mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:06:49 +00:00
The supervisor had to chroot into the host root in order to read the journal logs. This won't be possible anymore once the supervisor becomes an app. This commit copies the journalctl binary and necessary libraries from a debian image into the supervisor image in order to be able to use the tool on runtime. Change-type: patch
207 lines
6.1 KiB
207 lines
6.1 KiB
# Used by livepush to support multi arch images in older
# balenaOS with buggy platform support
# see https://github.com/balena-os/balena-engine/issues/269
ARG PREFIX=library
# Build the supervisor dependencies
FROM balenalib/${ARCH}-alpine-node:16-run as build-base
ARG FATRW_ARCHIVE="fatrw-${ARCH}.tar.gz"
ARG FATRW_LOCATION="https://github.com/balena-os/fatrw/releases/download/v${FATRW_VERSION}/${FATRW_ARCHIVE}"
# Sanity check to prevent a prefix for a non-official docker image being
# inserted. Only 'library' and 'arm32v6' are allowed right now
RUN for allowed in "library" "arm32v6"; do [ "${PREFIX}" = "${allowed}" ] && break; done
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN apk add --no-cache \
g++ \
make \
python3 \
libgcc \
libuv \
sqlite-dev \
COPY package*.json ./
RUN strip /usr/local/bin/node
# Install fatrw
RUN curl -SLO "${FATRW_LOCATION}" && \
ls -la "${FATRW_ARCHIVE}" && \
tar -xzf "${FATRW_ARCHIVE}" -C /usr/local/bin && \
rm -f "${FATRW_ARCHIVE}"
# Just install dev dependencies first
RUN npm ci --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/lib
# Journal access.
# The supervisor is built on an alpine image but still needs
# to use journalctl (from systemd) which cannot be built for
# musl. We hack around this by copying the binary and its library
# dependencies to the final image
FROM balenalib/${ARCH}-debian:bullseye-run as journal
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends systemd
COPY ./build-utils/setup-journal.sh /
RUN /setup-journal.sh
# Extra dependencies. This uses alpine 3.11 as the
# procmail package was removed on 3.12
FROM ${PREFIX}/alpine:3.11 as extra
RUN apk add --update --no-cache procmail
# Image with the final production dependencies.
# This image will also be be used for testing
FROM ${PREFIX}/alpine:3.16 as runtime-base
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# We just need the node binary in the final image
COPY --from=build-base /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node
# Also copy the fatrw binary
COPY --from=build-base /usr/local/bin/fatrw /usr/local/bin/fatrw
# Similarly, from the procmail package we just need the lockfile binary
COPY --from=extra /usr/bin/lockfile /usr/bin/lockfile
# Copy journalctl and library dependecies to the final image
COPY --from=journal /sysroot /
# Runtime dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache \
ca-certificates \
iptables \
ip6tables \
rsync \
dbus \
libstdc++ \
dmidecode \
ENV CONFIG_MOUNT_POINT=/boot/config.json \
LED_FILE=/dev/null \
SUPERVISOR_IMAGE=balena/$ARCH-supervisor \
# Use the base image to run integration tests and for livepush
FROM runtime-base as test
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy node install from the build folder
COPY --from=build-base /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin
COPY --from=build-base /usr/local/lib/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node_modules
# Copy build dependencies
COPY --from=build-base /usr/src/app/package.json ./
COPY --from=build-base /usr/src/app/node_modules ./node_modules
# Run livepush here
#dev-copy=entry.sh .
#dev-cmd-live=LIVEPUSH=1 ./entry.sh
# Copy build files
COPY build-utils ./build-utils
COPY webpack.config.js tsconfig.json tsconfig.release.json tsconfig.js.json .mochapodrc.yml ./
COPY typings ./typings
COPY src ./src
COPY test ./test
# Run type checking and unit tests here
# to prevent setting up a test environment that will
# most likely fail.
RUN npm run test
# When running tests from a container built from this stage,
# skip the mocha-pod setup
# This command will be used by default when running integration tests
# from this stage
CMD npm run test:integration
# Build the production package
FROM build-base as build-prod
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy build files
COPY build-utils ./build-utils
COPY webpack.config.js tsconfig.json tsconfig.release.json ./
COPY src ./src
COPY typings ./typings
# Compile the sources using the dev
# dependencies
RUN npm run build
# Run the production install here, to avoid the npm dependency on
# the later stage
RUN npm ci \
--production \
--no-optional \
--unsafe-perm \
--build-from-source \
--sqlite=/usr/lib \
&& npm cache clean --force \
# For some reason this doesn't get cleared with the other
# cache
&& rm -rf node_modules/.cache \
# Remove various uneeded filetypes in order to reduce space
# We also remove the spurious node.dtps, see https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/issues/861
&& find . -path '*/coverage/*' -o -path '*/test/*' -o -path '*/.nyc_output/*' \
-o -name '*.tar.*' -o -name '*.in' -o -name '*.cc' \
-o -name '*.c' -o -name "*.ts" -o -name '*.eslintrc' \
-o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.html' -o -name '*.markdown' \
-o -name '*.md' -o -name '*.patch' -o -name '*.png' \
-o -name '*.yml' \
-delete \
&& find . -type f -path '*/node_modules/sqlite3/deps*' -delete \
&& find . -type f -path '*/node_modules/knex/build*' -delete \
&& rm -rf node_modules/sqlite3/node.dtps
# Build the production image
FROM runtime-base
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY --from=build-prod /usr/src/app/dist ./dist
COPY --from=build-prod /usr/src/app/package.json ./
COPY --from=build-prod /usr/src/app/node_modules ./node_modules
COPY entry.sh .
VOLUME /data
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --start-period=1m --timeout=30s --retries=3 \
CMD wget${LISTEN_PORT:-48484}/v1/healthy -O - -q
CMD ["/usr/src/app/entry.sh"]