mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 19:20:12 +00:00
This commit changes a few things: * Pass `force` to `takeLock` step directly. This allows us to remove the `lockFn` used by app manager's action executors, setting takeLock as the main interface to interact with the update lock module. Note that this commit by itself will not pass tests, as no update locking occurs where it once did. This will be amended in the next commit. * Remove locking functions from doRestart & doPurge, as this is the only area where skipLock is required. * Remove `skipLock` interface, as it's redundant with the functionality of `force`. The only time `skipLock` is true is in doRestart/doPurge, as those API methods are already run within a lock function. We removed the lock function which removes the need for skipLock, and in the next commit we'll add locking as a composition step to replace the functionality removed here. * Remove some methods not in use, such as app manager's `stopAll`. Signed-off-by: Christina Ying Wang <christina@balena.io>
1119 lines
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1119 lines
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import { expect } from 'chai';
import type { SinonStub } from 'sinon';
import { stub } from 'sinon';
import Docker from 'dockerode';
import request from 'supertest';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
import { testfs } from 'mocha-pod';
import * as deviceState from '~/src/device-state';
import * as config from '~/src/config';
import * as hostConfig from '~/src/host-config';
import * as deviceApi from '~/src/device-api';
import * as actions from '~/src/device-api/actions';
import * as TargetState from '~/src/device-state/target-state';
import * as updateLock from '~/lib/update-lock';
import { pathOnRoot } from '~/lib/host-utils';
import { exec } from '~/lib/fs-utils';
import * as lockfile from '~/lib/lockfile';
import { cleanupDocker } from '~/test-lib/docker-helper';
export async function dbusSend(
dest: string,
path: string,
message: string,
...contents: string[]
) {
const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(
].join(' '),
{ encoding: 'utf8' },
if (stderr) {
throw new Error(stderr);
// Remove first line, trim each line, and join them back together
return stdout
.map((s) => s.trim())
describe('regenerates API keys', () => {
// Stub external dependency - current state report should be tested separately.
// API key related methods are tested in api-keys.spec.ts.
beforeEach(() => stub(deviceState, 'reportCurrentState'));
afterEach(() => (deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).restore());
it("communicates new key to cloud if it's a global key", async () => {
const originalGlobalKey = await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey();
const newKey = await actions.regenerateKey(originalGlobalKey);
expect(newKey).to.equal(await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey());
expect(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).to.have.been.calledOnce;
(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).firstCall.args[0],
api_secret: newKey,
it("doesn't communicate new key if it's a service key", async () => {
const originalScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(111, 'main');
const newKey = await actions.regenerateKey(originalScopedKey);
expect(newKey).to.not.equal(await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey());
expect(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).to.not.have.been.called;
describe('manages application lifecycle', () => {
const BASE_IMAGE = 'alpine:latest';
process.env.BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS || 'http://balena-supervisor:48484';
const APP_ID = 1;
const lockdir = pathOnRoot(updateLock.BASE_LOCK_DIR);
const docker = new Docker();
const getSupervisorTarget = async () =>
.then(({ body }) => body.state.local);
const setSupervisorTarget = async (
target: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>,
) =>
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
const generateTargetApps = ({
}: {
serviceCount: number;
appId: number;
serviceNames: string[];
}) => {
// Populate app services
const services: Dictionary<any> = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= serviceCount; i++) {
services[i] = {
environment: {},
image: BASE_IMAGE,
imageId: `${i}`,
labels: {
'io.balena.testing': '1',
restart: 'unless-stopped',
running: true,
serviceName: serviceNames[i - 1],
serviceId: `${i}`,
volumes: ['data:/data'],
command: 'sleep infinity',
// Kill container immediately instead of waiting for 10s
stop_signal: 'SIGKILL',
return {
[appId]: {
name: 'localapp',
commit: 'localcommit',
releaseId: '1',
volumes: {
data: {},
const generateTarget = async ({
appId = APP_ID,
serviceNames = ['server', 'client'],
}: {
serviceCount: number;
appId?: number;
serviceNames?: string[];
}) => {
const { name, config: svConfig } = await getSupervisorTarget();
return {
local: {
// We don't want to change name or config as this may result in
// unintended reboots. We just want to test state changes in containers.
