mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 04:26:12 +00:00
This also updates code to use the default import syntax instead of `import * as` when the imported module exposes a default. This is needed with the latest typescript version. Change-type: patch
839 lines
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839 lines
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import { expect } from 'chai';
import type { SinonStub } from 'sinon';
import { stub } from 'sinon';
import Docker from 'dockerode';
import request from 'supertest';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
import * as deviceState from '~/src/device-state';
import * as config from '~/src/config';
import * as hostConfig from '~/src/host-config';
import * as deviceApi from '~/src/device-api';
import * as actions from '~/src/device-api/actions';
import * as TargetState from '~/src/device-state/target-state';
import { cleanupDocker } from '~/test-lib/docker-helper';
import { exec } from '~/src/lib/fs-utils';
export async function dbusSend(
dest: string,
path: string,
message: string,
...contents: string[]
) {
const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(
].join(' '),
{ encoding: 'utf8' },
if (stderr) {
throw new Error(stderr);
// Remove first line, trim each line, and join them back together
return stdout
.map((s) => s.trim())
describe('regenerates API keys', () => {
// Stub external dependency - current state report should be tested separately.
// API key related methods are tested in api-keys.spec.ts.
beforeEach(() => stub(deviceState, 'reportCurrentState'));
afterEach(() => (deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).restore());
it("communicates new key to cloud if it's a global key", async () => {
const originalGlobalKey = await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey();
const newKey = await actions.regenerateKey(originalGlobalKey);
expect(newKey).to.equal(await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey());
expect(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).to.have.been.calledOnce;
(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).firstCall.args[0],
api_secret: newKey,
it("doesn't communicate new key if it's a service key", async () => {
const originalScopedKey = await deviceApi.generateScopedKey(111, 'main');
const newKey = await actions.regenerateKey(originalScopedKey);
expect(newKey).to.not.equal(await deviceApi.getGlobalApiKey());
expect(deviceState.reportCurrentState as SinonStub).to.not.have.been.called;
describe('manages application lifecycle', () => {
const BASE_IMAGE = 'alpine:latest';
process.env.BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS || 'http://balena-supervisor:48484';
const APP_ID = 1;
const docker = new Docker();
const getSupervisorTarget = async () =>
.then(({ body }) => body.state.local);
const setSupervisorTarget = async (
target: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>,
) =>
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
const generateTargetApps = ({
}: {
serviceCount: number;
appId: number;
serviceNames: string[];
}) => {
// Populate app services
const services: Dictionary<any> = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= serviceCount; i++) {
services[i] = {
environment: {},
image: BASE_IMAGE,
imageId: `${i}`,
labels: {
'io.balena.testing': '1',
restart: 'unless-stopped',
running: true,
serviceName: serviceNames[i - 1],
serviceId: `${i}`,
volumes: ['data:/data'],
command: 'sleep infinity',
// Kill container immediately instead of waiting for 10s
stop_signal: 'SIGKILL',
return {
[appId]: {
name: 'localapp',
commit: 'localcommit',
releaseId: '1',
volumes: {
data: {},
const generateTarget = async ({
appId = APP_ID,
serviceNames = ['server', 'client'],
}: {
serviceCount: number;
appId?: number;
serviceNames?: string[];
}) => {
const { name, config: svConfig } = await getSupervisorTarget();
return {
local: {
// We don't want to change name or config as this may result in
// unintended reboots. We just want to test state changes in containers.
config: svConfig,
serviceCount === 0
? {}
: generateTargetApps({
const isAllRunning = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every((ctn) => ctn.State.Running);
const isAllExited = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every((ctn) => !ctn.State.Running);
const isSomeExited = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.some((ctn) => !ctn.State.Running);
// Wait until containers are in a ready state prior to testing assertions
const waitForSetup = async (
targetState: Dictionary<any>,
isWaitComplete: (
ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[],
) => boolean = isAllRunning,
) => {
// Get expected number of containers from target state
const expected = Object.keys(
// Wait for engine until number of containers are reached.
// This test suite will timeout if anything goes wrong, since
// we don't have any way of knowing whether Docker has finished
// setting up containers or not.
let containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
let containerInspects = await Promise.all(
containers.map(({ Id }) => docker.getContainer(Id).inspect()),
while (
expected !== containers.length ||
) {
await setTimeout(500);
containers = await docker.listContainers({ all: true });
containerInspects = await Promise.all(
containers.map(({ Id }) => docker.getContainer(Id).inspect()),
return containerInspects;
// Get NEW container inspects. This function should be passed to waitForSetup
// when checking a container has started or been recreated. This is necessary
// because waitForSetup may erroneously return the existing 2 containers
// in its while loop if stopping them takes some time.
