mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 22:08:45 +00:00
Before this change the first time the cleanup code runs would be before the migrations have had a chance to execute. This change makes it so that the cleanup code always runs once the migrations have finished. Change-type: patch Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <cameron@balena.io>
984 lines
38 KiB
984 lines
38 KiB
Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
EventEmitter = require 'events'
express = require 'express'
bodyParser = require 'body-parser'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
path = require 'path'
constants = require './lib/constants'
{ DockerUtils: Docker } = require './lib/docker-utils'
{ LocalModeManager } = require './local-mode'
updateLock = require './lib/update-lock'
{ checkTruthy, checkInt, checkString } = require './lib/validation'
{ NotFoundError } = require './lib/errors'
{ pathExistsOnHost } = require './lib/fs-utils'
{ ServiceManager } = require './compose/service-manager'
{ Service } = require './compose/service'
{ Images } = require './compose/images'
{ NetworkManager } = require './compose/network-manager'
{ Network } = require './compose/network'
{ Volumes } = require './compose/volumes'
Proxyvisor = require './proxyvisor'
{ createV1Api } = require './device-api/v1'
{ createV2Api } = require './device-api/v2'
{ serviceAction } = require './device-api/common'
# TODO: move this to an Image class?
imageForService = (service) ->
return {
name: service.imageName
appId: service.appId
serviceId: service.serviceId
serviceName: service.serviceName
imageId: service.imageId
releaseId: service.releaseId
dependent: 0
fetchAction = (service) ->
return {
action: 'fetch'
image: imageForService(service)
serviceId: service.serviceId
# TODO: implement additional v2 endpoints
# Some v1 endpoins only work for single-container apps as they assume the app has a single service.
createApplicationManagerRouter = (applications) ->
router = express.Router()
router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true, limit: '10mb' }))
router.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '10mb' }))
createV1Api(router, applications)
createV2Api(router, applications)
return router
module.exports = class ApplicationManager extends EventEmitter
constructor: ({ @logger, @config, @db, @eventTracker, @deviceState }) ->
@docker = new Docker()
@images = new Images({ @docker, @logger, @db, @config })
@services = new ServiceManager({ @docker, @logger, @images, @config })
@networks = new NetworkManager({ @docker, @logger })
@volumes = new Volumes({ @docker, @logger })
@proxyvisor = new Proxyvisor({ @config, @logger, @db, @docker, @images, applications: this })
@localModeManager = new LocalModeManager(@config, @docker, @logger, @db)
@timeSpentFetching = 0
@fetchesInProgress = 0
@_targetVolatilePerImageId = {}
@_containerStarted = {}
@config.on 'change', (changedConfig) =>
if changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval
@images.appUpdatePollInterval = changedConfig.appUpdatePollInterval
@actionExecutors = {
stop: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
wait = step.options?.wait ? false
@services.kill(step.current, { removeContainer: false, wait })
.then =>
delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
kill: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
.then =>
delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
if step.options?.removeImage
remove: (step) =>
# Only called for dead containers, so no need to take locks or anything
updateMetadata: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
skipLock or= checkTruthy(step.current.config.labels['io.balena.legacy-container'])
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
@services.updateMetadata(step.current, step.target)
restart: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
@services.kill(step.current, { wait: true })
.then =>
delete @_containerStarted[step.current.containerId]
.then =>
.then (container) =>
@_containerStarted[container.id] = true
stopAll: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@stopAll({ force, skipLock })
start: (step) =>
.then (container) =>
@_containerStarted[container.id] = true
updateCommit: (step) =>
@config.set({ currentCommit: step.target })
handover: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary step.current.appId, { force, skipLock: skipLock or step.options?.skipLock }, =>
@services.handover(step.current, step.target)
fetch: (step) =>
startTime = process.hrtime()
@fetchesInProgress += 1
(opts, availableImages) =>
opts.deltaSource = @bestDeltaSource(step.image, availableImages)
@images.triggerFetch step.image, opts, (success) =>
@fetchesInProgress -= 1
elapsed = process.hrtime(startTime)
