2020-12-30 23:19:51 -08:00

183 lines
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-- This file is part of bladeRF-wiphy.
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Nuand, LLC.
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
library wlan ;
use wlan.wlan_p.all ;
use work.wlan_rx_p.all ;
entity wlan_bsd is
port (
clock : in std_logic ;
reset : in std_logic ;
modulation : in wlan_modulation_t ;
in_sample : in wlan_sample_t ;
out_sample : out wlan_sample_t ;
bsds : out wlan_bsds_t
) ;
end entity ;
architecture arch of wlan_bsd is
-- Expected to be nominally +/- 4096, so shift and clamp to +/-15
-- TODO: Move this to being LLR instead of euclidean distance?
function compress(x : in signed(15 downto 0)) return signed is
variable rv : signed(bsds.bsds(0)'range) ;
if( x > 4095 ) then
rv := to_signed(2**rv'high-1, rv'length) ;
elsif( x < -4095 ) then
rv := to_signed(-(2**rv'high-1), rv'length) ;
rv := resize(shift_right(x,5),rv'length) ;
end if ;
return rv ;
end function ;
calculate_bsd : process(clock, reset)
if( reset = '1' ) then
for i in bsds.bsds'range loop
bsds.bsds(i) <= (others =>'0') ;
end loop ;
out_sample.valid <= '0' ;
bsds.valid <= '0' ;
elsif(rising_edge(clock)) then
out_sample <= in_sample ;
bsds.valid <= in_sample.valid ;
if( in_sample.valid = '1' ) then
-- Please check Figure 18-10 from WLAN standard for decisions
-- made here.
-- Note that downstream, the Viterbi decoder wants positive values
-- to represent probabilities that a '0' was transmitted, and negative
-- values to represent probabilities that a '1' was transmitted.
-- Therefore, the following is true of the BSD calculator:
-- +15 Most likely a 0
-- ...
-- +4 Soft likeliness of a 0
-- ...
-- 0 Neither a 0 or a 1
-- ...
-- -4 Soft likeliness of a 1
-- ...
-- -15 Most likely a 1
case modulation is
when WLAN_BPSK =>
-- b0
-- Decision region is the Y axis, 0 is negative,
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(0) <= compress(-in_sample.i) ;
-- b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 not transmitted
for i in 1 to 5 loop
bsds.bsds(i) <= (others =>'0') ;
end loop ;
when WLAN_QPSK =>
-- b0
-- Decision region is the Y axis, 0 is negative,
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(0) <= compress(-in_sample.i) ;
-- b1
-- Decision region is the X axis, 0 is negative,
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(1) <= compress(-in_sample.q) ;
-- b2, b3, b4, b5 not transmitted
for i in 2 to 5 loop
bsds.bsds(i) <= (others =>'0') ;
end loop ;
when WLAN_16QAM =>
-- b0
-- Decision region is the Y axis, 0 is negative,
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(0) <= compress(-in_sample.i) ;
-- b1
-- Decision region is the Y axis, -2 < x < 2 is 1,
-- and 0 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(1) <= compress(abs(in_sample.i)-2590) ;
-- b2
-- Decision region is the X axis, 0 is negative,
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(2) <= compress(-in_sample.q) ;
-- b3
-- Decision region is the X axis, -2 < y < 2 is 1,
-- and 0 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(3) <= compress(abs(in_sample.q)-2590) ;
-- b4 and b5 not transmitted
for i in 4 to 5 loop
bsds.bsds(i) <= (others =>'0') ;
end loop ;
when WLAN_64QAM =>
-- b0
-- Decision region is the Y axis, 0 is negative
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(0) <= compress(-in_sample.i) ;
-- b1
-- Decision region is the Y axis, -4 < x < 4 is 1,
-- and 0 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(1) <= compress(abs(in_sample.i)-2528) ;
-- b2
-- Decision region is the Y axis, -6 < x < -2 or 2 < x < 6 is 0,
-- and 1 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(2) <= compress(abs(abs(in_sample.i)-2528)-2528/2) ;
-- b3
-- Decision region is the X axis, 0 is negative
-- and 1 is positive
bsds.bsds(3) <= compress(-in_sample.q) ;
-- b4
-- Decision region is the X axis, -4 < y < 4 is 1,
-- and 0 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(4) <= compress(abs(in_sample.q)-2528) ;
-- b5
-- Decision region is the X axis, -6 < y < -2 or 2 < y < 6 is 0,
-- and 1 is outside of that region
bsds.bsds(5) <= compress(abs(abs(in_sample.q)-2528)-2528/2) ;
when others =>
end case ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
end architecture ;