const startTimesChanged = (startedAt: string[]) => {
return (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
ctns.every(({ State }) => !startedAt.includes(State.StartedAt));
before(async () => {
// Images are ignored in local mode so we need to pull the base image
await docker.pull(BASE_IMAGE);
// Wait for base image to finish pulling
let images = await docker.listImages();
while (images.length === 0) {
await setTimeout(500);
images = await docker.listImages();
after(async () => {
// Reset Supervisor to state from before lifecycle tests
await setSupervisorTarget(await generateTarget({ serviceCount: 0 }));
// Remove any leftover engine artifacts
await cleanupDocker(docker);
describe('manages single container application lifecycle', () => {
const serviceCount = 1;
const serviceNames = ['server'];
let targetState: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>;
let containers: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[];
before(async () => {
targetState = await generateTarget({
beforeEach(async () => {
// Create a single-container application in local mode
await setSupervisorTarget(targetState);
// Make sure the app is running and correct before testing more assertions
it('should setup a single container app (sanity check)', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Containers should have correct metadata;
// Testing their names should be sufficient.
containers.forEach((ctn) => {
expect(serviceNames.some((name) => new RegExp(name).test(ctn.Name))).to
it('should restart an application by recreating containers', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: APP_ID }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
it('should restart service by removing and recreating corresponding container', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
it('should stop a running service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
const response = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS)
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const stoppedContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllExited);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(stoppedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Endpoint should return the containerId of the stopped service
containerId: stoppedContainers[0].Id,
// Start the container
const containerToStart = containers.find(({ Name }) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(Name),
if (!containerToStart) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStart.Id).start();
it('should start a stopped service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// First, stop the container so we can test the start step
const containerToStop = containers.find((ctn) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(ctn.Name),
if (!containerToStop) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStop.Id).stop();
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
const response = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS)
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const runningContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllRunning);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(runningContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Endpoint should return the containerId of the started service
containerId: runningContainers[0].Id,
it('should return information about a single-container app', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const containerId = containers[0].Id;
const imageHash = containers[0].Config.Image;
// Calling actions.getSingleContainerApp doesn't work because
// the action queries the database
const { body } = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS).get(
expect(body).to.have.property('appId', APP_ID);
expect(body).to.have.property('containerId', containerId);
expect(body).to.have.property('imageId', imageHash);
expect(body).to.have.property('releaseId', 1);
// Should return the environment of the single service
expect(body.env).to.have.property('BALENA_APP_ID', String(APP_ID));
expect(body.env).to.have.property('BALENA_SERVICE_NAME', serviceNames[0]);
it('should return legacy information about device state', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const { body } = await request(BALENA_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS).get(
expect(body).to.have.property('api_port', 48484);
// Versions match semver versioning scheme: major.minor.patch(+rev)?
// Matches a space-separated string of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses
// Matches a space-separated string of MAC addresses
// Container should be running so the overall status is Idle
expect(body).to.have.property('status', 'Idle');
expect(body).to.have.property('download_progress', null);
// This test should be ordered last in this `describe` block, because the test compares
// the `CreatedAt` timestamps of volumes to determine whether purge was successful. Thus,
// ordering the assertion last will ensure some time has passed between the first `CreatedAt`
// and the `CreatedAt` extracted from the new volume to pass this assertion.
it('should purge an application by removing services then removing volumes', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Get volume metadata. As the name stays the same, we just need to check that the volume
// has been deleted & recreated. We can use the CreatedAt timestamp to determine this.
const volume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected initial volume with name matching "data"');
// CreatedAt is a valid key but isn't typed properly
const createdAt = (volume as any).CreatedAt;
// Calling actions.doPurge won't work as intended because purge relies on
// setting and applying intermediate state before applying target state again,
// but target state is set in the balena-supervisor container instead of sut.
// NOTE: if running ONLY this test, it has a chance of failing since the first and
// second volume creation happen in quick succession (sometimes in the same second).
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: 1 }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Volume should be recreated
const newVolume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected recreated volume with name matching "data"');
expect((newVolume as any).CreatedAt).to.not.equal(createdAt);
describe('manages multi-container application lifecycle', () => {
const serviceCount = 2;
const serviceNames = ['server', 'client'];
let targetState: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof generateTarget>>;
let containers: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[];
before(async () => {
targetState = await generateTarget({
beforeEach(async () => {
// Create a multi-container application in local mode
await setSupervisorTarget(targetState);
// Make sure the app is running and correct before testing more assertions
it('should setup a multi-container app (sanity check)', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Containers should have correct metadata;
// Testing their names should be sufficient.
containers.forEach((ctn) => {
expect(serviceNames.some((name) => new RegExp(name).test(ctn.Name))).to
it('should restart an application by recreating containers', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
it('should restart service by removing and recreating corresponding container', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const serviceName = serviceNames[0];
const { State } = containers.filter((ctn) =>
const { StartedAt: startedAt } = State;
const isRestartSuccessful = (ctns: Docker.ContainerInspectInfo[]) =>
(ctn) =>
ctn.Name.startsWith(`/${serviceName}`) &&
ctn.State.StartedAt !== startedAt,
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// One container should have the same Id as before the restart call, since
// it wasn't restarted.