elapsedMs = elapsed[0] * 1000 + elapsed[1] / 1e6
@timeSpentFetching += elapsedMs
if success
# update_downloaded is true if *any* image has been downloaded,
# and it's relevant mostly for the legacy GET /v1/device endpoint
# that assumes a single-container app
@reportCurrentState(update_downloaded: true)
removeImage: (step) =>
saveImage: (step) =>
cleanup: (step) =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
if !localMode
createNetworkOrVolume: (step) =>
if step.model is 'network'
# TODO: These step targets should be the actual compose objects,
# rather than recreating them
Network.fromComposeObject({ @docker, @logger },
removeNetworkOrVolume: (step) =>
if step.model is 'network'
Network.fromComposeObject({ @docker, @logger },
ensureSupervisorNetwork: =>
@validActions = _.keys(@actionExecutors).concat(@proxyvisor.validActions)
@router = createApplicationManagerRouter(this)
@images.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
@services.on('change', @reportCurrentState)
serviceAction: serviceAction
imageForService: imageForService
fetchAction: fetchAction
reportCurrentState: (data) =>
@emit('change', data)
init: =>
.then (interval) =>
@images.appUpdatePollInterval = interval
.then =>
cleanup = =>
@docker.listContainers(all: true).then (containers) =>
@logger.clearOutOfDateDBLogs(_.map(containers, 'Id'))
# Rather than relying on removing out of date database entries when we're no
# longer using them, set a task that runs periodically to clear out the database
# This has the advantage that if for some reason a container is removed while the
# supervisor is down, we won't have zombie entries in the db
# Once a day
setInterval(cleanup, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
# But also run it in on startup
.then =>
.then =>
.then =>
# Returns the status of applications and their services
getStatus: =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
_getStatus: (localMode) =>
(services, images, currentCommit) ->
apps = {}
dependent = {}
releaseId = null
creationTimesAndReleases = {}
# We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state
# of the app they belong to.
for service in services
appId = service.appId
apps[appId] ?= {}
creationTimesAndReleases[appId] = {}
apps[appId].services ?= {}
# We only send commit if all services have the same release, and it matches the target release
if !releaseId?
releaseId = service.releaseId
else if releaseId != service.releaseId
releaseId = false
if !apps[appId].services[service.imageId]?
apps[appId].services[service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ])
creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId] = _.pick(service, [ 'createdAt', 'releaseId' ])
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].download_progress = null
# There's two containers with the same imageId, so this has to be a handover
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].releaseId = _.minBy([ creationTimesAndReleases[appId][service.imageId], service ], 'createdAt').releaseId
apps[appId].services[service.imageId].status = 'Handing over'
for image in images
appId = image.appId
if !image.dependent
apps[appId] ?= {}
apps[appId].services ?= {}
if !apps[appId].services[image.imageId]?
apps[appId].services[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status', 'releaseId' ])
apps[appId].services[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress
else if image.imageId?
dependent[appId] ?= {}
dependent[appId].images ?= {}
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId] = _.pick(image, [ 'status' ])
dependent[appId].images[image.imageId].download_progress = image.downloadProgress
console.log('Ignoring legacy dependent image', image)
obj = { local: apps, dependent }
obj.commit = currentCommit
return obj
getDependentState: =>
_buildApps: (services, networks, volumes, currentCommit) ->
apps = {}
# We iterate over the current running services and add them to the current state
# of the app they belong to.
for service in services
appId = service.appId
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
for network in networks
appId = network.appId
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
apps[appId].networks[network.name] = network.config
for volume in volumes
appId = volume.appId
apps[appId] ?= { appId, services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
apps[appId].volumes[volume.name] = volume.config
# multi-app warning!
# This is just wrong on every level
_.each apps, (app) ->
app.commit = currentCommit
return apps
getCurrentForComparison: =>
getCurrentApp: (appId) =>
getTargetApp: (appId) =>
@config.get('apiEndpoint').then (endpoint) ->
@db.models('app').where({ appId, source: endpoint }).select()
.then ([ app ]) =>
if !app?