config: svConfig,
serviceCount === 0
? {}
: generateTargetApps({
const isAllRunning = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every((ctn) => ctn.State.Running);
const isAllExited = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every((ctn) => !ctn.State.Running);
const isSomeExited = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.some((ctn) => !ctn.State.Running);
// Wait until containers are in a ready state prior to testing assertions
const waitForSetup = async (
targetState: Dictionary<any>,
isWaitComplete: (
ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[],
) => boolean = isAllRunning,
) => {
// Get expected number of containers from target state
const expected = Object.keys(
// Wait for engine until number of containers are reached.
// This test suite will timeout if anything goes wrong, since
// we don't have any way of knowing whether Docker has finished
// setting up containers or not.
let containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
let containerInspects = await Promise.all(
containers.map(({ Id }) => docker.getContainer(Id).inspect()),
while (
expected !== containers.length ||
) {
await setTimeout(500);
containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
containerInspects = await Promise.all(
containers.map(({ Id }) => docker.getContainer(Id).inspect()),
return containerInspects;
// Get NEW container inspects. This function should be passed to waitForSetup
// when checking a container has started or been recreated. This is necessary
// because waitForSetup may erroneously return the existing 2 containers
// in its while loop if stopping them takes some time.
const startTimesChanged = (startedAt: string[]) => {
return (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every(({ State }) => !startedAt.includes(State.StartedAt));
const mockFs = testfs(
{ [`${lockdir}/${APP_ID}`]: {} },
{ cleanup: [`${lockdir}/${APP_ID}/**/*.lock`] },
before(async () => {
// Images are ignored in local mode so we need to pull the base image
await docker.pull(BASE_IMAGE);
// Wait for base image to finish pulling
let images = await docker.listImages();
while (images.length === 0) {
await setTimeout(500);
images = await docker.listImages();
after(async () => {
// Reset Supervisor to state from before lifecycle tests
await setSupervisorTarget(await generateTarget({ serviceCount: 0 }));
// Remove any leftover engine artifacts
await cleanupDocker(docker);
describe('manages single container application lifecycle', () => {
const serviceCount = 1;
const serviceNames = ['server'];
let targetState: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>;
let containers: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[];
before(async () => {
targetState = await generateTarget({
beforeEach(async () => {
await mockFs.enable();
// Create a single-container application in local mode
await setSupervisorTarget(targetState);
afterEach(async () => {
await mockFs.restore();
// Make sure the app is running and correct before testing more assertions
it('should setup a single container app (sanity check)', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Containers should have correct metadata;
// Testing their names should be sufficient.
containers.forEach((ctn) => {
expect(serviceNames.some((name) => new RegExp(name).test(ctn.Name))).to
it('should restart an application by recreating containers', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
it('should not restart an application when user locks are present', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID }))
// Containers should not have been restarted
const containersAfterRestart = await waitForSetup(targetState);
containersAfterRestart.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
).to.deep.include.members(containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt));
// Remove the lock
await lockfile.unlock(
it('should restart an application when user locks are present if force is specified', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID, force: true }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Wait briefly for state to settle which includes releasing locks
await setTimeout(1000);
// User lock should be overridden
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.equal([]);
it('should restart service by removing and recreating corresponding container', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Since restart-service follows the same code paths as start|stop-service,
// these lock test cases should be sufficient to cover all three service actions.
