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import { expect } from 'chai';
import { SinonStub, stub } from 'sinon';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import * as systeminformation from 'systeminformation';
import * as fsUtils from '~/lib/fs-utils';
import * as sysInfo from '~/lib/system-info';
describe('System information', () => {
before(() => {
stub(systeminformation, 'fsSize');
stub(systeminformation, 'mem').resolves(mockMemory);
stub(systeminformation, 'currentLoad').resolves(mockCPU.load);
stub(systeminformation, 'cpuTemperature').resolves(mockCPU.temp);
stub(fs, 'readFile').resolves(mockCPU.idBuffer);
stub(fsUtils, 'exec');
after(() => {
(systeminformation.fsSize as SinonStub).restore();
(systeminformation.mem as SinonStub).restore();
(systeminformation.currentLoad as SinonStub).restore();
(systeminformation.cpuTemperature as SinonStub).restore();
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).restore();
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).restore();
describe('isSignificantChange', () => {
it('should correctly filter cpu usage', () => {
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_usage', 21, 20)).to.be.false;
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_usage', 10, 20)).to.be.true;
it('should correctly filter cpu temperature', () => {
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_temp', 21, 22)).to.be.false;
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_temp', 10, 20)).to.be.true;
it('should correctly filter memory usage', () => {
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('memory_usage', 21, 22)).to.be.false;
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('memory_usage', 10, 20)).to.be.true;
it("should not filter if we didn't have a past value", () => {
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_usage', undefined, 22)).to.be
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_temp', undefined, 10)).to.be.true;
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('memory_usage', undefined, 5)).to.be
it('should not filter if the current value is null', () => {
// When the current value is null, we're sending a null patch to the
// API in response to setting DISABLE_HARDWARE_METRICS to true, so
// we need to include null for all values. None of the individual metrics
// in systemMetrics return null (only number/undefined), so the only
// reason for current to be null is when a null patch is happening.
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_usage', 15, null as any)).to.be
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_temp', 55, null as any)).to.be
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('memory_usage', 760, null as any)).to
it('should not filter if the current value is null', () => {
// When the current value is null, we're sending a null patch to the
// API in response to setting HARDWARE_METRICS to false, so
// we need to include null for all values. None of the individual metrics
// in systemMetrics return null (only number/undefined), so the only
// reason for current to be null is when a null patch is happening.
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_usage', 15, null as any)).to.be
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('cpu_temp', 55, null as any)).to.be
expect(sysInfo.isSignificantChange('memory_usage', 760, null as any)).to
describe('CPU information', () => {
it('gets CPU usage', async () => {
const cpuUsage = await sysInfo.getCpuUsage();
// Make sure it is a whole number
expect(cpuUsage % 1).to.equal(0);
// Make sure it's the right number given the mocked data
it('gets CPU temp', async () => {
const tempInfo = await sysInfo.getCpuTemp();
// Make sure it is a whole number
expect(tempInfo % 1).to.equal(0);
// Make sure it's the right number given the mocked data
describe('baseboard information', () => {
afterEach(() => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).reset();
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).reset();
// Do these two tests first so the dmidecode call is not memoized yet
it('returns undefined system model if dmidecode throws', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).rejects('Not found');
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).rejects('Something bad happened');
const systemModel = await sysInfo.getSystemModel();
it('returns undefined system ID if dmidecode throws', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).rejects('Not found');
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).rejects('Something bad happened');
const systemId = await sysInfo.getSystemId();
it('gets system ID', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).resolves(mockCPU.idBuffer);
const cpuId = await sysInfo.getSystemId();
it('gets system ID from dmidecode if /proc/device-tree/serial-number is not available', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).rejects('Not found');
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).resolves({
stdout: mockCPU.dmidecode,
const cpuId = await sysInfo.getSystemId();
it('gets system model', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).resolves('Raspberry PI 4');
const systemModel = await sysInfo.getSystemModel();
expect(systemModel).to.equal('Raspberry PI 4');
it('gets system model from dmidecode if /proc/device-tree/model is not available', async () => {
(fs.readFile as SinonStub).rejects('Not found');
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).resolves({
stdout: mockCPU.dmidecode,
const systemModel = await sysInfo.getSystemModel();
expect(systemModel).to.equal('Intel Corporation NUC7i5BNB');
describe('getMemoryInformation', async () => {