# Compares current and target services and returns a list of service pairs to be updated/removed/installed.
# The returned list is an array of objects where the "current" and "target" properties define the update pair, and either can be null
# (in the case of an install or removal).
compareServicesForUpdate: (currentServices, targetServices) =>
removePairs = []
installPairs = []
updatePairs = []
targetServiceIds = _.map(targetServices, 'serviceId')
currentServiceIds = _.uniq(_.map(currentServices, 'serviceId'))
toBeRemoved = _.difference(currentServiceIds, targetServiceIds)
for serviceId in toBeRemoved
servicesToRemove = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId })
for service in servicesToRemove
current: service
target: null
toBeInstalled = _.difference(targetServiceIds, currentServiceIds)
for serviceId in toBeInstalled
serviceToInstall = _.find(targetServices, { serviceId })
if serviceToInstall?
current: null
target: serviceToInstall
toBeMaybeUpdated = _.intersection(targetServiceIds, currentServiceIds)
currentServicesPerId = {}
targetServicesPerId = _.keyBy(targetServices, 'serviceId')
for serviceId in toBeMaybeUpdated
currentServiceContainers = _.filter(currentServices, { serviceId })
if currentServiceContainers.length > 1
currentServicesPerId[serviceId] = _.maxBy(currentServiceContainers, 'createdAt')
# All but the latest container for this service are spurious and should be removed
for service in _.without(currentServiceContainers, currentServicesPerId[serviceId])
current: service
target: null
currentServicesPerId[serviceId] = currentServiceContainers[0]
# Returns true if a service matches its target except it should be running and it is not, but we've
# already started it before. In this case it means it just exited so we don't want to start it again.
alreadyStarted = (serviceId) =>
return (
currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqualExceptForRunningState(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and
targetServicesPerId[serviceId].config.running and
needUpdate = _.filter toBeMaybeUpdated, (serviceId) ->
!currentServicesPerId[serviceId].isEqual(targetServicesPerId[serviceId]) and !alreadyStarted(serviceId)
for serviceId in needUpdate
current: currentServicesPerId[serviceId]
target: targetServicesPerId[serviceId]
return { removePairs, installPairs, updatePairs }
_compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate: (model, { current, target }, appId) ->
outputPairs = []
currentNames = _.keys(current)
targetNames = _.keys(target)
toBeRemoved = _.difference(currentNames, targetNames)
for name in toBeRemoved
current: {
config: current[name]
target: null
toBeInstalled = _.difference(targetNames, currentNames)
for name in toBeInstalled
current: null
target: {
config: target[name]
toBeUpdated = _.filter _.intersection(targetNames, currentNames), (name) =>
# While we're in this in-between state of a network-manager, but not
# a volume-manager, we'll have to inspect the object to detect a
# network-manager
if model instanceof NetworkManager
opts = docker: @docker, logger: @logger
currentNet = Network.fromComposeObject(
targetNet = Network.fromComposeObject(
return !currentNet.isEqualConfig(targetNet)
return !model.isEqualConfig(current[name], target[name])
for name in toBeUpdated
current: {
config: current[name]
target: {
config: target[name]
return outputPairs
compareNetworksForUpdate: ({ current, target }, appId) =>
@_compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate(@networks, { current, target }, appId)
compareVolumesForUpdate: ({ current, target }, appId) =>
@_compareNetworksOrVolumesForUpdate(@volumes, { current, target }, appId)
# Checks if a service is using a network or volume that is about to be updated
_hasCurrentNetworksOrVolumes: (service, networkPairs, volumePairs) ->
if !service?
