mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 00:45:23 +00:00
Using REJECT allows better feedback for legitimate users while providing the same level of security than drop (see http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~peterb/network/drop-vs-reject). But some hosts don't have REJECT support in the kernel config, so in that case we fall back to DROP.
329 lines
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329 lines
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Promise = require 'bluebird'
_ = require 'lodash'
fs = Promise.promisifyAll require 'fs'
config = require './config'
knex = require './db'
mixpanel = require 'mixpanel'
networkCheck = require 'network-checker'
blink = require('blinking')(config.ledFile)
url = require 'url'
randomHexString = require './lib/random-hex-string'
{ request } = require './request'
logger = require './lib/logger'
TypedError = require 'typed-error'
execAsync = Promise.promisify(require('child_process').exec)
device = require './device'
# Parses package.json and returns resin-supervisor's version
version = require('../package.json').version
tagExtra = process.env.SUPERVISOR_TAG_EXTRA
version += '+' + tagExtra if !_.isEmpty(tagExtra)
exports.supervisorVersion = version
configJson = require('/boot/config.json')
if Boolean(configJson.supervisorOfflineMode)
mixpanelClient = mixpanel.init(config.mixpanelToken)
mixpanelClient = { track: _.noop }
exports.mixpanelProperties = mixpanelProperties =
username: configJson.username
exports.mixpanelTrack = (event, properties = {}) ->
# Allow passing in an error directly and having it assigned to the error property.
if properties instanceof Error
properties = error: properties
# If the properties has an error argument that is an Error object then it treats it nicely,
# rather than letting it become `{}`
if properties.error instanceof Error
properties.error =
message: properties.error.message
stack: properties.error.stack
properties = _.cloneDeep(properties)
# Don't log private env vars (e.g. api keys)
if properties?.app?.env?
{ env } = properties.app
env = JSON.parse(env) if _.isString(env)
safeEnv = _.omit(env, config.privateAppEnvVars)
properties.app.env = JSON.stringify(safeEnv)
properties.app.env = 'Fully hidden due to error in selective hiding'
console.log('Event:', event, JSON.stringify(properties))
# Mutation is bad, and it should feel bad
properties = _.assign(properties, mixpanelProperties)
mixpanelClient.track(event, properties)
networkPattern =
blinks: 4
pause: 1000
exports.blink = blink
pauseConnectivityCheck = false
disableConnectivityCheck = false
# options: An object of net.connect options, with the addition of:
# timeout: 10s
checkHost = (options) ->
if disableConnectivityCheck or pauseConnectivityCheck
return true
return networkCheck.checkHost(options)
# Custom monitor that uses checkHost function above.
customMonitor = (options, fn) ->
networkCheck.monitor(checkHost, options, fn)
# pause: A Boolean to pause the connectivity checks
exports.pauseCheck = (pause) ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = pause
# disable: A Boolean to disable the connectivity checks
exports.disableCheck = disableCheck = (disable) ->
disableConnectivityCheck = disable
# Call back for inotify triggered when the VPN status is changed.
vpnStatusInotifyCallback = ->
fs.lstatAsync(config.vpnStatusPath + '/active')
.then ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = true
.catch ->
pauseConnectivityCheck = false
# Use the following to catch EEXIST errors
EEXIST = (err) -> err.code is 'EEXIST'
exports.connectivityCheck = _.once ->
parsedUrl = url.parse(config.apiEndpoint)
.catch EEXIST, (err) ->
console.log('VPN status path exists.')
.then ->
fs.watch(config.vpnStatusPath, vpnStatusInotifyCallback)
# Manually trigger the call back to detect cases when VPN was switched on before the supervisor starts.
host: parsedUrl.hostname
port: parsedUrl.port ? (if parsedUrl.protocol is 'https:' then 443 else 80)
interval: 10 * 1000
(connected) ->
if connected
console.log('Internet Connectivity: OK')
console.log('Waiting for connectivity...')
secretPromises = {}
generateSecret = (name) ->
Promise.try ->
return config.forceSecret[name] if config.forceSecret[name]?
return randomHexString.generate()
.then (newSecret) ->
secretInDB = { key: "#{name}Secret", value: newSecret }
knex('config').update(secretInDB).where(key: "#{name}Secret")
.then (affectedRows) ->
knex('config').insert(secretInDB) if affectedRows == 0
exports.newSecret = (name) ->
secretPromises[name] ?= Promise.resolve()
secretPromises[name] = secretPromises[name].then ->
exports.getOrGenerateSecret = (name) ->
secretPromises[name] ?= knex('config').select('value').where(key: "#{name}Secret").then ([ secret ]) ->
return secret.value if secret?
