
203 lines
4.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
203 lines
4.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package gw;
option go_package = "github.com/chirpstack/chirpstack/api/go/v4/gw";
option java_package = "io.chirpstack.api.gw";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "GatewayProto";
import "common/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
enum CodeRate {
CR_4_5 = 1;
CR_4_6 = 2;
CR_4_7 = 3;
CR_4_8 = 4;
message UplinkFrame {
// PHYPayload.
bytes phy_payload = 1;
// TX meta-data.
UplinkTxParams tx_params = 2;
// RX meta-data.
UplinkRxParams rx_params = 3;
message DownlinkFrame {
// Gateway ID.
string gateway_id = 1;
// Downlink ID.
uint32 downlink_id = 2;
// Downlink frame items.
// This makes it possible to send multiple downlink opportunities to the
// gateway at once (e.g. RX1 and RX2 in LoRaWAN). The first item has the
// highest priority, the last the lowest. The gateway will emit at most
// one item.
repeated DownlinkFrameItem items = 3;
message UplinkTxParams {
// Frequency (Hz).
uint32 frequency = 1;
// Modulation.
Modulation modulation = 2;
message Modulation {
oneof parameters {
// LoRa.
LoraModulationParams lora = 1;
// FSK.
FskModulationParams fsk = 2;
LrFhssModulationParams lr_fhss = 3;
message LoraModulationParams {
// Bandwidth (Hz).
uint32 bandwidth = 1;
// Spreading-factor.
uint32 spreading_factor = 2;
// Polarization inversion.
bool polarization_inversion = 3;
// Code-rate.
CodeRate code_rate = 4;
message FskModulationParams {
// Frequency deviation.
uint32 frequency_deviation = 1;
// FSK datarate (bits / sec).
uint32 datarate = 2;
message LrFhssModulationParams {
// Operating channel width (OCW) in Hz.
uint32 operating_channel_width = 1;
// Code-rate.
CodeRate code_rate = 2;
// Hopping grid number of steps.
uint32 grid_steps = 3;
message UplinkRxParams {
// Gateway ID (EUI).
string gateway_id = 1;
// Uplink ID (UUID).
uint32 uplink_id = 2;
// Rx time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3;
// RX time since GPS epoch (only set when the gateway has a GPS module).
google.protobuf.Duration time_since_gps_epoch = 4;
// Fine-timestamp.
// This timestamp can be used for TDOA based geolocation.
google.protobuf.Duration fine_time_since_gps_epoch = 5;
// RSSI.
int32 rssi = 6;
// SNR.
// Note: only available for LoRa modulation.
float snr = 7;
// Board.
uint32 board = 8;
// Antenna.
uint32 antenna = 9;
// Location.
common.Location location = 10;
// Gateway specific context.
// This value must be returned to the gateway on (Class-A) downlink.
bytes context = 11;
// Properties.
google.protobuf.Struct properties = 12;
message DownlinkFrameItem {
// PHYPayload.
bytes phy_payload = 1;
// Tx parameters.
DownlinkTxParams tx_params = 2;
message DownlinkTxParams {
// Tx frequency (Hz).
uint32 frequency = 1;
// Tx power (dBm).
int32 power = 2;
// Modulation.
Modulation modulation = 3;
// The board identifier for emitting the frame.
uint32 board = 4;
// The antenna identifier for emitting the frame.
uint32 antenna = 5;
// Downlink timing.
DownlinkTiming timing = 6;
// Gateway specific context.
// In case of a Class-A downlink, this must contain a copy of the uplink context.
bytes context = 7;
message DownlinkTiming {
oneof parameters {
// Immediately timing information.
DownlinkTimingImmediately immediately = 1;
// Delay timing information.
DownlinkTimingDelay delay = 2;
// GPS epoch timing information.
DownlinkTimingGpsEpoch gps_epoch = 3;
message DownlinkTimingImmediately {
// No fields implemented yet.
message DownlinkTimingDelay {
// Delay relative to provided context.
google.protobuf.Duration delay = 1;
message DownlinkTimingGpsEpoch {
// Duration since GPS epoch.
google.protobuf.Duration time_since_gps_epoch = 1;