return false
hasNetwork = _.some networkPairs, (pair) ->
"#{service.appId}_#{pair.current?.name}" == service.networkMode
if hasNetwork
return true
hasVolume = _.some service.volumes, (volume) ->
name = _.split(volume, ':')[0]
_.some volumePairs, (pair) ->
"#{service.appId}_#{pair.current?.name}" == name
return hasVolume
# TODO: account for volumes-from, networks-from, links, etc
# TODO: support networks instead of only networkMode
_dependenciesMetForServiceStart: (target, networkPairs, volumePairs, pendingPairs) ->
# for dependsOn, check no install or update pairs have that service
dependencyUnmet = _.some target.dependsOn, (dependency) ->
_.some(pendingPairs, (pair) -> pair.target?.serviceName == dependency)
if dependencyUnmet
return false
# for networks and volumes, check no network pairs have that volume name
if _.some(networkPairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == target.networkMode)
return false
volumeUnmet = _.some target.volumes, (volumeDefinition) ->
[ sourceName, destName ] = volumeDefinition.split(':')
if !destName? # If this is not a named volume, ignore it
return false
return _.some(volumePairs, (pair) -> "#{target.appId}_#{pair.target?.name}" == sourceName)
return !volumeUnmet
# Unless the update strategy requires an early kill (i.e. kill-then-download, delete-then-download), we only want
# to kill a service once the images for the services it depends on have been downloaded, so as to minimize
# downtime (but not block the killing too much, potentially causing a deadlock)
_dependenciesMetForServiceKill: (target, targetApp, availableImages, localMode) ->
# Because we only check for an image being available, in local mode this will always
# be the case, so return true regardless. If this function ever checks for anything else,
# we'll need to change the logic here
if localMode
return true
if target.dependsOn?
for dependency in target.dependsOn
dependencyService = _.find(targetApp.services, serviceName: dependency)
if !_.some(availableImages, (image) -> image.dockerImageId == dependencyService.image or Images.isSameImage(image, { name: dependencyService.imageName }))
return false
return true
_nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, model) ->
# Check none of the currentApp.services use this network or volume
if current?
dependencies = _.filter currentApp.services, (service) ->
dependencyComparisonFn(service, current)
if _.isEmpty(dependencies)
return [{ action: 'removeNetworkOrVolume', model, current }]
# If the current update doesn't require killing the services that use this network/volume,
# we have to kill them before removing the network/volume (e.g. when we're only updating the network config)
steps = []
for dependency in dependencies
if dependency.status != 'Stopping' and !_.some(changingPairs, serviceId: dependency.serviceId)
steps.push(serviceAction('kill', dependency.serviceId, dependency))
return steps
else if target?
return [{ action: 'createNetworkOrVolume', model, target }]
_nextStepsForNetwork: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs) =>
dependencyComparisonFn = (service, current) ->
service.config.networkMode == "#{service.appId}_#{current?.name}"
@_nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, 'network')
_nextStepsForVolume: ({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs) ->
# Check none of the currentApp.services use this network or volume
dependencyComparisonFn = (service, current) ->
_.some service.config.volumes, (volumeDefinition) ->
[ sourceName, destName ] = volumeDefinition.split(':')
destName? and sourceName == "#{service.appId}_#{current?.name}"
@_nextStepsForNetworkOrVolume({ current, target }, currentApp, changingPairs, dependencyComparisonFn, 'volume')
# Infers steps that do not require creating a new container
_updateContainerStep: (current, target) ->
if current.releaseId != target.releaseId or current.imageId != target.imageId
return serviceAction('updateMetadata', target.serviceId, current, target)
else if target.config.running
return serviceAction('start', target.serviceId, current, target)
return serviceAction('stop', target.serviceId, current, target)
_fetchOrStartStep: (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart) ->
if needsDownload
return fetchAction(target)
else if dependenciesMetForStart()
return serviceAction('start', target.serviceId, current, target)
return null
_strategySteps: {
'download-then-kill': (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill) ->
if needsDownload
return fetchAction(target)
else if dependenciesMetForKill()
# We only kill when dependencies are already met, so that we minimize downtime
return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target)
return { action: 'noop' }
