import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; // import { Chart, ArcElement, Tooltip, Legend, CategoryScale, LinearScale, Title } from "chart.js"; import { Chart, registerables } from "chart.js"; import { MatrixElement, MatrixController } from "chartjs-chart-matrix"; import "chartjs-adapter-moment"; import App from "./App"; import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals"; import "antd/dist/antd.min.css"; import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css"; import "leaflet.awesome-markers/dist/leaflet.awesome-markers.css"; import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css"; import "codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"; import "codemirror/theme/base16-light.css"; import "./index.css"; Chart.register(MatrixController, MatrixElement, ...registerables); ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById("root"), ); // If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function // to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log)) // or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: reportWebVitals();