mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:40:25 +00:00
Target volatile doesn't make sense now that we can use the current state as a target. It wasn't actually being used for anything anymore apparently Change-type: patch
891 lines
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891 lines
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import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import StrictEventEmitter from 'strict-event-emitter-types';
import { isRight } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';
import Reporter from 'io-ts-reporters';
import prettyMs = require('pretty-ms');
import * as config from './config';
import * as db from './db';
import * as logger from './logger';
import * as globalEventBus from './event-bus';
import * as network from './network';
import * as deviceConfig from './device-config';
import * as constants from './lib/constants';
import * as dbus from './lib/dbus';
import {
} from './lib/errors';
import * as updateLock from './lib/update-lock';
import * as dbFormat from './device-state/db-format';
import { getGlobalApiKey } from './device-api';
import * as sysInfo from './lib/system-info';
import { log } from './lib/supervisor-console';
import { loadTargetFromFile } from './device-state/preload';
import * as applicationManager from './compose/application-manager';
import * as commitStore from './compose/commit';
import {
} from './types';
import type {
} from './compose/composition-steps';
function parseTargetState(state: unknown): TargetState {
const res = TargetState.decode(state);
if (isRight(res)) {
return res.right;
const errors = ['Invalid target state.'].concat(Reporter.report(res));
throw new TargetStateError(errors.join('\n'));
interface DeviceStateEvents {
error: Error;
change: void;
shutdown: void;
'apply-target-state-end': Nullable<Error>;
'apply-target-state-error': Error;
'step-error': (
err: Nullable<Error>,
step: DeviceStateStep<PossibleStepTargets>,
) => void;
'step-completed': (
err: Nullable<Error>,
step: DeviceStateStep<PossibleStepTargets>,
result?: { Data: string; Error: Nullable<Error> },
) => void;
type DeviceStateEventEmitter = StrictEventEmitter<
const events = new EventEmitter() as DeviceStateEventEmitter;
export const on: typeof events['on'] = events.on.bind(events);
export const once: typeof events['once'] = events.once.bind(events);
export const removeListener: typeof events['removeListener'] =
export const removeAllListeners: typeof events['removeAllListeners'] =
export type DeviceStateStepTarget = 'reboot' | 'shutdown' | 'noop';
type PossibleStepTargets = CompositionStepAction | DeviceStateStepTarget;
type DeviceStateStep<T extends PossibleStepTargets> =
| { action: DeviceStateStepTarget }
| CompositionStepT<T extends CompositionStepAction ? T : never>
| deviceConfig.ConfigStep;
let currentVolatile: DeviceReport = {};
const writeLock = updateLock.writeLock;
const readLock = updateLock.readLock;
let maxPollTime: number;
let intermediateTarget: InstancedDeviceState | null = null;
let applyBlocker: Nullable<Promise<void>>;
let cancelDelay: null | (() => void) = null;
let failedUpdates: number = 0;
let applyCancelled = false;
let lastApplyStart = process.hrtime();
let scheduledApply: { force?: boolean; delay?: number } | null = null;
let shuttingDown = false;
let applyInProgress = false;
export let connected: boolean;
export let lastSuccessfulUpdate: number | null = null;
events.on('error', (err) => log.error('deviceState error: ', err));
events.on('apply-target-state-end', function (err) {
if (err != null) {
if (!(err instanceof UpdatesLockedError)) {
return log.error('Device state apply error', err);
} else {
log.success('Device state apply success');
// We also let the device-config module know that we
// successfully reached the target state and that it
// should clear any rate limiting it's applied
return deviceConfig.resetRateLimits();
export const initialized = _.once(async () => {
await config.initialized();
await applicationManager.initialized();
applicationManager.on('change', (d) => reportCurrentState(d));
config.on('change', (changedConfig) => {
if (changedConfig.loggingEnabled != null) {
if (changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval != null) {
maxPollTime = changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval;
export function isApplyInProgress() {
return applyInProgress;
export async function healthcheck() {
const unmanaged = await config.get('unmanaged');
// Don't have to perform checks for unmanaged
if (unmanaged) {
return true;
const cycleTime = process.hrtime(lastApplyStart);
const cycleTimeMs = cycleTime[0] * 1000 + cycleTime[1] / 1e6;
const cycleTimeWithinInterval =
cycleTimeMs - applicationManager.timeSpentFetching < 2 * maxPollTime;
// Check if target is healthy
const applyTargetHealthy =
!applyInProgress ||
applicationManager.fetchesInProgress > 0 ||
if (!applyTargetHealthy) {
Healthcheck failure - At least ONE of the following conditions must be true:
- No applyInProgress ? ${!(applyInProgress === true)}
- fetchesInProgress ? ${applicationManager.fetchesInProgress > 0}
- cycleTimeWithinInterval ? ${cycleTimeWithinInterval}`,
// All tests pass!