'kill-then-download': (current, target) ->
return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target)
'delete-then-download': (current, target) ->
return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target)
'hand-over': (current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout) ->
if needsDownload
return fetchAction(target)
else if needsSpecialKill and dependenciesMetForKill()
return serviceAction('kill', target.serviceId, current, target)
else if dependenciesMetForStart()
return serviceAction('handover', target.serviceId, current, target, timeout: timeout)
return { action: 'noop' }
_nextStepForService: ({ current, target }, updateContext, localMode) =>
{ targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading } = updateContext
if current?.status == 'Stopping'
# There is already a kill step in progress for this service, so we wait
return { action: 'noop' }
if current?.status == 'Dead'
# Dead containers have to be removed
return serviceAction('remove', current.serviceId, current)
needsDownload = false
# Don't attempt to fetch any images in local mode, they should already be there
if !localMode
needsDownload = !_.some availableImages, (image) ->
image.dockerImageId == target?.config.image or Images.isSameImage(image, { name: target.imageName })
# This service needs an image download but it's currently downloading, so we wait
if needsDownload and target?.imageId in downloading
return { action: 'noop' }
dependenciesMetForStart = =>
@_dependenciesMetForServiceStart(target, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs.concat(updatePairs))
dependenciesMetForKill = =>
!needsDownload and @_dependenciesMetForServiceKill(target, targetApp, availableImages, localMode)
# If the service is using a network or volume that is being updated, we need to kill it
# even if its strategy is handover
needsSpecialKill = @_hasCurrentNetworksOrVolumes(current, networkPairs, volumePairs)
if current?.isEqualConfig(target)
# We're only stopping/starting it
return @_updateContainerStep(current, target)
else if !current?
# Either this is a new service, or the current one has already been killed
return @_fetchOrStartStep(current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart)
strategy = checkString(target.config.labels['io.balena.update.strategy'])
validStrategies = [ 'download-then-kill', 'kill-then-download', 'delete-then-download', 'hand-over' ]
if !_.includes(validStrategies, strategy)
strategy = 'download-then-kill'
timeout = checkInt(target.config.labels['io.balena.update.handover-timeout'])
return @_strategySteps[strategy](current, target, needsDownload, dependenciesMetForStart, dependenciesMetForKill, needsSpecialKill, timeout)
_nextStepsForAppUpdate: (currentApp, targetApp, localMode, availableImages = [], downloading = []) =>
emptyApp = { services: [], volumes: {}, networks: {} }
if !targetApp?
targetApp = emptyApp
# Create the default network for the target app
targetApp.networks['default'] ?= {}
currentApp ?= emptyApp
if currentApp.services?.length == 1 and targetApp.services?.length == 1 and
targetApp.services[0].serviceName == currentApp.services[0].serviceName and
# This is a legacy preloaded app or container, so we didn't have things like serviceId.
# We hack a few things to avoid an unnecessary restart of the preloaded app
# (but ensuring it gets updated if it actually changed)
targetApp.services[0].config.labels['io.balena.legacy-container'] = currentApp.services[0].config.labels['io.balena.legacy-container']
targetApp.services[0].config.labels['io.balena.service-id'] = currentApp.services[0].config.labels['io.balena.service-id']
targetApp.services[0].serviceId = currentApp.services[0].serviceId
appId = targetApp.appId ? currentApp.appId
networkPairs = @compareNetworksForUpdate({ current: currentApp.networks, target: targetApp.networks }, appId)
volumePairs = @compareVolumesForUpdate({ current: currentApp.volumes, target: targetApp.volumes }, appId)
{ removePairs, installPairs, updatePairs } = @compareServicesForUpdate(currentApp.services, targetApp.services)
steps = []
# All removePairs get a 'kill' action
for pair in removePairs
if pair.current.status != 'Stopping'
steps.push(serviceAction('kill', pair.current.serviceId, pair.current, null))
steps.push({ action: 'noop' })
# next step for install pairs in download - start order, but start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met
# next step for update pairs in order by update strategy. start requires dependencies, networks and volumes met.
for pair in installPairs.concat(updatePairs)
step = @_nextStepForService(pair, { targetApp, networkPairs, volumePairs, installPairs, updatePairs, availableImages, downloading }, localMode)
if step?
