Pablo Carranza Velez 20d95ff024 Add whitelist-based filtering to mixpanel events
When sending events to mixpanel, we now use an explicit whitelist for the properties sent with the event, to avoid accidental leakage of any sensitive information.

Change-Type: patch
Signed-off-by: Pablo Carranza Velez <>
2017-10-31 23:22:38 -07:00

325 lines
9.3 KiB

Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll require 'fs'
config = require './config'
knex = require './db'
mixpanel = require 'mixpanel'
networkCheck = require 'network-checker'
blink = require('blinking')(config.ledFile)
url = require 'url'
randomHexString = require './lib/random-hex-string'
{ request } = require './request'
logger = require './lib/logger'
TypedError = require 'typed-error'
execAsync = Promise.promisify(require('child_process').exec)
device = require './device'
{ checkTruthy } = require './lib/validation'
mask = require 'json-mask'
exports.supervisorVersion = require('./lib/supervisor-version')
configJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('/boot/config.json'))
if Boolean(config.apiEndpoint) and !Boolean(configJson.supervisorOfflineMode)
mixpanelClient = mixpanel.init(config.mixpanelToken, { host: config.mixpanelHost })
mixpanelClient = { track: _.noop }
exports.mixpanelProperties = mixpanelProperties =
username: configJson.username
mixpanelMask = [
exports.mixpanelTrack = (event, properties = {}) ->
# Allow passing in an error directly and having it assigned to the error property.
if properties instanceof Error
properties = error: properties
# If the properties has an error argument that is an Error object then it treats it nicely,
# rather than letting it become `{}`
if properties.error instanceof Error
properties.error =
message: properties.error.message
stack: properties.error.stack
properties = _.cloneDeep(properties)
# Filter properties to only send the whitelisted keys and values
properties = mask(properties, mixpanelMask)
console.log('Event:', event, JSON.stringify(properties))
# Mutation is bad, and it should feel bad
properties = _.assign(properties, mixpanelProperties)
mixpanelClient.track(event, properties)
networkPattern =
blinks: 4
pause: 1000
exports.blink = blink
pauseConnectivityCheck = false
disableConnectivityCheck = false
# options: An object of net.connect options, with the addition of:
# timeout: 10s
checkHost = (options) ->
if disableConnectivityCheck or pauseConnectivityCheck
return true
return networkCheck.checkHost(options)
# Custom monitor that uses checkHost function above.
customMonitor = (options, fn) ->
networkCheck.monitor(checkHost, options, fn)
# pause: A Boolean to pause the connectivity checks
exports.pauseCheck = (pause) ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = pause
# disable: A Boolean to disable the connectivity checks
exports.disableCheck = disableCheck = (disable) ->
disableConnectivityCheck = disable
# Call back for inotify triggered when the VPN status is changed.
vpnStatusInotifyCallback = ->
fs.lstatAsync(config.vpnStatusPath + '/active')
.then ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = true
.catch ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = false
# Use the following to catch EEXIST errors
EEXIST = (err) -> err.code is 'EEXIST'
exports.connectivityCheck = _.once ->
if !config.apiEndpoint?
console.log('No apiEndpoint specified, skipping connectivity check')
parsedUrl = url.parse(config.apiEndpoint)
.catch EEXIST, (err) ->
console.log('VPN status path exists.')
.then ->, vpnStatusInotifyCallback)
# Manually trigger the call back to detect cases when VPN was switched on before the supervisor starts.
host: parsedUrl.hostname
port: parsedUrl.port ? (if parsedUrl.protocol is 'https:' then 443 else 80)
interval: 10 * 1000
(connected) ->
if connected
console.log('Internet Connectivity: OK')
console.log('Waiting for connectivity...')
secretPromises = {}
generateSecret = (name) ->
Promise.try ->
return config.forceSecret[name] if config.forceSecret[name]?
return randomHexString.generate()
.then (newSecret) ->
secretInDB = { key: "#{name}Secret", value: newSecret }
knex('config').update(secretInDB).where(key: "#{name}Secret")
.then (affectedRows) ->
knex('config').insert(secretInDB) if affectedRows == 0