return applyTargetHealthy;
export async function initNetworkChecks({
}: {
apiEndpoint: config.ConfigType<'apiEndpoint'>;
connectivityCheckEnabled: config.ConfigType<'connectivityCheckEnabled'>;
}) {
network.startConnectivityCheck(apiEndpoint, connectivityCheckEnabled, (c) => {
connected = c;
config.on('change', function (changedConfig) {
if (changedConfig.connectivityCheckEnabled != null) {
log.debug('Starting periodic check for IP addresses');
network.startIPAddressUpdate()(async (addresses) => {
const macAddress = await config.get('macAddress');
ip_address: addresses.join(' '),
mac_address: macAddress,
}, constants.ipAddressUpdateInterval);
async function saveInitialConfig() {
const devConf = await deviceConfig.getCurrent();
await deviceConfig.setTarget(devConf);
await config.set({ initialConfigSaved: true });
export async function loadInitialState() {
await applicationManager.initialized();
const conf = await config.getMany([
maxPollTime = conf.appUpdatePollInterval;
if (!conf.initialConfigSaved) {
await saveInitialConfig();
log.info('Reporting initial state, supervisor version and API info');
const globalApiKey = await getGlobalApiKey();
api_port: conf.listenPort,
api_secret: globalApiKey,
os_version: conf.osVersion,
os_variant: conf.osVariant,
mac_address: conf.macAddress,
supervisor_version: conf.version,
provisioning_progress: null,
provisioning_state: '',
status: 'Idle',
logs_channel: null,
update_failed: false,
update_pending: false,
update_downloaded: false,
let loadedFromFile = false;
if (!conf.provisioned || !conf.targetStateSet) {
loadedFromFile = await loadTargetFromFile(constants.appsJsonPath);
} else {
log.debug('Skipping preloading');
// Only apply target if we have received a target
// from the cloud or loaded from file
if (conf.targetStateSet || loadedFromFile) {
triggerApplyTarget({ initial: true });
// We keep compatibility with the StrictEventEmitter types
// from the outside, but within this function all hells
// breaks loose due to the liberal any casting
function emitAsync<T extends keyof DeviceStateEvents>(
ev: T,
...args: DeviceStateEvents[T] extends (...args: infer TArgs) => void
? TArgs
: Array<DeviceStateEvents[T]>
) {
return setImmediate(() => events.emit(ev as any, ...args));
const readLockTarget = () =>
readLock('target').disposer((release) => release());
const writeLockTarget = () =>
writeLock('target').disposer((release) => release());
const inferStepsLock = () =>
writeLock('inferSteps').disposer((release) => release());
function usingReadLockTarget<T extends () => any, U extends ReturnType<T>>(
fn: T,
): Bluebird<UnwrappedPromise<U>> {
return Bluebird.using(readLockTarget, () => fn());
function usingWriteLockTarget<T extends () => any, U extends ReturnType<T>>(
fn: T,
): Bluebird<UnwrappedPromise<U>> {
return Bluebird.using(writeLockTarget, () => fn());
function usingInferStepsLock<T extends () => any, U extends ReturnType<T>>(
fn: T,
): Bluebird<UnwrappedPromise<U>> {
return Bluebird.using(inferStepsLock, () => fn());
export async function setTarget(target: TargetState, localSource?: boolean) {
await db.initialized();
await config.initialized();
// When we get a new target state, clear any built up apply errors
// This means that we can attempt to apply the new state instantly
if (localSource == null) {
localSource = false;
failedUpdates = 0;
// This will throw if target state is invalid
target = parseTargetState(target);
globalEventBus.getInstance().emit('targetStateChanged', target);