const sharedIds = restartedContainers
.map(({ Id }) => Id)
.filter((id) => containers.some((ctn) => ctn.Id === id));
it('should stop a running service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const stoppedContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isSomeExited);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(stoppedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Start the container
const containerToStart = containers.find(({ Name }) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(Name),
if (!containerToStart) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStart.Id).start();
it('should start a stopped service', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
// First, stop the container so we can test the start step
const containerToStop = containers.find((ctn) =>
new RegExp(serviceNames[0]).test(ctn.Name),
if (!containerToStop) {
`Expected a container matching "${serviceNames[0]}" to be present`,
await docker.getContainer(containerToStop.Id).stop();
// Calling actions.executeServiceAction directly doesn't work
// because it relies on querying target state of the balena-supervisor
// container, which isn't accessible directly from sut.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ serviceName: serviceNames[0] }));
const runningContainers = await waitForSetup(targetState, isAllRunning);
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have the same Ids since none should be removed
expect(runningContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// This test should be ordered last in this `describe` block, because the test compares
// the `CreatedAt` timestamps of volumes to determine whether purge was successful. Thus,
// ordering the assertion last will ensure some time has passed between the first `CreatedAt`
// and the `CreatedAt` extracted from the new volume to pass this assertion.
it('should purge an application by removing services then removing volumes', async () => {
containers = await waitForSetup(targetState);
const isRestartSuccessful = startTimesChanged(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.State.StartedAt),
// Get volume metadata. As the name stays the same, we just need to check that the volume
// has been deleted & recreated. We can use the CreatedAt timestamp to determine this.
const volume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected initial volume with name matching "data"');
// CreatedAt is a valid key but isn't typed properly
const createdAt = (volume as any).CreatedAt;
// Calling actions.doPurge won't work as intended because purge relies on
// setting and applying intermediate state before applying target state again,
// but target state is set in the balena-supervisor container instead of sut.
// NOTE: if running ONLY this test, it has a chance of failing since the first and
// second volume creation happen in quick succession (sometimes in the same second).
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({ appId: 1 }));
const restartedContainers = await waitForSetup(
// Technically the wait function above should already verify that the two
// containers have been restarted, but verify explcitly with an assertion
// Containers should have different Ids since they're recreated
expect(restartedContainers.map(({ Id }) => Id)).to.not.have.members(
containers.map((ctn) => ctn.Id),
// Volume should be recreated
const newVolume = (await docker.listVolumes()).Volumes.find((vol) =>
if (!volume) {
expect.fail('Expected recreated volume with name matching "data"');
expect((newVolume as any).CreatedAt).to.not.equal(createdAt);
describe('reboots or shuts down device', () => {
it('reboots device', async () => {
await actions.executeDeviceAction({ action: 'reboot' });
// The reboot method delays the call by one second
await setTimeout(1500);
await expect(
).to.eventually.equal('variant string "rebooting"');
it('shuts down device', async () => {
await actions.executeDeviceAction({ action: 'shutdown' });
// The shutdown method delays the call by one second
await setTimeout(1500);
await expect(
).to.eventually.equal('variant string "off"');
describe('updates target state cache', () => {
let updateStub: SinonStub;
// Stub external dependencies. TargetState.update and api-binder methods
// should be tested separately.
before(async () => {
updateStub = stub(TargetState, 'update').resolves();
// updateTarget reads instantUpdates from the db
await config.initialized();
after(() => {
afterEach(() => {
it('updates target state cache if instant updates are enabled', async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: true });
await actions.updateTarget();
it('updates target state cache if force is specified', async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: false });
await actions.updateTarget(true);
it("doesn't update target state cache if instantUpdates and force are false", async () => {
await config.set({ instantUpdates: false });
await actions.updateTarget(false);
describe('patches host config', () => {
// Stub external dependencies
let hostConfigPatch: SinonStub;
before(async () => {
await config.initialized();
beforeEach(() => {
hostConfigPatch = stub(hostConfig, 'patch');
afterEach(() => {
it('patches host config', async () => {
const conf = {
network: {
proxy: {
type: 'socks5',
noProxy: [''],
hostname: 'deadbeef',
await actions.patchHostConfig(conf, true);
expect(hostConfigPatch).to.have.been.calledWith(conf, true);
it('patches hostname as first 7 digits of uuid if hostname parameter is empty string', async () => {
const conf = {
network: {
hostname: '',
const uuid = await config.get('uuid');
await actions.patchHostConfig(conf, true);
{ network: { hostname: uuid?.slice(0, 7) } },