# next step for network pairs - remove requires services killed, create kill if no pairs or steps affect that service
for pair in networkPairs
pairSteps = @_nextStepsForNetwork(pair, currentApp, removePairs.concat(updatePairs))
steps = steps.concat(pairSteps)
# next step for volume pairs - remove requires services killed, create kill if no pairs or steps affect that service
for pair in volumePairs
pairSteps = @_nextStepsForVolume(pair, currentApp, removePairs.concat(updatePairs))
steps = steps.concat(pairSteps)
if _.isEmpty(steps) and currentApp.commit != targetApp.commit
action: 'updateCommit'
target: targetApp.commit
return _.map(steps, (step) -> _.assign({}, step, { appId }))
normaliseAppForDB: (app) =>
services = _.map app.services, (s, serviceId) ->
service = _.clone(s)
service.appId = app.appId
service.releaseId = app.releaseId
service.serviceId = checkInt(serviceId)
service.commit = app.commit
return service
Promise.map services, (service) =>
service.image = @images.normalise(service.image)
.then (services) ->
dbApp = {
appId: app.appId
commit: app.commit
name: app.name
source: app.source
releaseId: app.releaseId
services: JSON.stringify(services)
networks: JSON.stringify(app.networks ? {})
volumes: JSON.stringify(app.volumes ? {})
return dbApp
createTargetService: (service, opts) ->
# The image class now returns a native promise, so wrap
# this in a bluebird promise until we convert this to typescript
.catchReturn(NotFoundError, undefined)
.then (imageInfo) ->
serviceOpts = {
serviceName: service.serviceName
_.assign(serviceOpts, opts)
service.imageName = service.image
if imageInfo?.Id?
service.image = imageInfo.Id
return Service.fromComposeObject(service, serviceOpts)
normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB: (app) =>
@docker.getNetworkGateway(constants.supervisorNetworkInterface).catch(-> '')
firmware: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/firmware')
modules: pathExistsOnHost('/lib/modules')
fs.readFileAsync(path.join(constants.rootMountPoint, '/etc/hostname'), 'utf8').then(_.trim)
(opts, supervisorApiHost, hostPathExists, hostnameOnHost) =>
configOpts = {
appName: app.name
_.assign(configOpts, opts)
volumes = JSON.parse(app.volumes)
volumes = _.mapValues volumes, (volumeConfig) ->
volumeConfig ?= {}
volumeConfig.labels ?= {}
return volumeConfig
Promise.map(JSON.parse(app.services), (service) => @createTargetService(service, configOpts))
.then (services) ->
# If a named volume is defined in a service, we add it app-wide so that we can track it and purge it
for s in services
serviceNamedVolumes = s.getNamedVolumes()
for name in serviceNamedVolumes
volumes[name] ?= { labels: {} }
outApp = {
appId: app.appId
name: app.name
commit: app.commit
releaseId: app.releaseId
services: services
networks: JSON.parse(app.networks)
volumes: volumes
return outApp
setTarget: (apps, dependent , source, trx) =>
setInTransaction = (trx) =>
Promise.try =>
appsArray = _.map apps, (app, appId) ->
appClone = _.clone(app)
appClone.appId = checkInt(appId)
appClone.source = source
return appClone
Promise.map(appsArray, @normaliseAppForDB)
.tap (appsForDB) =>
Promise.map appsForDB, (app) =>
@db.upsertModel('app', app, { appId: app.appId }, trx)
.then (appsForDB) ->
trx('app').where({ source }).whereNotIn('appId', _.map(appsForDB, 'appId')).del()
.then =>
@proxyvisor.setTargetInTransaction(dependent, trx)
Promise.try =>
if trx?
.then =>
@_targetVolatilePerImageId = {}
setTargetVolatileForService: (imageId, target) =>
@_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId] ?= {}
_.assign(@_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId], target)
clearTargetVolatileForServices: (imageIds) =>
for imageId in imageIds
@_targetVolatilePerImageId[imageId] = {}
getTargetApps: =>
@config.getMany(['apiEndpoint', 'localMode']). then ({ apiEndpoint, localMode }) =>
source = apiEndpoint
if localMode
source = 'local'
Promise.map(@db.models('app').where({ source }), @normaliseAndExtendAppFromDB)
.map (app) =>
if !_.isEmpty(app.services)
app.services = _.map app.services, (service) =>
if @_targetVolatilePerImageId[service.imageId]?