const { uuid, apiEndpoint } = await config.getMany(['uuid', 'apiEndpoint']);
if (!uuid || !target[uuid]) {
throw new Error(
`Expected target state for local device with uuid '${uuid}'.`,
const localTarget = target[uuid];
await usingWriteLockTarget(async () => {
await db.transaction(async (trx) => {
await config.set({ name: localTarget.name }, trx);
await deviceConfig.setTarget(localTarget.config, trx);
if (localSource || apiEndpoint == null || apiEndpoint === '') {
await applicationManager.setTarget(localTarget.apps, 'local', trx);
} else {
await applicationManager.setTarget(localTarget.apps, apiEndpoint, trx);
await config.set({ targetStateSet: true }, trx);
export function getTarget({
initial = false,
intermediate = false,
}: {
initial?: boolean;
intermediate?: boolean;
} = {}): Bluebird<InstancedDeviceState> {
return usingReadLockTarget(async () => {
if (intermediate) {
return intermediateTarget!;
return {
local: {
name: await config.get('name'),
config: await deviceConfig.getTarget({ initial }),
apps: await dbFormat.getApps(),
// This returns the current state of the device in (more or less)
// the same format as the target state. This method,
// getCurrent and getCurrentForComparison should probably get
// merged into a single method
// @deprecated
export async function getLegacyState(): Promise<DeviceLegacyState> {
const appsStatus = await applicationManager.getLegacyState();
const theState: DeepPartial<DeviceLegacyState> = {
local: {},
theState.local = {
theState.local!.apps = appsStatus.local;
// Multi-app warning!
// If we have more than one app, simply return the first commit.
// Fortunately this won't become a problem until we have system apps, and then
// at that point we can filter non-system apps leaving a single user app.
// After this, for true multi-app, we will need to report our status back in a
// different way, meaning this function will no longer be needed
const appIds = Object.keys(theState.local!.apps).map((strId) =>
parseInt(strId, 10),
const appId: number | undefined = appIds[0];
if (appId != null) {
const commit = await commitStore.getCommitForApp(appId);
if (commit != null && !applyInProgress) {
theState.local!.is_on__commit = commit;
return theState as DeviceLegacyState;
async function getSysInfo(
lastInfo: Partial<sysInfo.SystemInfo>,
): Promise<sysInfo.SystemInfo> {
// If hardwareMetrics is false, send null patch for system metrics to cloud API
const currentInfo = {
...((await config.get('hardwareMetrics'))
? await sysInfo.getSystemMetrics()
: {
cpu_usage: null,
memory_usage: null,
memory_total: null,
storage_usage: null,
storage_total: null,
storage_block_device: null,
cpu_temp: null,
cpu_id: null,
...(await sysInfo.getSystemChecks()),
return Object.assign(
{} as sysInfo.SystemInfo,
...Object.keys(currentInfo).map((key: keyof sysInfo.SystemInfo) => ({
[key]: sysInfo.isSignificantChange(
lastInfo[key] as number,
currentInfo[key] as number,
? (currentInfo[key] as number)
: (lastInfo[key] as number),
/** SysInfo (metrics) property names used in report. */
export const sysInfoPropertyNames = [
// Return current state in a way that the API understands
export async function getCurrentForReport(
lastReport = {} as DeviceState,
): Promise<DeviceState> {
const apps = await applicationManager.getState();
// Fiter current apps by the target state as the supervisor cannot
// report on apps for which it doesn't have API permissions
const targetAppUuids = Object.keys(await applicationManager.getTargetApps());
const appsForReport = Object.keys(apps)
