redis::pipe() can't be used with the ClusterClient struct, instead we
must use cluster_pipe() to start the pipeline. This implements a wrapper
which constructs the pipeline based on the used Redis setup.
It can be useful to handle uplinks that do not match a DevEUI in a
separate process. This includes DevAddr to DevEUI pointer does not
exist, or DevAddr points to one or multiple DevEUIs, but it does not
pass the MIC check.
This makes it possible for external services to subscribe (through
Redis) for realtime events. E.g. a create, update or delete device event
could trigger an external synchronization.
In case there is a loadbalancer between ChirpStack and the MQTT broker,
it is useful to have control over the keep-alive messages, to make sure
that the loadbalancer does not drop the connection if there is no
activity. In such a case you want to set the keep_alive_interval to a
lower interval than the loadbalancer timeout.
In case the queue-item does fit the first RX window, but not the second
one, it will be set to None. If this happens, then the
save_downlink_frame step will not add the queue-item ID to the
DownlinkFrame (internal).
Then on txack, ChirpStack is unable to dequeue the payload causing the
payload to stay in the queue.
Per Regional Parameters Specification, the LoRa modulation always uses
coding-rate 4/5, however this is not the case for ISM2400 (which is
currently not covered by the reg. params) in which case coding-rate
4/8LI must be used.
This fixes the issue where after a from DST to non-DST, the timstamp was
not incremented by a full day. As the ts was then truncated to day
precision, this would create a never ending loop.
Example, incrementing 2022-10-30 00:00:00 by days(1) would result in
2022-10-30 23:00:00, trucated to day precision would result in
2022-10-30 00:00:00.
If the date (30) is the same after incrementing by days(1), we increment
by days(2), which in the above example results in 2022-10-31 23:00:00,
truncated to day precision results in 2022-10-31 00:00:00 which is the
desired result.
In case the decoded payload contains random keys the auto-detect
measurements feature will add new measurements for each uplink. With
this option it is possible to turn auto-detection off to avoid
polluting the database with many measurements.
This makes it possible to configure one or multiple DevAddr sub-ranges
instead of using the whole DevAddr range provided by the configured
This type defines the (NetID derived) prefix that must be used when
generating device addresses. This can be retrieved from the NetID, but
it is also possible to define a prefix that defines a smaller address
range within the NetID.
See also #49.
In case the codec returns a NaN float, this is converted to None to
avoid Protobuf serialization error. This also fixes the eventlog such
that it does not break out of the loop (unless it is a channel error).
Messages that can't be processed will be ignored and an error is
As the spawn_blocking thread is not terminated when the frame_log_future
is dropped, it would keep the Redis connection open. By closing the
redis_rx channel on client-disconnect, we can check if the channel has
been closed inside the spawn_blocking thread, and return if this is the