return secretPromises[name]
exports.getConfig = getConfig = (key) ->
knex('config').select('value').where({ key })
.then ([ conf ]) ->
return conf?.value
exports.setConfig = (key, value = null) ->
knex('config').update({ value }).where({ key })
.then (n) ->
knex('config').insert({ key, value }) if n == 0
exports.extendEnvVars = (env, uuid, appId, appName, commit) ->
host = ''
newEnv =
RESIN_APP_ID: appId.toString()
RESIN_DEVICE_NAME_AT_INIT: getConfig('name')
RESIN_DEVICE_TYPE: device.getDeviceType()
RESIN_HOST_OS_VERSION: device.getOSVersion()
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_ADDRESS: "http://#{host}:#{config.listenPort}"
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_PORT: config.listenPort
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_API_KEY: exports.getOrGenerateSecret('api')
RESIN_SUPERVISOR_VERSION: exports.supervisorVersion
RESIN_API_KEY: getConfig('apiKey')
RESIN: '1'
USER: 'root'
if env?
_.defaults(newEnv, env)
return Promise.props(newEnv)
# Callback function to enable/disable tcp pings
exports.enableConnectivityCheck = (val) ->
bool = val is 'false'
console.log("Connectivity check enabled: #{not bool}")
# Callback function to enable/disable logs
exports.resinLogControl = (val) ->
logger.disableLogPublishing(val == 'false')
console.log('Logs enabled: ' + val)
emptyHostRequest = request.defaults({ headers: Host: '' })
gosuperRequest = (method, endpoint, options = {}, callback) ->
if _.isFunction(options)
callback = options
options = {}
options.method = method
options.url = config.gosuperAddress + endpoint
emptyHostRequest(options, callback)
gosuperPost = _.partial(gosuperRequest, 'POST')
gosuperGet = _.partial(gosuperRequest, 'GET')
exports.gosuper = gosuper =
post: gosuperPost
get: gosuperGet
postAsync: Promise.promisify(gosuperPost, multiArgs: true)
getAsync: Promise.promisify(gosuperGet, multiArgs: true)
# Callback function to enable/disable VPN
exports.vpnControl = (val) ->
enable = val != 'false'
gosuper.postAsync('/v1/vpncontrol', { json: true, body: Enable: enable })
.spread (response, body) ->
if response.statusCode == 202
console.log('VPN enabled: ' + enable)
console.log('Error: ' + body + ' response:' + response.statusCode)
exports.AppNotFoundError = class AppNotFoundError extends TypedError
exports.getKnexApp = (appId, columns) ->
knex('app').select(columns).where({ appId })
.then ([ app ]) ->
if !app?
throw new AppNotFoundError('App not found')
return app
exports.getKnexApps = (columns) ->
exports.getOSVersion = (path) ->
.then (releaseData) ->
lines = releaseData.toString().split('\n')
releaseItems = {}
for line in lines
[ key, val ] = line.split('=')
releaseItems[_.trim(key)] = _.trim(val)
# Remove enclosing quotes: http://stackoverflow.com/a/19156197/2549019
return releaseItems['PRETTY_NAME'].replace(/^"(.+(?="$))"$/, '$1')
.catch (err) ->
console.log('Could not get OS Version: ', err, err.stack)
return undefined
exports.defaultVolumes = {
'/data': {}
'/lib/modules': {}
'/lib/firmware': {}
'/host/var/lib/connman': {}
'/host/run/dbus': {}
exports.getDataPath = (identifier) ->
return config.dataPath + '/' + identifier
exports.defaultBinds = (dataPath) ->
return [
exports.getDataPath(dataPath) + ':/data'
exports.validComposeOptions = [
'volumes' # Will be overwritten with the default binds
exports.validContainerOptions = [
exports.validHostConfigOptions = [
'Binds' # Will be overwritten with the default binds
exports.validateKeys = (options, validSet) ->
Promise.try ->
return if !options?
invalidKeys = _.keys(_.omit(options, validSet))
throw new Error("Using #{invalidKeys.join(', ')} is not allowed.") if !_.isEmpty(invalidKeys)
checkAndAddIptablesRule = (rule) ->
execAsync("iptables -C #{rule}")
.catch ->
execAsync("iptables -A #{rule}")
exports.createIpTablesRules = ->
allowedInterfaces = ['resin-vpn', 'tun0', 'docker0', 'lo']
Promise.each allowedInterfaces, (iface) ->
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -i #{iface} -j ACCEPT")
.then ->
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -j REJECT")
.catch ->
# On systems without REJECT support, fall back to DROP
checkAndAddIptablesRule("INPUT -p tcp --dport #{config.listenPort} -j DROP")