_.merge(service, @_targetVolatilePerImageId[service.imageId])
return service
return app
.then (apps) ->
return _.keyBy(apps, 'appId')
getDependentTargets: =>
bestDeltaSource: (image, available) ->
if !image.dependent
for availableImage in available
if availableImage.serviceName == image.serviceName and availableImage.appId == image.appId
return availableImage.name
for availableImage in available
if availableImage.serviceName == image.serviceName
return availableImage.name
for availableImage in available
if availableImage.appId == image.appId
return availableImage.name
return null
# returns:
# imagesToRemove: images that
# - are not used in the current state, and
# - are not going to be used in the target state, and
# - are not needed for delta source / pull caching or would be used for a service with delete-then-download as strategy
# imagesToSave: images that
# - are locally available (i.e. an image with the same digest exists)
# - are not saved to the DB with all their metadata (serviceId, serviceName, etc)
_compareImages: (current, target, available, localMode) =>
allImagesForTargetApp = (app) -> _.map(app.services, imageForService)
allImagesForCurrentApp = (app) ->
_.map app.services, (service) ->
img = _.find(available, { dockerImageId: service.config.image, imageId: service.imageId }) ? _.find(available, { dockerImageId: service.config.image })
return _.omit(img, [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ])
allImageDockerIdsForTargetApp = (app) ->
_(app.services).map((svc) -> [ svc.imageName, svc.config.image ])
.filter((img) -> img[1]?)
availableWithoutIds = _.map(available, (image) -> _.omit(image, [ 'dockerImageId', 'id' ]))
currentImages = _.flatMap(current.local.apps, allImagesForCurrentApp)
targetImages = _.flatMap(target.local.apps, allImagesForTargetApp)
targetImageDockerIds = _.fromPairs(_.flatMap(target.local.apps, allImageDockerIdsForTargetApp))
availableAndUnused = _.filter availableWithoutIds, (image) ->
!_.some currentImages.concat(targetImages), (imageInUse) -> _.isEqual(image, imageInUse)
imagesToDownload = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) ->
!_.some available, (availableImage) -> Images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)
# Images that are available but we don't have them in the DB with the exact metadata:
imagesToSave = []
if !localMode
imagesToSave = _.filter targetImages, (targetImage) ->
isActuallyAvailable = _.some(
available, (availableImage) ->
if Images.isSameImage(availableImage, targetImage)
return true
if availableImage.dockerImageId == targetImageDockerIds[targetImage.name]
return true
return false
isNotSaved = !_.some availableWithoutIds, (img) -> _.isEqual(img, targetImage)
return isActuallyAvailable and isNotSaved
deltaSources = _.map imagesToDownload, (image) =>
return @bestDeltaSource(image, available)
proxyvisorImages = @proxyvisor.imagesInUse(current, target)
potentialDeleteThenDownload = _.filter current.local.apps.services, (svc) ->
svc.config.labels['io.balena.update.strategy'] == 'delete-then-download' and svc.status == 'Stopped'
imagesToRemove = _.filter availableAndUnused.concat(potentialDeleteThenDownload), (image) ->
notUsedForDelta = !_.includes(deltaSources, image.name)
notUsedByProxyvisor = !_.some proxyvisorImages, (proxyvisorImage) -> Images.isSameImage(image, { name: proxyvisorImage })
return notUsedForDelta and notUsedByProxyvisor
return { imagesToSave, imagesToRemove }
_inferNextSteps: (cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, current, target, ignoreImages, { localMode, delta }) =>
Promise.try =>
if localMode
ignoreImages = true
currentByAppId = current.local.apps ? {}
targetByAppId = target.local.apps ? {}
nextSteps = []
if !supervisorNetworkReady
