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import { expect } from 'chai';
import { stub } from 'sinon';
import * as dockerUtils from '~/lib/docker-utils';
import { createDockerImage, cleanupDocker } from '~/test-lib/docker-helper';
import * as Docker from 'dockerode';
describe('lib/docker-utils', () => {
const docker = new Docker();
describe('getNetworkGateway', async () => {
before(async () => {
// Remove network if it already exists
await cleanupDocker(docker);
await docker.createNetwork({
Name: 'supervisor0',
Options: {
'com.docker.network.bridge.name': 'supervisor0',
Driver: 'default',
Config: [
Gateway: '',
Subnet: '',
after(async () => {
await cleanupDocker(docker);
// test using existing data...
it('should return the correct gateway address for supervisor0', async () => {
const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('supervisor0');
it('should return the correct gateway address for host', async () => {
const gateway = await dockerUtils.getNetworkGateway('host');
describe('getImageEnv', () => {
before(async () => {
await createDockerImage('test-image', ['io.balena.testing=1'], docker, [
'ENV TEST_VAR_1=1234',
'ENV TEST_VAR_2=5678',
after(async () => {
await docker.pruneImages({ filters: { dangling: { false: true } } });
// test using existing data...
it('should return the correct image environment', async () => {
const obj = await dockerUtils.getImageEnv('test-image');
describe('isV2DeltaImage', () => {
it('should correctly detect a V2 delta', async () => {
// INFO: we still use the stub here. V2 deltas should eventually go away and there is no
// really easy way to create a real image that simulates a v2 delta.
const imageStub = stub(dockerUtils.docker, 'getImage').returns({
inspect: () => {
return Promise.resolve({
Id: 'sha256:34ec91fe6e08cb0f867bbc069c5f499d39297eb8e874bb8ce9707537d983bcbc',
RepoTags: [],
RepoDigests: [],
Parent: '',
Comment: '',
Created: '2019-12-05T10:20:51.516Z',
Container: '',
ContainerConfig: {
Hostname: '',
Domainname: '',
User: '',
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: null,
Cmd: null,
Image: '',
Volumes: null,
WorkingDir: '',
Entrypoint: null,
OnBuild: null,
Labels: null,
DockerVersion: '',
Author: '',
Config: {
Hostname: '7675a23f4fdc',
Domainname: '',
User: '',
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: false,
AttachStderr: false,
Tty: false,
OpenStdin: false,
StdinOnce: false,
Env: [
Cmd: [
"while true; do echo 'hello'; sleep 10; done;",
ArgsEscaped: true,
Volumes: {
'/sys/fs/cgroup': {},
WorkingDir: '',
Entrypoint: ['/usr/bin/entry.sh'],
OnBuild: [],
Labels: {
'io.resin.architecture': 'amd64',
'io.resin.device-type': 'intel-nuc',
StopSignal: '37',
Architecture: '',
Os: 'linux',
Size: 17,
VirtualSize: 17,
GraphDriver: {
Data: null,
Name: 'aufs',
RootFS: {
Type: 'layers',
Layers: [
Metadata: {
LastTagTime: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
} as any);
expect(await dockerUtils.isV2DeltaImage('test')).to.be.true;