syntax = "proto3"; package integration; option go_package = ""; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "IntegrationProto"; import "chirpstack-api/common/common.proto"; import "chirpstack-api/gw/gw.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; enum LogLevel { // Info. INFO = 0; // Warning. WARNING = 1; // Error. ERROR = 2; } enum LogCode { // Unknown type. UNKNOWN = 0; // Error related to the downlink payload size. // Usually seen when the payload exceeded the maximum allowed payload size. DOWNLINK_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 1; // Uplink codec error. UPLINK_CODEC = 2; // Downlink codec error. DOWNLINK_CODEC = 3; // OTAA error. OTAA = 4; // Uplink frame-counter was reset. UPLINK_F_CNT_RESET = 5; // Uplink MIC error. UPLINK_MIC = 6; // Uplink frame-counter retransmission. UPLINK_F_CNT_RETRANSMISSION = 7; // Downlink gateway error. DOWNLINK_GATEWAY = 8; } // Device information. message DeviceInfo { // Tenant ID (UUID). string tenant_id = 1; // Tenant name. string tenant_name = 2; // Application ID (UUID). string application_id = 3; // Application name. string application_name = 4; // Device-profile ID (UUID). string device_profile_id = 5; // Device-profile name. string device_profile_name = 6; // Device name. string device_name = 7; // Device EUI. string dev_eui = 8; // Device-profile and device tags. map tags = 9; } // UplinkEvent is the message sent when an uplink payload has been received. message UplinkEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device information. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Device address. string dev_addr = 4; // Device has ADR bit set. bool adr = 5; // Data-rate. uint32 dr = 6; // Frame counter. uint32 f_cnt_up = 7; // Frame port. uint32 f_port = 8; // Uplink was of type confirmed. bool confirmed = 9; // FRMPayload data. bytes data = 10; // Note that this is only set when a codec is configured in the Device Profile. google.protobuf.Struct object = 11; // Receiving gateway RX info. repeated gw.UplinkRXInfo rx_info = 12; // TX info. gw.UplinkTXInfo tx_info = 13; } // JoinEvent is the message sent when a device joined the network. // Note: this event is sent at the first uplink after OTAA. message JoinEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Device address. string dev_addr = 4; } // AckEvent is the message sent when a confirmation on a confirmed downlink // has been received -or- when the downlink timed out. message AckEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Downlink queue item ID (UUID). string queue_item_id = 4; // Frame was acknowledged. bool acknowledged = 5; // Downlink frame counter to which the acknowledgement relates. uint32 f_cnt_down = 6; } // TxAckEvent is the message sent when a downlink was acknowledged by the gateway // for transmission. As a downlink can be scheduled in the future, this event // does not confirm that the message has already been transmitted. message TxAckEvent { // Downlink ID (UUID). string downlink_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Downlink queue item ID (UUID). string queue_item_id = 4; // Downlink frame-counter. uint32 f_cnt_down = 5; // Gateway ID. string gateway_id = 6; // TX info. gw.DownlinkTXInfo tx_info = 7; } // LogEvent is the message sent when a device-related log was sent. message LogEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Log level. LogLevel level = 4; // Log code. LogCode code = 5; // Description message. string description = 6; // Context map. map context = 7; } // StatusEvent is the message sent when a device-status mac-command was sent // by the device. message StatusEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // The demodulation signal-to-noise ratio in dB for the last successfully // received device-status request by the Network Server. int32 margin = 5; // Device is connected to an external power source. bool external_power_source = 6; // Battery level is not available. bool battery_level_unavailable = 7; // Battery level. float battery_level = 8; } // LocationEvent is the message sent when a geolocation resolve was returned. message LocationEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Location. common.Location location = 4; } // IntegrationEvent is the message that can be sent by an integration. // It allows for sending events which are provided by an external integration // which are "not native" to ChirpStack. message IntegrationEvent { // Deduplication ID (UUID). string deduplication_id = 1; // Timestamp. google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2; // Device info. DeviceInfo device_info = 3; // Integration name. string integration_name = 4; // Event type. string event_type = 5; // Struct containing the event object. google.protobuf.Struct object = 6; }