it('should return the correct value for memory usage', async () => {
const memoryInfo = await sysInfo.getMemoryInformation();
total: sysInfo.bytesToMb(mockMemory.total),
used: sysInfo.bytesToMb(
mockMemory.total -
mockMemory.free -
(mockMemory.cached + mockMemory.buffers),
describe('getStorageInfo', async () => {
it('should return info on /data mount', async () => {
(systeminformation.fsSize as SinonStub).resolves(mockFS);
const storageInfo = await sysInfo.getStorageInfo();
blockDevice: '/dev/mmcblk0p6',
storageUsed: 1118,
storageTotal: 29023,
it('should handle no /data mount', async () => {
(systeminformation.fsSize as SinonStub).resolves([]);
const storageInfo = await sysInfo.getStorageInfo();
blockDevice: '',
storageUsed: undefined,
storageTotal: undefined,
describe('undervoltageDetected', () => {
it('should detect undervoltage', async () => {
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).resolves({
stdout: Buffer.from(
'[58611.126996] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)',
stderr: Buffer.from(''),
expect(await sysInfo.undervoltageDetected()).to.be.true;
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).resolves({
stdout: Buffer.from('[569378.450066] eth0: renamed from veth3aa11ca'),
stderr: Buffer.from(''),
expect(await sysInfo.undervoltageDetected()).to.be.false;
describe('dmidecode', () => {
it('parses dmidecode output into json', async () => {
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).resolves({
stdout: mockCPU.dmidecode,
expect(await sysInfo.dmidecode('baseboard')).to.deep.equal([
type: 'Base Board Information',
values: {
Manufacturer: 'Intel Corporation',
'Product Name': 'NUC7i5BNB',
Version: 'J31144-313',
'Serial Number': 'GEBN94600PWW',
'Location In Chassis': 'Default string',
'Chassis Handle': '0x0003',
Type: 'Motherboard',
'Contained Object Handles': '0',
type: 'On Board Device 1 Information',
values: {
Type: 'Sound',
Status: 'Enabled',
Description: 'Realtek High Definition Audio Device',
type: 'Onboard Device',
values: {
'Reference Designation': 'Onboard - Other',
Type: 'Other',
Status: 'Enabled',
'Type Instance': '1',
'Bus Address': '0000',
// Reset the stub
(fsUtils.exec as SinonStub).reset();
const mockCPU = {
temp: {
main: 50.634,
cores: [],
max: 50.634,
socket: [],
load: {
avgLoad: 0.6,
currentLoad: 1.4602487831260142,
currentLoadUser: 0.7301243915630071,
currentLoadSystem: 0.7301243915630071,
currentLoadNice: 0,
currentLoadIdle: 98.53975121687398,
currentLoadIrq: 0,
rawCurrentLoad: 5400,
rawCurrentLoadUser: 2700,
rawCurrentLoadSystem: 2700,
rawCurrentLoadNice: 0,
rawCurrentLoadIdle: 364400,
rawCurrentLoadIrq: 0,
cpus: [
load: 1.8660812294182216,
loadUser: 0.7683863885839737,
loadSystem: 1.0976948408342482,
loadNice: 0,
loadIdle: 98.13391877058177,
loadIrq: 0,
rawLoad: 1700,
rawLoadUser: 700,
rawLoadSystem: 1000,
rawLoadNice: 0,
rawLoadIdle: 89400,
rawLoadIrq: 0,
load: 1.7204301075268817,
loadUser: 0.8602150537634409,
loadSystem: 0.8602150537634409,
loadNice: 0,
loadIdle: 98.27956989247312,
loadIrq: 0,
rawLoad: 1600,
rawLoadUser: 800,
rawLoadSystem: 800,
rawLoadNice: 0,
rawLoadIdle: 91400,
rawLoadIrq: 0,
load: 1.186623516720604,
loadUser: 0.9708737864077669,
loadSystem: 0.2157497303128371,
loadNice: 0,
loadIdle: 98.8133764832794,
loadIrq: 0,
rawLoad: 1100,
rawLoadUser: 900,
rawLoadSystem: 200,
rawLoadNice: 0,
rawLoadIdle: 91600,
rawLoadIrq: 0,
load: 1.0752688172043012,
loadUser: 0.3225806451612903,
loadSystem: 0.7526881720430108,
loadNice: 0,
loadIdle: 98.9247311827957,
loadIrq: 0,
rawLoad: 1000,
rawLoadUser: 300,
rawLoadSystem: 700,
rawLoadNice: 0,
rawLoadIdle: 92000,
rawLoadIrq: 0,
idBuffer: Buffer.from('1000000001b93f3f'),
dmidecode: Buffer.from(`# dmidecode 3.3
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 3.1.1 present.
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Product Name: NUC7i5BNB
Version: J31144-313
Serial Number: GEBN94600PWW
Asset Tag:
Board is a hosting board
Board is replaceable
Location In Chassis: Default string
Chassis Handle: 0x0003
Type: Motherboard
Contained Object Handles: 0
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 10, 20 bytes
On Board Device 1 Information
Type: Video
Status: Enabled
Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics Device
On Board Device 2 Information
Type: Ethernet
Status: Enabled
Description: Intel(R) I219-V Gigabit Network Device
On Board Device 3 Information
Type: Sound
Status: Enabled
Description: Realtek High Definition Audio Device
Handle 0x003F, DMI type 41, 11 bytes
Onboard Device
Reference Designation: Onboard - Other
Type: Other
Status: Enabled
Type Instance: 1
Bus Address: 0000:00:00.0
const mockFS = [
fs: 'overlay',
type: 'overlay',
size: 30433308672,
used: 1172959232,
available: 27684696064,
use: 4.06,
mount: '/',
fs: '/dev/mmcblk0p6',
type: 'ext4',
size: 30433308672,
used: 1172959232,
available: 27684696064,
use: 4.06,
mount: '/data',
fs: '/dev/mmcblk0p1',
type: 'vfat',
size: 41281536,
used: 7219200,
available: 34062336,
use: 17.49,
mount: '/boot/config.json',
fs: '/dev/disk/by-state/resin-state',
type: 'ext4',
size: 19254272,
used: 403456,
available: 17383424,
use: 2.27,
mount: '/mnt/root/mnt/state',
fs: '/dev/disk/by-uuid/ba1eadef-4660-4b03-9e71-9f33257f292c',
type: 'ext4',
size: 313541632,
used: 308860928,
available: 0,
use: 100,
mount: '/mnt/root/mnt/sysroot/active',
fs: '/dev/mmcblk0p2',
type: 'ext4',
size: 313541632,
used: 299599872,
available: 0,
use: 100,
mount: '/mnt/root/mnt/sysroot/inactive',
const mockMemory = {
total: 4032724992,
free: 2182356992,
used: 1850368000,
active: 459481088,
available: 3573243904,
buffers: 186269696,
cached: 1055621120,
slab: 252219392,
buffcache: 1494110208,
swaptotal: 2016358400,
swapused: 0,
swapfree: 2016358400,