syntax = "proto3"; package common; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "io.chirpstack.api"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "CommonProto"; option csharp_namespace = "Chirpstack.Common"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; enum Modulation { // LoRa LORA = 0; // FSK FSK = 1; // LR-FHSS LR_FHSS = 2; } enum Region { // EU868 EU868 = 0; // US915 US915 = 2; // CN779 CN779 = 3; // EU433 EU433 = 4; // AU915 AU915 = 5; // CN470 CN470 = 6; // AS923 AS923 = 7; // AS923 with -1.80 MHz frequency offset AS923_2 = 12; // AS923 with -6.60 MHz frequency offset AS923_3 = 13; // (AS923 with -5.90 MHz frequency offset). AS923_4 = 14; // KR920 KR920 = 8; // IN865 IN865 = 9; // RU864 RU864 = 10; // ISM2400 (LoRaWAN 2.4 GHz) ISM2400 = 11; } enum MType { // JoinRequest. JOIN_REQUEST = 0; // JoinAccept. JOIN_ACCEPT = 1; // UnconfirmedDataUp. UNCONFIRMED_DATA_UP = 2; // UnconfirmedDataDown. UNCONFIRMED_DATA_DOWN = 3; // ConfirmedDataUp. CONFIRMED_DATA_UP = 4; // ConfirmedDataDown. CONFIRMED_DATA_DOWN = 5; // RejoinRequest. REJOIN_REQUEST = 6; // Proprietary. PROPRIETARY = 7; } enum MacVersion { LORAWAN_1_0_0 = 0; LORAWAN_1_0_1 = 1; LORAWAN_1_0_2 = 2; LORAWAN_1_0_3 = 3; LORAWAN_1_0_4 = 4; LORAWAN_1_1_0 = 5; } enum RegParamsRevision { A = 0; B = 1; RP002_1_0_0 = 2; RP002_1_0_1 = 3; RP002_1_0_2 = 4; RP002_1_0_3 = 5; } enum LocationSource { // Unknown. UNKNOWN = 0; // GPS. GPS = 1; // Manually configured. CONFIG = 2; // Geo resolver (TDOA). GEO_RESOLVER_TDOA = 3; // Geo resolver (RSSI). GEO_RESOLVER_RSSI = 4; // Geo resolver (GNSS). GEO_RESOLVER_GNSS = 5; // Geo resolver (WIFI). GEO_RESOLVER_WIFI = 6; } enum Aggregation { // Hour. HOUR = 0; // Day. DAY = 1; // Month. MONTH = 2; } enum MetricKind { // Incrementing counters that never decrease (these are not reset on each // reading). COUNTER = 0; // Counters that do get reset upon reading. ABSOLUTE = 1; // E.g. a temperature value. GAUGE = 2; } message Location { // Latitude. double latitude = 1; // Longitude. double longitude = 2; // Altitude. double altitude = 3; // Location source. LocationSource source = 4; // Accuracy. float accuracy = 5; } message KeyEnvelope { // KEK label. string kek_label = 1; // AES key (when the kek_label is set, this value must first be decrypted). bytes aes_key = 2; } message Metric { // Name. string name = 1; // Timestamps. repeated google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamps = 2; // Datasets. repeated MetricDataset datasets = 3; // Kind. MetricKind kind = 4; } message MetricDataset { // Label. string label = 1; // Data. // Each value index corresponds with the same timestamp index of the Metric. repeated float data = 2; } enum DeviceClass { // Class-A. CLASS_A = 0; // Class-B. CLASS_B = 1; // Class-C. CLASS_C = 2; }