it('should not restart service when user locks are present', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }))
// Containers should not have been restarted
const containersAfterRestart = await waitForSetup(targetState);
containersAfterRestart.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
).to.deep.include.members(containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt));
// Remove the lock
await lockfile.unlock(
it('should restart service when user locks are present if force is specified', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
.filter((ctn) => ctn.Name.includes(serviceNames[0]))
.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0], force: true }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Wait briefly for state to settle which includes releasing locks
await setTimeout(1000);
// User lock should be overridden
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.equal([]);
it('should stop a running service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
const response = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS)
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const stoppedContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllExited);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(stoppedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Endpoint should return the containerId of the stopped service
containerId: stoppedContainers[0].Id,
// Start the container
const containerToStart = containers.find(({ Name }) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(Name),
if (!containerToStart) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStart.Id).start();
it('should start a stopped service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// First, stop the container so we can test the start step
const containerToStop = containers.find((ctn) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(ctn.Name),
if (!containerToStop) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStop.Id).stop();
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
const response = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS)
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const runningContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllRunning);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(runningContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Endpoint should return the containerId of the started service
containerId: runningContainers[0].Id,
it('should return information about a single-container app', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const containerId = containers[0].Id;
const imageHash = containers[0].Config.Image;
// Calling actions.getSingleContainerApp doesn't work because
// the action queries the database
const { body } = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS).get(
expect(body).to.have.property('appId', APP_ID);
expect(body).to.have.property('containerId', containerId);
expect(body).to.have.property('imageId', imageHash);
expect(body).to.have.property('releaseId', 1);
// Should return the environment of the single service
expect(body.env).to.have.property('BALENA_APP_ID', String(APP_ID));
expect(body.env).to.have.property('BALENA_SERVICE_NAME', serviceNames[0]);
it('should return legacy information about device state', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const { body } = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS).get(
expect(body).to.have.property('api_port', 48484);
// Versions match semver versioning scheme: major.minor.patch(+rev)?
// Matches a space-separated string of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses
// Matches a space-separated string of MAC addresses
// Container should be running so the overall status is Idle
expect(body).to.have.property('status', 'Idle');
expect(body).to.have.property('download_progress', null);
// This test should be ordered last in this `describe` block, because the test compares
// the `CreatedAt` timestamps of volumes to determine whether purge was successful. Thus,
// ordering the assertion last will ensure some time has passed between the first `CreatedAt`
// and the `CreatedAt` extracted from the new volume to pass this assertion.
it('should purge an application by removing services then removing volumes', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Get volume metadata. As the name stays the same, we just need to check that the volume
// has been deleted & recreated. We can use the CreatedAt timestamp to determine this.
const volume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected initial volume with name matching "data"');
// CreatedAt is a valid key but isn't typed properly
const createdAt = (volume as any).CreatedAt;
// Calling actions.doPurge won't work as intended because purge relies on
// setting and applying intermediate state before applying target state again,
// but target state is set in the balena-supervisor container instead of sut.
// NOTE: if running ONLY this test, it has a chance of failing since the first and
// second volume creation happen in quick succession (sometimes in the same second).
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: 1 }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Volume should be recreated
const newVolume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected recreated volume with name matching "data"');
expect((newVolume as any).CreatedAt).to.not.equal(createdAt);
describe('manages multi-container application lifecycle', () => {
const serviceCount = 2;
const serviceNames = ['server', 'client'];
let targetState: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>;
let containers: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[];
before(async () => {
targetState = await generateTarget({
beforeEach(async () => {
await mockFs.enable();
// Create a multi-container application in local mode
await setSupervisorTarget(targetState);
afterEach(async () => {
await mockFs.restore();
// Make sure the app is running and correct before testing more assertions
it('should setup a multi-container app (sanity check)', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Containers should have correct metadata;
// Testing their names should be sufficient.
containers.forEach((ctn) => {
expect(serviceNames.some((name) => new RegExp(name).test(ctn.Name))).to
it('should restart an application by recreating containers', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
it('should not restart an application when user locks are present', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID }))
// Containers should not have been restarted
const containersAfterRestart = await waitForSetup(targetState);
containersAfterRestart.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
).to.deep.include.members(containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt));
// Remove the lock
await lockfile.unlock(
it('should restart an application when user locks are present if force is specified', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID, force: true }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Wait briefly for state to settle which includes releasing locks
await setTimeout(500);
// User lock should be overridden
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.equal([]);
it('should restart service by removing and recreating corresponding container', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const serviceName = serviceNames[0];
const { State } = containers.filter((ctn) =>
const { StartedAt: startedAt } = State;
const isRestartSuccessful = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
(ctn) =>
ctn.Name.startsWith(`/${serviceName}`) &&
ctn.State.StartedAt !== startedAt,
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// One container should have the same Id as before the restart call, since
// it wasn't restarted.