.filter((appUuid) => targetAppUuids.includes(appUuid))
(filteredApps, appUuid) => ({
[appUuid]: apps[appUuid],
{} as { [appUuid: string]: AppState },
const { uuid, localMode } = await config.getMany(['uuid', 'localMode']);
if (!uuid) {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError('No uuid found for local device');
const omitFromReport = [
...(localMode ? ['apps', 'logs_channel'] : []),
const systemInfo = await getSysInfo(lastReport[uuid] ?? {});
return {
[uuid]: _.omitBy(
apps: appsForReport,
(__, key) => omitFromReport.includes(key),
// Get the current state as object instances
export async function getCurrentState(): Promise<InstancedDeviceState> {
const [name, devConfig, apps] = await Promise.all([
return {
local: {
config: devConfig,
export function reportCurrentState(newState: DeviceReport = {}) {
if (newState == null) {
newState = {};
currentVolatile = { ...currentVolatile, ...newState };
emitAsync('change', undefined);
export interface ShutdownOpts {
force?: boolean;
reboot?: boolean;
export async function shutdown({
force = false,
reboot = false,
}: ShutdownOpts = {}) {
await updateLock.abortIfHUPInProgress({ force });
// Get current apps to create locks for
const apps = await applicationManager.getCurrentApps();
const appIds = Object.keys(apps).map((strId) => parseInt(strId, 10));
// Try to create a lock for all the services before shutting down
return updateLock.lock(appIds, { force }, async () => {
let dbusAction;
switch (reboot) {
case true:
logger.logSystemMessage('Rebooting', {}, 'Reboot');
dbusAction = await dbus.reboot();
case false:
logger.logSystemMessage('Shutting down', {}, 'Shutdown');
dbusAction = await dbus.shutdown();
shuttingDown = true;
emitAsync('shutdown', undefined);
return dbusAction;
// FIXME: this method should not be exported, all target state changes
// should happen via intermediate targets
export async function executeStepAction(
step: DeviceStateStep<PossibleStepTargets>,
}: { force?: boolean; initial?: boolean; skipLock?: boolean },
) {
if (deviceConfig.isValidAction(step.action)) {
await deviceConfig.executeStepAction(step as deviceConfig.ConfigStep, {
} else if (_.includes(applicationManager.validActions, step.action)) {
return applicationManager.executeStep(step as any, {
} else {
switch (step.action) {
case 'reboot':
// There isn't really a way that these methods can fail,
// and if they do, we wouldn't know about it until after
// the response has been sent back to the API.
await shutdown({ force, reboot: true });
case 'shutdown':
await shutdown({ force, reboot: false });
case 'noop':
throw new Error(`Invalid action ${step.action}`);
export async function applyStep(
step: DeviceStateStep<PossibleStepTargets>,
}: {
force?: boolean;
initial?: boolean;
skipLock?: boolean;
) {
if (shuttingDown) {
try {
await executeStepAction(step, {
emitAsync('step-completed', null, step);
} catch (e: any) {
emitAsync('step-error', e, step);
throw e;
function applyError(
err: Error,
}: { force?: boolean; initial?: boolean; intermediate?: boolean },
) {
emitAsync('apply-target-state-error', err);
emitAsync('apply-target-state-end', err);
if (intermediate) {
throw err;
failedUpdates += 1;
reportCurrentState({ update_failed: true });
if (scheduledApply != null) {
if (!(err instanceof UpdatesLockedError)) {
"Updating failed, but there's another update scheduled immediately: ",
} else {
const delay = Math.min(
Math.pow(2, failedUpdates) * constants.backoffIncrement,
// If there was an error then schedule another attempt briefly in the future.
