mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:44:02 +00:00
This was mistakenly increased due to confusion between the timeout for requests to the supervisor's api vs the timeout for requests from the supervisor to the balenaCloud api. This separates the two configs and documents the difference between the timeouts whilst also decreasing the timeout for balenaCloud api requests to the correct/expected value Change-type: patch
244 lines
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244 lines
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import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import url from 'url';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
import Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import type StrictEventEmitter from 'strict-event-emitter-types';
import type { TargetState } from '../types/state';
import { InternalInconsistencyError } from '../lib/errors';
import { getGotInstance } from '../lib/request';
import * as config from '../config';
import { takeGlobalLockRW } from '../lib/process-lock';
import * as constants from '../lib/constants';
import log from '../lib/supervisor-console';
export class ApiResponseError extends Error {}
interface TargetStateEvents {
'target-state-update': (
targetState: TargetState,
force: boolean,
isFromApi: boolean,
) => void;
'target-state-apply': (force: boolean, isFromApi: boolean) => void;
export const emitter: StrictEventEmitter<EventEmitter, TargetStateEvents> =
new EventEmitter();
const lockGetTarget = () =>
takeGlobalLockRW('getTarget').disposer((release) => release());
type CachedResponse = {
etag?: string | string[];
body: TargetState;
emitted?: boolean;
let cache: CachedResponse;
* appUpdatePollInterval is set when startPoll successfuly queries the config
let appUpdatePollInterval: number;
* Emit target state event based on if the CacheResponse has/was emitted.
* Returns false if the CacheResponse is not emitted.
* @param cachedResponse the response to emit
* @param force Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @param isFromApi Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @return true if the response has been emitted or false otherwise
const emitTargetState = (
cachedResponse: CachedResponse,
force = false,
isFromApi = false,
): boolean => {
if (
!cachedResponse.emitted &&
emitter.listenerCount('target-state-update') > 0
) {
// CachedResponse has not been emitted before so emit as an update
return true;
} else if (
cachedResponse.emitted &&
isFromApi &&
emitter.listenerCount('target-state-apply') > 0
) {
// CachedResponse has been emitted but a client triggered the check so emit an apply
emitter.emit('target-state-apply', force, isFromApi);
return true;
// Return the same emitted value but normalized to be a boolean
return !!cache.emitted;
* The last fetch attempt
* We set a value rather then being undeclared because having it undefined
* adds more overhead to dealing with this value without any benefits.
export let lastFetch: ReturnType<typeof process.hrtime> = process.hrtime();
* Attempts to update the target state
* @param force Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
* @param isFromApi Emitted with the 'target-state-update' event update as necessary
export const update = async (
// TODO: Is there a better way than passing these params here just to emit them if there is an update?
force = false,
isFromApi = false,
): Promise<void> => {
await config.initialized();
return Bluebird.using(lockGetTarget(), async () => {
const { uuid, apiEndpoint, apiRequestTimeout, deviceApiKey } =
await config.getMany([
if (typeof apiEndpoint !== 'string') {
throw new InternalInconsistencyError(
'Non-string apiEndpoint passed to ApiBinder.getTargetState',
const endpoint = url.resolve(apiEndpoint, `/device/v3/${uuid}/state`);
const got = await getGotInstance();
const { statusCode, headers, body } = await got(endpoint, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${deviceApiKey}`,
'If-None-Match': cache?.etag,
timeout: {
// TODO: We use the same default timeout for all of these in order to have a timeout generally
// but it would probably make sense to tune them individually
lookup: apiRequestTimeout,
connect: apiRequestTimeout,
secureConnect: apiRequestTimeout,
socket: apiRequestTimeout,
send: apiRequestTimeout,
response: apiRequestTimeout,
if (statusCode === 304 && cache?.etag != null) {
// There's no change so no need to update the cache
// only emit the target state if it hasn't been emitted yet
cache.emitted = emitTargetState(cache, force, isFromApi);
if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
log.error(`Error from the API: ${statusCode}`);
throw new ApiResponseError(`Error from the API: ${statusCode}`);
cache = {
etag: headers.etag,
body: body as any,
// Emit the target state and update the cache
cache.emitted = emitTargetState(cache, force, isFromApi);
}).finally(() => {
lastFetch = process.hrtime();
const poll = async (
skipFirstGet: boolean = false,
fetchErrors: number = 0,
): Promise<void> => {
// Add random jitter up to `maxApiJitterDelay` to space out poll requests
// NOTE: the jitter has as objective to reduce the load on networks that have
// devices on the 1000s. It's not meant to ease the load on the API as the backend performs
// other operations to deal with scaling issues
let pollInterval =
Math.random() * constants.maxApiJitterDelay + appUpdatePollInterval;
// Convenience function used for delaying poll loops
const delayedLoop = async (delayBy: number) => {
// Wait until we want to poll again
await setTimeout(delayBy);
// Poll again (use void to break recursion)
void poll(false, fetchErrors);
// Check if we want to skip first request and just loop again
if (skipFirstGet) {
return delayedLoop(pollInterval);
// Try to fetch latest target state
try {
await update();
// Reset fetchErrors because we successfuly updated
fetchErrors = 0;
} catch {
// Exponential back off if request fails
pollInterval = Math.min(appUpdatePollInterval, 15000 * 2 ** fetchErrors);
} finally {
// Wait to poll again
await delayedLoop(pollInterval);
* Checks for target state changes and then returns the latest target state
export const get = async (): Promise<TargetState> => {
await update();
return structuredClone(cache.body);
* Start polling for target state updates
* startPoll will try to query the config for all values needed
* to being polling. If there is an issue obtaining these values
* the function will wait 10 seconds and retry until successful.
export const startPoll = async (): Promise<void> => {
let instantUpdates;
try {
await config.initialized();
* Listen for config changes to appUpdatePollInterval
config.on('change', (changedConfig) => {
if (changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval) {
appUpdatePollInterval = changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval;
// Query and set config values we need to avoid multiple db hits
const { instantUpdates: updates, appUpdatePollInterval: interval } =
await config.getMany(['instantUpdates', 'appUpdatePollInterval']);
instantUpdates = updates;
appUpdatePollInterval = interval;
} catch {
// Delay 10 seconds and retry loading config
await setTimeout(10000);
// Attempt to start poll again
return startPoll();
// All config values fetch, start polling!
return poll(!instantUpdates);