exports.newSecret = (name) ->
secretPromises[name] ?= Promise.resolve()
secretPromises[name] = secretPromises[name].then ->
exports.getOrGenerateSecret = (name) ->
secretPromises[name] ?= knex('config').select('value').where(key: "#{name}Secret").then ([ secret ]) ->
return secret.value if secret?
return secretPromises[name]
exports.getConfig = getConfig = (key) ->
knex('config').select('value').where({ key })
.then ([ conf ]) ->
return conf?.value
exports.setConfig = (key, value = null) ->
knex('config').update({ value }).where({ key })
.then (n) ->
knex('config').insert({ key, value }) if n == 0
exports.extendEnvVars = (env, uuid, apiKey, appId, appName, commit) ->
host = ''
newEnv =
RESIN_APP_ID: appId.toString()
RESIN_DEVICE_NAME_AT_INIT: getConfig('name')
RESIN_DEVICE_TYPE: device.getDeviceType()
RESIN_HOST_OS_VERSION: device.getOSVersion()
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS: "http://#{host}:#{config.listenPort}"
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_PORT: config.listenPort
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_API_KEY: exports.getOrGenerateSecret('api')
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VERSION: exports.supervisorVersion
RESIN: '1'
USER: 'root'
if env?
_.defaults(newEnv, env)
return Promise.props(newEnv)
# Callback function to enable/disable tcp pings
exports.enableConnectivityCheck = (val) ->
enabled = checkTruthy(val) ? true
console.log("Connectivity check enabled: #{enabled}")
# Callback function to enable/disable logs
exports.resinLogControl = (val) ->
logEnabled = checkTruthy(val) ? true
console.log('Logs enabled: ' + val)
emptyHostRequest = request.defaults({ headers: Host: '' })
gosuperRequest = (method, endpoint, options = {}, callback) ->
if _.isFunction(options)
callback = options
options = {}
options.method = method
options.url = config.gosuperAddress + endpoint
emptyHostRequest(options, callback)
gosuperPost = _.partial(gosuperRequest, 'POST')
gosuperGet = _.partial(gosuperRequest, 'GET')
exports.gosuper = gosuper =
post: gosuperPost
get: gosuperGet
postAsync: Promise.promisify(gosuperPost, multiArgs: true)
getAsync: Promise.promisify(gosuperGet, multiArgs: true)
# Callback function to enable/disable VPN
exports.vpnControl = (val) ->
enable = checkTruthy(val) ? true
gosuper.postAsync('/v1/vpncontrol', { json: true, body: Enable: enable })
.spread (response, body) ->
if response.statusCode == 202
console.log('VPN enabled: ' + enable)
console.log('Error: ' + body + ' response:' + response.statusCode)
exports.AppNotFoundError = class AppNotFoundError extends TypedError
exports.getKnexApp = (appId, columns) ->
knex('app').select(columns).where({ appId })
.then ([ app ]) ->
if !app?
throw new AppNotFoundError('App not found')
return app
exports.getKnexApps = (columns) ->
exports.defaultVolumes = (includeV1Volumes) ->
volumes = {
'/data': {}
'/lib/modules': {}
'/lib/firmware': {}
'/host/run/dbus': {}
if includeV1Volumes
volumes['/host/var/lib/connman'] = {}
volumes['/host_run/dbus'] = {}
return volumes
exports.getDataPath = (identifier) ->
return config.dataPath + '/' + identifier
exports.defaultBinds = (dataPath, includeV1Binds) ->
binds = [
exports.getDataPath(dataPath) + ':/data'
if includeV1Binds
return binds
exports.validComposeOptions = [
'volumes' # Will be overwritten with the default binds
exports.validContainerOptions = [
exports.validHostConfigOptions = [
'Binds' # Will be overwritten with the default binds
exports.validateKeys = (options, validSet) ->
Promise.try ->
return if !options?
invalidKeys = _.keys(_.omit(options, validSet))
throw new Error("Using #{invalidKeys.join(', ')} is not allowed.") if !_.isEmpty(invalidKeys)
checkAndAddIptablesRule = (rule) ->
execAsync("iptables -C #{rule}")
.catch ->
execAsync("iptables -A #{rule}")
exports.createIpTablesRules = ->
allowedInterfaces = ['resin-vpn', 'tun0', 'docker0', 'lo']
Promise.each allowedInterfaces, (iface) ->
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -i #{iface} -j ACCEPT")
.then ->
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -j REJECT")
.catch ->
# On systems without REJECT support, fall back to DROP
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -j DROP")