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1. Just get the main template: `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvz/bash3boilerplate/master/main.sh`
2. Clone the entire project: `git clone git@github.com:kvz/bash3boilerplate.git`
3. As of `v1.0.3`, b3bp can be installed as a `package.json` dependency via: `npm install --save bash3boilerplate`
Although `3` introduces a node.js dependency, this does allow for easy version pinning & distrubtions in environments that already have this prerequisite. But nothing prevents you from just using `curl` and keep your project or build system low on external dependencies.
As of `v1.0.3`, b3bp adds some nice re-usable libraries in `./src`. Later on we'll be using snippets inside this directory to build custom packages. In order to make the snippets in `./src` more useful, we recommend these guidelines.
### Library exports
It's nice to have a bash package that can be used in the terminal and also be invoked as a command line function. To achieve this the exporting of your functionality *should* follow this pattern:
if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != ${0} ]; then
export -f my_script
my_script "${@}"
exit $?
This allows a user to `source` your script or invoke as a script.
# Running as a script
$ ./my_script.sh some args --blah
# Sourcing the script
$ source my_script.sh
$ my_script some more args --blah
(taken from the [bpkg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bpkg/bpkg/master/README.md) project)
## Todo
- [ ] Make `src` libs adhere to Best practices
- [ ]`make build` system for generating custom builds