# if the supervisor0 network isn't ready and there's any containers using it, we need
# to kill them
containersUsingSupervisorNetwork = false
for appId in _.keys(currentByAppId)
services = currentByAppId[appId].services
for n of services
if checkTruthy(services[n].config.labels['io.balena.features.supervisor-api'])
containersUsingSupervisorNetwork = true
if services[n].status != 'Stopping'
nextSteps.push(serviceAction('kill', services[n].serviceId, services[n]))
nextSteps.push({ action: 'noop' })
if !containersUsingSupervisorNetwork
nextSteps.push({ action: 'ensureSupervisorNetwork' })
if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(downloading)
if cleanupNeeded
nextSteps.push({ action: 'cleanup' })
{ imagesToRemove, imagesToSave } = @_compareImages(current, target, availableImages, localMode)
for image in imagesToSave
nextSteps.push({ action: 'saveImage', image })
if _.isEmpty(imagesToSave)
for image in imagesToRemove
nextSteps.push({ action: 'removeImage', image })
# If we have to remove any images, we do that before anything else
if _.isEmpty(nextSteps)
allAppIds = _.union(_.keys(currentByAppId), _.keys(targetByAppId))
for appId in allAppIds
nextSteps = nextSteps.concat(@_nextStepsForAppUpdate(currentByAppId[appId], targetByAppId[appId], localMode, availableImages, downloading))
newDownloads = _.filter(nextSteps, (s) -> s.action == 'fetch').length
if !ignoreImages and delta and newDownloads > 0
downloadsToBlock = downloading.length + newDownloads - constants.maxDeltaDownloads
while downloadsToBlock > 0
_.pull(nextSteps, _.find(nextSteps, action: 'fetch'))
downloadsToBlock -= 1
if !ignoreImages and _.isEmpty(nextSteps) and !_.isEmpty(downloading)
nextSteps.push({ action: 'noop' })
return _.uniqWith(nextSteps, _.isEqual)
stopAll: ({ force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
.map (service) =>
@_lockingIfNecessary service.appId, { force, skipLock }, =>
@services.kill(service, { removeContainer: false, wait: true })
.then =>
delete @_containerStarted[service.containerId]
_lockingIfNecessary: (appId, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}, fn) =>
if skipLock
return Promise.try(fn)
.then (lockOverride) ->
return lockOverride or force
.then (force) ->
updateLock.lock(appId, { force }, fn)
executeStepAction: (step, { force = false, skipLock = false } = {}) =>
if _.includes(@proxyvisor.validActions, step.action)
return @proxyvisor.executeStepAction(step)
if !_.includes(@validActions, step.action)
return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid action #{step.action}"))
@actionExecutors[step.action](step, { force, skipLock })
getExtraStateForComparison: =>
@config.get('localMode').then (localMode) =>
cleanupNeeded: @images.isCleanupNeeded()
availableImages: @images.getAvailable(localMode)
downloading: @images.getDownloadingImageIds()
supervisorNetworkReady: @networks.supervisorNetworkReady()
delta: @config.get('delta')
getRequiredSteps: (currentState, targetState, extraState, ignoreImages = false) =>
{ cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, delta, localMode } = extraState
conf = { delta, localMode }
if conf.localMode
cleanupNeeded = false
@_inferNextSteps(cleanupNeeded, availableImages, downloading, supervisorNetworkReady, currentState, targetState, ignoreImages, conf)
.then (nextSteps) =>
if ignoreImages and _.some(nextSteps, action: 'fetch')
throw new Error('Cannot fetch images while executing an API action')
@proxyvisor.getRequiredSteps(availableImages, downloading, currentState, targetState, nextSteps)
.then (proxyvisorSteps) ->
return nextSteps.concat(proxyvisorSteps)
serviceNameFromId: (serviceId) =>
@getTargetApps().then (apps) ->
# Multi-app warning!
# We assume here that there will only be a single
# application
for appId, app of apps
return _.find app.services, (svc) ->
svc.serviceId == serviceId