Manuel Streuhofer d2195eee3c mention the used license in each script header (#60)
turns out that the explains that "... licensed under MIT ...
the LICENSE does not have to be bundled as long as ..." but the scripts
themselfs don't mention any license.

fixed that by adding a one line mention of the used license and the two
lines explaining that the header comments have to stay intact.
2016-11-08 21:15:46 +01:00

76 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This file:
# - Let's inject markdown files into the ./website directory
# - Syncs that to a temporary directory along with a git init
# - (in case of Travis CI) assumes a Git bot identity, and uses an overriden GHPAGES_URL containing its token thanks to `travis encrypt`
# - Force pushes that to the gh-pages branch
# Usage:
# ./
# Based on a template by BASH3 Boilerplate v2.0.0
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2013 Kevin van Zonneveld and contributors
# You are not obligated to bundle the LICENSE file with your b3bp projects as long
# as you leave these references intact in the header comments of your source files.
# Exit on error. Append || true if you expect an error.
set -o errexit
# Exit on error inside any functions or subshells.
set -o errtrace
# Do not allow use of undefined vars. Use ${VAR:-} to use an undefined VAR
set -o nounset
# Catch the error in case mysqldump fails (but gzip succeeds) in `mysqldump |gzip`
set -o pipefail
# Turn on traces, useful while debugging but commented out by default
# set -o xtrace
# Set magic variables for current file, directory, os, etc.
__dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
__file="${__dir}/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
__base="$(basename ${__file} .sh)"
echo "--> Deploying to GitHub pages.."
if [ "${TRAVIS:-}" = "true" ]; then
git config --global 'lekevbot'
git config --global ''
mkdir -p /tmp/deploy-${ghpages_repo}
# Custom steps
rsync \
--archive \
--delete \
--exclude=.git* \
--exclude=node_modules \
--exclude=lib \
--checksum \
--no-times \
--no-group \
--no-motd \
--no-owner \
./website/ /tmp/deploy-${ghpages_repo} > /dev/null
echo 'This branch is just a deploy target. Do not edit. You changes will be lost.' \
|tee /tmp/deploy-${ghpages_repo}/
(cd /tmp/deploy-${ghpages_repo} \
&& git init && git checkout -B ${ghpages_branch} && git add --all . \
&& git commit -nm "Update ${ghpages_repo} website by ${USER}" \
&& (git remote add origin ${ghpages_url}|| true) \
&& git push origin ${ghpages_branch}:refs/heads/${ghpages_branch} --force) > /dev/null
rm -rf /tmp/deploy-${ghpages_repo}