if (err instanceof UpdatesLockedError) {
const message = `Updates are locked, retrying in ${prettyMs(delay, {
compact: true,
})}. Reason: ${err.message}`;
logger.logSystemMessage(message, {}, 'updateLocked', false);
} else {
`Scheduling another update attempt in ${delay}ms due to failure: `,
return triggerApplyTarget({ force, delay, initial });
// We define this function this way so we can mock it in the tests
export const applyTarget = async ({
force = false,
initial = false,
intermediate = false,
skipLock = false,
nextDelay = 200,
retryCount = 0,
keepVolumes = undefined as boolean | undefined,
} = {}) => {
if (!intermediate) {
await applyBlocker;
await applicationManager.localModeSwitchCompletion();
return usingInferStepsLock(async () => {
const [currentState, targetState] = await Promise.all([
getTarget({ initial, intermediate }),
const deviceConfigSteps = await deviceConfig.getRequiredSteps(
const noConfigSteps = _.every(
({ action }) => action === 'noop',
let backoff: boolean;
let steps: Array<DeviceStateStep<PossibleStepTargets>>;
if (!noConfigSteps) {
backoff = false;
steps = deviceConfigSteps;
} else {
const appSteps = await applicationManager.getRequiredSteps(
// Do not remove images while applying an intermediate state
// if not applying intermediate, we let getRequired steps set
// the value
intermediate || undefined,
if (_.isEmpty(appSteps)) {
// If we retrieve a bunch of no-ops from the
// device config, generally we want to back off
// more than if we retrieve them from the
// application manager
backoff = true;
steps = deviceConfigSteps;
} else {
backoff = false;
steps = appSteps;
if (_.isEmpty(steps)) {
emitAsync('apply-target-state-end', null);
if (!intermediate) {
log.debug('Finished applying target state');
failedUpdates = 0;
lastSuccessfulUpdate = Date.now();
update_failed: false,
update_pending: false,
update_downloaded: false,
if (!intermediate) {
reportCurrentState({ update_pending: true });
if (_.every(steps, (step) => step.action === 'noop')) {
if (backoff) {
retryCount += 1;
// Backoff to a maximum of 10 minutes
nextDelay = Math.min(Math.pow(2, retryCount) * 1000, 60 * 10 * 1000);
} else {
nextDelay = 1000;
try {
await Promise.all(
steps.map((s) => applyStep(s, { force, initial, skipLock })),
await Bluebird.delay(nextDelay);
await applyTarget({
} catch (e: any) {
if (e instanceof UpdatesLockedError) {
// Forward the UpdatesLockedError directly
throw e;
throw new Error(
'Failed to apply state transition steps. ' +
e.message +
' Steps:' +
JSON.stringify(_.map(steps, 'action')),
}).catch((err) => {
return applyError(err, { force, initial, intermediate });
function pausingApply(fn: () => any) {
const lock = () => {
return writeLock('pause').disposer((release) => release());
// TODO: This function is a bit of a mess
const pause = () => {
return Bluebird.try(() => {
let res;
applyBlocker = new Promise((resolve) => {
res = resolve;
return res;
}).disposer((resolve: any) => resolve());
return Bluebird.using(lock(), () => Bluebird.using(pause(), () => fn()));
export function triggerApplyTarget({
force = false,
delay = 0,
initial = false,
isFromApi = false,
} = {}) {
if (applyInProgress) {
if (scheduledApply == null || (isFromApi && cancelDelay)) {
scheduledApply = { force, delay };
if (isFromApi) {
// Cancel promise delay if call came from api to
// prevent waiting due to backoff (and if we've
// previously setup a delay)
} else {
// If a delay has been set it's because we need to hold off before applying again,
// so we need to respect the maximum delay that has
// been passed
if (scheduledApply.delay === undefined || isNaN(scheduledApply.delay)) {
`Tried to apply target with invalid delay: ${scheduledApply.delay}`,
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'No delay specified in scheduledApply',
scheduledApply.delay = Math.max(delay, scheduledApply.delay);
if (!scheduledApply.force) {
scheduledApply.force = force;
applyCancelled = false;
applyInProgress = true;
new Bluebird((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, delay);
cancelDelay = reject;
.catch(() => {
applyCancelled = true;
.then(() => {
cancelDelay = null;
if (applyCancelled) {
log.info('Skipping applyTarget because of a cancellation');
lastApplyStart = process.hrtime();
log.info('Applying target state');
return applyTarget({ force, initial });
.finally(() => {
applyInProgress = false;
if (scheduledApply != null) {
scheduledApply = null;
return null;
export async function applyIntermediateTarget(
intermediate: InstancedDeviceState,
force = false,
skipLock = false,
keepVolumes = undefined as boolean | undefined,
} = {},
) {
return pausingApply(async () => {
// TODO: Make sure we don't accidentally overwrite this
intermediateTarget = intermediate;
return applyTarget({
intermediate: true,
}).then(() => {
intermediateTarget = null;