#!/usr/bin/env bash # BASH3 Boilerplate: ini_val # # This file: # # - Can read and write .ini files using pure bash # # Limitations: # # - All keys inside the .ini file must be unique, regardless of the use of sections # # Usage as a function: # # source ini_val.sh # ini_val data.ini connection.host # # Usage as a command: # # ini_val.sh data.ini connection.host # # Based on a template by BASH3 Boilerplate v2.1.0 # http://bash3boilerplate.sh/#authors # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2013 Kevin van Zonneveld and contributors # You are not obligated to bundle the LICENSE file with your b3bp projects as long # as you leave these references intact in the header comments of your source files. function ini_val() { local file="${1:-}" local sectionkey="${2:-}" local val="${3:-}" local delim=" = " local section="" local key="" # Split on . for section. However, section is optional IFS='.' read -r section key <<< "${sectionkey}" if [ -z "${key}" ]; then key="${section}" section="" fi local current current=$(awk -F "${delim}" "/^${key}${delim}/ {for (i=2; i> "${file}" else # add to section sed -i.bak -e "/\[${section}\]/a ${key}${delim}${val}" "${file}" # this .bak dance is done for BSD/GNU portability: http://stackoverflow.com/a/22084103/151666 rm -f "${file}.bak" fi else # replace existing sed -i.bak -e "/^${key}${delim}/s/${delim}.*/${delim}${val}/" "${file}" # this .bak dance is done for BSD/GNU portability: http://stackoverflow.com/a/22084103/151666 rm -f "${file}.bak" fi fi } if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "${0}" ]; then export -f ini_val else ini_val "${@}" exit ${?} fi