const sharedIds = restartedContainers
.map(({ Id }) => Id)
.filter((id) => containers.some((ctn) => ctn.Id === id));
// Since restart-service follows the same code paths as start|stop-service,
// these lock test cases should be sufficient to cover all three service actions.
it('should not restart service when user locks are present', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }))
// Containers should not have been restarted
const containersAfterRestart = await waitForSetup(targetState);
containersAfterRestart.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
).to.deep.include.members(containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt));
// Remove the lock
await lockfile.unlock(
it('should restart service when user locks are present if force is specified', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
.filter((ctn) => ctn.Name.includes(serviceNames[0]))
.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Create a lock
await lockfile.lock(
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0], force: true }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Wait briefly for state to settle which includes releasing locks
await setTimeout(500);
// User lock should be overridden
expect(await updateLock.getLocksTaken()).to.deep.equal([]);
it('should stop a running service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const stoppedContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isSomeExited);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(stoppedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Start the container
const containerToStart = containers.find(({ Name }) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(Name),
if (!containerToStart) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStart.Id).start();
it('should start a stopped service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// First, stop the container so we can test the start step
const containerToStop = containers.find((ctn) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(ctn.Name),
if (!containerToStop) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStop.Id).stop();
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const runningContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllRunning);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(runningContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// This test should be ordered last in this `describe` block, because the test compares
// the `CreatedAt` timestamps of volumes to determine whether purge was successful. Thus,
// ordering the assertion last will ensure some time has passed between the first `CreatedAt`
// and the `CreatedAt` extracted from the new volume to pass this assertion.
it('should purge an application by removing services then removing volumes', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Get volume metadata. As the name stays the same, we just need to check that the volume
// has been deleted & recreated. We can use the CreatedAt timestamp to determine this.
const volume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected initial volume with name matching "data"');
// CreatedAt is a valid key but isn't typed properly
const createdAt = (volume as any).CreatedAt;
// Calling actions.doPurge won't work as intended because purge relies on
// setting and applying intermediate state before applying target state again,
// but target state is set in the balena-supervisor container instead of sut.
// NOTE: if running ONLY this test, it has a chance of failing since the first and
// second volume creation happen in quick succession (sometimes in the same second).
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: 1 }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Volume should be recreated
const newVolume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected recreated volume with name matching "data"');
expect((newVolume as any).CreatedAt).to.not.equal(createdAt);
describe('reboots or shuts down device', () => {
it('reboots device', async () => {
await actions.executeDeviceAction({ action: 'reboot' });
// The reboot method delays the call by one second
await setTimeout(1500);
await expect(
).to.eventually.equal('variant string "rebooting"');
it('shuts down device', async () => {
await actions.executeDeviceAction({ action: 'shutdown' });
// The shutdown method delays the call by one second
await setTimeout(1500);
await expect(
).to.eventually.equal('variant string "off"');
describe('updates target state cache', () => {
let updateStub: SinonStub;
// Stub external dependencies. TargetState.update and api-binder methods
// should be tested separately.
before(async () => {
updateStub = stub(TargetState, 'update').resolves();
// updateTarget reads instantUpdates from the db
await config.initialized();
after(() => {
afterEach(() => {
it('updates target state cache if instant updates are enabled', async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: true });
await actions.updateTarget();
it('updates target state cache if force is specified', async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: false });
await actions.updateTarget(true);
it("doesn't update target state cache if instantUpdates and force are false", async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: false });
await actions.updateTarget(false);
describe('patches host config', () => {
// Stub external dependencies
let hostConfigPatch: SinonStub;
before(async () => {
await config.initialized();
beforeEach(() => {
hostConfigPatch = stub(hostConfig, 'patch');
afterEach(() => {
it('patches host config', async () => {
const conf = {
network: {
proxy: {
type: 'socks5',
noProxy: [''],
hostname: 'deadbeef',
await actions.patchHostConfig(conf, true);
expect(hostConfigPatch).to.have.been.calledWith(conf, true);
it('patches hostname as first 7 digits of uuid if hostname parameter is empty string', async () => {
const conf = {
network: {
hostname: '',
const uuid = await config.get('uuid');
await actions.patchHostConfig(conf, true);
{ network: { hostname: uuid?.slice(0, 7) } },